• Published 1st Aug 2012
  • 2,541 Views, 13 Comments

The Pink-Maned Pair - Twilicorn

A FlutterPie ship for a contest by Kits.

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First Sight

Fluttershy looked around the bakery, enjoying her perch on a small chair in the corner. The room was filled with ponies, shaking, writhing, and simply having a good time. Glow sticks flashed periodically through the air, accompanied by shrieks and cheers. Multi-colored lights flashed as well, reflecting off of mirrors and disco balls hung around the room. It really was the ideal party, for anypony but Fluttershy. With earplugs filling her ears, she could truly enjoy the show, simply watching as if it was a silent movie.

There, in the corner, was two ponies arguing. Lyra and Bon Bon, from the looks of it, but with the flashes of light, anypony could be anypony. Hooves pointed at each other, eyes flashing, until finally Lyra collapsed, her eyes filled with tears. Bon Bon embraced her, whispering into her ear, and they leaped up, running up the stairs. Fluttershy saw it all, and couldn't help but smile. They really were perfect for each other, always comforting the other when it was needed.

To her right, Pinkie was taking command of Vinyl Scratch, or in this case, DJ-PON3's equipment. Fluttershy gently chided herself for not remembering how her personality changed on stage, gently cuffing herself on the nose. She heard the music slow to a stop, accompanied by loud groans of disappointment and some curses from those who had found the hard apple cider.

"Hay everypony!" cheered Pinkie, waving her hooves around. Fluttershy's eyes remained glued to her, following her as she walked around, the balloons on her flank threatening to burst into the sky at any moment. "Are you enjoying the parrrrrrty?" she cried, and the crowd yelled its agreement, stomping their hooves eagerly. "Well remember, it's already two o'clock, and this place closes up at three!" she reminded, and this time the crowd's stomps were in disappointment rather than eagerness. "Let's make this last hour special!" the pink mare declared, and once again, the crowd was cheering again.

'Just like Angel Bunny,' thought Fluttershy quietly to herself. 'His moods can be fixed so quickly, all the time,' she added, remembering the morning where he had been easily coaxed out of a tantrum with a strawberry. Her eyes turned back to the equipment, searching for Pinkie, but found her much closer instead, mere inches from her side. "Eep!" squeaked Fluttershy, ducking under her hooves.

"Do you want to go upstairs?" asked Pinkie, though to Fluttershy, it just appeared to be her mouth moving.

"What?" she asked quietly, removing her head from under her protective hooves.

"Do you want to go upstairs?"

"Hmm?" she repeated, and Pinkie sighed, grabbing Fluttershy by the hoof. Fluttershy squeaked once again as she was yanked up the stairs, past many of the closed bedroom doors, and into Pinkie's own room. Fluttershy's eyes traveled over all the pinkness of it, shocked by how much pinkness could fit in a room.

"Can you hear me?" yelled Pinkie, and Fluttershy blinked, tilting her head in confusion. Suddenly, her eyes lit up, and she removed the ear plugs from her ears, setting them down on the dresser. "Can you hear me?" repeated Pinkie loudly, and Fluttershy squeaked, darting under the bed. She looked around nervously, just in time to see Pinkie next to her. "Can you hear me now?" she asked, significantly quieter, and Fluttershy nodded.

"What did you want?" she asked, not unkindly, and Pinkie's smile widened, threatening to fall from her face.

"You weren't having fun downstairs!" she cried, shaking Fluttershy a bit.

'Oh, but I was. Watching you,' she thought, then shook her head. 'What am I thinking,' she chided herself, a blush rising to her pale yellow cheeks. "I was, Pinkie, really," she insisted, quite unconvincingly.

"Rrreally?" asked Pinkie, leaning her face into Fluttershy's.

"Really," Fluttershy squeaked, cowering from Pinkie's face.

"Okie-dokie-lokie," said Pinkie, slowly. "Now let's get out from under this bed!"

Fluttershy sighed, crawling out from the comforting darkness of under the pink bed, blinking rapidly to adjust to the pink lighting of the room.

"Hey! You wanna know a secret?" asked Pinkie suddenly, twisting her head ninety degrees.

"Sure?" said Fluttershy worriedly.

"You have to Pinkie Promise not to tell," she added, her eyes widening.

"Okay," sighed Fluttershy, raising a hoof. "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye," she said in a carefully rehearsed tone, going through the motions smoothly.

"Goodie! Now watch this!" insisted the pink mare, turning off the lights. Fluttershy eeped, but forced herself to remain out from under the bed. Within moments, a white light flashed on, shining around the room.

"The furniture..." she said slowly, looking around and following the flashlight.

"Is all white!" exclaimed Pinkie, now waving the flashlight around crazily. "I use a pink light to make everything look pink, instead of actually having it pink. Isn't it cool?" she asked, dancing along to the beat of the music throbbing through the floor.

"Yeah, I guess..." said Fluttershy, her eyes following Pinkie. 'Stop it! Why are you looking at her like that?' she scowled at herself, but her eyes remained affixed to Pinkie's body, the way it moved carefully in time to the music, never missing a beat. "Hey Pinkie?" asked Fluttershy abruptly, tearing her eyes from Pinkie's body and to her eyes.

"Yes, Fluttershy?" she asked, stopping her dancing.

"I think I'm going home now. I need to get my sleep, okay?"

"Okay," said Pinkie, her voice's energy dropping a bit. "But you'll come over tomorrow, right?"

"Of course, right after my spa appointment," said the pegasus warmly, flapping her wings a bit. Trotting towards the window, she opened it, leaping into the darkness. Her wings beat quickly, finding their own rhythm in moments, and she glided above the town. Spotting her home in the distance, she continued towards it, gliding downwards towards her front lawn. She landed carefully, her hooves sliding along the recently-wet grass. Trotting into her home, she was glad to see all her animals were asleep and eagerly sneaked up the stairs, careful to keep her damp hooves from squeaking along the decrepit wooden stairs. Following the hall with her eyes adjusted to the dark, she entered her room quietly, shutting the door behind her.

Entering the adjoined bathroom, she rapidly dried her hooves, then turned on the shower, sticking her hoof under the steady stream of water to find a comfortable temperature. Finding a comfortable heat, she slid in, shutting the curtain behind her. As she ran the soap over her body, she couldn't help but imagine Pinkie dragging the bar of soap over her, looking up at her with teasing eyes...

Fluttershy shook her head ashamedly, lifting the shampoo deftly with one wing and pouring it over her mane, gently rubbing it into her scalp. She just stood there, under the water, letting her mind run free until the soap was cleared from her mane. Stepping out from the water, she looked down at the puddle forming under her. Sighing, she dropped a towel carelessly on the floor, sliding her hoof around on it until it was mostly cleared from the ground. Shaking her mane out, she turned around, flinging some remnants of water on the mirror as she went back into her room.

Crawling carefully under the covers, she closed her eyes, and ignoring the constant pinkness her mind shoved at her, fell into a relaxed sleep.