• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 3,677 Views, 144 Comments

Like Something's Missing - Icecane

Spike and his friends set off to learn about a dragon of legend and maybe, Spike's heritage.

  • ...

The Flightless

Spike and his five pony friends were unable to do anything else but gawk at the sight before them.

The chamber that the old tunnel had led them was one of the last sights they could have ever expected to see. It was like the library in Canterlot, though much more to scale for the dragons residing within than for a pony.

Towering bookcases were set across the walls and floors of the chamber. Every inch of every wall was either covered in a bookcase or a hanging tapestry, stitched with designs akin to that of the scaled creatures. Of course, books were what outnumbered everything else in terms of objects. Several of the aged tomes looked to be even larger than a pony, though having no trouble fitting into the grasp of the ones using them.

Balconies ran across the walls as well, molding the chamber to have several floors around the edges with an open center. Spiraling pillars held up the balconies and were sculpted with many designs of dragons carved into the surface.

Too enamored by what lay before them, the six adventurers were unaware as a large presence loomed over them from behind. It was only until a deep, rough voice they had heard only moments ago spoke did they feel their bodies tense as their minds were pulled away from the captivating shock.

“Welcome,” the bronze dragon greeted, his tone considerably calm.

The group of friends turned to face the dragon, his sandy brown eyes looking down on them with an air of expectation. To Spike, it appeared that those very eyes landed on him more often than not. It was that thought that caused him to speak first.

“Where... where are we?” the little dragon asked.

The much larger reptile regarded the infant for a moment, creating a pause that made the moment far more awkward than was necessary. “Sanctuary,” he finally replied. The answer elicited puzzled expressions from the six newcomers, adding to an ever growing pile of maddening confusion. Seeing that many questions were preparing to spew forth like a river with a broken dam, the dragon decided to speak again. “You will all need to come with me, there is much to be discussed.”

“Now hold on a second,” Rainbow Dash said, her previous reaction of paralyzing shock now being gone, replaced by a sharp glare as she darted toward the dragon. The pegasus brought herself face to face with the creature, hovering in place as she met him at eye level. “Why should we do anything with you? You attacked us!”

Fearing that their friend had just made a horrible mistake, the other ponies frantically tried voicing their apologetic deterrence toward the dragon who could clearly do them harm if he chose to. Rainbow Dash hadn't even realized that the dragon was only a slight lean forward from being able to swallow the pegasus whole by an effortless inhale. But all they managed were stuttered noises that had barely formed any audible sound for anyone to hear save for Spike who was still looking down at the dragons in the chamber of literature.

The pleas of forgiveness from the ponies were halted however as they saw the strangest reaction from the dragon. The corner of his mouth curled in a smirk as he eyed the bold pegasus. Even a warm chuckle escaped him, causing small amounts of smoke to seep from his nostrils and bringing Rainbow Dash into a momentary coughing fit.

“Tell me something,” the dragon then responded, meeting the rainbow maned mare's gaze. “How did you manage to evade three ferocious dragons in that forest?”

“Well,” Rainbow murmured, remembering the heart pounding chase they were in, “I didn't really think we were going to. Those dragons pretty much had us until... you...” She trailed off as her face seemed to turn to stone. The others held matching expressions as they each caught on to the implication.

“So you were helpin' us,” Applejack stated.

The bronze scaled dragon gave a single nod of affirmation. “Though I do regret the need of flame, but I needed to coax you away,” he looked at the earth pony for a moment, “and I couldn't have you suspecting any specific intentions.”

“But why help us?” Rarity asked, finding her voice in the wake of explanation.

Again the dragon allowed a long silence to build between them. Not answering the question, he simply stepped over the six friends and began walking further into the chamber before them. “No more questions,” he said, his tone making it clear that it was not to be debated. “Please, follow me and you can have your answers.”

Having no choice in the matter, the curious and confused mares followed the path led by the dragon, albeit with moments of hesitation. Spike however, still rooted in place by his fascination to what he could see, was lifted into the air by Twilight and placed onto her back.

They saw more of the chamber as they made their way through it. Most breathtaking was the architecture that they saw. Every detail was beautiful, down to the large tiles making up the floor. It was a craftsmanship that rivaled that of Canterlot Castle, looking as though it was all made for the finest of nobility.

But it couldn't be said that the trek was not without its tense moments. The ponies were met with long stares by the dragons as they passed. It would be an understatement to think that the equine creatures weren't out of place. The nervous expressions plastered onto their coated faces didn't help either. Though it couldn't have been helped. Not a soul in Equestria would be able to stay in a room full of dragons and say there wasn't a hint of intimidation brought on by the creatures.

There was a whole new light being shed on them however. Never before had they seen dragons in such a way, it only added more questions that wanted to be spat out in as incoherent a fashion that was possible.

Though, without those answers now, the ponies were grateful that the dragons were keeping their distance for the time being.

“Hiya dragons!” the jovial tone of Pinkie Pie shouted, her voice carrying through the room as if there were a hundred ponies shouting in unison. “I'm Pinkie Pie! What are your names?! Do any of you dragons want a friend?! I have lots and lots of friends back home! All different kinds of friends too! Donkey friends, cow friends, pet friends, a lot of pony friends, a gryphon who I think is a friend, best friends, new friends, old friends, and lots and lots of other friends too! But I only have one dragon friend! Do any of you need a friend?! We could have a party to celebrate!”

“Pinkie!” Rarity snapped in a sharp whisper, shooting a mortified gaze toward the party planner. “Please, could you be so kind as to not antagonize them?” The others held similar expressions as many of the dragons now stared at the strange creatures, watching them walk by until they entered a large hallway that exited them from the chamber.

Even the halls reminded the ponies of the castle. Though it lacked the typical wall-high windows that were there, a rich assortment of tapestries and other items clung to the walls to great effect. Paintings of dragons and landscapes adorned the walls, as well as statues of the scaled beasts and other creatures that Twilight couldn't identify.

Besides the décor, the hallways held magnificent metal braziers that hung from the ceilings, burning with a ruby red flame that didn't give an inch of space for darkness to descend. There were also doors that were fixed into the walls, shut from wandering eyes, being far too big for the ponies to try and open on their own.

The ponies followed their bronze guide as they silently trotted down the hallway. There were many branching paths, each leading down a new way of travel that would undoubtedly take them to another mysterious room for them to explore. But they followed a very specific path, made by the dragon who was taking them to Celestia knows where.

Just as the prolonged silence of unanswered questions was becoming too much for the inquisitive group to bear, they found themselves before a set of doors just as large as any of the others. They were colored in several shades of blue and held silhouettes of the different celestial bodies that existed in the space beyond their world, the scholar of the group was immediately able to mark every one by name in her head upon seeing them.

Remaining silent, the bronze dragon placed his clawed hand against the door and pushed it open, creating a loud, creaking echo of aged wood. Looking inside the six friends once again became stunned at what they saw.

Another large chamber, perfectly circular in its shape, with many more bookcases placed into the walls. Scrolls the size of trees also laid on the shelves, while a few hung open on the wall, written in a language that wasn't their own.

Besides the books, massive stone slabs stood as tables with the strangest assortments of objects that the ponies had ever seen. Apparatuses of unknown purpose, relics of ancient times long since passed and artifacts that pulsated with a magical radiance.

The most amazing sight in the chamber, at least in Twilight's eyes, was the ceiling. The entirety of it was a painted map of the stars. Her sights filled with wondrous awe, the young scholar was astonished by how perfect of a replication of the real night sky it was, as though Luna herself had painted it. It showed every twinkling star in its exact position compared to that of its fellows, she was even able to pinpoint the constellations.

At the center of the astral painting, there were cylindrical pipes of metal that ran down through a hole. The pipes led down in diagonal angles, met with large glass lenses placed between them or within. At the very end of the seemingly chaotic assortment, there was an enlarged eyepiece, similar to that of a telescope. Twilight took notice to the assortment, comparing it to that of an observatory she had visited once.

But like the rest of the sights they had seen, nothing caught the eyes of the six friends more than the living aspect. In the far center of the room, they could see another dragon sitting with it's back turned to them. The dragon's attention was placed on a colossal tome sat on a pedestal before it, nearly the size of the dragon itself. Though they couldn't see the full pages that the tome was turned to, the sheer size of it allowed them glimpses of strange symbols and old drawings of unassuming importance.

A long pause developed as the bronze scaled guide sat idle for several moments. The resident of the chamber continued gazing down at the tome, taking no notice to the visitors. “My lord,” the dragon said, bowing his head slightly as he addressed him, “I bring guests.”

At those words, the busy dragon's head lifted. “Guests?” he murmured, ending with a mild chuckle. “I trust they are of the expected kind.” As the dragon turned to face them, the six friends saw more of his appearance.

The dragon was noticeably large, being slightly greater in size compared to that of a typical fully grown dragon. Teal scales raced across his body, almost shimmering in the light. Two pairs of horns were adorned on his head, the smaller pair coming just behind the larger, more noticeable set, twisting around like vines on a pole. Running down his back, large spines curved sharply as they reached his tail, appearing as though they were carved from sapphires. There was also a triangular, dark blue spike protruding from the dragon's chin, with several others that ranged in smaller sizes forming across his jawline, resembling what could pass as facial hair for a dragon. The tip of his tail was a coned spike, looking as sharp as a spear.

Despite every detail of his appearance however, there was one thing that garnered the most attention. It was his back, as bare and wingless as Spike's, as well as several of the other dragons encountered within the strange place.

The teal dragon held a look of indifference as his gaze fell onto the group. Twilight and the others noticed two scars running across the right side of his face. Like jagged cracks through the scales, they ran down to his lip where a small piece was missing, allowing a glimpse of the white fangs underneath to be seen.

Spike's gaze was riveted to the dragon, as unmoving as the matching gaze now placed on him. The teal dragon's eyes had locked firmly onto the baby dragon, the five ponies also at his feet not even within his regard. The stare down lasted for several moments, each second ticking by in an uneasily slow pace.

“Do our guests have names?” the dragon then asked, breaking his visual hold on the infant dragon to examine the group as a whole.

“Uh...” Twilight stumbled, uneasily shifting in place as her wordless sound brought the dragon's intimidating gaze fully onto her. “I-I'm Twilight Sparkle.” A breath of relief left her involuntarily as the dragon's eyes left her. The others then took their turns, deeming it necessary to answer the question hastily.

“Rainbow Dash.”

“Ah'm Applejack.”

“Rarity, or um... Miss Rarity if you wish to stay formal.”

“Hello, Mr. Dragon! I'm Pinkie Pie!”

Another moment of silence came and went as the dragon eyed them each one by one. His sights fell to Spike once again, and with raise of his hand, he pointed a sharpened claw toward the infant. “And what are you called?”

“I'm... I'm Spike,” the young assistant replied, speaking with as much reclusive timidness to make him the perfect candidate as Fluttershy's impersonator.

The large dragon then broke his attention from the group and looked toward the bronze one, who was sitting patiently by the door throughout the introduction. “Moruzund, tell me, what of those drakes you had intercepted?”

The bronze scaled dragon stood at attention, like a royal guard of Canterlot addressing the princesses. “I haven't seen them since the encounter in the forest. They were most likely scouts... and I'm almost certain that they fly under Palewing.”

The teal dragon looked aimlessly for a moment, trapped in a clear state of deep thought. “Very well,” he finally responded. “I ask that you patrol the wastes, I would feel better knowing that nothing is afoot while I tend to our guests.” His tone was calm, making his request sincere, leaving no room for any thought that he was giving an order.

All the same, Moruzund bowed his head respectfully. “Without delay, Lord Serilex.” Then with a flap of his wings, he flew from the room and out of sight, leaving the six friends to stare bewildered at the dragon they were now alone with.

“S-Serilex?” Twilight gasped, now realizing that the dragon before them bore a striking resemblance to the one from the Mural of Ancients.

“Yes,” Serilex replied, making the scholar's wide eyes grow even more.

“B-b-b-but how is that possible?” the unicorn stammered. “That would make you hundreds of thousands of years old. I know dragons live for a long time, but they don't live that long!”

The aged dragon looked amused as he nodded. “Yes, it is true that our kind hold lengthy, but still limited lives. But that is not said for the ancients, being creatures of immortality.”

Rendered speechless, the ponies were only able to stare up at the dragon ancient. But the youngest in the room, the second dragon, held a crippling need within his eyes.

“Serilex, please,” he begged, “tell me, what are you? What am I? What is all of this?” The dragon ancient looked down on Spike with a softened gaze, a small frown bending the edges of his lips as he saw how distraught the young dragon was becoming.

Serilex opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. Instead, his eyes narrowed and a bright light of flame crackled from his throat. The six friends shrieked in fear as, without hesitation, a dark green flame spewed down upon them.

But there was nothing, not the expected burning heat, not the unbearable pain, not even the abrupt ending darkness. Spike and the five ponies slowly opened their eyes to see, not a blazing inferno, but a lush green oasis opened where they stood.

It was beautiful, flowers of all existing colors sprouted in moments, a pond held small fish that swam about carelessly, even the chirping of birds could be heard playing their melodic songs. They took to the scene like one would take to water in a dessert, having only seen a snowy wasteland for so long.

Then, as quickly as it had appeared, the landscape vanished in a puff of smoke. Astonished stares were then drawn to the dragon responsible, his demeanor showing a patient idleness as he awaited for the visual answer to sink in. Twilight, a scholar through and through, felt her heart skip as she realized what they had seen.

“That... was magic.”

Serilex nodded his head in response, seeing the reactions of the ponies as it dawned on all of them. His gaze then fell to Spike. “You see, young one. As you have seen, you are unlike many of your own kind. But your differences aren't based solely on a physical side.” The dragon ancient smiled as he leaned his head lower to the assistant. “Spike, you are a dragon of magic.”

“Of magic?” Spike mimicked, having no clue what that meant for him. But the ancient dragon gained an amused expression at the young one's naivety.

“I will explain,” Serilex replied, standing on his hands and feet and moving toward the exit. “But please, follow me. There is something I want you to see, we can talk along the way.”

Their full, undivided attention being super-glued to the dragon's every word, Twilight and her friends trotted beside the large dragon. There was a relief had by them as the much greater size of Serilex was rendered a non-issue as he lessened his strides across the halls by which they trekked.

“Eons ago,” Serilex began, “the ancients and I roamed these vast lands when they were still young. For some unknown reason, I was created differently than that of my brethren. Slowly, as the years passed, and the life began to blossom, I found myself becoming sensitive to the flow of magical energies that made up the world. Then, I became aware that although my fellow ancients held an advantage to me with the gift of flight, I was given a different gift.” Serilex stopped for a moment and reared his head back, his lips crackling with a building flame. Then, in a powerful burst, a stream of translucent flame flowed onto the floor and began to circle around them.

Becoming frightened as the circling flames consumed them, the six friends watched as the flames blocked out all other sights from their vision. A sudden, lurching sensation was felt among them. Within that instant, the flames that surrounded them were gone and they were startled to find that they were no longer in the same hallway they were before.

“I had the gift of a much more powerful flame,” Serilex concluded.

“By golly,” Applejack murmured, swaying side to side as her body was slowly recovering from the sensation of being teleported. The others had similar reactions, excluding Twilight who knew how to use such a spell herself.

Serilex waited for the ponies to recuperate before he continued leading the way, as well as his tale. “Many years passed by as I developed my abilities. During that time, new races of creatures showed themselves and began cultivating the world to serve their own needs. By then, the race of dragons had grown considerably, with the ancients as their leaders. I myself had gone into seclusion, watching over the magic of the world that my brethren couldn't comprehend. But then... it all changed when I realized I was not the only one of my kind who had such... influence.”

They stopped once again, Serilex held his head down as his eyes turned glassy for a moment. “It was the start of dark times,” he sighed. “Wingless dragons began to be born alongside their kin. Even I do not know what brings it, but very rarely, an egg can hatch into one of our kind. They have taken to calling themselves the Flightless, formed by the title I held so long ago. But it only served to divide the dragons even more.”

“Divide them? How?” Spike asked, being the only one willing to speak as the ponies were too enthralled by the tale.

“It was the will of Doomaught... or, Razormaw as he tends to call himself these past few centuries. He's the most powerful of us all, in both strength and brutality. He saw the encroaching spread of other races, as well as the small force of the Flightless, who he deemed to be all lesser creatures. Bloodshed was had between the dragons who flew under him, and those that he wanted control over.” Serilex eyed the ponies as they stood at his side. “I am almost certain he would have succeeded in enslaving the world, and ending the ancients who didn't follow him, if it had not been for your kind.”

“Ponies fought against the dragons?” Twilight murmured, hardly believing the idea, no history book she had ever seen ever mentioned wars between the two.

“As did every race at one point in history,” Serilex nodded. “It was long ago though, when your kind was first learning of its own existence. But I was intrigued by what you were. Creatures of three equal separations, of ones who could shape the earth, ones who could shape the skies, and ones who held an innate control over magic that I had never seen before.”

Serilex's long claw reached down and tapped the tip of Twilight's horn, the unicorn felt a sudden burst of magic spark from the touch before quickly fading away. “Your kind are able to weave your magic into a powerful focus, simply through that horn. We magical dragons summon such power from our oan inner being, willing spells into existence with the aide of our flame to create them. It takes much more control and experience for us to preform them, but it takes little physical effort once it's mastered.”

Spike gasped in shock as he realized something. “So that's how I can deliver scrolls with my flame?”

For a moment, the ancient dragon's expression lapsed in a look of surprise, quickly fading as a small smile crept onto his lips. “You know of that spell? My my, magic at such an age you are. Most of our kind don't start learning spells for some time. You are much more talented than I had anticipated.” A proud smile grew across Spike's face at the compliment, while Serilex turned toward the doorway of a chamber at the far end of the hall. “This way now, we are almost there.”

They continued across the hall, staying silent as their destination grew closer. It was another circular chamber, with flawless walls and a tiled floor. The entire room was empty except for what hung across the walls themselves.

Portraits, there had to be over a dozen of them. Each given their own space on the walls of the chamber and continued as such around the entirety of it. They all depicted a dragon, resembling those that were seen on the Mural of Ancients. But unlike the mural, the dragons held no visage of malevolence or viciousness. They were given proud looks of dignity, each displayed in a beautiful background to show that dragon's particular personality.

One was even of Serilex, showing the teal dragon in a mystical trance, a dark blue flame burning in his outstretched claws. Colorful auras of magic swirled around him, looking to be in his complete control.

They stopped in front of one painting that showed a purple scaled dragon lying on a bed of gemstones. The dragon's interest was focused on a small insect that flew near him, an insect that glowed with a yellow light.

“Spiral,” Serilex commented, looking at the portrait with a fond smile. “A noble dragon, had a strange affinity for dragonflies and hated sheep with a passion. He was one of the first to stand alongside me when speaking out against the other ancients, they were planning on forcing your ancestors back to their northern homelands after they traveled to what is now Equestria.”

“Now wait a gosh-darn minute,” Applejack said, stamping a hoof down. “You were gonna attack us pony folk?”

“Well, you had invaded our lands after ruining your own with this ceaseless snow,” Serilex argued, his tone level as he mastered is own reasoning. “Some were afraid the same would happen there. But we managed to sway their choice, seeing as your kind found peace amongst themselves to stop the blight of snow. You also mined deep into the caves to reach the gems within, making it easier for dragons to obtain the jewels that they covet.”

“Well thanks for that... ah guess,” the pony farmer muttered, remembering that she was bringing up issues that have long since passed.

Leaving the portrait, they stepped toward another. Unlike the others, it held very little in detail. All that was on the picture was a pitch black canvas, broken only by two fiery red eyes that burned with a fury that none could describe. Within the blackness, an outline of a roaring dragon could be seen, as vicious as the most nightmarish monster.

“Doomaught,” Serilex said, speaking the name as though it were a curse. “He is known by many as the Devourer. His contempt for those he considers inferior is only matched by his appetite toward them... and other dragons.”

A weary sigh escaped the dragon ancient as he looked at each of the portraits. “Many ancients have either fallen to him or follow under his shadow. Only now is his influence only known by few because of the shift in the world's power. Once, dragons ruled it all, having nothing that would dare challenge us. But magic... it is something he fears.”

“He's afraid of it?” Twilight asked. It was a difficult concept to take in, seeing the mighty scaled creatures fearful of something.

“It's something that is beyond his control. To be able to wield the very essence that builds our world, it is a feat that he knows can outmatch his brutal power. It's why he views myself and the other Flightless as threats, and it is why I made it my duty to protect them from Doomaught and any dragon who dares to fly under him.”

The ponies were drawn to look about the room, seeing the walls of protection built deep within a mountain. “Like this place?”

“Yes,” Serilex nodded. “When I first began to realize that other dragons would be born with my abilities, I built a temple in what is now Equestria. It was to be a safe haven for the Flightless to learn to control and perfect the gift that they were given.”

Spike grimaced as he recalled their visit to the temple, seeing the place in ruins. “We visited there before,” the young assistant muttered.

“When it was found by Doomaught, he had it destroyed. Many lives were lost and we were scattered. Eventually, after Doomaught was stopped in his destructive path, I came here. The land was as lush as your own, not yet barren by the accursed snow. I created this sanctuary much like I did the temple, and the dragons found their way here.”

“What about the normal dragons?” Spike asked, regarding Moruzund and the others they had seen, looking just the same as any other dragon they had seen in Equestria.

The ancient dragon smirked as he faced the group, a twinkle of joy in his eyes. “I do not turn away from those seeking guidance. Even though they cannot learn magic, they still wished to learn what it truly means to be a dragon, much to my surprise. So I allow them to stay, to create a culture for themselves as they do not wish to rely on old instincts to carve their existence.”

“But some still do,” Rainbow Dash murmured snidely. It gained a narrowed glare from Twilight, a quick warning to watch what she said in the ancient's presence.

To the unicorns surprise though, there wasn't an ounce of offense on the dragon's face, he actually seemed to be agreeing with her. “It is their choice to do so. Despite what your kind may think on dragons, most simply wish to not be bothered. Few create the destruction and bloodshed that Doomaught and his ilk wish for our kind to partake in, and those who do do so out of defense if they feel threatened or provoked. It's my hope that one day such thoughts will be pushed from the minds of the races that inhabit this world.”

The five ponies each held their own expressions of shame, having felt such thoughts themselves more often than they now wished to admit. Seeing this new place, this haven for dragons, it changed things so drastically.

“If I may,” Rarity said, speaking in her most polite tone. “Having only just now seen that dragons are capable of so much, our assumptions could be considered understandable.”

An understanding nod was given by the dragon, allowing the alabaster unicorn to hold her opinion. “Speaking of such things,” he remarked, eying the group once again, “I must ask, how did you come across us?”

Not speaking, Twilight opened her saddlebag and quickly found one of the old journals that still rested within. Grabbing it in a magenta glow, the unicorn held it up toward the ancient dragon. “We followed these journals.”

Serilex leaned forward slightly, his eyes narrowing as he squinted at the small book, barely a speck compared to his size. After a moment of his vision noticing the old notebook, the dragon gestured for her to put it away. “Ah, Typhoon, I remember him. Quite a tenacious creature, very intelligent. He had an excellent sense of character, though a questionable sense of attire. Certainly a credit to your people”

The group merely looked at the dragon with more shock, becoming the most expressed reaction that they had used all day. “Typhoon was here?” Twilight asked.

“He was the first outsider to ever find the sanctuary, about thirteen-hundred years ago if I am correct,” Serilex answered with a slight nod. “Held reactions very similar to your own. He shared with us much about your kind.”

“But... but... wait, I don't understand,” Twilight began blathering. Nearly tearing her bag in two, Twilight reached into the pouch and pulled out Typhoon's last journal, opening it to the last page and facing it toward the dragon. “Typhoon says that he never found anything other than that mural outside this sanctuary.”

“Of course,” the dragon replied casually, “he was quite understanding when I told him our kind must remain a secret. So he lied to cover up what he had found, stating that there was nothing here and I was as ruthless as their darkest stories entailed . I assumed his ruse had succeeded, seeing as others never returned. What became of him anyway? He spoke of having such dreams to make history with his people.”

The faces of the ponies developed frowns as they remembered the hold. “He never made it,” Twilight answered, explaining to him what they had seen at the hold.

Serilex took the news strangely. A look of sadness crossed him, it only lasted a moment though, quickly fading and being replaced by his typical demeanor of indifference.

“That is... unfortunate,” the dragon murmured, his voice holding little in terms of grief or real regret. “But, I suppose if his work had managed to bring one of our own to find us here, then he would be happy to know that. I can't really say I knew what to expect when I felt the old seal I had placed on his first journal being broken. Knowing that whatever had broken it would be led to the temple, I sent Moruzund to await your arrival. Thankfully, he was there when those dragons attacked you.”

“Well,” Twilight added, knowing there was a little more to the beginning of their journey. “It wasn't finding Typhoon's journal that first brought us here. We wouldn't even have known about you or Typhoon if it wasn't for a book our ruler, Princess Celestia had sent to us. It mentioned your name and took us to this old tome, the Dragonium, that was what told us to look for Typhoon's work in the first place.”

Twilight and the others immediately jumped in place. Serilex's face seemed to twitch as he looked down at them. Then, to their sudden surprise, the ancient dragon began to laugh. It was a deep, booming noise that sounded like strikes of thunder.

“That is a name I haven't heard for a long time,” Serilex mused. “That does confirm my suspicions of you six. Though, I had never thought she would be so clever in her of sending you here. Then again, she would have to of been if she found this sanctuary with such ease before.”

Twilight gaped at the dragon, unsure if what she was hearing of her mentor was right. “Princess Celestia was here?!”

“Nearly two centuries ago,” Serilex replied. “Your princess had followed the legend much like you did. Searching for what became of the wingless ancient, and finding much more than she expected. But her arrival was much more a blessing than she had intended, and I owe her a great deal for what she has done for us.”

Confused stares were directed toward the dragon as they each looked up at him expectantly. Serilex took notice to them and took several steps back, making a sizable gap between them.

“I believe it is time that you see this for yourselves,” Serilex said. “Hopefully it will bring understanding to what must be explained afterward.”

Taking a seat on the floor, the ancient dragon closed his eyes in concentration. His chest rose and fell with the several deep breaths he took. Plumes of smoke puffed from his nostrils as a soft crackle of flame echoed across the silent chamber.

The six friends watched in awe as a silvery flame burned from within the dragon's mouth, stretching out from underneath his lips as the power within built. After mere moments of channeling the magic, Serilex opened his jaws wide, allowing the flame to flow out from his maw and down onto the floor.

The silvery flames crackled and burned in the air, as though it had a life of its own. Within moments, the flames shifted and slowly formed into a circular shape. From the center of the newly formed shape, the surface of the flames became flat while the edges still danced with life.

Staring at the marvelous sight, the six friends could see images forming within the surface of the flame. It played like a film, but appeared as if they were as the events took place, events beginning with two creatures standing side by side one another, a dragon ancient and a pony princess.