• Published 6th Jul 2018
  • 856 Views, 25 Comments

Ticket to Madness - Evowizard25

Sunset has two tickets and six friends. Unfortunately for all of them, she doesn't know how sharing works.

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Ticket Confessions

Pizzelle happily hummed as she finished another dozen cookies. With as many orders she had received, she had a lot on her plate. It wasn’t bad though as this was one of her joys in life. The other was her son of course. Oh that brought back memories to when he started to call her mommy. She couldn't stop herself from crying for hours. It still was hard not to cry given how much it meant to her. He was currently in school right now and she couldn’t wait for him to come back so she could cuddle him some more.

That’s when she heard the little chime of the doorbell. She took off her oven mitts, placed them on the counter, and went over to open the door. She smiled as she looked at Sunset, “Sunset, I wasn’t expecting you here today. At the very least, not this early in the day.”

“Had a lot of things on my mind,” Sunset walked into the house once Pizzelle stood aside. “I thought I would come over and talk to you about a few of them.”

“By all means,” Pizzelle lead her into the living room and the two took a seat. It was simple room, just a couple of couches and some rugs. Although, the walls were littered with photos of several ponies. “I am actually glad that you came by. It’s been a while since I’ve had someone to really talk to.”

“We talked yesterday,” Sunset deadpanned.

Pizzelle giggled behind her hoof, “Oh I mean ‘Really’ talk to. Ditzy and Love Tap haven’t had as much time to come over and talk as they used to. All the recent disasters that happened recently have really shaken things up, dontcha know. So they’ve been trying to keep their own families safe. Good for them, but I miss the more carefree days of the past. Thankfully, if nothing pops up soon, it should go back to normal. Well, as normal as an Element bearer can be in life.”

“I gotcha,” Sunset said quickly, noting a stop in Pizzelle’s speech and capitalizing on it to stop the conversation. Sunset pulled out a quill and parchment. “I wanted to ask you a few questions. Mostly just curious is all.”

“Oh?” Pizzelle’s curiosity was perked. She leaned forwards, getting a bit closer to Sunset. “What ever could you ask of me?”

“Well just a simple question really,” Sunset said. “I was just wondering what you would do if given the opportunity to go to the Grand Galloping Gala.”

Pizzelle didn’t say anything for a moment. She just froze as her eyes widened, “The Grand Galloping Gala?” She finally said.

Sunset nodded, “Yeah, the Grand Galloping Gala.”

Pizzelle’s smile broke out into a huge, tooth bearing grin. “Oh yes. Now that would be a dream come true.” She gestured a hoof around her, “As you well enough know by now, I have quite the lineage. From explorers, to ecologists, and of course bakers.” She giggled, “And that is why I want to be something. Oh yes, many of my family aren’t famous but I want to put our family’s pastries out there into the wide world. What better way than to serve Princess Celestia herself. Oh you are a good princess, Sunset. Don’t get me wrong, but she is Princess Celestia. You must understand.”

Sunset didn’t take that as a slight at all. She simply nodded. Her mother was indeed the greatest being to grace the world. She wrote down everything she heard, “So you want to become a famous baker, right?”

“Well more like I want to spread my tasty pastries around the world to make people happy,” Pizzelle brought up her hooves together and gave a heartwarming smile. “The same way my ancestors did. Did I ever tell you the story of how my great, great Uncle tamed a horde of angry minotaurs with cherry pies?”

Sunset opened her mouth and closed it. That was not something she had heard about. It was just so… strange to think of that happening, “No I haven’t, but I don’t have the time to go over it.”

Pizzelle nodded, “I understand, but it certainly was a great tale. I’ll make sure to remember to tell you it soon enough. You’ll certainly enjoy it. Anyways, why are you bringing up the Grand Galloping Gala?”

Sunset held up a golden ticket which made Pizzelle gasp, “Oh my mom gave me an extra ticket, so I’m going around to see who deserves it the most.”

Pizzelle frowned, “Who you think deserves it the most?” She looked confused by the statement.

Sunset nodded, “Yep.” She stood up, “So thanks for sitting down and speaking to me. I’ll see you later, okay Pizzelle?”

Pizzelle nodded and waved her off. She sat there and tapped her chin. She would have to find a way to make herself seem like the most deserving. Her ancestors were counting on her after all.


“Okay,” Sunset looked at her little list and checked off the box by Pizzelle’s name. “Pizzelle’s done. Huh, quicker then I thought actually.” She smiled, “Thankfully I’m too smart to get caught up in one of her long spiels. Now who’s next?”

“Look out!” Sunset only had a second to look before a green blur smashed into her. The two tumbled about the ground as a loud crashing noise filled the air. Once they stopped, Sunset got her head on straight as it were and glared at her assailant. “Lightning Dust. What is the matter with you?”

Lightning snorted and got up. She extended a hoof, “Is that the thanks I get for saving your life?”

“Saving my life?” Sunset looked at her with a narrowed gaze. “What are you…?” She looked around Lightning to see a broken piano lying on the ground. Her eyes widened. Normally that would be easily swatted aside but had it taken her by surprise, well she wouldn’t be talking right now. “Thank you.”

Lightning grinned, “Don’t mention it.” She flew up towards the flying mail ponies and a large wagon. Ditzy was with them at the head, smiling apologetically. “What the hay was that about, Ditzy? Can’t your crew keep your stuff locked up?”

“I just don’t know what went wrong,” Ditzy spoke in turn. “It was secure when we lifted it off the ground.”

“Well just try to not fly over the marketplace or something,” Lightning huffed before landing beside her.

“You know,” Sunset said as ponies hustled over to clean away the debris. “I still wonder why Ditzy is a mailmare with all she does wrong.”

“Oh she’s never wrong about getting a package there on time,” Lightning corrected. “She’s good at her job. She’s just clumsy is all. Which is why she’s not allowed to handle delicate items.”

Sunset nodded, still not quite sure if that was the best job for the Ditzy mare. “Still though, I am glad you saved me. It also helped me out in the end because I was looking for you.”

Lightning quirked an eyebrow, “For what exactly?”

Sunset picked her quill and notebook out of her pack, “Oh I just want you to answer a question.”

“Alright, what’s the question?”

“Would you like to go to the Grand Galloping Gala?” Sunset said without hesitation.

“The Grand Galloping Gala?” Lightning said loud enough to gain the attention of a few passerbys. Sunset didn’t pay them any attention of course. They were beneath her notice. “I’d love to go.” Her wings flapped in eagerness, “It would be my ticket to getting into the Wonderbolts.”

Sunset hummed in thought, “Well you might be able to talk to them there, I’m not so sure-”

“Oh you’ve got to take me,” Lightning pressed forward before pulling back. “You are going, right?”

“I’ve got an extra ticket so I was wondering who deserved it the most,” Sunset admitted.

Lightning smirked and put a hoof over her heart, “I swear to you that I am the most deserving of it. You know what I’d do if I was a Wonderbolt? I’d awe Equestria with my killer lightning fast moves. No one could keep up, well except Rainbow Dash. No one’s as fast as her of course. Oooh, maybe I’d get partnered with her and we’d save Equestria. How awesome would that be?”

“Didn’t we save Equestria?”

“Pfft,” Lightning waved her off. “Oh we did and that was epic, but I wasn’t a Wonderbolt. Being a Wonderbolt would make the whole experience twenty percent cooler!”

“I get it,” Sunset pushed Lightning away as she was leaning in a little too close. “I’ll keep you in mind.”

“You better,” Lightning took off into the air. “I’ll be back later for my ticket.” With that, she sped off.

Sunset sighed. Lightning was a bit too forceful for her tastes. Of course, she couldn’t complain. She was forceful too. So she went on, not really paying attention to the whispers about.


Redheart looked over a number of vials she was working on. Each one of them held a concoction for this or that. All of them organic in origin of course. She preferred working with animals and the like, which she housed in another section of her own ‘workshop’ in the hospital. “So let me get this straight,” Redheart said as she turned around to face Sunset. “You want me to answer what I would do at the Grand Galloping Gala?”

Sunset nodded. The solar princess, daughter of Celestia, was sitting on a chair as she drank a bit of orange juice she had provided, “Yes indeed.”

“And I assume you have a ticket for me?”

“I have an extra ticket and if I find your reasons to be sound, I’ll give them to you.” Sunset spoke.

Redheart nodded, “Well that sounds fair.” She tapped her chin. “I’d honestly like some more funds for my project. Of course the Order Hospitaller sends me enough funds to conduct them, I’d like a bit more recognition and support to complete some of my projects.”

“Oh?” Sunset quirked an eyebrow. “Like what?”

“I’ve been thinking of splicing dinosaurs and ponies together,” Redheart said with absolute seriousness.

Sunset stared at her for a moment. She blinked a few times and then got up, “Yeah, I’m going to be leaving now.”

Redheart gave her a smile and wave, “Take care now.”


Sunset had been disturbed by the wish of Redheart. So much so that she had sought out Coco herself. She would give her some very much deserved rest from that insanity. The two of them sat together, with Coco nervously looking at her. “So what would you want if you went to the Gala?”

“Ummm,” Coco tapped her hooves together as she thought about it. “I would… like to help Rarity out with her outfits. If she got to sell some of them there, it would help us a lot. We’re doing fine, but some ponies are nervous to work with us because… you know…” She gestured to the Diamond Dog guards.

Sunset nodded in understanding. Rarity was Equestria’s only pony lead Diamond Dog pack. Because of that, a lot of ponies thought she was a savage. That was certainly not true, but the thought persisted. “I understand. Perhaps I’ll choose you to go with me once I’m finishing thinking this over.”

Coco’s eyes widened, “You would?”

Sunset nodded again, “Of course.”

“Yay~” Coco clapped her hooves and smiled, which honestly was rather heartwarming. She was glad she chose this location after Redheart. Nothing against her nurse friend but… yeah, her ideas could be crazy. Sunset was glad she wasn’t crazy.


Sunset huffed as she watched Quickfix working on some four wheeled contraption. Luckily for her, Fiddlesticks was there. Apparently she had come over to see what Quickfix was up to and ended up helping the zany inventor with another one of her inventions. “So what’s your answer?”

“Oh Ah’d just like to help the farm is all,” Fiddlesticks hoofed over a bunch of metal pieces to Quickfix, who took them in her magic. “If’n ah get to go, ah could make quite a profit. Them rich ponies would give us enough bits to fix up a bunch of stuff on the farm. Hey, we could even afford a barn that won’t get destroyed.”

“HA!” Quickfix barked in laughter. “Now that’s a joke, if’n ah’ve ever heard one. Ye got bad luck, ye Apples when it comes to barns.”

Fiddlesticks huffed, “So says ya. What do you want, Quicky?”

“How many times do ah have to tell ye to stop calling me that?” Quickfix huffed before patting the contraption she was working on. “Do ye recognize this, Sunset?”

Sunset shook her head, “Now, what is it? Wait,” she slapped her forehead. “Is it that automobile you spoke of when I first came to town?”

Quickfix’s grin almost split her face, “Oh yes, that’s it exactly. Ah don’t know about ye, but I’m getting closer to completing it. Just a bit more and Equestria will hit a new shiny age. Oh I can see it now, automobiles and other tech about everywhere.” She put her hooves together and a dreamy expression spread across her face, “Now that would be a dream come true.”

“Well today one of your dreams will come true,” Sunset smiled and held up a ticket as she wrote everything down. “I’ve got an extra ticket so that means I can bring someone who I feel deserves it with me.”

“Oh that would be me,” both Quickfix and Fiddlesticks said at the exact moment. They paused and looked at each other, before glaring.

“Don’t even think about it,” Fiddlesticks huffed. “Ah need it fer my family.”

“An ah need it fer me invention,” Quickfix snarled.

Sunset gulped, nervously getting up as her two friends glared at each other. “Ummm, okay. Maybe I should let you guys cool off. I’ll see you later when I make up my mind.” With that, Sunset excused herself. Not before coming across a mechanical cat and mouse running about the house. She sighed, nothing about this assignment was going to be easy. However, she would not let her mom down. She was going to make a choice and that was one she would stick with. She just hoped that the fighting would stop soon.

Author's Note:

I am sorry for how long it took to write this chapter. As I said in the blog, Fate stories have eaten up a lot of my time. Hopefully, I can finish this story soon enough. Until then, I hope you enjoyed this story and please leave a comment. They are greatly appreciated and really do help me to improve. Take care.