• Published 30th Jun 2018
  • 3,486 Views, 78 Comments

My Little Student - Lets Do This

What happened between Twilight's entrance exam and her entrance to the School proper? How Twilight met Celestia, Cadance, and Spike, and got started on the road to becoming the Element of Magic.

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An Invitation from Princess Celestia

It's one thing to succeed in enrolling your daughter in the most exclusive school for unicorn fillies in the land. It's quite another when she aces the entrance exam and is then personally welcomed into the school by its founder -- the most revered of rulers in that land -- as her own personal protégé.

It's a completely different ballgame when in the process your daughter very nearly spontaneously combusts and you yourself are temporarily turned into a cactus. It tends to color your outlook.

"It's not an official state audience," whispered Twilight Velvet. "Just a private meeting to talk about Twi's enrollment!" Her purple-and-white bangs flounced about her horn as she glanced nervously around.

"Oh yes!" Night Light whispered back. "It's only a meeting with the Princess herself! You know, the one who raises the Sun every day?" He tried to hold his head high, eyes front, just like all of the guards they had passed so far. Uncooperatively, a lock of night-dark hair fell over his face. He puffed it aside quickly. Then he glanced sideways at Velvet. "You think they'll want us to pay for that roof? Like... in installments?"

"Shh!" Velvet nodded significantly behind her. "Keep up, Twi!" she called brightly. "We don't want to keep Princess Celestia waiting!"

Following them several paces back was a lavender filly with a deep purple mane and tail, a red stripe running down the middle of both. She was currently trotting in reverse gear, and gently swiveled around, her eyes wide as dinner plates, trying to take it all in.

The Grand Gallery of the Royal Palace of Canterlot was long, high, echoingly spacious, and filled end to end with stained-glass windows. It looked very much like the architect simply couldn't decide what color to install and just ordered one of each. Every shaft of sunlight was a different hue, every window's subject was completely different: heroes, tyrants, and the merely well-known-at-the-time. Walking the length of the hall was like a complete Equestrian History major, all done in brilliant sunlight.

Finally spotting the archway they wanted, Twilight Velvet swerved quickly in that direction. The others followed. They ended up facing a matched pair of helmeted, plumed stallions, standing fiercely at attention, stock still.

"Uhm... we're Twilight Sparkle's parents. We were invited for a meeting with... Princess Celestia?" In the face of the guards' impassive gaze, Velvet's voice trailed off into a question and a nervously hopeful look.

"Yes, ma'am!" one of the stallions replied smartly. "You're to wait right here, please."

"Oh, that's a relief!" Velvet gasped. "We're early!"

"This sure is exciting, isn't it, Button?" Night Light whispered nervously over his shoulder.

"Yeah!" Twilight Sparkle squirmed her way in between them. "Are we really gonna see the Princess again? And does she really wanna teach me herself?"

"Sure sounds like it, Button!" he said, both proud and terrified. "How's that make you feel?"

"I love Celestia!" Twilight bounced up and down happily. "She's so kind! And she wasn't mad at all, was she?"

Night Light swallowed, remembering the look in Celestia's eye afterward. It wasn't any readable emotion, just a calm, regal, knowing gaze. Who knew what the Princess really felt? And then this summons! Although Velvet kept insisting on calling it an invitation.

Night Light found himself nervously polishing his hooves on his fetlocks out of habit.

"I sure hope she's not, Button!"

The guards suddenly stiffened, their eyes wide. They came even further to attention, if that was possible.

Uh oh. Night Light cringed. What have we done now? Are they offended?

A mildly amused regal voice spoke from directly behind them.

"Are we waiting for someone?"

Twilight's parents turned in shock to find Princess Celestia standing tall and proud before them in the sunlight, her sparkling, multicolored mane flowing about her. Twilight rapidly craned her neck upward trying to see and tumbled over backwards. She quickly scrambled to her hooves, and all three of them knelt respectfully to the Princess.

Celestia favored each of them with a warm smile, most particularly Twilight. "My apologies for having to keep you waiting. Please go right in!"

Velvet gaped, despite herself. Princess Celestia wants us to enter AHEAD of her?

The guards had already stepped aside, their horns glinting as they magically unlocked and swept the doors open. Twilight and her parents found themselves being gently shooed into the private audience chamber beyond, with Princess Celestia bringing up the rear. Behind them, they heard the guards shutting the doors with a soft boom that sounded disturbingly final.

The Princess nodded to soft seating cushions set out for them, and swept one over for herself with a flicker from her horn. As she settled herself on it, they hesitantly did likewise. All except for Twilight: she scrambled up onto her cushion and then bounced on it a few times, finding it delightfully springy.

"First of all," Celestia said, without preamble, "let me reassure you that the School and I are quite at ease with what happened at the entrance exam. Such things will happen, particularly in a school that teaches unicorn magic. Though it's usually not quite so dramatic!"

"If I may... Your Majesty?" Velvet began timidly. "What exactly did happen?"

Celestia gave her a very brief cautioning look, then turned to smile down at Twilight. "Our little filly here demonstrated a remarkable, perhaps nearly unique gift for harnessing and expressing magic. And, my little pony, if you're really prepared to apply yourself, you can accomplish much with that. You can be a great help, not only to your family and friends, but to myself, and to all of Equestia. That is, if you're willing to put in the effort!"

Twilight didn't need any coaching. She looked Celestia right in the eye. "Yes I am, Your Majesty! I'll study real hard! I want to learn everything there is to learn about magic! Absolutely everything!"

"Well! Why don't we start with all the possible things first?" Celestia suggested gently. "And we'll go on from there. Hmm?"

Twilight just nodded, speechless with wonderment.

"Now, we can work out the details of Twilight's lessons later," Celestia went on to Velvet and Night Light. "One thing I would suggest -- if you and Twilight are willing, of course -- is for Twilight to spend some time here at the Palace at first. She and I can get to know each other better, and we can begin working out the best way to begin teaching her the understanding and control she will need for her later studies."

"Oh, my!" Velvet stared at Celestia, a little dazed. "Um, I think that sounds... fine. Uh, that sound okay to you, Twi?"

"Yes-Yes-Yes-Yes-YES!" Twilight bounced up and down, overjoyed.

Velvet glanced at Night Light, and he shrugged gently. Couldn't hurt, his look said. Beats being arrested for having an unlicensed weapon of mass destruction for a daughter, was probably closer to what he was thinking.

Behind Celestia the doors unlocked and swung open again. Through them stepped a young alicorn pony, pink in hue, with particolored hair and a gemstone heart cutie-mark.

"Now," Celestia went on, "my official duties as always take up a good deal of my time, so allow me introduce you to --"

"Cadance, Your Majesty," the pink pony interrupted.

"-- Cadance," Celestia echoed smoothly, as if nothing had happened, "who will be looking after Twilight at times I am otherwise engaged."

"Twilight Sparkle!" Cadance said with a warm smile, trotting quickly forward. "I'm so pleased to finally meet you! Princess Celestia asked if I'd like to spend some time with you, and I said yes! I hear you're a little power-house!"

"So..." Twilight said, puzzled, "you're like... a foal-sitter?"

"Not just a foal-sitter," Cadance replied, with a mischievous smile that Twilight couldn't help but echo. "The foal-sitter!"

"Can you do magic too?" Twilight asked, hopefully.

"You bet I can!" Cadance replied.

"Do you know lots of spells?"

"A few! In fact," she added, "would you like to learn one right now?"

Had Twilight been a fish she would have leapt straight into the boat.


Velvet and Night Light exchanged a look over Twilight's head. Then they looked at Celestia, who merely sat looking on with quiet interest. They held their peace.

"It's called the Welcome Spell," Cadance said, mysteriously. "Because you use it when you're meeting someone for the first time, or when you haven't seen them in a while. And that also means it takes two ponies to do it properly. Think you can help me out?"

"Uh huh!"

"Okay, step right over here."

Twilight willingly trotted down from the cushion and stood on the marble floor before her.

"Now, watch closely! It goes like this..." Her hooves tap-danced gently as she sang:

Sunshine, sunshine!

She fell flat on the floor, covering her eyes with her fore-hooves, then revealing them.

Ladybugs awake!

Sitting up on her haunches, she extended alternate fore-hooves.

Clap your hooves,

She jumped up, turned to the side, and shook her hindquarters.

And do a little shake!

She smiled at Twilight. "Think you can do it with me?"

Twilight stared at her wide-eyed, for a long, uncomfortable moment. Her parents glaced at each other uneasily.

And then a brilliant smile lit up Twilight's face. She happily joined right in as Cadance sang it again, copying her beat for beat, not missing a step:

Sunshine, sunshine!
Ladybugs awake!
Clap your hooves,
And do a little shake!

And the two of them both started laughing uncontrollably, perfectly at ease with each other. Even Celestia gave a hint of an approving smile, while her parents looked on amazed. There was just something about the silly little song and dance, or perhaps it was the way Cadance did it. It was impossible to perform it with even a hint of decorum or reserve. It made it perfectly clear to Twilight that here was someone who held nothing back, could be trusted completely, and knew just how to have fun.

When they were both finally able to breathe again, Celestia spoke up, glancing at Twilight's parents for their permission. "Cadance, why don't you and Twilight go take a look at where she'd be staying while she's here, to see if she likes it, while her parents and I go over the details."

Cadance came about smartly. "At once, Princess!"

"At once, Princess!" Twilight imitated her, so eagerly that it threatened to bring on another attack of the giggles.

Celestia nodded smoothly in dismissal. "Cadance. Twilight."

Cadance trotted from the room with Twilight close on her heels. The doors swung closed behind them.

And Celestia turned back to her parents, all business.

"To save time, allow me to anticipate your questions. Yes, what happened with Twilight is very unusual. No, I do not believe she is in any danger, to herself or anyone else. And yes, I meant my offer to serve as her mentor. She'll need an extra helping hoof to get her started. I am pleased to be able to provide it."

Velvet and Night Light relaxed, somewhat. "It won't be a burden, Your Majesty? We know you're very busy!"

"Not in the slightest," Celestia said. "It is what the School is for, the very reason for which I founded it. I am actually looking forward to it!"

"Twilight's just been so determined to learn magic," Velvet went on. "Ever since the first time we took her to the Summer Sun Celebration, she's wanted to be a student at the School, to learn from you." She looked downward, nervously. "You're... her role model, Your Majesty!"

"I am very honored by that," Celestia assured her. "And I hope that Twilight will come to accept and respect me as her teacher. Yet I want it quite clear, I have no intention of trying to replace the two of you in Twilight's affections. You are her parents, after all."

"Well, we're just ordinary ponies," Night Light said. "Not like you, Your Highness!"

Celestia's eye swept his way, and he shivered. There was that same unreadable gaze again, like staring down a well a thousand years deep.

"There are some things that transcend even royalty. And family is one of the most important. If at any time you are not comfortable with this, in any way, you will tell me." There was a brief hint of cold steel in her voice as she looked at both of them. "And I promise you, it will be made right."

"Yes, Your Majesty." They both bowed, nervously.

"Oh, listen to me." Celestia shook her head. "And I was trying so hard to keep this light! I really should learn to be more like Cadance. She knew just how to reach Twilight, right away. I envy her that."

"Excuse me, Your Majesty," Velvet asked, "but wasn't that Princess Mi Amoré --"

"Ah!" Celestia stopped her with a glance and a slight lift of the head. "She has asked me -- and now I am asking you -- to refer to her simply as Cadance for the time being. Twilight is a bright young filly and she'll eventually figure it out on her own. Yet Cadance feels, and I quite agree, that it's best not to trouble Twilight right now with how seriously we are taking this. Cadance is quite gifted in magic herself, and will be able to step in if needed when I am unavailable. And she was not boasting about being an excellent caregiver. I can recommend her without hesitation. Twilight is in very good hooves with her."

There was a respectful tap at the door. "Enter," Celestia called, not looking round.

"Excuse me, Your Majesty, but.. you summoned me?"

"Shiny!" Velvet called out, unable to stop herself.

"Mom! Dad! I heard about Twi! Is she okay?" The blue-maned unicorn stallion suddenly recalled who else was in the room, and crashed to attention, his armor rattling. "Uh, forgive me, Your Majesty!"

Celestia glanced his way with a smile. "At ease, Lieutenant. Your sister is quite unharmed. Come and have a seat with your parents. We're discussing Twilight's entrance to the School, so this concerns you as well."

Shining Armor carefully trotted round to a cushion to Velvet's left and seated himself, making an almost comical attempt to make no noise whatsoever. The guards outside shut the doors again.

After a moment's consideration Celestia turned to Shining Armor. "Perhaps we should begin with you, after all. Why did you choose to enter the Guard, Lieutenant?"

"I... suppose I've always felt it was the best use of my shield magic, to protect Equestria..." Under Celestia's unblinking gaze, he blushed. "And, well, I suppose I've always felt protective of Twilight in particular, wanting to help keep her safe. The Guard seemed like a good career choice, both ways."

"Commendable," Celestia said. "Twilight will likely be staying here in the palace at first, as she begins her studies. Would you be comfortable with a transfer to the Royal detachment? Temporarily at first, though it can be made permanent if it proves a good fit. That would station you here in the palace as well, and if the need did arise you could be alerted quickly, and could make any decisions needed on your parents' behalf."

"Well... I'd be honored, Your Majesty!" Shining exchanged an amazed look with his parents.

"And you yourselves?" Celestia asked them. "You are also welcome to stay here as guests, to help Twilight get settled in."

"Oh, we wouldn't want to impose!" Velvet said in a rush, then paused for breath. "I mean... well... I suppose we'd finally come to terms with Twilight coming to live at the School from now on. I wouldn't want Twi to feel we were hovering over her, afraid to let go, afraid to let her finally live her dreams." She allowed herself a brief glace around. "Even if living here has always been a personal dream of mine! I mean, I've written stories about this place!"

"I've read them. They're very good. Almost make me feel like I live here."

Velvet's mouth fell open again, seeing the amused twinkle in the Princess's eye.

"And I need to get back to the office!" Night Light said. "Those books aren't going to balance themselves!" He suddenly brought himself up short. "What am I saying? We're discussing my daughter's future here... and all I can think about is the stupid grind?"

"It's okay, Dad!" Shining assured him. "We get how you really feel!"

He smiled thankfully at both of them. Then he looked at Celestia.

"Your Majesty, we trust you, and we trust your judgement. If you think we should stay, we will. If you think it's better to give Twi some space for now, we'll do that. We want what's best for her!"

Celestia nodded. "As do I. She's a very fortunate young filly."