• Published 8th Jun 2018
  • 9,732 Views, 177 Comments

Anon Begins - 23 KM To Nerdiness

If you were thrown into a world of technicolor ponies, what would you do?

  • ...

Chapter 10: Presto!

"Urgh, these headphones aren't built for this kinda head size!"

You angrily pull your player towards the big tree while trying to listen to your "Awesome Mix". However, your large-as-hell ears AREN'T helping at all.

"Starlight, you owe me BIG time!" you mutter.

Later, you spot your pal talking with a pale blue unicorn with a purple magician's outfit. As you approach them, toothpaste mane notices you.

"Ah, there's the fluffy companion of The Great and Powerful Trixie!" she says extravagantly.

"Go on," Star nods. "Show her what you can do."

She gestures towards Trixie's cart full of heavy magic junk. You hop over to it and find an assortment of items.

Let's see here. A cannon, two magician hats, smoke bombs, bottle of cider, glowsticks- OH SNAP, FIREWORKS?!

Your getting off track.

...you know what? Buck it.

You decide to just wing it...

By lifting the entire cart.

The shocked and titilated Trixie's jaw hung low, her eyes widen while Starlight's fighting back laughter. You add awesome points to your feat by spinning it. You finish your trick before you gently put the cart-



Waddling from under the cart towards the astounded mares, Trixie picks you up.

"AMAZING!" she cheers. "Better than any rabbit I've seen here!"

"Glad to know." you chuckle.

"AH!" the startled magician drops you, covering her mouth. "He talks too?!"

"Well, my mouth's moving and words are coming out..." you shrug.

Starlight bursts into laughter, Trixie looking twice as shocked.

"Let's get started, shall we?"

Cue the royalty free music!

Some time later, you and Trixie continue performing trick after trick. You laughed, you joked, and most importantly, you jammed. Trixie seemed to get a kick out of your music too. Starlight had to take her leave earlier, guidance counselor duties and such. Anyway, the two of you break, just as the lunch hours begin.

Mmm, daisy sandwiches aren't as throat-punishing as I expected.

You're casually eating lunch with Trixie under the tree until, out of nowhere, she rubs your head.

"Uh, Trixie," you utter. "Whatcha doin'?"

"I'm sorry, Anon, you're just so flippin' adorable!" she squees.

"I told you before, I'm not an actual rab-"

Oooh, Lord, she's found the spot!

Her hoof rubs down the back of your ears, your foot's tapping the ground fast.

"I know, you're a hyew-mun." Trixie coos. "Who's a good hyewmun? Who's a good hyewmun?"

"I-I-I am!"

"That's right!"

Yeah, call me 'Thumper'.

You're on your back, stomach exposed and completely untouched...

Not anymore.

This is weird on SO many levels, but I don't care!

This goes on for a minute or so until you both hear a familiar quiet voice.

"I see you found a bunny for the show, Trixie."

You snap out of your ecstatic state of mind, and spot Fluttershy with a group of students.


"Of course!" the unicorn states dramatically. "The Great and Powerful Trixie is liked by ALL bunnies!"

Angel, who's chilling in Fluttershy's mane, blows a raspberry.

Noticing Trixie's dejected frown, you hop up and hug her fuzzy foreleg.

"Don't worry. I like you, G.A.P.T."

Angel, the students and especially Fluttershy, are completely dumbfounded. Trixie smiles and pats your back wholeheartedly.

"A......talking bunny?!" Fluttershy gasps, zipping right up to you before lifting you high.

Awww, she's so adorable when she's hyped.

Looking at Angel, you can practically SCRATCH the salt off of him.

"Fluttershy, it's me, Anon. Remember, human? We met two days ago? Flower patch? I was with Spike?"

Her expressions range from confusion, to disappointment, to finally concern.

"A-Anon?" she squeaked. "What happened to you?"

"Long story short, Starlight turned me into a furry and promised to change me back after the show."

"That's Starlight for ya." Trixie chuckles.

"Anyway, what are you up to?"

"Oh, I'm just taking the students on a little nature walk."

"Cool. We've got a show to put together, so-"

"U-Um, Anon, before you go, can I...?"

"Ugh, fine. The back only."

You turn around and she rubs your back...

As slow...as freaking...POSSIBLE.

"Uh, Fluttershy?"

"Eep, sorry! Come along, class." she squeaks as she hurriedly ushers the students down the path.

Ooookay, that was...weird.

You hop back over to the tree where Trixie's finishing her lunch. You sit down beside her before-


"OW!" you both yelp.

You hear a crackling sound coming from your paws.

"What was that?" Trixie asks.

A sly grin forms on you face as you reach over Trixie and-


"Ouch, stop it." she laughs, poking you back with a ZAP!

"Ow, I just thought it'd be funny."






~Many zaps later~

"I can't feel- ZZZ, a thing, can you?" you wince.

"Nope- ZZZ." Trixie utters.

You both start resembling two thicc mothballs. Break has been LONG over and you zapped each other into immobilization. You rock back and forth until you topple over, rolling down the hill and bumping into Trixie's wagon. All at once, sparks and fireworks go off around it.

Soon, Trixie collides with the cart as well.

The wagon's windows opens as it almost tips over. When it readjusts itself, a stray firework falls out of the cart.

Does anypony smell candles?

You look down at the lit firework sizzling between you both.

I'm no genius, but I don't think that's how static electricity works, but...talking horses do...? This world is weird.

"Ah, horseapples!" Trixie whines.

You struggle to shake off the static as the rocket goes off into the distance.

"Huh, that wasn't so bad."

In a cruel, yet predictable twist of fate, the firework comes flying right back.

I really need to keep my mouth shut!

As the rogue rocket gets closer, you notice Trixie's still stuck in place. Without hesitation, you jump in front of her in a crane kick position.

"Bunny powers......ACTIVATE!"

You brace yourself as the rocket draws near when everything flashes again. The firework morphs in the form of a......tennis ball?

Then, it suddenly hit you.

Still focused, you kick the "ball" full force in the air. Reality returns to you as you watch the rocket soar and explode in the sky. You look over to a stunned Trixie whose static fur begins to let up.

"You okay?" you ask.

"Yeah, I....of course!" she scoffs. "Silly Anonymous, mere fireworks cannot frighten the Great and Powerful Trix- AH!"

Burnt remains of the rocket land a few inches next to her.

"Is that so, eh?"

She pouts at your remark.

"Now, that's cute."

"Oh, hush! You don't- oooh..."

You scratch behind Trixie's ear.

"Admit it," you laugh. "That feels great."

"N-No, I just had to.....little lower, please."

"I thought I'd return the favor, ya know?"

"Heh. Hey, where'd you learn to do moves like that?"

It's bouncing around in your head, on the tippy top tip of your tongue.

"Think I took self-defense classes back where I'm from. Yeah, I remember, my grandfather taught me all he knew. Guess I wasn't all that capable of making friends there."

"Mmm, well you got MY vote! You mess up my mane, and I'll turn you into toad."

"Heh, anything for the G.A.P. Trixie."

After many hours of tricks, snacks and petting, school ends and the students chill around. You and Trixie pack up a few things until Starlight approaches.

"How's the show coming along?" she asks.

"Anon and I had a great time!" Trixie chimes. "There.....may have been some petting involved."

Starlight slowly turns to you, looking betrayed.

"B-But she was the one with all the moves!" you playfully accuse.

"Oh, you know you loved it!" Trixie cackles mischievously.

"No 'buts', Anon," Starlight huffs. "No belly rubs til after the show!"


There's a moment of silence until the three of you laugh over this faux confrontation.

"Hehe......wait, are you serious?"

Author's Note:

I can't believe I'm writing this...