• Published 10th Jul 2018
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Paper Mario: Elements & Stars - ThePegaKris

Our flat, beloved plumbers must save Equestria from both their old archenemies and the evils of Equestria.

  • ...

10: High Up In the Sky

”So, it looks like you’re rolling with us, right Mario?” Rainbow Dash asked.

”Yes, I am! Luigi and I got your backs, by the way.”

”Please tell me I won’t get sick again.” Luigi gulped.

”No to worry, because we’ll watch your backs as well!” Fluttershy exclaimed. “You can count on me if you need any medical assistance, Luigi.”

”Mario, be sure to pick up your Lightning Flowers from Zecora tomorrow.” Twilight said. “They might come in handy up there in the sky.”

”I’ll remember them, thanks Twilight. Where exactly are we going tomorrow?”

”See that pointy place on the map?” Pinkie pointed out. “That’s Twilight castle, which we’re in right now. If you ever happen to get lost in a pickle, then this map should be a fun reference point!”

”The cloud city above Ponyville is Cloudsdale, which is our destination tomorrow.” Rainbow explained. “It’s where Fluttershy and I used to live during our childhood before moving to Ponyville. We’ll be going after the Ring of Destiny.”

”Are you sure Daring Do will let us borrow it?” Fluttershy asked.

”Don’t worry, she trusts me enough to handle anything now.” Rainbow replied. “I’m sure she’ll let us use the Ring for our ruse on Sombra.”

”Just try not to reveal her secret identity, or at the very least, get her killed.” Rarity mentioned.

”In that case, we will go talk to Princess Celestia about the Memory Stone.” Twilight declared. “Applejack, Pinkie, you and the others must head to Ponhenge and find the Old Pillars of Equestria. We’ll regroup here once we have everything on King Sombra’s list.”

”It’s a good thing we were one step ahead collecting the Elements of Harmony.” A.J raised.

”What about the Sun Book?” Cappy asked.

”It’s in the library.” Twilight responded. “I’m not sure what significance King Sombra finds about it, though. The cover has a sun that’s also got some purple on it.”

”So, that makes only three items left to find!” Pinkie exclaimed.

”Technically, the Old Pillars’ artifacts would be counted as more items, but I guess you’re right about what you said if we’re planning on mixing the artifacts into one package.” Rarity explained.

”I think you guys might have the items that would take the longest.” Fluttershy assumed.

”What’s the worst that can happen, Fluttershy?” Spike shrugged.

”The little dude is right.” Bowser added. “Let’s add fire with fire, shall we?”

”Oh, I’m ready for this!”

”I hope you don’t plan on burning everything.” Mario said. “We can train with fire while in the middle of our quest.”

”Hehe, and I see that Applejack doesn’t look too happy about apples being destroyed in training!” Rainbow giggled.

”Hey, as long as Twilight doesn’t touch Sweet Apple Acres, then I’m totally fine!”

”What is it about me that’s bad to your home, A.J?” Twilight’s eye began to twitch.

”You always...”

”Enough!” Mario yelled. “This is getting us nowhere. You girls are close friends with each other, I’m sure about that. There’s no reason to fret like this. Twilight, you did say that you have a spell that magically creates apples out of nowhere, right?”


”If you mess up and accidentally use Applejack’s own apples in training, don’t worry.” Mario reassured. “From what I’ve heard about her, she grows apples very quickly and ponies describe her as a hardworking pony, right?”

”Uh-huh.” A.J murmured.

”Now that you mention it, Mario, maybe we do need to cool it down a bit.” Twilight realized. “I mean, we’re fighting to save Equestria again, but things don’t really have to get hostile between friends over a training session.”

”Yeah, what you said too, Mario.” as A.J took off her hat. “We all make mistakes every now and then. If Twilight messing up becomes an accident, I reckon I wouldn’t mind a bit of a sacrifice on my end.”

”Good. It’s been a long day for all of us, so let’s just go sleep and we’ll figure this out in the morning.”

”Aww, no s’mores?” Rarity pouted.

”You guys can have some if you want, but I’m good for now Rarity, thanks.” Mario insisted.

”Let me show you where you’ll be staying.” Twilight demonstrated.

”Allow me to start the fire!” Bowser requested.

Mario looked the most exhausted out of the entire team and so, Twilight had him follow her upstairs into one of the guest rooms. The castle was not only huge, but it had the interior of a mansion. The entire team could even live in here by staying in any of the multiple rooms.

”Are you all right, Mario?” Twilight asked.

”Yeah, just give me a second.”

”Oh okay. Hey, about what you said back there... That was really nice of you to intervene like that.”

”Really?” Mario coughed. “I guess I was trying to get rid of any tension between two friends, huh?”

”Yes, it would seem to be like that. My friends and I argue a lot, but it’s not like anything is actually going to separate us for good.”

”I see.” Mario said. “Well, this room looks comfortable for us. I’ll see you in the morning, Twilight! Good night!”

”Good night, Mario!”

You just gave me a brilliant idea, Princessss... Hahaha...

”I think I know where this is going, won’t I?” Shadow Peach asked.

Twilight’s Castle

”Good morning, everyone!” Twilight called out. “Did you all sleep well last night?”

”Hehehe, I dreamt like I was a filly all over again!” A.J hollered.

”I actually had a nightmare about somepony stealing my valuable emeralds!” Rarity shuttered. “That hooligan better show himself so I can lay a beating on him!”

”It’s just a dream, Rarity.” Cappy said. “Besides, we’ll have all the time to lay a beating on King Sombra.”

”I will do whatever it takes to stop him...again!” Spike vowed.

”It’s hard to believe that a puny dragon like you has already beaten that foolish king.” Bowser reminded.

”What can I say except,’ You’re welcome?’” Spike uttered.

”Alright, does everypony remember what items they’re getting?” Rainbow Dash asked.

”Yeah!” Everyone else confirmed.

”Let’s get moving, shall we?” as Rarity headed out the door.

”Wait Rarity!” Twilight halted. “I still need to make Mario be able to walk on clouds, remember?”

”Oh yes, my apologies!”

”Okay Mario, I’m going to need you to stay still for just a second. You won’t feel any pain, but you’ll definitely feel some kind of tingling.”

”I’m ready!”

Within an instant, the Princess of Friendship zapped Mario with a magical beam from her horn. However, even though not much happened, the rest of the team was in complete shock.

”Oh...my...” Fluttershy’s jaw dropped.

”M-Mario?” Luigi stuttered.

”Why’s everyone looking at me like that? Is there something wrong?”

”You...must see yourself in the mirror, darling.” Rarity consulted. “Take a look.”

”WHAT?” as Mario fell backwards.

”Awesome!” Rainbow exclaimed. “Your cap has wings, Mario!”

”A Wing Cap?” Luigi inquired. “It’s been too long since we’ve one of those, right bro?”

”Yeah. Was this supposed to happen, Twilight?”

”No... Maybe? I don’t know! Well, according to legend, only Alicorn & Pegasus ponies can access the city of Cloudsdale. I guess anypony or anyone with wings can go there.”

”Have fun up there in Cotton Candy Land!” Pinkie exclaimed. “But whatever you do, don’t taste the rainbow!”

”I still need to walk on clouds, don’t I?” Luigi minded.

”Oh, sorry about that, Luigi!” Twilight apologized. “I guess I’ll give your cap wings, too.”

”Don’t worry, you two.” Cappy said. “If one of you loses or damages either of your caps, I can turn myself into your new cap.”

”Thanks Cappy.” Mario added.

Luigi also got zapped by Twilight, who felt himself being tickled instead when Mario felt being frozen in place. His green cap now has wings, too.

”How do I look, bro?”

”Good as always!” Mario replied. “This time, we’re ready to fly!”

”Be careful up there, Mario.” Twilight raised. “My friends will back you up in case of an emergency.”

”You can count on me, Twilight. Professor, Bowser, stay strong out there.”

”Relax, nothing is going to stop this king!” as Bowser sharpened his claws.

”And I will do my best to pick up the pace!” E. Gadd saluted.

”Without further ado, let’s-a-go!” as Mario triple jumped out the door.

Mario was in front as he led Luigi, Cappy, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash while flying freely up to Cloudsdale. They obviously admired the view on the way up and Fluttershy got a bit distracted watching the birds fly in sync, to which Rainbow had to drag her back on track.

”We’re just about halfway there.” Rainbow said. “There’s my cloud house, right above Ponyville.”

”What made you two decide to leave your hometown in order to live here?” Cappy asked.

”Besides Rainbow Dash’s ‘Sonic Rainboom’ bringing us altogether, we all had separate lives to carry on after we got our Cutie Marks.” Fluttershy addressed. “We still see our parents every now and then, though.”

”That’s good to know.” Mario acknowledged. “Hey look, there’s Canterlot right there!”

”Twilight should be heading there right now with Rarity and Professor E. Gadd, so that they can talk to Princess Celestia about the Memory Stone.” Rainbow explained.

”And since Twilight is Princess Celestia’s numer one pupil, getting into her castle won’t be a problem.” Fluttershy enumerated. “The castle’s also heavily guarded and armed in case anypony tries to attack, like King Sombra.”

”Oh, at least my stomach isn’t acting up yet!” Luigi gulped.

”I see ponies up there, I think we made it!” Mario confirmed.

”Then, follow my lead!” Rainbow whistled.


”Woah, this is so soft!” Mario exclaimed.

”We’re standing on unstable clouds, but once we get on the street, it should be safer for you guys to walk.” Fluttershy informed. “Just...please be super careful and watch your step!”

”This place looks so peaceful!” Luigi dozed off.

”Yeah, but us Pegasus ponies are always busy when it comes to weather patrol.” Rainbow said. “For me, I’m part of an elite group of flyers called the Wonderbolts, and we usually train hard and put on awesome shows for ponies across Equestria!”

”I’m not that good of a flyer...” Fluttershy whispered.

”Oh okay...” Mario hummed. “Anyway, Rainbow Dash, does this Daring Do know where we could find the Ring of Destiny?”

”Of course she knows, Mario! She actually keeps a safe eye on it in case her enemies try to steal it from her! The Ring of Destiny was almost used in an evil, dark ritual by her great archenemy, Ahuizotl, but Daring Do emerged victorious as always!”

”Hmm, Rarity mentioned something about her secret identity.” Luigi said. “Who is she?”

”A.K Yearling is the author of the Daring Do book series, but guess what?” Rainbow Dash freaked out. “She is Daring Do!”

”Are you serious?” Cappy begged the question. “You must’ve been so lucky to even meet her in the first place!”

”Yeah, very lucky! In fact, she trusts me enough that she recently moved here in Cloudsdale a few months ago, and she gave me her address in case of a real emergency, like this! Just remember Rarity’s words about trying not to expose Daring Do.”

7032 Tornado Avenue
Wing Street

”Daring Do shouldn’t be too far from here.” Fluttershy said. “Remembering from last time that Rainbow Dash brought me to her house, it’s the house with the curtains closed on each side.”

”Make sure no one is following us inside.” Mario warned.

”Let me do the honors.” Rainbow volunteered.

Knock knock.

”Uhh, is it just me or did the sky turn dark?” Luigi pointed up.

”Of course it just started raining!” Rainbow moaned. “I knew I should’ve taken the shift today!”

Bang bang.

The door finally opened, but with only a slight creek. Behind it was a female Pegasus pony wearing red glasses, a hat with a bow tie, and a purple cloak. She looked outside in digust because of the ongoing downpour of rain.

”Is that you, Rainbow Dash?”

”Yeah, it’s me!” Rainbow whispered. “How have you been, Daring Do?”

”It’s nice to meet you again, Rainbow, I’m fine! Quickly, we’ll talk inside where there’s no rain!”

”I’ll get the door!” Mario exclaimed. “Phew, at least my Wing Cap is still intact.”

”Mine too.” Luigi added.

”I hate getting wet.” Cappy complained.

”So, what can I do for you today, Rainbow Dash?” Daring Do asked.

”Daring, Fluttershy and I made some new friends that we found. This is Mario, Luigi, and Cappy!”

”Hello!” The three greeted.

”Hmm... Suspicious looking mustaches, weird overalls, and a floating top hat... Did you bring thieves into my house, Rainbow Dash?”

”No, they’re not thieves! They really need your help, Daring Do!”

”She’s right ma’am, we’re not thieves.” Mario reassured. “We have a very important favor that we would like you to do for us! We’d really appreciate it!”

”Okay, but anything that doesn’t involve evil or treasure, you can leave me out of it.” Daring reminded. “I’m listening.”

”You see, the three of us come from a world called the Mushroom Kingdom, which lost its princess to King Sombra.” Mario explained. “We ended up here in Equestria so that we can rescue her, but first, King Sombra wants us to collect some valuable items for him. One of them happens to be the Ring of Destiny, which is something Rainbow Dash said you have.”

”Stop right there!” Daring Do halted. “Why in Equestria would I give up the Ring of Destiny to that lunatic?”

”We’re not actually giving it to him, we’re asking you if we can borrow it so that we can pull off an elaborate ruse on him.” Rainbow mentioned.

”May we please borrow the Ring of Destiny?” Fluttershy asked gently.

”This definitely sounds like it could be dangerous. I’ll be kind enough to give it to you, but only on one condition.” Daring Do raised.

”What would that be?” Mario minded.

”Do you mind if I tag along? This sounds like a good idea for a new Daring Do book! As A.K Yearling, I must publish something amazing for my fans, even when it’s not really expected. You know, just to keep ponies on edge.”

”You want to come along with us?” Cappy asked. “Even when we get to King Sombra?”

”Yes.” Daring Do replied. “You all don’t have to worry. In case something happens to any of you or the Ring of Destiny, I’ll be there to protect you. Just please let me keep an eye on the Ring.”

”That sounds like a good deal, Mario!” Rainbow exclaimed.

”M-Mario?” Luigi checked.

”Something is coming this way! We have to get outside! We’ll talk about the Ring later!”


Outside in the pouring rain, near the edge of the city, was a large airship flying towards Mario’s team. The flag was an image of King Sombra himself, and that meant obvious trouble. The ship was being flown by what seemed to be a female parrot and her pirate crew, with all of them looking sinisterly angry as a dark aura was around them.

”Is that...Captain Celaeno?” Fluttershy pointed out.

”It is!” Rainbow confirmed.

”Looks like King Sombra got ahold of her and her crew.” Mario noticed. “I think we know the drill by now...”