• Published 20th Jun 2018
  • 888 Views, 6 Comments

Friend or foe - SwarmLordAbdonis

A short Sequel to A changelings purpose, one of Thorax's changelings is caught and interrogated by the leader of the original changelings. But is everything merely black and white or will the changeling learn more knowledge behind the leaders actions

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Friend or foe

The Everfree forest had been known to house all sorts of dangerous beasts. Timberwolves, Manticores, Cragidiles, anything that could gobble a pony up in one go and it most likely existed deep within the frightening forest. Though recently there had been a new addition. A sizable group that commandeered a single section of the forest yet was claiming more ground with each passing day. Black creatures with a unique diet. Creatures quite well known as changelings.

Most changelings nowadays were known to be peaceful and friendly. Coming in a multitude of different colours and free to step out of the shadows no longer seeing reason to hide away. Not these ones. From a distance they all looked the exact same, making it near impossible to pick one out from another unless you looked close enough. And if you were unfortunate to get that close you'd already be hanging upside down in a cocoon. They were ferocious unforgiving and without mercy.

Today however, these changelings seemed to focus mainly on enjoying themselves. Something that many would think was foreign to such a dangerous race yet there they sat, all over the huge cleared out land. The reason being that today marked the two month anniversary since Thorax came to power. Though these changelings weren't celebrating for that reason in particular. In fact most hated the new king. No the reason they were celebrating was because that despite the massive setback, there had been a hoof full of soldiers that had remained loyal. Eight known changelings had escaped and together, formed shaped and built up the true changeling empire once more. A shadow compared to their former glory but at least it was one that through thick and thin still stood tall. They were merely celebrating the survival of their species.

How did such a dangerous species celebrate? With a feast from their victims. High above in the trees, safe from anything that wasn't a changeling hung well over forty cocoons. Each one holding either a pony or in rare cases a griffon. Each one caught or tricked into an eternal slumber where their only purpose was livestock.

Of course, changelings had no need to eat their victims. Instead they dined in a very interesting fashion. Changelings were some of the most unique creatures to ever exist. The biggest reason why was because of their ability to siphon emotions from prey. Specifically love. The more consumed, the stronger the changeling.

At this point, most Changelings were feeling rather full. An unusual occurrence for a single changeling, but for so many, in their original forms was unheard of even among their own kind. Being able to access so much love in a single day did that. Something that they never had the privilege of experiencing before.

Unfortunately not every-ling wore a smile on their faces. One changeling in mind was feeling rather angry as he walked through the crowd. Though it was directed towards another reason entirely. Any changeling in his way excused themselves, allowing him through without delay. After all this was no normal changeling. This one was the leader of the entire group. One of the eight to have lifted the changeling race up from its knees and back onto the warpath.

He made his way across the slowly expanding camp. Each hoof step he made was deliberate and full of force. His blue armour and helmet shining brightly thanks to the sun that passed over his head. His face seemingly stoic, though his mind bubbled with fury from within.

His forces had done exceptionally well this past month, growing in size and strength. Where as they had begun with a mere eight changelings including himself, they had now reached over a hundred. One hundred changelings that had either stayed true or had returned to the old ways, understandably rejecting the rule of what he had claimed without falter to be a usurper of the throne. The false king known as Thorax.

And to think that this sizable force had managed to stay hidden for so long thanks to the cover of the Everfree forest and the remnants of the old Throne. A place most would claim to be inhabitable. A perfect home. At least up until now where it was threatened to be taken from them.

The Swarmleader made his way to the end of the campsite and then some, travelling into the area where the trees grew wild and thick.

At last he came upon his destination. Before him now stood a small opening of the forest where five other changelings stood. One of which was most unique. Unlike the others he had blue chitin instead of black and seemed less vicious than those around him. This was what Abdonis referred to as a changedling. One who had dared to abandon their true nature and adopted the ways of their prey, the ponies. He was held down by two normal changelings while the other two kept an eye on him. It was only when they noticed the arrival of the swarmleader did they take their eyes off of him.

"Is this the only one?" The leader asked without breaking eye contact with the changedling. His rough voice made it clear that he was in no mood to mess around.

"Yes Abdonis. This is the only one." Replied The closest changeling, known as Fang. The second in command of the camp and perhaps known better as Abdonis's most trusted infiltrator.

"Good." Abdonis nodded, continuing to gaze into the changedlings eyes who seemed to shake like a leaf. The swarmleader gave an irritated sigh. "Of all the days this could have happened..."

"Shall we hang him up with the rest of the prisoners?" Fang smiled, tossing a hungry grin to the increasingly scared ling. "What better way to celebrate than to feed off of one of Thorax's drones after all?"

Abdonis broke eye contact and slowly looked to Fang.



"I would very much like to talk to him actually. It's not so often a source of fresh information lands on our doorstep."

Fang nodded. "Very well."

Abdonis gave a small smile. The first one since being informed of this infiltrator. It was directed towards Fang.

"Is that all?"

"Yes Swarmleader."

"Very well. In that case you may leave us. Go. Enjoy the celebration, all of you."

"All of us sir? What about you?" One of the handlers asked.

"Worry not. I can handle one snivelling worm." Abdonis's gentle grin became one of wickedness. "And should he try to escape..."

A low growling could be heard from the thick undergrowth behind them, causing all but Abdonis to jump slightly. Only the changedling did not know what lied in wait. Satisfied, they all voiced their agreements and left to join in with every-ling else. Only the swarmleader and the prisoner remained.

Abdonis gave an amused huff at the changedling as he tried to stare back. Though being in such a powerless situation made it difficult to do so. Especially against one who held his fate in his hooves.

A short moment later, Abdonis grew serious once more dropping his grin and spoke.

"You know what I'm going to ask, don't you?"

The changedling nodded, having a good idea.

"How did you find this location?"

The changedling stuttered for a second, formulating an answer.

"I-I managed to s-s-spot the last group leave the hive y-yesterday! I f-followed them and they l-led me here!"

Abdonis's horn glowed green shortly after he finished answering.

"And why DID you follow?"

"Thorax's new orders! A-anyone who leaves the hive without permission is deemed suspicious and must be t-tracked in hopes of finding you and your crew!"

Abdonis raised an eyebrow. His horn glowed green once more.

"Your king is setting up more serious measures." The swarmleader briefly looked away in thought. "Then we are having an effect on him and the hive. A small one, but an effect all the same."

To perform these measures, troops and resources must have been deployed just to set it all up. Resources that could be exploited and used to effect if he could turn this to his favour. As for the troops, well that all depended on what all captured changedlings answered.

This changeling was beaten and he knew it. It was clear that any hope of escape had long faded since his capture. It was also clear that he had not come alone. The swarmleader had placed sentries a sizeable distance from the campsite to avoid any-ling discovering their location by accident.. Three had already been caught and he had been informed that one had escaped. At least with his capture it was one more loose end tied up. But there was more to demand before Abdonis could feel himself satisfied.

"Did you try reporting your location before you were caught"?


His horn flashed red. The growls from behind intensified.

"I-I Meant yes! I did!" The blue pastel creature blurted out immediately.

"And could you get through to your king?"


Green flash. Abdonis smiled. The thrones magic was working still. A very good sign.

Now it was time to get more personal.

"Why did you join?"

The changedling looked to him confused.

"I-I'm sorry?"

"Come now changedling. I know Thorax would not have rounded up changelings and forced them into this little 'scheme' of his. He had to ask those he knew he could trust and he had to be discreet about it."

"How... how do you know that?"

"Thorax knows I have loyal soldiers hiding in his hive. He wouldn't have announced it to every-ling knowing I'd have wind of it before he could put his plan into action. I ask again. Why did you join?"

The changedling gave a moment to answer carefully. The swarmleaders voice sounded less imposing as he asked that simple question. Only slightly though.

"I just... I want to do what's best for the hive."

"Which you have been told is to bring us to your so called justice?"

"Partly, yes."

"And why come for us? Personal satisfaction on doing your part? Surely there are other ways to earn the respect of your hive?"

"B-because you're dangerous! You attacked a pony escort several weeks ago!" The changedling spoke with a slight sense of courage rising.

"We did." Abdonis agreed. "Only to rescue those who Thorax was going to forcibly transform into more of your kind. Nothing more."


"Are you even aware that the guards were virtually unharmed save for a few scratches? My warriors know to show restraint, though you wouldn't have bothered asking about that minor detail I'm sure."

The changedling said nothing.

"Do you even know why we defy Thorax's rule?"

"Because you're still loyal to... Chrysalis..." The changedling said the name like it was a bad omen. His courage had quickly shrunk back down to nothing.

"A partial reason, but one that has lacked less support with those who have joined us. Our main reason is to preserve our own kind and to extract vengeance against the false king."

As well as those who helped with the downfall of the hive.

"But we're the same kind!" The prisoner protested. "You and me, we're the same!"

The changedling began to regret his choice of words shortly after. The swarmleader had now looked like he had swallowed something bitter, but quickly regained his composure.

"No. We are not."


"We do not look the same, share the same motives, you can't even use our hivemind." He walked closer to his prisoner until they were almost nose to nose. "Those are very large differences."

Adbonis took a few steps back.

"Answer me. Why look to Thorax? What made you trust him right away?"

"He helped us end the hunger." The blue changedling managed to properly look his interrogator in the eyes. "You remember how bad is was, don't you? There was never a moment we felt full or satisfied. One that you are still fighting against."

Abdonis grinned again.

"We used to."

The changedling blinked.

"You don't feel...?"

"There is more than one way to stop the hunger changedling." Abdonis waited a moment. "Any other reason you follow Thorax?"

The changedling, half expecting to be told how he had accomplished this, mumbled something of an apology before continuing.

"We no longer have to hide away from every-ling." The changedling felt a small sense of pride. This was something that the swarmleader could not say he had.

He was surprised to see Abdonis nod in agreement but keep his small grin.

"A fair point. And all you had to do to gain it was change everything that made changelings changelings. And yet you claim we're the same..."

The changedling felt shot down once more. Abdonis on the other hoof, felt it time to wrap this up.

"One reason we don't trust Thorax." He made sure that the changedling was listening before continuing. "He never asked any-ling what they wanted. He merely assumed that every-ling would follow him. The rest of us who didn't? Forced to leave our home unless we followed in his hoofsteps. Where is the fairness in that?"

The changedling had no answer.

"Follow me."

For a moment, the changedling hesitated before managing to follow Abdonis to the edge of the campsite, allowing the pair of them to look in on the celebrations still going on.

The changedling was surprised at what he was seeing. Where he had expected a form of tyrannical rule like Chrysalis had once done, the changelings he saw were happy. Merrily enjoying themselves, talking and laughing. Many were even drinking cider, a well known pony beverage. How they had claimed it he did not know but what mattered was that this place was not what he had once expected.

"Now look up."

The changedling did as he was instructed and the smile that had unknowingly appeared quickly vanished. Three cocoons hung before him. Each one carrying one of his group. The changedlings that had come with him to the forest. All of them being siphoned of love.

"Know that they were given a choice." He heard Abdonis speak up, now sounding almost sympathetic. "To join or not. We couldn't let them go and let Thorax know of our location, so we did what we needed to."

The changedling continued to look up and was only after a minute of staring able to break away.

"Will you do the same to me if I refuse?" He asked. His voice shaky.



"You will be allowed to go back to the hive. But only to deliver a message to Thorax. We can easily move to another location before you think about telling him where we are"

"What's the message?"

"'Your plan has failed'. Nothing more. Enough to demoralise his operation on hunting us down. A shame as it would mean no more free food supplies for us, but those under my command come first. So I ask you for your decision. Would you choose to remain with one who chose to abandon his own kind once, or stay with those who would keep you safe?"

"Why even give me a choice? Why not string me up with the rest?"

"Because very little can be gained from a new prisoner. But much can be accomplished with a new ally. You have seen our way of doing things around here. We have almost everything your hive does without the need to change our true selves."

The chanedling sighed, weighing his decisions. It was clearly possible to be happy here, and what he had said about Thorax had been true. He had once left the hive and expected every-ling to follow his command just because things seemed better. But ponies still remained untrusting to them even with the metamorphosis. And here, it was clear that the Swarmleader was not as terrifying as he once believed.

He turned to face Abdonis.

"I follow the one who does what is best for his kind. What would you have me do Swarmlord?"

Green flash.

"We make you one of us. Then, you may enjoy yourself and join your brothers."

Abdonis smiled. "This is a day of celebration after all."

Comments ( 6 )


Thorax dies in my story and Pharynx is pressured to lead the rest of the changelings, even though he has no experience in his brother's position. XD

Very....... lopsided?

I can't really like this story, it has good grammar and other things, but the 'Rogue' 'lings seem to OP, and 'Reform' 'lings seem weak and useless, making an unbalance. Which ruins the story for me.

Hopefully it will be fix in away to later stories.

So... Why'd you stop writing changeling stories?

"A fair point. And all you had to do to gain it was change everything that made changelings changelings. And yet you claim we're the same..."

YES! This hard hitting quote got facts

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