• Published 8th Jun 2018
  • 9,732 Views, 177 Comments

Anon Begins - 23 KM To Nerdiness

If you were thrown into a world of technicolor ponies, what would you do?

  • ...

Chapter 20: Journey to the Dragon Lands

What. A. Night.

Last night's slumber party was actually just as fun as the night before. It was always Twilight's a-dork-able optimism that kept you going and a few stories caught your interest. Honestly, it really wouldn't have killed you to tell her about your intimate tender moment with Starlight, but you all got a decent sleepover out of it. However, the strangest thing that night was a pretty vivid dream you had.

You've experienced this weird type of dream the during your stay in Equestria. Suddenly, a black and blue entity would show up and everything in your mind goes really fuzzy until you wake up.

Speaking of waking up, it's the crack of dawn and you find yourself cuddled on all sides by your three unconscious chums.

Am I some sort of cuddle magn- OH MY GOSH THEY LOOK SO FREAKIN' CUTE!!!

You tap Spike, who's laying dead center on your chest, awake and slink your way through the two mare's cuddly grip, Daring Do Indiana Jones style.

Before you could escape the drowsy dragon out of the library-

"Anonymous?" your walkie blares.

You trample your way through the clutter in the room to get out of there before the nutty professor could wake the wardens.

"Here," you hiss. "Me and Spike are on our way!"

Soon, the two begin to wake up.

Placing Spike down, you pull out your player and rush to them.

A few seconds aaaaaand...

They're out cold.

[Thank you, player.

Surprisingly, the crack of dawn is more peaceful than the actual morning.

Mostly because of that damned sun.

Anyways, you and Spike are heading to Whooves' place, which isn't that hard considering everypony's still asleep.

"I'm just thinking," you ponder. "Won't Twilight wonder where you are?"

"Don't worry," Spike says. "Left a note saying I'd watching over you."

You two eventually reaching the doctor's place. There, you see him and Derpy messing with something big under a tarp.

"You made it, lads," Whooves says excitedly. "Brilliant!"

"What's all this?" Spike asks.

"Oh, you're just in time. This is how we'll travel to the Dragon Lands, we're adding the finishing touches. Show 'em, Miss Hooves."

Derpy yanks the cover off revealing a helicopter-like contraption with gears and springs galore.

"I present the Whirli-phoenix!" he exclaims.

You stop yourself.

I'm just gonna let him have that.

"Pretty impressive." Spike nods.

"What are we waiting for? Let's get this show on the road."

The four of you climb aboard the "Whirli-phoenix". You'll never get used to the name. The machine is operated by bike pedals with balloons and umbrellas for lift.

"Alrighty, do brace yourselves, friends," Whooves advises. "Ol' girl's got a bit of a kick, so to speak."

All of you grab onto something.

"Say that again?"

Except for Derpy, who collides with the hard, metal counter as the gizmo ascends.

As she rubs her head, the storage compartment opens to reveal a tray of freshly baked crumpets.

"I added an oven for......'special' purposes." he claims, looking at the ditzy pegasus who's reaching for a bag of muffins.

"I won't make that mistake again." she giggles, smearing the baked good on her face.

When you're not launching yourself in the air, Equestria in a bird's eye view is quite the sight to behold.

"Sooo, Anon?" Spike says, creeping his little claws towards your player.

"You know, I'm glad you asked."

Cue the montage travelling track.

You spend the majority of the trip rocking to the good stuff and chatting with your friends, most of you taking turns pedaling...

Except Derpy.

You all weren't taking any chances.

"Pleeeease, can I drive?" she whimpers.

"No." you deadpan.

But those begging crooked eyes annihilated your stern facade and Whooves decided to let the pegasus take a spin. It was a decent start until you were comfortable enough to take a quick nap.

Your mind.

A dark, empty void. No surprise.

A place where wacky creatures, outdated memes and one-eyed Doritos rule.

You're in the Everfree forest, surrounded by a circle of trees getting Evil Dead vibes. The large moon is shining brightly above you as a thick mist covers the ground.

"So you must be Anonymous, the 'hyewmun'?" a booming voice echoed across the sky. "We meet at last."

Suddenly, a black figure soars out of the moon and descends a few feet away.

"Who's there?" you ask.

The figure steps into the moonlight. It's a dark, blue-ish purple alicorn with a flowing, transparent mane.

"I am Luna, princess of the night." she echoes.

"Anonymous," you greet yourself with a bow. "You......already know that."

"Pleased to make your acquaintance," she chuckles. "Twilight Sparkle's been writing letters to my sister and I about you the past few days."

"How much did she send?" you sigh, massaging the bridge of your nose.

"I believe......thirty-five, maybe more."

Damn it, Sparkle.

"Apologies for that."

Luna brushes it off.

"Well, pardon me for asking but, are you really here?"

"Technically," she states. "I use my magic to enter one's dreams in the Dream Realm. It took me a few tries to enter upon yours, considering your origins."

Kind of creepy, but whatever floats your boat, your Highness.

Soon, the princess of the night's hooves slowly begin to fade and her mane glitches out.

"Um, you okay?" you ask.

"I'm quite alright, you're just waking up," she states before her eyes slightly widen. "Y-You appear to be a little......TIED up at the moment, so I'll take my leave."

Luna extends her wings and floats up toward the starry night sky, her majestic form silhouetted in the light as she becomes one with the moon.

"I have to return to my royal duties! We'll meet again soon, 'hyewmun'!"

As she sinks further into the moon, a blinding light engulfs the entire landscape, consuming you and everything in sight.

"Anon, wake up!" a voice alerts you.

You find Spike and Whooves struggling to lift a rope, where the other end is tied around your ankle. Recuperating from your slumbering daze, you realize you are indeed dangling from the Whirli-phoenix.

"OMIGOSH!" you gasp. "What's happening?!"

"I told you it wasn't a good idea to let Derpy drive, Doc!" Spike rants. "But would you listen? Noooo!"

"Apologies, my Derp-proof calculations were a little off," Whooves muffles, rope in mouth. "Always forget to carry the one!"

By the severely tilted position of the aircraft, it would appear somepony had a bit of technical issues with the controls.

Two bits if it involved muffins.

"I'm sorry, guys!" Derpy whines. "I left my muffin bag on the passenger side, I thought I could reach it."


Business is booming.

"Sheesh, Anon," Spike grunts. "I thought your rabbit phase would've helped you lose a LITTLE weight!"

"I resent that!" you huff.

"I'm sorry, when did this occur again?" Whooves asks intrigued.

"Yeah, never heard that story." Derpy adds.

"Less explaining and more rescuing!" you holler.

The two continue pulling while you climb the rope, the high winds tossing you around as you shimmy up to the contraption. As soon as you're aboard, Whooves darts for the controls, adjusting the machine to it's correct position.

"How........much.......LONGER?!?!" you pant.

"Down there!" Spike points.

Up ahead, you spot the Dragon Lands, a peaceful, rough, monster-infested, smoggy place of absolute merriment...

Okay, to be honest, the place looks kinda depressing in some areas. No wonder dragons are cranky.

"Success!" Whooves exclaims proudly. "And right before lunchtime, I might add."

As you descend on the rocky ground, you see a small gathering of fire-breathing dragons slamming boulders against their noggins.

"You're gonna love this place," Spike states assuringly. "Dragon Lord Ember kept this place top notch."

You look out to see another group of oversized lizards sloppily scarfing down sparkling gems.

Eh, "top notch" is an overstatement.

Author's Note:

Thanks all for your support and positive feedback. :3