• Published 30th Jun 2018
  • 3,486 Views, 78 Comments

My Little Student - Lets Do This

What happened between Twilight's entrance exam and her entrance to the School proper? How Twilight met Celestia, Cadance, and Spike, and got started on the road to becoming the Element of Magic.

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A Real Cool Spell

It didn't happen right away. There were a few arrangements to work out first so it was a few weeks later. One morning, Twilight and Cadance were playing a quick game of Candy Equestria on the floor in Twilight's room before Twilight's morning session.

"Oh, I remember this game!" Celestia said, casually stepping into the room while her guards took up station outside. "My favorite location was the Caramel Cliffs. Once I landed on that, I just didn't want to move on."

Cadance smiled. "I thought your Majesty was rumored to like cake!"

Celestia looked studiously innocent. "I have no idea how these rumors get started."

"Hello, Princess!" Twilight jumped up. "Are you here for today's lesson?"

"Unfortunately not," she said. "Duty calls. However, I did bring today's lesson with me. You can come in now!" she called over her shoulder.

Spike trudged into the room looking downcast. Then he saw who was in it and brightened up like a firework going off. "Twilight!" he called, trotting up to her.

"Hello, Spike!" She smiled down at him.

"Hey, are you getting taller?"

"Uh huh! Cadance says it's a growth spurt. It's mostly my legs though. Makes my head feel too small!"

"Nah, I think it looks good on you!"

"Thanks, Spike!"

"Now," Princess Celestia gently interrupted, "I'm assigning Spike here to be your assistant. He'll help with dictation and small errands, and lend a hoof with lessons that require it. And... maybe he'll also be able to help you learn how to pick up all the books you keep leaving lying around!"

"Sorry!" Twilight said, embarrassed. "I just get so wrapped up in looking up things that I forget!"

"Spike!" Celestia said warningly, "I'm putting Twilight in charge of you, so I want you on your best behavior. If she gives you an order, it's exactly as if it comes from me, understood?"

Spike bowed readily. "Yes, m'lady!"

Twilight gave him a crafty look. "So... you have to do what I say, huh?"

"Twilight, the same goes for you, young lady! I'm putting Spike in your care. So you're responsible for keeping him healthy and out of trouble, understood?"

"Yes, Princess," she said uncertainly, seeing the look in Celestia's eye.

Celestia smiled at them both. "And don't forget to find ways to have fun together. That's today's lesson, by the way. Once you're finished here, I want the two of you to go over to the School grounds. Spend some time finding your way around, seeing what the School has to offer, and work out between you how you can best help each other learn together."

"Can Cadance come too?" Twilight asked quickly.

Cadance smirked. "You weren't thinking of leaving me out were you?"

"Then I'll leave you to it. See you tomorrow, Twilight!"

"Bye, your Majesty!"

Spike watched over his shoulder until he was certain Celestia was really out of earshot. "Phew, that's a relief!" he said, turning back to Twilight. "When Celestia said she was assigning me to be somepony's assistant, I figured she was pawning me off on some old crone with twenty-six cats who'd have me dressed up in a sailor suit and serving crumpets!"

They eyed each other for a long moment.

"So!" Spike asked, "learned any new spells since last time?"

"Uh huh!" Twilight replied. "Wanna see one?"

"Sure! Uuuoops!"

Spike found himself hanging upside down in Twilight's magic field. He crossed his arms and looked bored.

"Oh, right! Embarrass-your-friends spells. Big deal. What else ya got?"

Taken aback, Twilight gently lowered him again. "Um, well..."

"Hey!" he said suddenly, "Celestia taught me a real cool spell! Can I show it to you?"

"Uh, sure," Twilight said, cautiously.

"Okay, all I need is a quill and some paper."

She levitated them out of a nearby box and gave them to him.

"Thanks! Now gimme something to write. Just say anything! Anything at all! First thing that comes into your head!"

"Uhhmm... Spike is a bat-eyed booger-brain?"

"Perfect!" He scribbed busily. "Now, observe!"

He carefully rolled up the paper, produced a small red band and a gold seal from nowhere, and affixed them to the scroll.

"What are you doing?" Twilight asked, mystified.

"Watch and learn!" Spike held up the scroll, took a deep breath, and exhaled a stream of green smoke that caused it to catch fire from end to end, turning into a wisp of smoke that swept out the door and down the hall.

Twilight watched it go, then looked back at him. "That's it? You're a magical scroll disposal?"

"Nope!" he said proudly. "It's on its way to Princess Celestia!"

Twilight goggled in horror. "You didn't!"

He nodded, beaming happily. Then he put up a clawed finger.

"Wait for it..."

Suddenly, he looked ill, made a face, then belched a torrent of green fire that resolved itself into another scroll, which hung in the air between them. Spike collected it, unrolled it, coughed gently, and read:

My Faithful Student Twilight --

I'm pleased Spike has gotten around to showing you his little party-piece so quickly. While caring for him I discovered he has some unusual talents, and decided to put them to good use. If you should ever need to get in touch with me, you can send a message to me via Spike. You can also send me your lesson reports in the same way, once you begin your classes at the School.

Oh and by the way, you needn't worry about offending Spike. Dragons are naturally very wise and patient creatures, and Spike in particular has a wonderful sense of humor, as you've no doubt discovered by now.

Your Mentor,
Princess Celestia

Spike and Twilight eyed each other again.

"That," Twilight said, "was underhanded, low-down and sneaky!"

"Yeah, it was, wasn't it?" Spike agreed readily.

Twilight looked thoughtful. "You know what else?"


"That has got to be the grossest way to send a letter I have ever seen."

"I know, right?" Spike nodded happily. "Celestia thought of it! I can belch my guts out in public and nobody can complain about it because it might be something important!"

Despite herself, Twilight had to giggle at that.

Spike stuck out a claw. "Still friends?"

Twilight put out a hoof and shook with him. "Still friends! Wanna help us finish the game?"

"Deal me in! Uh, just one question... how d'ya play?"

They finished the game in short order and then, with Cadance in tow, set out to explore the School grounds together.

And apparently some kind of unspoken agreement had been reached, because from that point on they were a team, inseparable, and they never tried to humiliate each other again.