• Published 11th Jul 2018
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A horseshoe to rule them all - Bronycommander

Mordor, the land where the Shadows Lie. Four foals by the name of Dinky, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom have to find a way to escape this cursed place

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Chapter 10 The cure

Chapter 10: The cure

The ponies had all slept well as they woke up in the morning, getting greeted by the warm sun. “Good morning, everypony!” Dinky greeted her friends.

“Morning, Dinky,” Fletcher replied with a smile.

While they breakfasted, they noticed that Talion’s Warchief was now wearing the iconic black armor as the other Warchief’s, never letting his guard down.

Only now, they noticed Talion was gone. “I guess he has something to do.” The grey unicorn suspected before they heard a voice.

“Well, well, well, look who we got here.” They turned around and saw Torvin riding on a Caragor towards them. They all looked in awe and confusion at it, how could he been able to tame it? They had only seen Talion doing it with his Elf abilities. The couldn’t even think about a possibility as he climbing off, the Orcs paid him no attention and strangely, he didn’t bother them as well.

“If you're looking for a hunting partner, you're in the wrong place,” Wolf said as he walked up to them.

“Aye, your friend from the Black Gate said somethin' similar. Turned out to be wrong. Though he had to run off to hunt Warchiefs. Heh...Not quite as exciting. So would you be his noble warhorses then? Or do you just shoulder the baggage?” He asked the knights.

“Neither. Where we come from, we're special operations commanders.” Midnight replied and the man laughed.

“Oh, my mistake. We got commanders in our midst. Well, better look sharp, eh? Commander’s coming, better sharpen the swords, eh, and make sure our boots are nice and shiny!” He joked, causing the ponies to chuckle.

“You got quite some humor, Torvin.” Apple Bloom liked it.

“Aye. Helps to be in the refined field of beast-huntin'. The hunt is my mistress. Beautiful, thrilling…And she doesn’t nag, like my wife.” He smiled and the ponies chuckled again.

“You do know some ways to brighten up the mood.” Dinky smiled at him.

“Aye. And that's gettin' harder around these parts with orcs poppin' up by the dozen. Then again, with yer' ranger friend about, that don't seem so hard to deal with nowadays.” Torvin replied with a smile on his own. “I’d like to stay for a chat, but the hunt is never over. I wish you a good hunt, commanders!” He laughed and got on his Caragor again, riding away.

“So, what should we do until Talion comes back?” Scootaloo asked and Midnight thought for a moment, putting a hoof to his chin.

“We should go back to the queen, I mean the Ranger still has to report about his success. With any luck, we might cross ways.”

“Sounds good to me,” Fletcher replied and the others nodded, moving out, with the Warchief saluting them.

Talion after having taught from Torvin, reached the stronghold of the Warchief he was currently hunting and the Wraith gave him advice, “Prove no weapon can touch us.”

With that in mind, the Ranger tore through the Orc ranks, using his sword, dagger, Bow and Wraith abilities, slicing, shooting and throwing the enemies back without much effort until he heard again a choir, yelling, “Barfa!” And he saw the Warchief appearing in the distance.

This Warchief was an Orc with a helmet having horns on both sides, his nose was small, his teeth sharp, escorted by an orc wearing armor that reminded the Ranger of the armor worn by the Knights and Gondor’s soldiers.

“Ranger!” The Warchief yelled, “Puns Uruks no match! Fight me! Kill you!”

He tried to strike the Ranger who blocked his attacks with ease, before the other Orc clashed swords with him. “Manswine! I will defend my master until my last breath!”

Talion then pushed him back and fired an arrow into his chest, throwing him back and dealt a few strikes, knocking him back and stunned him, as he held his head.

The man used this as his chance to brand him, grabbing him and Celebrimbor yelled, “You will obey!”

In a matter of seconds, the bodyguard’s eyes glowed blue, showing he was branded and started to attack his former master, keeping him busy.

Talion used this distraction, to stab the Warchief into the back, he cried in pain as he dropped on one knee and looked at the human in disgust. “Tark scum! Sauron kill you!” He shouted before the ranger grabbed him and the Wraith responded,

“You are mine!” And in a flash, Barfa was under their control too.

“Another Warchief submits. We've stemmed the tide. Queen Marwen and the others will be glad to hear it.” Talion suggested, with Celebrimbor nodding.

It didn’t take long for him to arrive, seeing he was just in time, as the ponies arrived at the Queen’s home too. “I see my Warchief did his work.” The Ranger commented with a smile, the foals returned it as they entered, noticing that everything was dark.

Marwen had her head lowered and coughed, causing the Knights and Ranger to draw their weapons, approaching carefully.

Suddenly she bashed the staff on the ground and a white flash threw everyone back, Dinky groaned as she landed on her back, seeing the Wraith being dragged towards the Queen.

“Do not resist me, Celebrimbor. Together we can be invincible. The Dark Lord Sauron is still weak. Our army can destroy him.” Marwen said with an echoing voice.

“Mother!” Lithariel ran in, only to be thrown back too as Talion’s voice sounded weak,

“Break the staff!” Dinky grabbed Talion’s sword and gave it the young woman and hit the top of the staff, the queen got thrown back and the Wraith returned to the Ranger in a flashing light and Talion gasped.

“Mother!” Lithariel yelled as the queen wasn’t moving at all.

“Is…is she dead?” Sweetie Belle feared the worst.

“She can’t be dead!” Apple Bloom exclaimed as Lithariel fell to her knees, sobbing in front of her mother.

With a loud gasp, Marwen got up, having a more healthy and younger appearance, and she embraced her daughter with a smile, as Midnight asked in confusion, “Can somebody tell me what just happened?”

“Your mother has been under the spell of a very powerful wizard.” The Ranger explained to Lithariel as he got up and the queen lowered her head.

“Talion, I am sorry. Saruman brought you here against my will. I went to him for help. I ended up being a prisoner in my own body.”

“What have you seen, in your visions?”

“I have seen Sauron’s servants. The Tower and The Black Hand. They bring much suffering.” She sounded scared. “If you wish to know where they are, they are across the Sea of Núrnen.”

“Their forces? How strong?”

“Strong enough to defeat us all.” She replied and Talion thought for a moment.

“Then we truly need an army.”

“Yes, it will be necessary for a victory that allows us to get the foals out of here.” Midnight added.

As Talion walked out, Marwen’s daughter said to her mother, “Illness still plagues you. Rest, mother. I will make preparations for our journey out of Mordor.” Then she walked out too and Scootaloo bowed.

“Your Highness. We're glad you're okay. Thanks for letting us stay here, we'll try to pull our weight.”

“Thank you, young one. Please do me a favor and look out for my daughter.”

“We will, your highness.” The batpony replied respectfully and they moved out, following the princess as she and a few soldiers moved towards a stronghold apparently auguring but they couldn’t hear anything until they got close

“I care not of the risks. It’s for the well-being of the Queen” She explained to her soldiers.

“My lady, this does not seem…” One soldier protested before a new voice cut them off.

“Attacking the camp would be ill-advised.” They turned around to see Talion and the soldiers drew their swords in alert, only for the lady to hold up a hand.

“He’s on our side. I have no choice, Talion. I need my mother’s elixir.”

“Even the stranger says this is a fool’s errand!” One other soldier pointed out.

Dinky noticed Talion had a light amorous expression as the Wraith said to him, “I know who she reminds you of, Talion. She is from this world. You are not.”

“Enough!” Lithariel yelled, tearing them out. “We attack as planned.”

“We will take care of the Orcs.” Talion offered.

“We could follow behind, unseen.” One if the soldiers concluded.

The Princess then added, “We get the medicine and we leave.”

With that as answer, the Ranger and ponies moved in, Fletcher took a high position on a tower, firing silently arrows on the guards below, Midnight and Wolf used their wings to tore silently through the ranks, with Talion grabbing stragglers by the head, branding them as this hand glowed blue.

“That should do it,” Fletcher commented as most Orcs were eliminated and prepared to climb down, but slipped and Sweetie Belle lost her grip, with Dinky trying to grab her, but failed.

The white unicorn cried in pain as she rolled down, having a rough landing but was otherwise fine. She groaned in pain before her blood froze as she heard a voice. “Look here!”

Before her was an orc the like of which she'd never seen. He was drenched in trailing stains and smears of blood, some old some fresh and despite his set of scars that criss-crossed all over his body, she could tell it wasn't his own blood. His nose and ears were crooked and pierced with rings and bones. His jutting chisel-jaw tilting as he grinned, baring serrated, shark-like teeth. His sunken, toxic-green eyes were decorated with a broad stripe of crimson across the upper part of his face. His matted, straw-like hair was tied up behind his head. Spiky steel plate covered his chest, shoulders, arms and knees. Clutched in his hand was a bloody black-iron axe fixed to the top of its handle by a screaming skull impaled through the cranium, all of it as coated in gore as the orc who held it. As the monster eyed her, Sweetie Belle was certain the axe moved on its own in his hand, the jaw of the skull clacking slightly. The orc raised it to its ear and spoke reassuringly, almost fondly, “What? Yes, yes, I know you want to see what the little horse's neck feels like. Just wait your turn now. Let's savor the moment, shall we?” He spoke to himself and grinned, the filly trembled in fear, unable to move.

Her life flashed before her eyes and her friends looked down with worry, Fletcher prepared to fire an arrow from above but…

A scream of pain.

But it was not Sweetie Belle’s. Slowly opening her eyes, she saw the Orc had been stabbed in the back by someone. “Oh, did that hurt? You don't look so well. Maybe it's time you made way for someone tougher!”

He got shoved back by a branded Orc, visible by the blue glowing eyes. He was tall, his face broad, wearing a helmet with horns at the side, yet looked very familiar to the Royal Guard, making him very intimidating, but also showed a commanding authority.

Before the hostile Orc could react, an arrow hit him into the back, followed by a quick strike in the back by Wolf and Midnight, causing him to stumble.

The Ranger then dealt a few quick strikes to the chest before being blocked and shoved back by getting head-butted by the Orc as he tried to recover, grunting slightly in pain

As the Orc prepared for another attack, his former bodyguard dealt a mortal strike across the chest, blood splattered as the mace-wielding orc dropped to his knees and Talion grabbed him. “Suffer me now!” The filly watched in awe as the Orc stared in fear for a few seconds, then his eyes also glowed blue.

“Are you alright?” The Ranger asked her and she nodded.

“Thank you.”

“No need, I was actually convenient, allowing me to brand the next Warchief. And the camp is cleared.”

With that, they walked outside, and Talion asked the woman, “Did you find what you needed?”

“Yes.” She held up a small bottle and gave it to a soldier. “Take this to the Queen. Immediately.”

“I doubt any medicine from Men will cure her Queen,” Celebrimbor commented on it as the soldier left.

“Let’s hope it will heal your mother,” Talion said with worry as the princess reached for a small note.

“We found this message. Orc leaders plan a gathering by the fishing village. We can prepare an ambush. I owe you a great thanks.”

“We’re glad to be of assistance,” Dinky replied with a smile.

“We’re lucky to have you,” Lithariel said and the filly heard the Wraith again, talking to Talion.

“These are not your people, Talion. Remember your wife and son.”

“Well, we mustn’t keep you.” The ranger said to the princess.

“Yes, every moment is precious.” Then she left with her soldiers.

Dinky and her friends watched in awe as Talion grabbed the Warchief and stayed silent for a few seconds, then released him and the Orc walked away.

“The Queen should know of this.” He suggested and they nodded.

It was a silent trip, yet the ponies wondered how many Warchiefs were left and what Talion had done to the currently branded Warchief.

“Talion, do you know how many Warchiefs are left?” It refused to leave Dinky’s mind.

“Two, according to the intel I gained from the Warchief here.” He replied.

“Things are going good so far, don’t you think?” The yellow country filly asked and the man nodded in response before they heard a groan of pain.

A wounded soldier limped towards them, bleeding from the leg and Talion took a leg, asking, “What happened?”

“The Orcs…ambushed us…Princess…captured…” The man told with a shaken voice and the young ponies gasped upon hearing it.

“Don’t worry, we will save her. Get back to the queen and report.” The Ranger said and the soldier nodded, pointing at a stronghold into the distance before moving on

They barely entered as they heard a female scream. “That scream was Lithariel’s. We must find her quickly.” Talion figured out, “Look around, I will get us some help.” He turned to the ponies who nodded.

The Knight took elevated positions with the foals, seeing how Talion sneaked around the stronghold, branding every Orc he came across without alerting others and Dinky looked around, hoping it wasn’t too late.

“There she is!” The unicorn pointed to the far end of it, seeing the woman struggling in the grasp of two Orcs, a third one having white marks on his body held up a blade.

“Maybe if we make her bleed a little, she’ll start talking.” Lithariel kicked him in response and he growled in anger. “Down on her knees.” His comrades did as told. “Spit out the truth before I make you spit out your lung. Where is the Gravewalker?”

“I do not fear you. Cut me again if you dare!” The woman countered.

Dinky and her friends watched as Talion jumped from a ledge, throwing an Orc to the ground and branded him. “You want the Gravewalker? Here I am!”

He blocked a strike of the white marked Orc and kicked him, throwing him back before slicing him, then made quick strikes to deal with the others before he heard a yell. “Guilty!” And clashed swords with another Warchief.

This one also wore a helmet with horns, but most of the face was hidden by a skull- like mask. “Oi, I’ve got an execution to make, and you're in my way. No worries. I've plenty of time...and head-spikes!” He then got shoved back by the Ranger and got hit several times by his sword into the chest. The Orc grunted in pain, holding his wound as it was a clean cut before trying a counterattack, which Talion blocked swiftly and kicked him into the chest, knocking him back.

In a flash, an arrow hit him into the knee, pinning him back and two quick strikes from above, followed by kicks throwing him over and the human stood above him, grabbing his head. “You are mine!”

Upon having him branded, Talion helped Lithariel up and carried her towards the entrance as reinforcements arrived, but the branded orcs, together with the ponies, formed a wall in front of them, slashing their weapons, while the foals kicked whenever they could until the injured human was out of danger.

“Here, rest here.” Talion gently sat her down and bandaged her wounded leg.

“Why are you doing this?” She wanted to know.

“To stop the bleeding.”

“No. Why did you come back to save me?” At those words, Talion stayed silent for a moment with a slightly sad expression.

“I had a family once. A wife, and a son. And I buried them, along with everyone I ever knew.”

Lithariel put a hand on his shoulder. “Stay with us. My mother can help you.”

“I can’t. I don’t belong here.”

“You will be a champion to my people. Your young friends will be safe.”

“Sorry, but we don’t belong here either.” Midnight said before a voice called out,

“Over there!” They turned into the direction of the call, seeing a group of soldiers running towards them.

“Can you walk on your own?” Talion asked her and she asked in return,

“Is that your answer?”

“My lady! You’re hurt. Let me help.” One of the soldiers assisted her.

“You need to leave this place immediately, it’s not safe,” Talion advised the soldiers as they helped her Lady up.

“Thank you all.” She said as they walked away.

“So, only one Warchief left, right?” Apple Bloom asked the Ranger, who nodded.

“Aye, only one left, and I already organized his…removal. Follow me.”

He led them on a hill and they saw two hordes of Orc’s facing each other, one was branded, but the high made it too difficult to make out details but they noticed that one branded Orc had a familiar helmet to the one who had saved Sweetie Belle.

“You think that little following can take us? Ha!” He taunted.

“No Warchief fights me and fights again after!” The hostile Warchief taunted in return and they drew their weapons. The ponies could faintly make out he was wearing a helmet as well but had jags on both sides and on the top.

“Oh, this is gonna be fun!” Wolf drew her knives with a grin but Talion held her back.

“Let’s just watch, we earned it.”

“Fine.” She grumbled as the battle started, seeing that the hostile Warchief had three branded Orcs in his ranks, who started to backstab the lower ranked Orcs, while the Warchief charged at the leader of the branded Orc, he swiftly blocked every attack.

It was fascinating for the ponies as they saw how the branded soldiers gained the upper hand, killing all enemies safe for the Warchief, who blocked every attack with effort before getting stabbed into the back by the branded leader.

He yelled in pain and barely dodged the finishing strike and responded with quick strikes, which the leader blocked with ease.

“That Orc with the helmet is pretty strong,” Fletcher commented on it

“We could do with a guy like that in the Squad,” Midnight added before the Warchief got sliced into the chest by said orc, grabbing the blade in shock, struggling to stand, before falling dead into the ground.

“Change of plans, boys! I'm in charge now! Follow me and we'll have years of chopping up cowards and drinking grog 'til your black hearts are all content! All hail the new Warchief! All hail Feldush Giggles!” The leader shouted in victory, raising his arms.

“Well, that’s it. When will we continue?” Fletcher asked the Ranger.

“Tomorrow. Rest now, you will need it.” He replied as it was getting late, the sun setting.

The foals yawned as they all made their way back to the Queen’s home, eating some bread with mushrooms the color of lapis, called Blue Milk they were told, tasted very delicious and herbs of Thyme, it had a very fresh taste. They all enjoyed every bite to the fullest before getting into bed.

Talion looked over the foals with Marwen and her daughter as they and their caretakers were asleep.

“Sleep well, you earned it. Tomorrow will be a great day.”