• Published 10th Jul 2018
  • 1,891 Views, 55 Comments

Paper Mario: Elements & Stars - ThePegaKris

Our flat, beloved plumbers must save Equestria from both their old archenemies and the evils of Equestria.

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00: Prologue

Mario awoke to the brisk morning air, a slight disturbance making its way down his spine due to the looming fear that haunted him through the night. He was not feeling himself today.

Nevertheless, the mustachioed Mario awoke as he joined his brother for breakfast.

"Morning Bro! How'd you sleep?"

"Good… I guess."

"Better than I can say for myself… I spent the whole night tossing and turning."

Mario was struck with curiosity. "Why?" he inquired.

"I dunno.. I just felt somehow uncomfortable all night. I think I was having a bad dream or somethin'."

Could Luigi's have been having the same nightmare? The possibility piqued Mario's interest, but before he could even have time to think or say anything, a loud bell chimed from outside the door.

"MAIL CALL!" Parakarry shouted from the other side. "You have an important letter here from the Princess, Mario! Better read it."

Mario walked outside onto the patio and, in a quick moment, embraced the freshness of the lovely summer day. The aroma of freshly baked Koopa Buns from Lady Koops' Bakery floated on the air, and the enchanting scents of Bub-ulb flowers tickled his nose.

Mario received the letter and thanked Parakarry, and the mail koopa nodded and waved as he flew off. The envelope was richly decorated, which was nothing unusual for Princess Peach. Even her stationary could be used as a symbol for her status.

Dear Mario,
I would be delighted if you would come to my castle today to join me for lunch and tea, as well as some discussion over this wacky dream I had last night! I'm not sure why, but I feel my discussing it with you will hold some special significance. Strange, right!? Anyways, come over ASAP! And bring Luigi too! See you soon!

~Princess Peach

"Why does Peach always expect us to show up within 5 minutes of reading her letters?" he wondered to himself aloud.

"Dunno! …but usually when the princess has something to say, it's either A, really important governing stuff, or B, something that's about to get us in a whole lot of trouble and end up having to save the world." Luigi mused.

"Which one do you think it is today?"

"Knowing the Princess? Probably B. C'mon, we'd better hurry before the princess gets impatient!"

And with that Mario and Luigi headed off to the castle.

Upon their arrival, the Mario Bros. were greeted as per usual by the guard toads, and were thusly escorted through the many floors and corridors of the castle to the princess's room, which resided in the tallest tower.

Standing before a large door with a massive star emblazoned upon it, Mario reached out for a knock. But the doors burst open before he could get the chance, and the princess, in all her pink beauty, stood before the two plumbers.

"Mario! Luigi! You've come! And you're only …3 minutes late! What took you so long?"

"Sorry Princess, traffic!" exclaimed Luigi.

"Let us adjourn to the tea room for some discussion."

Peach lead the two through several more corridors of the palace. Mario and Luigi couldn't help but observe the awe-inspiring spectacle of the halls. Despite the many times they had been here, it was always captivating compared to what they had at home.

"The tea room is just around here."

Mario and Luigi followed the princess into the banquet room, which housed an unusually large table blanketed with a lacey white tablecloth. Looking up, you could see a cathedral-style ceiling with stained glass depictions of the night sky, complete with stars, and a large balcony with two equally large glass doors leading out ot it. The doors were open, which gave way for the warm summer breezes to sporadically flow into the room, each gust rustling the rich pink curtains as well as creating a scattered grain across the fluffy white carpet.

They took a seat, and before even a moment could pass, several servant toads were already bringing in cups of tea, small sandwiches, and little sweet biscuits by the boat-loads.

"So about that dream…" started the Princess, not giving the heroes a chance to indulge in the spread. "It was really bizarre! I remember, it was very dark… and there was a mysterious - almost discomforting – fog that justloomedover what I think was a garden. I felt rather uneasy the entire time, but what really got me was when right before I woke up, I saw an eerie shadow emerging from the fog!"


"...well what do you think?!"

Mario and Luigi sat with their mouths agape, pieces of crumpet falling from their extended jaws.

"Boys! It's not polite to chew with your mouths open!"

"Sorry Princess!" quipped Luigi, shaking off his shock. "It's just that.. well, I had the exact same dream last night!"

"As did I!" added Mario.

"What!? You're telling me we all had the same dream? This is odd… very odd! Well this sort of thing isn't normal! That doesn't just happen out of coincidence! I think we need to pursue this matter further." exclaimed the Princess.

Mario could already tell where this was going… they were about to end up on some crazy adventure again.

"We should tell somebody important about this… Somebody wise, and all knowing!" she further added.

”Why not go to Professor E. Gadd for help?” Luigi asked.

”Bro, you’re kidding, right?” as Mario adjusted his hat. “Can’t we give the old man a break? I think he can no longer keep up on our fast-paced journeys.”

”Exactly.” Peach interrupted. “Besides, I don’t want another crazy contraption of his blowing up the castle again!”

”Oops, I remembered using the Poltergeist and accidentally doing that.” Luigi gulped. “Sorry Princess!”

”Actually Luigi, now that you mention it, aren’t ghosts and shadows related to each other?” Mario asked.

”Kind of, but there’s no way in this kingdom that I’m not going near any of them again!”

”I guess it wouldn’t hurt to see the professor once again.” Peach said. “Wait, what’s going on?”

The ground started to shake as the plumbers and the princess got down on their stomachs. The Toads panicked and scattered across the kingdom, leaving none behind with their beloved princess. That’s when the banquet room doors burned down, revealing the brute force to be none other than the Mario Brothers’ number one enemy, Bowser, the King of the Koopas.

BOWSER!” The trio yelled.

”Bwahaha, am I late to the party? Sorry, but looks like it’s over for you! You’re coming with me, Princess Peach!”

”No, not again! Please help me, you two, I’m begging you!”

”Not to worry, Princess!” Mario grinned. “Luigi and I got this again!”

”Y-Yeah... Wait...why are you alone, Bowser?”

”I’m not! In case your lovely ‘gem’ over there refuses to come with me, she will be surrounded by my minions and Koopalings if she tries to leave the castle. So go ahead and take a stab at me, fools! I welcome it, but it won’t do you any good! I’ll be sitting right here in this chair and just let my minions take care of things, okay?”

”Bro, you got a plan this time?” Luigi whispered.

”He thinks he’s playing smart, but we’re smarter than him by a long shot. We have to take him out quietly or else he’ll alert his minions. I think I know who will make the perfect distraction!”

”Why are you two smiling at me like that?” Peach whispered. “My kingdom is going to be destroyed if we don’t do something!”

”Princess, we need you to pretend to follow Bowser outside.” Mario explained softly. “Once he turns around, we’ll knock him on his head with our hammers!”

"Are you sure this will work, Mario?"

"How does this make you feel?" The red plumber leaned in to quickly kiss Peach on her cheek.

"I will take your word because of that, thank you."

"I'm losing my patience now!" Bowser groaned. "You better come now or else..."

"Alright, I'm going!" Peach said as she winked back at the Mario Bros.

"Good! You two boys better not try anything stupid!"

"Oh, we won't..." Luigi giggled. "Ready bro?"


”I don’t like how your voices sound right now, but anyway, it’s time for US to carry on with our wedding!” Bowser exclaimed.

”R-Right...” Peach mocked.

As Mario and Luigi crept under the table to attack Bowser, the ground started to shake again, causing both Bros. to bonk their heads. Peach and Bowser also fell to the ground as the intensity of this earthquake was higher than when Bowser came in.

"What's the meaning of this nonsense?" as Bowser struggled to regain his balance.

”What are you planning now?” as Mario got up from under the table.

”Trust me, this is not my fault!” Bowser replied.

”Then wh-who’s doing this??” as Luigi stayed under the table.


A dark cloud started to swirl up inside the castle and a lightning bolt struck the dining table. It appeared to be a shadow of a unicorn.

Begone foul beings, or I will smite all of you!

”Who, or what, exactly are you?” Mario demanded.

I am King Sombra. I once ruled a kingdom called the Crystal Empire, but I have fallen and shattered into nothing but a broken shard...

”Bah, I don’t know where that is or why you’re here, but you better let me get moving or I’m going to knock some sense into you!” Bowser challenged.

Your feeble powers are no match for mine, as I am considered to be a REAL king! Take this!

The shadowy unicorn king used his horn to blast Bowser, causing him to disappear entirely.

Now with that settled, it’s time for me to return to Equestria and regain my full power! But first, it looks like your princess will be comfortable once she is in my castle!

”Not on our watch!” as Luigi threw a fireball.

Not so fast... King Sombra zapped Luigi, causing him to disappear.

”Nooooo!” Mario gasped. “Where did you take my brother?”

The land of Equestria. If you want to rescue him and that pathetic turtle, you must do my bidding. For now, say goodbye to your lover as well!

”Mario, help us!” Peach cried.

”I will, don’t worry!”

King Sombra formed a giant claw and grabbed Peach tightly by her waist. Both of them teleported in the midst of a dark cloud, leaving Mario all by himself.

”I don’t think I could’ve been able to stop him all by myself. I need to find Professor E. Gadd, and fast...”