• Published 1st Aug 2012
  • 2,541 Views, 13 Comments

The Pink-Maned Pair - Twilicorn

A FlutterPie ship for a contest by Kits.

  • ...

First Setup, First Kiss

'Yes. Yes I am,' resounded through her mind as she cautiously opened the door to the cafe, letting it shut behind her with a small bang.

"Surprise!" cried Pinkie, leaping out from behind the sole table in the room as small party-poppers fired from nowhere. "Sorry," added the pink mare as Fluttershy ducked down, gently patting her on the head. "There's just us here. See?" she gestured around the room to prove her point.

"Okay," whispered Fluttershy, standing up to look out at Pinkie. 'Pinkie and her blue, blue eyes,' she thought, then sighed. 'Over romanticizing again, you foal,' she thought with a snicker.

"Come on! Sit down!" cried Pinkie, pulling Fluttershy both from her thoughts and to the table. On the table sat two plates, both loaded with treats and other breakfast foods. Fluttershy smiled as she sat down, looking up at Pinkie across the table.

"Thank you, Pinkie," she said, nodding her head towards her before burying her muzzle into the platter, eating the eggs, salad, and pancakes with a hunger she hadn't known she had. 'Hunger for worry,' her mind teased her, but she ignored it, simply enjoying the meal. As she finished, a small piece of paper sat on the bottom of the plate, folded in half.

She lifted it carefully with her mouth, ignoring the eager looks from Pinkie as she carefully unfolded it. Her eyes ran over the paper eagerly, searching for words until she spotted small writing at the bottom of the page.

She finished reading it, then read it again. And again. Completing her third time reading it, she looked up at Pinkie, who's mane seemed just a bit flatter. Just a bit. Fluttershy inhaled deeply, then read the paper a forth time. And as she finished that, she set the paper down, folding it back in half, and stood from the table, walking around it slowly, tentatively. Every step seemed to be exaggerated, the world slowing around her.

The first step, with all the weight leaning on her front right hoof. The wooden grains of the floor were clearer, sharper.

The second step, leaning onto her back right hoof. Her tail dragged along the ground.

The third step, now to her front left leg. She saw Pinkie staring at her, eyes filled with worry and anticipation.

The forth step, to her back left leg. Pinkie's face was now just filled with worry.

A small skip, landing just next to the pink mare, their muzzles mere inches apart.

Staring at each other, piercing blue on lighter turquoise.

Breaths mingling, one warm with eagerness, one quick with fear.

Hooves shaking, eyes blinking, breaths mingling.

Muzzles meeting, one pulling away. Pinkie Pie with an injured look. Fluttershy ducking down, then looking back up.

"Sorry," whispered Fluttershy, but her words were cut short.

Muzzles meeting, staying together. Hooves reaching, wrapping around. Tongues overlapping, fireworks booming. Sky falling, world disappearing. Simply together, as close as could be. Pinkie coming down from her chair to embrace Fluttershy tighter.

"Th-that was..."

"Perfect?" offered Fluttershy as they both panted for breath.

"Pinkie-perfect!" cried Pinkie, smiling at Fluttershy eagerly. They both sat in silence for a bit, simply thinking, until Fluttershy interrupted.

"What are we?"

"Ponies! Unless you mean a different way, and then I could say we're Elements of Harmony, or mares, or friends, or..." she scratched her head. "Other stuff."

"I meant, um, between us," said Fluttershy quietly, and Pinkie smiled.

"Oh duh! Well, obviously we're marefriends now! Right?" she countered herself, looking at Fluttershy uncertainly.

"Well," started Fluttershy, then stopped herself. 'What am I doing? The mare you love just said you're her marefriend and you're going to turn her down? What kind of idiot are you?' "We're marefriends," she confirmed, her voice strong. "We're marefriends!" she cried, throwing her hooves in the air.

"I think they get it, Fluttershy," said Pinkie with a smile, and Fluttershy stopped in her tracks.


"Never mind," said Pinkie, shaking her head. "Someday I'll show you. Now, do you want to go upstairs?"

"I've been upstairs before. Remember? You showed me your furniture?"

Pinkie sighed, patting Fluttershy on the head again. "Up-stairs," she enunciated. "To my room?"

Fluttershy cocked her head, then suddenly, her eyes widened. "Now? We just had our first kiss! I'm not ready for that!" she fretted, pacing around nervously.

"I'm kidding!" cried Pinkie, jumping up. "Sheesh. Tough crowd," she added, and Fluttershy blinked again.

'Crowd? Better not ask,' she decided, then smiled at Pinkie. "I think our friends already know about us."

"Of course! I told them so that you could come here!"

"Well Pinkie, what do you usually do after something big like this happens?"

"Make a cake?"


"Have a party!" cried Pinkie as the idea hit her. "Of course! A party party party party PARTY!"

Fluttershy chuckled, shaking her head. "My silly filly," she cooed.

"My shy butterfly," added Pinkie, catching on.

"My pink party pony," she smiled.

"My yellow marshmallow," sighed Pinkie.

"Wait, what? D-do you think I'm fat?"

"No! It just rhymed!" protested Pinkie.

"Kidding," teased Fluttershy, tackling Pinkie to the floor. Within moments, Fluttershy's hooves were teasingly prodding Pinkie's stomach. Pinkie's giggles quickly transformed to guffaws until she was pleading.

"Stop! Ca-can't breathe!" she cried between her laughter, and Fluttershy carefully backed off of her, then sat down on the floor. Shaking her head, she was caught completely by surprise as Pinkie reciprocated the tickling, sitting down on Fluttershy's stomach. The two continued their tickle-fighting for a while, until finally Pinkie and Fluttershy tired of it, simply staring at each other.


"Yes, Flutter-utter-shy?"

"When's the party going to be?"

"Well..." said Pinkie, her voice trailing off. Hopping up, she reached under the table, fiddling around for a bit before pulling out a calendar. "For calendar emergencies!" she explained to Fluttershy's questioning look. She flipped through it, her hoof trailing across the page until it stopped. "Aha! We can have it next Monday!" she exclaimed, and Fluttershy nodded, grinning quietly at Pinkie.

"Perfect?" she asked, her eyes betraying her teasing intent.

"Perfect," agreed Pinkie, and they leaned in to kiss again.