• Published 6th Jul 2018
  • 857 Views, 25 Comments

Ticket to Madness - Evowizard25

Sunset has two tickets and six friends. Unfortunately for all of them, she doesn't know how sharing works.

  • ...

No Choice is Best Choice

Apple Cobbler couldn’t help but grumble to herself as she helped her cousin setup yet another party in Sugar Cube Corner. Oh don’t get her wrong. She loved her family. Apples gotta stick together, which is why even she wasn’t too fond of Applejack since she left it. Still, that didn’t mean she didn’t find Fiddlesticks a bit much at times. It didn’t help that a certain brother of hers was mucking around.

“Ouch,” Caramel, for the fourth time that day, stumbled over his own hooves. He had a bandage wrapped around his head. That had been acquired during that night where she and her brother had gotten caught by the Inquisition. Thankfully, nothing much had came from it except for him getting his head hurt when they had gotten him down from the trap.

Apple Cobbler swore that her brother was born with bad luck. It was up to her to help him with that. If she got rich in the meantime, that was a big bonus~ She huffed and turned to her cousin, “So I’ve been meaning to ask you all day, but what’s this party about?”

“Oh it’s about my bestest friend in the whole world,” Fiddlesticks beamed as she was arranging sparkly sun pictures across the walls. “Sunset Shimmer.”

Apple Cobbler’s eyes sparkled as she grinned, “You don’t say.” ‘Praise Celestia, looks like fortune is coming my way.’ “I’m sure she’ll be grateful for us throwing this party in her honor.”

“Yep,” Fiddlesticks nodded. She wasn’t paying much attention to what she was saying at the moment. “It’s why Ah’m gonna get that ticket.”

“...Ticket?” Apple Cobbler raised an eyebrow.

Fiddlesticks nodded again, this time more enthusiastically. “Yeppers. She’s got an extra ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala. It’s gonna be mine.”

Apple Cobbler’s grin only grew, “Oh that is a lovely thought.” ‘This is perfect. My idiot brother just needs to get in her good graces. Surely Sunset’s friends will drive her crazy and he will sweep her off her hooves and I’ll be rich and living the dream in no time.’

Suddenly a voice spoke up from behind her, “What’s this about Sunset and tickets?”

If Apple Cobbler had not violently reacted at the moment, she would have realized it was none other than Shade. The reformed servant of Nightmare Moon was having a rather good day thus far. That is until Apple Cobbler let out a startled whinny and bucked him away. He smacked into Caramel and they both fell over. She sighed, “Sorry about that.”


Now usually Princess Sunset Shimmer wasn’t one to eat out, especially not at small diners. It was mostly the attention that annoyed her, although the flimsy food choices didn’t help. She was a princess after all and had the finest chefs at her disposal. As for the attention, she did love it but it could get grating at times. So she simply wished to eat with only her family. Every other time she could spend watching ponies grovel at her hooves. Now that would be excellent.

Right now though she didn’t have time to watch ponies grovelling. She was sitting and looking over her notes. Each one carried a wish of her friends. A wish she could grant if she only took them to the Grand Galloping Gala. Yet every time she looked at them, she just grew more and more confused. It annoyed her, which caused her to let out an annoyed snort.

“Something on your mind,” her brother, Spike, said from the other side of the table.

Sunset snarled as she bit into her quill. It left a bad taste in her mouth but at this very moment, she didn’t care. The air around her was getting pretty hot and a few pedestrians nearby had to move due to the death glare she was giving the notebook. ‘Come on brain, WORK! Think of something. Which should be the ticket holder and who should be pushed aside? Why can’t I just pick? Why is this just so damned hard?’

Spike wasn’t affected by it due to witnessing it too often. He sighed, “Sunset, if you don’t stop glaring, you’ll burn this place down to the ground.”

“I am thinking, Spike.” Sunset growled. “Don’t make me burn you.”

Spike rolled his eyes, “Like that ever works.” To which she set his head on fire. He just sat there and gave her his best ‘really’ stare. He wiped away the flames and went about the conversation as if it didn’t happen. “Okay, I see this whole ticket thing is getting to you. Why don’t I just ask mom to send more tickets?”

“Pfft, as if.” Sunset snarled, throwing her quill behind her. The waiter yelped as they dodged it. “Mom is testing me. I will not fail her.”

“But you don’t know if she’s really testing you. For all we know, this was a mistake.”

“Mom never makes mistakes.”

Spike just stared at her for a moment, “How about that time she accidentally ordered us twenty five ninjas.”

“Okay, that was kind of my fault.” Sunset winced at that memory. “I did say I wanted a set of ninja toys and she sort of… took it literally but besides that one time she’s been pretty on point. Well except when Auntie Ammy comes over but she is a Kitsune. They are rather flustering.”

“And beautiful,” Spike grinned which earned a scoff from Sunset. “But seriously, let me send a quick note to mom. I’m sure she’ll understand.”

“Not on your life,” Sunset shot back. “I am going to do this and I’m going to do this right.”

Spike sighed as he settled himself into a more comfortable position, “I’m just trying to look out for you, sis. You’re going to run yourself ragged.” She just glared at him. He simply raised a hand in defense, “But I’ll leave you to it then, if that’s how you’re going to be.”

Sunset smiled and nodded, “That’s rather wise of you, Spike. You should know by now that I am always right.” She chose to ignore his look of annoyed disbelief. She smiled in relief when the waiter came over, “Oh thank goodness. I’m starving.”

Before she could order however, Apple Cobbler with Caramel in hoof, saddled up next to Sunset Shimmer. “Princess Shimmer! It’s a delight to meet you again.” Apple Cobbler said with a smile.

“Right,” Sunset didn’t pay her much mind, opening her mouth to order.

“Such a nice day out, right Caramel?” Apple Cobbler looked over at her brother.

Caramel hesitantly nodded, “Yeah, it is.”

“You know, Princess Shimmer.” Apple Cobbler said. “My brother is a rather dependable stallion. If you needed someone to go with you to somewhere important, he’s probably the best pick in town.”

“She’ll keep that in mind,” Spike narrowed his eyes.

Sunset set herself at ease. Usually her brother would be all over any cute girl that so happens to cross his vision. If he wasn’t interested, then she wasn’t worth either of their time in the first place. It also meant she didn’t have to deal with his flirting at all. So she turned to order something.

“He’s also a great dancer,” Apple Cobbler cut in a bit louder. “He’d sweep you off your hooves, princess.”

Sunset glared at her. She had to give Apple Cobbler credit. She didn’t recoil like most ponies would. ‘That still doesn’t give you any brownie points in my book.’

“Oh Sunset,” Pizzelle walked over with a tray of cookies on her back. “I was looking all over town for you. I just realized I had some extra cookies and I wanted to share them with you.”

“Ma’dam,” the waiter spoke up. “You aren’t supposed to bring food to a cafe.”

“Oh pish posh,” Pizzelle said. “Why I often brought my own snacks to a number of cafes when I was travelling with THE Great and Powerful Presto They always appreciated my cooking. In fact, a number of cafes took up my recipes. One time I even stopped a minotaur from trying to declare war on Equestria with a few muffins. Oh now that is quite the tale actually.”

“I think we got the picture,” Apple Cobbler snorted. “What are you doing here?”

“Sunset is my dear friend,” Pizzelle spoke up. “And I wanted to give her a few treats and maybe talk about a few things. Like, perhaps, tickets.”

Sunset groaned, “About that…” ‘How do I explain to her that I don’t know who to choose yet?’

Before she could say anything, the area around her started to darken. Ponies started to run to shelter, crying out about rain. Sunset frowned and looked up to see gray clouds forming around her in the sky. “What the-”

And like that, the rain started. Pizzelle and the others gave a cry of discomfort as they ran into the cafe. Spike was the only one to stay as the rain didn’t bother him. He just sighed, obviously as irritated as Sunset was in that moment. Although Sunset was thankful that the rain was falling on everything but her in the one patch of remaining sunshine.


“Yeah, sis?”

“Was it supposed to rain today?”

Spike scratched his head, “Not that I recall.”

“Hey Sunset,” the two of them looked up to see none other than Lightning Dust. “Funny seeing you here on this fine day.”

“It’s not exactly fine if it’s raining,” Sunset spoke.

Lightning chuckled, “Yep, which is why I decided to help you out today. You know, because we’re the best of friends and all that.”

“And I’m sure it has nothing to do with the tickets,” Sunset said as she quirked an eyebrow.

“Well maybe, but we are friends.” Lightning clarified. “Friends help each other.”

“Which is why Ah brought my portable saddle umbrellas,” Quickfix piped up. The lot of them looked over to see that she was wearing a mechanical bridle that had a large silver umbrella over her body. “Saw the clouds a gatherin’ so Ah thought to come over and make sure my great friend here, Sunset Shimmer, was doin’ alright.”

“I got here first,” Lightning growled.

“Well actually,” Pizzelle came back out, now with an umbrella of her own which she held in one of her wings. “I was the first one to get to her.”

“Quickfix,” Sunset asked. “Are you here for-”

“The ticket,” Quickfix cut her off with a smile. “‘Course Ah am. Ye need me to have a roarin’ good time and to help this here country of ours flourish.”

“That’s it,” Sunset conjured a small shield of magic over herself and started walking. The water droplets smacked into the shield, leaving her dry. “I’m going to the Sugar Cube Corner and getting something to eat there. Come on, Spike.” She speedily walked away from the group.

“This was your fault,” Lightning called down to Quickfix.

“Don’t make me come up there and give ye a whallop,” Quickfix shook a hoof angrily up at her.


Sunset huffed as she neared the entrance of Sugar Cube Corner. She never really got why the owners had to make it look so much like a gingerbread house. Granted, it went well with their theme but still. She found it to be a bit much, but she wasn’t complaining right now.

“Sunset,” Spike spoke up. “Don’t let them get to you. They might be a bit greedy right now, but they are still your friends.”

“I know,” Sunset huffed again. “I just need to get something to eat and clear my head, then I can pick one of them. I just hope they don’t get on my nerves continuously until then.”

Unfortunately for her, life wasn’t going to ease up on her. For the moment she opened the door, a pair of hooves pulled her in quicker then she could blink. She found herself in the middle of a large group of ponies. The place looked like it was about to host a party.

“Surprise,” everypony screamed.

“Are ya surprised, Sunset?” Fiddlesticks bounced up and down in front of her. “Are ya?”

“Yes, but not in a good way.” Sunset muttered to herself. She didn’t want to scream at Fiddlesticks. Oh she’d scream at the others if they kept up with this ticket business, but she still remembered Fiddlesticks look of anguish over the burnt trees. She had been forgiven, but she still felt like she needed to keep her cool around the country mare.

“Well this party should lift yer spirits,” Fiddlesticks giggled as she lead Sunset into the party.

Sunset had to admit, the next few minutes were alright. This wasn’t anything new. She had attended a party or two of Fiddlesticks before. They were certainly different than the parties in Canterlot. Not as extravagant, but much easier to be at ease without some noble breathing down her back. Spike was of course flirting with a few mares. She decided to move over to the buffet table after playing a game or two.

Sunset smiled as she picked up a cupcake and opened her mouth. That’s the moment Redheart slammed a large folder onto the table. Sunset put down the cupcake, “Redheart, what the hay?”

“As Celestia as my witness, I tell you that these documents will change Equestria forever.” Redheart huffed. “I have new designs that could help us greatly.”

“Uh-huh,” Sunset nodded. ‘Run. Run. No way in Equestria am I going to try to reason with a mare who’s on about this sort of thing.’ Sunset tried to walk backwards, but came into contact with Coco Pommel. “Oh, it’s you Coco. Sorry for bumping into you.”

“It’s fine,” Coco muttered. “That happens a lot. Ponies don’t really notice me.”

Sunset nervously smiled, “Right.” ‘How is that possible, anyways? She’s too darn cute to not notice.’ “So what are you doing here?”

“Oh, well… ummm…” Coco nervously rubbed her foreleg.

“You can tell me,” Sunset said. She was honestly hoping it would be something other then the ticket. That was a subject she just wanted to bury right now since she was so hungry.

“I was wondering if you would, if that is okay, I mean you don’t have to, not that I’m trying to force you to do anything.”

“Like what?”

“...Ticket?” Coco looked up at her with pleading eyes.

Sunset quickly averted her gaze so as to not look into that cute face, “N-Not right now. I’m still thinking about that extra Gala ticket.”

“Did somepony say Gala ticket?” Both Redheart and Fiddlesticks spoke up. A few other ponies turned their heads toward her.

Sunset stared at everyone and huffed, “You know what? I’m done. I’m just going home.” She pushed past everyone. “Come on, Spike.”

“But ya can’t leave,” Fiddlesticks jumped in front of her. “We haven’t finished yet.”

“I know what you are trying to pull,” Sunset poked her friend’s chest. “It’s devious and I like that, but right now? I am not in the mood.” She used her magic to push Fiddlesticks aside and walk out with Spike in hoof.


Sunset snarled as she stomped through the streets. The pegasi were already starting to clear up the skies, so it wasn’t downpouring anymore. Sunset found that strange, but then again, this was Lightning Dust. Leave it to her to rain on someone deliberately for something.

“Sunset,” Spike started to speak.

“Can it, Spike.” Sunset huffed. “They’re acting stupid right now. I don’t want you defending them.”

“Now sis,” Spike said as the pair stopped before the door of the library. “I know they are getting carried away-”

“Just like the nobility,” Sunset’s scowl deepened. “I was hoping I would get away from plot lickers like that but throw a golden ticket in front of a pony’s face and they go crazy.”

“You’re not going to try and burn them, are you?”

“Pfft, as if.” Sunset scoffed at the idea. “But… Okay, maybe I will if they keep this up. Then they’d get it out of their heads or something.” With that, she opened the door and readied herself to relax and get something to eat.

The moment she did, she didn’t take long to spot six particular mares standing or laying down on a ledge up in the library. Sunset simply stared at them as she walked inside with her brother and closed the door behind her. She just kept continuing to stare. The mares nervously fidgeted about.

“So…” Quickfix spoke up finally. “About that ticket.”

“I don’t know who to give it to,” Sunset growled. “And I really don’t appreciate you trying to bribe me to get it. Bribe or generally bother me about it. I don’t care who goes. I just want someone I can call a friend to come with me and that’s bucking hard to do with six. Not to mention you all have reasons to go. Should I choose one over the others because I personally believe it to be more important? Is that friendship? To choose what’s more important and fuck the rest? Are they more or less important? I don’t know. I don’t bloody well know and then you go on about that and I just want to get something to eat.”

The mares cringed as they looked about themselves. They looked down with their droopy ears. Shuffling about, they sighed.

Fiddlesticks was the first to jump down. She quickly went over and pulled Sunset into a hug, “Ah’m sorry, Sunset. Ah didn’t mean to make ya feel that way.”

“Same here,” Quickfix joined into the hug.

“Same,” Redheart was next.

“We are too,” Pizzelle pulled Coco into the large embrace.

“We don’t want the ticket if it means you’re going to feel bad about it.” Coco spoke. The others nodded in agreement.

“So… does that mean I get it?” Lightning grinned, earning her a glare from everyone. She sighed and joined into the embrace. “Okay, okay. I don’t need the ticket. Geeze.”

Sunset smiled, “You know, I don’t think I need it either.” ‘At least not this year.’ “I’ve got a lot to learn about friendship and, well, I don’t think I can learn it at a prissy dance.” She turned to Spike, “Spike, take a letter.”

Sunset cleared her throat as Spike prepared to write, “Dear mom. I wanted to let you know that while I am happy that you would send me tickets to the Gala, I have to decline. I honestly can’t choose between my friends and I don’t want to hurt them with this choice. A true friend shouldn’t make a choice like that if they can avoid it. So you can take it and give it to somepony else. Love, Sunset.”

Spike nodded. He quickly finished it and breathed fire, sending the letter away with the tickets inside. He smiled at her, “Now that was very mature of you, sis.”

“Don’t push your luck,” Sunset huffed before Spike hiccuped and a letter shot out of his mouth. She frowned, “Wow, that was fast.”

Spike nodded and opened it up, “Ahhh, it seems mom is glad you feel that way. She thinks you’ve come a long way and that she can’t to see more friendship letters. However, she’s also very sorry. There was a mistake.” He pulled out seven golden tickets causing the mares to gasp. Spike just smirked.

“Do not say it,” Sunset scowled. “Do not bucking say it.”

Spike rolled his eyes, “Alright, princess. I won’t say it.” He smirked. “But I’ll think it~” He got a fireball to the face for that, to which he just chuckled.

Sunset huffed before turning to her excited friends. They were chatting and gossiping about what they would do at the Gala and it was just great to hear. She couldn’t help but smile. She may not be a good friend, but she was getting better. She just hoped she could keep it up and not mess things for everyone.


Celestia huffed within her private room. She tapped her hoof against the floor. She was honestly agitated with herself for forgetting about the other ponies. That wasn’t like her. She normally was more perceptive but it must have been one of her off days. Still, this was a perfect opportunity for another lesson for Luna. Maybe this one would get through to her. She could only hope.

She turned to the ball, “I’m sorry, Ammy. I’m going to have cut this meeting short.”

Amaterasu nodded with a smile, “Go on. I think I can take care of the rest of this on my own. Dealing with kirin is honestly… stressful. So I’m glad you were able to help out, even if it took a while. Sorry about that.”

“Don’t be,” Celestia waved off the concern. “I’m happy to help out a friend. Now, I’ve got to take care of some private business. I’ll see you later.”

“See you,” Amaterasu said before Celestia canceled the magic inside, causing the images to fade.

Celestia smiled as she walked out of the room. Talking with her best friend usually went a long way in lifting her mood. She just hoped it would carry through to her conversation with her sister. Again, she could only hope.

Author's Note:

This took longer then I wanted to. Mostly because of a burnt computer but a little bit of procrastination didn't help out. Either way, this is the end of this story and I hope you all enjoy it. It might take a while before I publish another Shimmerverse story as I have to clear up which I'll choose but until then, I'm thankful for all those that have read this. I can't wait to read your feedback. Until next time, take care.

Comments ( 3 )

This was a good chapter. Turned out a bit like the actual canon series, but different enough to keepit quick.

And smug Spike is best Spike.

That was a fun little story, good job!

A cute story. I was sure near the end Sunset was going to throw the ticket on the ground and have her five friends fight for it, but luckily she's more mature than I am!

Wow, I can't believe Apple Cobbler said Caramel, Mr. Clumsy, is a good dancer with a straight face!

Good to see Shade again, perhaps he will realize he has some kind of rivalry with Caramel/Apple Cobbler.

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