• Published 11th Jul 2018
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A horseshoe to rule them all - Bronycommander

Mordor, the land where the Shadows Lie. Four foals by the name of Dinky, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom have to find a way to escape this cursed place

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Chapter 3 An interested party

Chapter 3: An interested party

Dinky and Scootaloo looked at Apple Bloom with worry. “Hasn’t she escaped with you?” The unicorn asked.

“She did, but we got separated the guards noticed us.” The farmer filly replied.

“Then we must find her! There is no telling in what kind of danger she is!” The Pegasus realized.

“Yes!” Apple Bloom agreed and turned to Talion. “Thank you for the rescue, Ah owe you one.”

He waved a hand. “Your welcome.” Then he looked into the distance, Scootaloo saw something but couldn’t describe it.

“What…What is that?” The orange pony walked into its direction to get a closer look, it looked like a small human at first.

“Watch out!” Dinky’s voice ringed in her ears, followed by a cracking sound.

Before Scootaloo could react, the cliff she was standing on collapsed, sending her screaming to her death. She tried her use her wings to stop her fall, but she was still falling, her life flashing before her eyes.

“Work, work, work!” She yelled in panic, remembering what White Wolf and Rainbow had thought her, concentrating.

As the ground was coming closer, she just managed to flap them, slowing her fall down to lower her speed. But it seemed too late as she blacked out instantly as she hit the ground.

Sweetie Belle ran as fast as she could, not looking back, she knew the guards would hunt them down, hoping Apple Bloom had made it.

But eventually, she was exhausted from running, leaning against a wall of bricks to catch her breath.

The filly flinched as a loud growl entered her ears, slowly turning around.

Sweetie Belle’s eyes went small and her heart started to race.

It was an intimidating beast for certain.

Thinking back, Sweetie Belle remembered there was an animal she'd seen as a model in Vanhoover Museum on a school trip. A cave lion of the Frozen North.

But this beast was as large as a bull, it's fur tawny and bristly and its back and shoulders studded with scale-like contusions running down it's spine, like the skin of an alligator.

Though the thing Sweetie paid the most attention to was the huge mouth of sharp, snapping teeth drawing closer and closer.

The unicorn screamed and started to run, the beast growled and chased her.

The filly ran for her life, knowing if she wouldn’t, she would end up as snack for the beast.

But in her panic, she tripped, rolling server times become coming to a stop. Sweetie Belle screamed as the beast lunged at her and her life flashed before her eyes.

Quick as a flash, something landed in the head of the beast and landed on the ground with a thud before her, dead.

Breathing heavily, the unicorn saw that an arrow was in the beast’s head. “Got it! Right in the noggin!” A voice ringed in her ears and to her horror, she saw another group of those horrible creatures that had enslaved her before.

It didn't take long to know who their leader was.

He was pale-grey and stocky with a bald head and a flat, ugly face like a shaved ape. His armor was an intimidating sight. This beast certainly didn't seem to be the first his minions had killed as he was wearing the head of one as a helmet, its jawless gape skinned and tanned, fitted over a spiked cap, the spikes poking through its cranium morbidly, the fanged visor near as menacing as his own set of teeth. All across his body, hide and leather made his armor and a pair of vicious, serrated pickaxes hung at his belt, their handles decorated with sabre-teeth.

Yet as he approached the dead beast, he was slow, cautious. He tapped it with his foot then kicked it hard.


He feared his own quarry.

“It's dead?” His voice was squeaky, causing Sweetie to be taken aback slightly. “You...you sure it's dead?”

“Yes, boss.” One of the others, armed with pears and javelins carried on the back.

“Uh...yeah...Right you are, just checking…” The leader straightened up and bellowed with laughter. “Of course it's dead! And why is it dead?”

His soldiers said in unison. “Because no beast escapes the wrath of Goroth.” It sounded like they had this rehearsed every day.

“That's right! No beast! No beast in this land or any other land! Goroth fears no beast as all beasts fear Goroth!” The boss exclaimed with pride before one soldier started to grumble quietly

“It was me that killed the bloody thing.”

“That's why its dead! Because that's what all beasts do when they find themselves facing the wrath of...” The boss stopped as she saw the frightened filly. “'Ere! Whassat?! Where'd it come from?!”

“It's one of them Elven foals, boss. The Black Hand sent a message, remember? When the Talons paid a visit?”

The leader thought for a moment. “Oh...oh yeah! Right, of course...Just checking...again.”

“Weren't wetold to keep to capture 'em alive?”

“Only one...right?” The boss asked in confusion.

“Yeah boss. The Black Hand said 'Her coat shall be the color of the last clouds of dust and her mane shall be a pale gold, like the harvest crop'...or something like that...” The soldier tipped his head to check if he got that right.

“So not this one then?”


The unicorn couldn’t control her fear anymore. “Please...please don't make me go back to the mines!”

The leader looked at her with sympathy. “Aw, now don't you cry, me pretty. No worries now. We'll take you someplace much nicer than those sorry old mines.”

“...where?” The filly asked with hope.

“I'm glad you asked. We're taking you to a lovely little place called the Caragor Pens...Mine to be exact. And let me tell ya! If you thought Caragors were bad enough in the wild, you wait and see what they're like when you've been starving 'em!” He roared with laughter with his grunts as they threw the shrieking, kicking Sweetie Belle into a sack.

Dinky and Apple Bloom still watched in shock as their friend having fallen down the Cliffside. They feared that Scootaloo had died from that fall “Dear Celestia…Can she even survive this fall?” Dinky asked.

“Ah don’t know!” Apple Bloom looked at the men. “Please, we must look after her!”

“She has wings! Could she not use them?!” Talion asked exasperated.

She can't fly yet!” Apple Bloom replied, causing him to groan.

“A lot of good you are! A Pegasus that can't fly, a unicorn that knows no magic and...” He glanced at her, “I don't even know what you are but I can barely understand you over your accent.”

In response Applebloom mumbled begrudgingly, “Sorry.”

“Talion.” The sprit appeared and pointed the rocks in the distance.

They then moved out, Dinky heard him mumble, “What sort of rodent hides in the shadows, I wonder?”

The spirit appeared again. “Something of great power has left its mark on him. I sense it.”

“And you feel he has answers?”

“For both of us.”

“We should find him then.”

“It shouldn’t be too difficult.” The spirit pointed to the ground, Dinky could faintly see prints.

“These tracks are not quite human, not quite beast.” The human pointed out.

“Even more reason to investigate.”

He moved out, the foals close behind. “Where is he going?” The yellow filly asked her friend.

“Trust me, it will lead to Scootaloo.” Dinky couldn’t tell why, but something told her that it would lead to Scootaloo.

At a moss-covered pillar, Talion ducked down and held his hand out to halt the foals.

"Wait here." he ordered "Don't move. Don't make a sound."

Like a lynx, the Ranger snaked off round the rocks.

Applebloom peeked to where he'd delved into.

Uruks. Three of them. And that wasn't all.

Huddled on the ground, their shaking hands shielding their shaved heads from their captor's boots, were four slaves, just like those from the mines.

Talion was nowhere to be seen.

Behind a pillar opposite them, a ghostly murmur filled the air.

One of the uruks turned to the pillar, sniffing inquisitively.

Just he turned his head round the rock, a knifepoint erupted from his back. Before he could scream, he was dragged around the corner.

The other guards noticed the absence of their comrade slower than expected but they drew their sabers and scoured the view.

Applebloom crouched back behind the pillar, praying they hadn't seen her.

Dinky, meanwhile, peeked through a small hole in the half-broken wall.

One of the uruks tentatively approached the pillar his colleague had vanished into, swinging his sabre almost to remember he was holding it.

His shadow grew larger somehow.

He had just enough time to scream this time as the full figure of Talion landed, raven-like, atop the uruk, stabbing him the neck, once then twice. Standing up, the ranger sheathed his dagger and drew his sword just as the last remaining uruk surged forward.

Spinning his blade gracefully, Talion veered the orc sabre to the side and, before Dinky could even blink, had plunged it into the side of the uruk's neck.

In a heartbeat, Talion stood around three dead uruks and a quartet of slaves steadily finding their feet.

"Thank you." whispered one of them, bowing his head, before the four of them scuttled away, barefoot and hobbling.

Never had Dinky believed she'd feel safe in the company of one so clearly good at killing.

“Not even Outcasts deserve this fate.”

“The chain of Man seems to always end up in shackles.” The spirit replied as the way led to a wall.

“It would appear the creature is an apt climber…” The man commented as he climbed over it, the foals did the same, having little trouble due sports lessons in school.

“I sense it knows more of me, then I know myself.” The spirit said.

“How could a rodent possible know of a Wraith?” Talion asked in return.

“It is somehow connected to me. I feel it.”

The foals saw a group of those ugly creatures under a tower, causing the human to comment, “Your creature’s path is fraught with danger.

Dinky looked up to see what looked like a nest of bees. Talion shot it with his bow. The bees became frenzied, creating a relentless, stinging mass that attacked the enemies, causing them to flee in fear.

“Sheesh! These fellas sure don't like bees.” The farm filly commented with a hint of fear in her voice.

“These are no bees, foal. They are Morgai Carrion Flies. Far worse than any insect you've known. Like every beast in this land, they carry the Dark Lord's taint.” Talion explained.

The man walked towards a cave. “The runt’s tracks lead us right into that Caragor’s cave. “There! It’s on the run!” He yelled as they all saw what looked like some form of hairless, tailless monkey, scrambling along the ground on all fours, entering the cave.

The group followed it, but once inside, the little creature was nowhere to be seen. “Where did it go?” Apple Bloom looked around.

“Hey, look!” The unicorn pointed to something glowing on the ground.

Talion picked it up, and suddenly, a white light engulfed him and screamed in agony for a moment before falling on his knees and dropping it. “Are you alright?” Apple Bloom asked with concern.

Dinky noticed that it was an ancient necklace and the sprite appeared kneeling next to him as he asked, “What manner of spell is this?”

“A lost heirloom, Talion.” The spirit replied.

“You remember?”

“A few broken imagines, yes. Though now I wish that I didn’t.”

“Your family…was…”

“Perhaps that pain is what connects us.”

There was a hiss and they turned towards the other side, seeing the small creature again. “You wretched creature! What do you want?!” The man demanded to know as it fled before a growl got their attention.

A Creature that reminded the foals of a Timber Wolf growled at Talion, having several spears stuck in the back.

It lunged at him and the kids screamed in fear. The man reacted quickly, firing an arrow at the head, it hit into the left eye, the creature got blown back, landing lifeless on the ground. “You’re okay?” He asked the two ponies, who slowly nodded.

As they got out, they saw the small creature running away and a group of guards closed in, armed with armed with pears and javelins carried on the back.

“Uruk hunters…they must’ve tracked the Caragors here.” Talion commented as he fought them, dodging their attacks as good as good as he could.

The foals stayed in the cave, watching in awe as he brave stood his ground, despite being out numbered and even another of those wild creatures attacking him and the hunters.

They slowly backed up as one of them looked at them and threw a spear, missing them by inches but made them trip over. The two barely just recovered, as the hunter stood before them, pinning Dinky down by pressing a boot on her, she struggled in vain.

Her eyes went small as he held one spear close to her right eye. “Squeal…Nobody’s gonna save you now.”

In a flash, the Uruk screamed in pain, letting go and fell to the ground, an arrow in his back.

Dinky breathed heavily, looking around with Apple Bloom.

Talion was still fighting, he couldn’t have fired the arrow, yet they could not spot any archer anywhere.

But the unicorn had a suspicion who had fired the arrow that had saved her life.

“Ugh…” Scootaloo awoke with an aching head, looking around, finding herself in a small cave. I’m…alive? She wondered, looking at herself.

Apart from a few bruises and scrapes, she was fine. As she tried to flap her wings, she hissed in pain. “I must have landed on them or something.” The filly said before a voice echoed through the cave.

“It came to us. It’s ours. It loves us the most. And hates us the most, yes, yes...But this precious...Lying, tricksy, false...Like tricksy, wicked ponieses, precious, yes...He told us. He warned us. A little birdsy pony...that never learned to fly.” The filly looked around but could not see anyone, and that scared her. The voice continued in a Scuttling manner,” Is it soft? Is it fat, precious? Is it...juicy? We keeps it, precious. All for us. And when they come...its bones will tell their pretty songs. 'Gol-lum!' 'Gol-lum!'”

“H-hello? Is...Is anyone there?” The filly asked scared and looked into the shadows then screamed, scrambling backward as two great yellow eyes appeared in front of her.

“Did we scare it, precious?” A high pieced voice asked and she saw what looked like a hairless, tailless monkey crawling out and grinned. “Hah...Scrambles and scuttles, precious, what is it?”

Scootaloo trembled. “D-d-don't hurt me. I'm...I'm not here to cause any trouble, I'm...I'm just lost.”

“Lost.” The creature’s face suddenly fell as its eyes glazed over madly. “Lost, precious. Always lost after so long. We cries out for it always, we weeps for it.” The eyes twitched as it gave a vicious snarl. “Did the nasty hobbitses steal it too, precious? Was it thievy, tricksy Bagginses that did it?!”

“I...I don't understand. M-m-my name's Scootaloo.” The filly whimpered

“Scootle. What does it Scootle, precious?” The creature replied.

“No, no, Scootaloo. I'm a Pegasus.” The foal corrected and the creature started to laugh.

“We eatses ratses, batses and fishes and we never eats pegasuses before.”

“No!” Scootaloo exclaimed, “You don't need to eat me!”

“Hee! Not yet, precious, but maybe later, after dark or light passes. All same down here, precious. Maybe when we're hungry later, we eats it, yes? When you sleep, and don't kick and scream so much,” The creature picked up a rock with both hands and mimicked throttling something with it. “One quick squeeeeeeze, precious! Always works, yes.”

“Uh...” Scoots now looked around in confusion.

“No, no, precious, not squeeze this one, no. ”The human-like creature turned away and spoke in a higher-pitched, meeker voice, “No, the Bright One wants this one, yes. Bright Master, so pretty in the dark. He came to us, yes. The ponieses, precious, they belong to him soon. Then he takes us, precious. He takes us to it at last! Can't use it if we squeeze it, precious!” It exclaimed then switched to his previous growly tone, “No! Useless! No bright about it, no power. Just a prissy pony flying like a fat hen! We should pluck it and pull it and...” It suddenly became calm again. “No! No, precious! Not nice to say! Not its fault!” Then growled. “Shut up!”

“Um, sorry, are you okay?”

“Shut up! We's talking! Very rude, precious.” The creature yelled, confusing the child even more.

“Sorry...Look, I can help. If you get me out of here, I know someone who can help you.” The filly said and the creature looked rather curious at her.

“Pretty fat hen Scootles helps us, precious? Yes? It helps us find the brightness? Does it?”

“Uh...yeah, sure. But you need to get me out of here, first.” She suggested with a shaken voice.

“Oh yes, precious. We knows the way. We gets you to help...Then we eats it.”

Scootaloo shook her head as the creature got back into the shadow. “...sure.”

Then there was suddenly a loud growl echoing through the cave, causing Scootaloo to jump into the air.

I need to get out of here! The filly thought in panic and ran towards the exit, it into the open, only to stop with a stretch as she spotted a large four legged beast in the distance, looking similar to a Timber Wolf.

It stared at her, she was frozen in fear. Then in roared and she screamed, running back into the small cave as it chased her.

The beast wiped his spikes at her, it missed her face by inches as it couldn’t reach her.

Scootaloo cowered as the beast sieged her with no way of getting out, wishing someone would save her.

A groan echoed in her eyes and she saw the best falling to the side, a puddle of blood formed on the ground, a deep cut on it’s neck.

The Pegasus breathed heavily as a voice asked, “Are you alright?”

A blue Pegasus mare with matching eyes and sliver mane looked down at her, appearing to be relieved.

“Auntie Wolf!” Scoots exclaimed and ran into her for a hug,

“Yes, it’s me, Scoots and I can’t say how happy I am to see you’re okay. Don’t worry, I have you fixed up in no time.”

But before the mare could do so, her keen sense warned her that a new danger was near. “Quick, we must hide.”

Scootaloo nodded and went back into the cave, while Wolf herself used her Elken Cloak, which was fastened with tabards of the same material that covered her armor. It would slowly match the texture of the ground, effectively allowing her to hide anywhere when she had to.

She watched in confused as what appeared to a human walked into her sight, looking around, and to her surprise, Dinky and Apple Bloom close behind.

Suddenly he turned towards the cave Scootaloo was hiding in and dragged what looked like a hairless, tailless monkey, pinning him by the wall as he held him by the throat. “You think you can sneak up on me so easily, eh?!” He asked as Scootaloo came out of the cave, running into Apple Bloom and Dinky for a hug.

“No! No, don’t hurt us!” The creature cried in a slightly high-pitched voice.

The man looked over his shoulder for a moment and the creature stretched it’s hand out. “Bright Master! Yes, we knows. Bright Master came to us. In our dreams. “It spoke to apparently thin air, looking behind the man. And to the mare’s confusion, Dinky liked at the same spot in awe.

Then it bite the human’s hand to get free. “Argh! Filthy creature!” The man cursed in pain and the creature retreated back into the cave.

“The Precious, it showed us! It showed us treasures of the Bright Master.” It paused for a moment. “Yes. We swears! We swears to the Bright Master! We takes him to his treasures. Gollum! Gollum!” And it went back into the cave.

The man then pointed to thin air. “I do not trust him.”

After a moment, Dinky saw him faceplaming with a sigh. “I look away for a matter of moments and two of you are missing from sight?! I just risked my neck to save one! Do I need a whistle for the four of you?!” He yelled in frustration with an exhausted expression before the spirit appeared again next to him.

“Calm yourself, Talion. They'll learn...and so in turn, may we.” His voice was calm.

“Well, a merry chase you've led us on.” The human said with an annoyed voice, his expression stern.

“Oh...well, as long as you were happy.” The Pegasus replied with a weak smile, as she walked over to Apple Bloom.

“That was sarcasm. Don't run off again.” Talion warned with a stern voice and expression.

Scootaloo lowered her head and said in a quiet voice, “Okay...sorry...”

“But there's still Sweetie missing.” The Earth pony pointed out, slightly worried.

Talion stayed quiet for a moment for taking a deep inhale. “There's another one?”


“Right.” He turned around and said frustrated, “Well, I wish her the best of luck.”

“Wait, are you leaving?!” The filly asked in disbelief,.

With sarcastic he replied, “No, I'm dancing the Ringlo Jig...Yes I'm leaving!”

“But what about Sweetie?” Dinky asked him in disbelief too,

“You three have wasted quite enough of my time already. I am at the end of my patience and I need to be elsewhere, in fact I have needed to be elsewhere for quite some time now, not that that's your business. I agreed to help you once. But you clearly can't be trusted to keep yourselves out of trouble so I see no reason why I should have to do your job for you.” Talion explained with an annoyed expression.

Dinky started to shake nervously. “Wh...what do you mean?”

Talion: It means I have just about had my fill of you ignorant, whining, danger-mongering pests consistently testing my will, mettle, strength, intelligence, and most of all, patience! So consider our 'fellowship' at an end! I hope you find your way out of here soon, goodness knows Mordor is bad enough as it is without you idiots!” He yelled angry and started to leave.

“But...but...we'll die here!” The orange filly said with fear.

“Yes...welcome to Mordor.” The human said cold.

“You...” The farmer got angry, “you big heartless meany!” She threw stones at him but he didn’t responded.

Dinky started to sniff as she realized she would probably die here, not seeing her family had, her eyes started to water before the spirit appeared in front of her with a look of sympathy.

“You must forgive him. His fate is far worse than any you could suffer here. I will...try to reason with him.” He explained and kneeled down to her. “Do not weep, child. I must know...if we find this 'Sweetie Belle', how would we know her? How does she appear?”

Dinky slowly smiled. “You mean what does she look like? Uh...she's light-coated, a bit more than mine, big green eyes and with a sort of curly, pink and purple mane, it doesn't quite cover her horn.”

The spirit gave her a look of intrigue. “She's...a unicorn?”

“Yeah, like me.”

“Wait here.” He disappeared and reappeared next to Talion. She saw them arguing a moment before Talion paused, sighed and turned to walk back to them.

“I am very sorry for my outburst. I'm not myself. Let's find your friend then we can get you to a hideout. But you must do exactly what I say to stay out of trouble. Is that understood?” He asked tiredly.

“Yes, sir.”

“Right...” The man turned to the spirit. “You'd better be right, ghost.”

“I am, as you will see.”

“Wise choice sir, wise choice.” A new voice said and Talion drew his word into the direction it came from, seeing what appeared to be two ponies in dark blue armor, one a green unicorn, the other a grey Pegasus, with fangs. Out of the corner of his eyes, she saw another Pegasus, this one had a blue coat. The grey one had a blade on his back, the unicorn a bow.

“Uncle Fletcher!” Dinky exclaimed and hugged the green unicorn.

“I can’t say how glad I am to see you’re alright, Dinky.” He replied relieved as Apple Bloom and Scoots hugged the grey and blue Pegasus respectively.

The young unicorn turned to the human. “This is the man who kept us safe. Talion, my uncle Fletcher Fray and his friends Midnight Blade and White Wolf.”

“Hello.” Talion gave a quick wave, slightly unnerved by their appearance.

“We are grateful for keeping them safe, Mr. Talion.” The gray stallion said with a neutral expression as the earth pony let go.

“It was nothing. Now, I’ll be on my way, since you don’t need me anymore.” He replied before Dinky saw the spirit again.

“Wait, Talion. They still need a safe place. We should go with them to show them said location. And we need to locate this Sweetie Belle somehow.”

The man nodded with a neutral expression. “Right. I suppose you have a way to find the last remaining foal?” He asked, Dinky took notice that the Knights had neutral expressions, not surprised about him talking to himself or thin air, making her wonder if they could see the spirit too.

“Yes, in fact, we already located her, she’s not far.” Fray explained.

“Guys,” Wolf interrupted, I don’t want to bother, but we got company!” She pointed to a group of Uruks in the distance, closing in fast.

“Just what we needed.” Fletcher deadpanned and turned to Dinky. “We hold them off, lead Talion to Sweetie Belle.” He touched her horn with his, lighting up his horn to give her the coordinates of the tracking spell.

“Will do!” She exclaimed and moved out with the others, the Knights readied their weapons.

As the group arrived, one of them yelled, “My boy!”

Said Uruk stepped forward, he was wearing light armor around the chest, his hair tied into a topknot. His skin was green, the chin wide. He looked interested at Fletcher, who was slightly surprised about this.

While Midnight was their leader, he nodded as Fray made a sign for him and Wolf to deal with the lower ranked soldiers as the leader charged forward.

Fletcher managed to switch to his spear and clashed with his blade as the leader said, “Well, hello. You look like a fine gentleman.”

The stallion then shoved him back, dealing a few strikes on him, knocking him back.

The other enemies were about to attack, before some of them flinched, blood flowing down and they fell lifeless to the ground.

Those that remained focused on the bat pony, who disappeared and reappeared in a flash of rippling crimson mist between the Uruks, dealing mortal strikes.

Fletcher and the leader clashed their weapons again. ”You need not fight me! Turn away, leave now! I wouldn’t dream of stabbing you in the back!”

Fray smirked. “You should leave, your friends are all dead.” He then head-butted his opponent, kicking him back.

The Uruk looked around, seeing that the unicorn was right but showed no sign of fear. “I'm just popping off a moment, my dears. Don't you go anywhere!” With that he retreated.

“Let him go, it’s not our mission.” Fray said to his friends and they nodded.


There was nothing Sweetie Belle could do but to cry, as she found herself tied up on a pole, outside a camp. She was going to die, she knew it. She would never see her family again.

“Ugh...Its the goblins that go swimmin' with little green women...” A familiar voice echoed in her ears and she turned to the left, seeing the same guard that she helped in the mines, tied up on another pole, starting to shake his head. “Wait...Argh damn it! It wasn't a dream!

“You! What are you doing here?!” The filly yelled in fear.

Ratbag looked at her with an awkward expression. “Well...” He laughed nervously, “When the Captains paid a visit to a headless Gimub's mines and find the only living uruk in the place is old Ratbag sleeping off too much grog...It was a bit difficult to explain. How about you? I thought you made a run for it.”

“I did. But one of them got me. I think they called him Goroth.”

Ratbag’s expression became one of disgust and he growled. “Ah, that smug piece of dung. Ratbag's had more run-ins with him than Ratbag can remember.”

The filly stuttered, “Wh-what's he gonna' do to me?”

“Uh...Probably best not to think too hard about it.”

“Oi Ratty!” Another Orc with a cup in his hand approached him. “You coming to the feast or are you still a bit tied up.”

“You shut yer face, Krugbit!” Ratbag yelled in anger.

“Aw, whassa' matter? Need a drink?” Krugbit held out his cup. The tied up Uruk glanced at it for a moment before drinking it. Krugbit snorted with amusement. “Can't say I've ever seen an uruk drink caragor piss that fast.”

Ratbag’s expression became disgusted and he spat out, retching wildly before snarling at Krugbit, wresting at his bonds. “You bastard! I'll kill you for that!”

Krugbit chuckled. “Sure you will, sniveler! Wait 'til I tell the lads about this.” He then glanced at Sweetie and tilted his head. ”Mind you...Most of the higher ups are dining fine. Found some stragglers on the road. Had an ox with 'em. Roastin' up nicely. Shame the rest of us have to make do without, eh?” The Orc crouched down and drew a serrated dagger. “But I reckon this one's fresh enough.”

Sweetie’s eyes went wide, staring at the dagger. “No, p-p-please! Don't!”

Krugbit tried to grab her without success. “Stop strugglin', you're making the meat tough!”

“Wait!” Ratbag yelled, causing both to look at him. Ratbag had a look as if he couldn't quite believe what he just said but continued, “Wait, Krugbit, er...the Black Captains want her alive.”

“Not this one.” The other uruk pointed out with an unimpressed voice.

Ratbag thought for a moment. “Well...Goroth wants her alive.”

“I won't kill her. I'll just trim the fat a bit. Not much left of Goroth's bait once his pets are done with 'em.”

“You...” The former inspector paused as Krugbit prepared to draw the knife across Sweetie's left hindleg leg, the foal tried hard to kick and wrestle free. “You...Why don't you go chase some rats instead?! They're more your size, you glob!” Ratbag yelled with a harsh and loud voice.

Krugbit stopped, turning slowly to Ratbag, his look was one of shock, but steadily turned into a furious scowl. He got up and stood in front of Ratbag, his dagger in his hand.

“What did you call me?” He asked in a threating voice.

Ratbag stared at Krugbit's dagger, then Sweetie, then the dagger again. His voice was shaky as he said, “I called you...a stupid...cowardly...glob...Because you are one.” In response he got punched hard across the face by Krugbit who then grabbed him by the ear and raised the dagger.

“You little shrakh! That just cost you your eyes!”

“You...you don't wanna' do that, Krugbit.” Ratbag countered unimpressed.

“Why? It's not there's anyone lookin' out for ya!” Krugbit said before an arrow went through the head and fell dead to the ground. Ratbag stared a moment.

“Huh... He and looked at the sky. “And it's not like Sauron himself is just going to come down from on high, cut Ratbag loose and make him King of all Uruk-kind!” He paused. “Oi! I'm waiting!”

He then took notice of a human in the distance, appearing to have fired the arrow. “Ranger! Come close if you want the Black Hand! Those slave scum are pouring poising into your ear! Oh, but you cut these ropes and Ratbag will tell you everything.” It made Sweetie Belle wonder and confused why the Orc would call Talion over, he wasn’t exactly friendly towards Orcs.

Said human walked over to the unicorn and cut her restrains, she said “Thank you.” And run over to her yellow friend, who was next to an orange pony with wings and another unicorn, having a gray coat.

The human looked at the Uruk with a neutral expression, before holding his sword under the orc’s chin. “Now what would you know that all those other dead Orcs didn’t?” He asked.

“Go ahead, ya bastard! Do it! I’ll die and you’ll know mothing!” Ratbag yelled in response.

“Maybe I’ll grant your request…and end your miserable life.”

Ratbag became scared. “No, NO, no, no, no! I was jesting. Look, those slaves are no match for the Orc army. Their scheme’s as rotten as barrel fish! But Ratbag can teach you the way of the Orc...Ratbag can make your plan work!” He explained and after a short moment, the human lowered his weapon and leaned close.

“We’re going to find out what you know.” The human replied and grabbed Ratbag’s forehead, causing the Orc to grunt in pain.

After a few seconds, he let go and cut him free. Ratbag fell on the ground, coughing. “Your problem, Ranger, is the Warchiefs. Strong leaders, they are.” Ratbag explained before he looted the body of Krugbit. “Now if somethin’ were to happen to them, then they wouldn’t be able to stomp your little insurrection, would they?” he pointed out.

“I would hunt them down.” The man replied.

“How? They’re not very popular around here. And they know it.”

“And you can find them?” Talion asked him, sounded distrustful.

“Oh yes. Ratbag’ll show you the way. You help me, I help you.” The Orc replied before the human held up his word under Ratbag’s chin.

“Don’t make me regret this deal.”

Ratbag smiled weakly. “Marvelous.” He putted the sword away. “Now let’s stop faffin’ about, eh? First I need to take care of a certain Captain. And a few Caragors. Come with me, Ranger.” The Orc made a gesture to follow. The foals noticed that Talion sighed as he moved, following him close behind.

They followed Ratbag towards some ruins as he explained, “You can’t trust them! Those Slaves’ll stab you into the back. At least an Uruk will stab you into the front…Most likely the throat. We have similar goals, Ranger! See, you want to kill the Cap’n and somebody’s got to take his place. Somebody like Ratbag.”

“So this Goroth is in charge?” The Ranger asked.

“Of this camp, yea. But he’s no Warchief. They answer directly to the Black Hand. I’ll show them all when I’m in the Black Hand’s inner circle. Becoming a Captain is just the first step of Ratbag’s plan to become a Warchief.”

“Then prepare to step hard on his neck.” Talion advised as they entered a ruin and heard a growl.

The foals turned around to see a guard with a large shield and a halberd standing in one of the entrances. “How did you get free, scum!”

Several other guards joined him. The foals went into a corner for cover, slightly trembling, Ratbag stood behind them, his dagger drawn, having a defensive stance.

Talion leaped over the shield bearer and sliced him from behind, killing him instantly before blocking an attack from another Grunt. Ratbag found himself opposed by three grunts.

The first charged at him, he blocked it, then avoided a strike from the second. They tried to tire him out. The next charge by the third one, giving him barely time to react before a magic blast knocked the grunt back. In surprise, Ratbag looked at the foals, seeing it had come from Sweetie Belle.

Talion made swift, deadly strikes, having little trouble to defeat the grunts. The last one reaming charged from behind but got knocked back by another blast, giving the man a free strike to the chest, killing him, He looked at the foals, Dinky’s horn was glowing, a brave expression on her face. “Nice shot.” Talion said slightly impressed.

“Well done, Ranger. Now just picture all those corpses as Goroth. Visualize your goals.” Ratbag led them outside. “Goroth’s been out for Ratbag for years. Smug piece of dung he is. We come to blows as far as Ratbag can remember…Still, Ratbag never wins. Last time he kicks Ratbag into the Caragor pit. All the other laughed as the Caragor bats Ratbag around like a yarn ball.” He said with hate in his voice.

“Oh, that Goroth’s gonna pay…smug piece of dung he’ll pay…Goroth keeps Caragors…in pens, and rumor has it, he doesn’t like to get too close ‘em.” The group was led to another ruin.

“And let me guess, you think I should open those pens.” Talion figured out.

“Goroth is ALWAYS in there. NEVER leaves. EVER. Wonder where he pees?” He thought for a moment, then his face became one of disgust. “Oh…that explains the smell!” The foals shivered as they climbed over a wall with him and Talion.

The children’s eyes went wide in awe as they saw a castle-like stronghold in front of them as the man said, “Keep out of sight, I’ll see that your Captain gets demoted.”

“Splendid plan! You kill, I wait. That’s military genius, that is.” The Orc commented as the man moved out.

“Thank you for helping me.” Sweetie Belle smiled grateful at Ratbag.

“Eh? Oh, yeah, yeah. No trouble. Er...Put in a good word for me at...wherever you're from?” He replied.

Talion climbed up the side of the wall to get past the guards on the entrance, seeing an archer on a platform below him as he reached the top. The man quietly jumped down and sliced the Archer from behind, noticing two guards below him.

“This looks like a good spot to get some shut eye.”

“Goroth’ll kill you if he catches you napping.” The other warned.

“Goroth never comes here. He’s always by the Hunting Camp.”

“Goroth’s in the Hunting Camp…so much for him ALWAYS being in the same place.” Talion commented on the Intel given by Ratbag. “A Captain who fears his own beast…”

“Fear is a powerful tool, Talion. Let’s put Goroth’s to work.” The spirit advised as the man jumped down at the other side, seeing a bridge up ahead, with a group pf guard sitting at a fireplace next to it with a Caragor in a cage The man drew his bow and shot the lock, freeing the beast who attacked the guards, creating the distraction he needed to slip past by going under the bridge.

Just past the bridge he could see the camp, the Orc named Goroth was parading to and fro in front of a caged beast.

“I have a reputation among the beasts! When they writhe in their sleep, they have nightmares of Goroth! I once wrestled three Caragors at once! All with my bare hands! And I snapped their necks just by looking at them! I snapped their necks with my eyes! I am Goroth! No Uruk has mastered beast like I! So the next Uruk that says I'm afraid of my Caragors will be eaten by one!” Goroth boasted with pride.

The man drew his bow again and shot the lock, freeing the Caragor inside.

“At the slaves! Eat the Uruk! Anyone but Goroth!” The Captain yelled in fear as he ran for his life, his bodyguards getting killed in seconds by the beast.

Talion went to intercept him but despite his fear, the Captain managed to block his attack and threw him back. In response, the man sprinted after him and tackled him to the ground, stabbing him into the back, through his heart, killing him instantly.

“Okay, one less Uruk Captain in Mordor.” He said relived and sneaked his way back to Ratbag. “It’s done.”

The Orc smiled. “Thank you, Ranger. I promise you won’t regret this at all.” With that Ratbag walked into the stronghold.

Talion turned to the foals, seeing it was getting late. “Alright, let’s take you to the Outcast Camp, you will be safe here.” They nodded in response and followed him without a word.

After the fight, the Eternal Knights got delayed but eventually, found the camp, Sweetie Belle was located. But as they arrived, there was no trace of the filly. “Are you sure we’re at the right location?” Wolf asked Fletcher as he casted the tracking spell again.

“We are, she just got moved.”

“Then Talion must have freed her and brings them to a safer place. Let’s go, there’s no time to waste.” Midnight suspected.

But it seemed fate had other planes as a voice yelled, “You!”

“What is it now?!” Fletcher exclaimed in frustration as he turned around, seeing another group of Orcs in the distance lead by one in red armor and was armed with a crossbow. He also wore something over his left eye. What appeared at first to be a blindfold but Fletcher soon saw it was metallic and bulbous, like the eyes of a fly, patterns of small grooves cut into it to provide protected vision.

“I’ve been trained by the best archers in all of Mordor! One bolt, one kill! I’ve been itching for some target practice and I hear ponies make for excellent targets!” He yelled at them.

Fletcher drew his bow. “We’ll see about that!” And fired two arrows, head-shooting the warriors next to the archer, who fired in response, missing the stallion by inches.

Midnight and Wolf stayed back, knowing that this one would belong to Fray, but stood ready should he need them.

The enemy Archer was good, but the unicorn used his magic to quickly close the distance, clashing his spear with the crossbow. “Submit now, and perhaps I show you a bit of Mercy!” The Uruk said before Fray pushed him back and fired an arrow into his knee, causing the Orc to hiss in pain, quickly pulling it out, barely avoiding the next arrow.

He managed to return fire, but just scratched Fray’s armor, before the pony teleported into melee range, clashing again. “Even with your magic tricks, one hit from me will tip you right into your grave.”

“I beg to differ.” Fletcher replied and threw him back again, firing three arrows towards the Orcs torso. He got knocked back but was still standing.

“You are a worthy Archer. You impressed me. We’ll meet again.” The Uruk said and retreated.

Fray sighed. “Now let’s go before we get more delayed.”

The human led the foals to a gate, hidden between some cliffs. Inside he lit up a torch, the foals startled as he stopped at a severed Orc head pierced on a spear.

“Make yourself at home, Talion.” A male voice said and they turned around to see Hirgon, he was happy to see them. “We obtained some valuable information from this one…before he lost his head.”

“These grunts know nothing. We’re wasting precious time.” Talion replied.

“Wasting time? We have learned where they keeping their blasting powder.”

“What need have I of blasting powder?” Talion asked.

“It’s all part of the plan, my friend.” Hirgon replied as he washed his hands.

“Whatever leads me to the Black Hand is my only concern.”

“So anxious to find the Black Hand. Then by all means, I will take you to him.”

“Can we help you?” Dinky asked both men, grinning.

“No, you stay here for your own safety.” Talion replied in a stern tone.

“Talion, give them a chance. When I got to know Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, I learned how resourceful they can be.” The leader of the Outcast suggested, causing both fillies to smile.

The Ranger sighed. “Fine.”

As he and the foals followed Hirgon outside, they got told by the Outcast leader, “With any luck, the Uruks have yet to discover the secrets of the blasting powder. We will need to free my men to find out.”

“Do you believe the blasting powder can draw out the Black Hand?”

“I pray so. The enemy gathers at Uruk’s Hollow, where many of my men are enslaved. I pray Eryn, too, is here.”

“I will handle Uruks.”

“Perhaps we can take a more stealthy approach and incapacitate them by using their weakness…Grog. Have you ever heard of Hithas? It’s toxic and it’s good for one thing: poisoning Orcs. Follow me.”

He led them through a ruin and a Meadow. “When I deserted the Black Gate, I fell sick. It was Eryn who nursed me to health.”

“Is she the reason you joined the tribesmen?” Talion got curious.

“Of the many, she is most cherished. There are only so many camps my wife could have been taken to.” Hirgon said with hope.

“Do you believe she will be at this one?”

“My heart says yes.”

“I hope for your sake she is, Hirgon.”

The group arrived at another ruin, guarded by 4 Uruks. “I’ll keep watch for Uruks. Be careful, Ranger.” The Outcast leader said as Talion moved in.

He noticed that the four guards were close together in the open, so he quickly drew his bow and shot all in the head in quick succession before any of them could react.

The foals then looked around, seeing that the Hithas looked like a bush, having a festive, almost beguiling appearance, reminding them of the Poison joke back home. The unicorns carefully used their magic to pick them up and gave them Talion, three at least.

“There are more plants ahead, follow me.” Hirgon took the lead after they were collected.

“Where did you acquire this blasting powder?” Talion wanted to know.

“Traded for it, with a blustery Dwarf. We took his powder and left him our footprints – pretty fair of you ask me.”

“You are yourself be a strong leader…for a deserter.”

“That is only because I leave the hard work to men like you.” Hirgon replied as he led them through a small camp towards a latter with a few wilt flowers, causing the Ranger to comment,

“In Mordor, even the flowers are of death.”

“There are far worse things than flowers here.” Dinky heard the wraith whisper grimly.

The foals after climbing up could see the next herbs but a Caragor was near them. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of that.” Talion said and sneaked up behind it and jumped on it. The Caragor jumped into the air to get him off, but he held on tight before touching the head with his hand and the beast’s eyes glowed blue. “It’s harmless now.”

The two unicorns slowly moved towards a herb next to the creature, their hearts raising but it barely paid them attention as it looked around, allowing them to collect a second herb.

“I thought it impossible Sauron would ever return.” Hirgon commented as they moved on.

“Darkness descends upon Mordor. Soon it will be impossible not to succumb.” Talion pointed out.

“When we realized we couldn’t fight the Orcs we started dressing up like slaves, sneaking into their camps to free the others.”

“A bold strategy.”

“Not really. Mostly, we’d end up slaves ourselves. At least we came dressed for the part.” The outcast replied with sarcasm in his voice. “When I was first rescued by the Outcast, they told me you led the search party for my head.”

“I volunteered. Were you caught by our fellow Rangers would’ve killed you. I could not let you suffered that fate.” Talion replied without emotion before they reached a Meadow surrounded by a ruin.

“Up here. We almost have enough poison for our purpose.”

“I look forward to see its effect up close.” The Ranger was eager as the foals collected three herbs.

“This should be enough. Now all you have to do is drop it into their grog.” Hirgon led them to the stronghold.

“Will the Orc not smell the poison?” Talion raised an eyebrow.

“No, but if they spot you, I doubt they will drink from it. The Uruks stationed at the front gates. For the sake of my men, keep to the shadows. I’ll gather my men and wait. We’ll stand ready to seize the blasting powder once the camp is clear.” Hirgon led them to the entrance. “Remember, don’t be seen. These Uruks have killed slaves for far less.” He warned.

The foals and men kept that in mind as they sneaked their way in, most guards had their backs to them, so it wasn’t hard to get past unnoticed, the slaves gave them no attention at all.

In the middle of the camp, they found the grog barrels, scattered but not far from each other.

The group scattered, everyone poisoned one barrel. Dinky had one next to what looked like a tent, pouring the poison in, covering her nose from the stench. I really wonder how they can stand this.

She wasn’t exactly proud of doing this but she knew it might help her getting home again. Looking around the corner, she got nervous as a guard came towards her and she had nowhere to go.

Out of nowhere, Talion landed in front of the Orc and grabbed his head, it lighted up in blue for a second, then he fell lifeless to the ground. “Now all there to do is wait.” He whispered as they joined the others.

The children watched in awe and a bit in guilt as one of the guards started to vomit, staggering and holding his throat before collapsing. They then saw a woman with brown hair and eyes. Her face, hair, hands and bare legs covered in dirt and soot, wearing only by a tattered, nettle-green dress, torn and frayed at every edge, slowly coming out behind a wall, cowering in fear as Talion walked up to her.

“Come with me.” He said calmly and gently took her by the arm but she screamed and struggled to get free. She succeeded and ran, only to trip as Hirgon walked up to her.

“Eryn!” He said but she struggled again. “Eryn, Eryn, it’s me…it’s me! Hirgon!” Upon hearing this name the woman stopped and stared at him slowly forming a smile before hugging him.

“I thought I’d never see you again…” The children watched with smiles, happy for them to be reunited again, even Talion smiled weakly as the sprit appeared again.

“There will be more battles, Talion, but we will find our peace.”

Dinky then yawned, seeing it was becoming evening, as the sun started to go down.

“It’s getting late, let’s get back to the camp. Hirgon suggested and the foals nodded.

On the way back, Hirgon introduced his wife to them, she told them that she was sorry to hear what had happened to them.

Back at the camp, the ponies ate vegetables for dinner and get tucked in by Eryn. “Goodnight, children.”

“Goodnight.” They replied in unison and fell asleep.

The woman looked at the sleeping children with sympathy. “The poor things. How did they find their way in Mordor? How have they survived with the Dark Lord's servants on their trail?”

“I can scarce imagine...Do you think it’s safe to keep them here? Do you suppose the orcs will track them to our outpost?” Her husband asked the Ranger who thought for a moment.

“...I wouldn't think so. We haven't come across any hunters so far. Surprising really, you'd think there'd be a tide of them.” He replied as the Wrath appeared next to him once again.

“There is something at work here...Someone is hunting them for us.”

Talion stayed silent for a moment. “In any case, if they track us, I'll take care of things.”

Eryn gave her husband a smile. “Please, Hirgon. They won't be any trouble.

“Alright, my love. They can stay here. But everyone be on their guard.”

Author's Note:

Safe. For now.