• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 3,678 Views, 144 Comments

Like Something's Missing - Icecane

Spike and his friends set off to learn about a dragon of legend and maybe, Spike's heritage.

  • ...

Scale and Flame

Everyone was frozen in place as they stared up into the sky, seeing the large dragon bearing down on them. It's powerful wings easily cleared the distance between it and the balloon that now trapped the ponies in the sky, looking insignificant compared to the scaled beast.

The dragon was rather small compared to the giants of the fully matured, it was still nearly the size of a house however. It's scales held a crimson color while two large horns protruded from it's skull. Much smaller spikes raced down it's back, ending just at the tip of the tail.

As it came upon the balloon, the red dragon stopped. Twilight and her friends could feel a gust of air as the creature hovered in place.

Then, their hearts sank within their chests as they heard another roar. Not from the dragon so near them, but off in the distance. The red dragon turned it's head and looked out, as did the ones it was facing. Not moments later, a second dragon appeared next to the first.

The new dragon was slightly bigger. It's body shined with an azure hue while small webbed spines grew from the top of it's head and flowed down it's back.

Just as the first did, the blue dragon stayed still in the air beside the red one. They said nothing to each other, not even showing if they could. The two dragons simply stared down at the balloon and the passengers standing in its basket.

Each pony felt their bodies clench with unease as the eyes of the dragons locked onto each of them. Spike was the one to feel it the worst, his entire form shuddering as he felt the lingering gazes on him, both dragons looking down on him intently.

Their eyes narrowed as they looked the small dragon up and down, causing him to shift back and forth in place. After what seemed like an eternity, the menacing drakes turned to one another, holding what seemed like an expression of understanding between them.

Then, the dragons pulled their heads back, a rumbling growl emanated from their throats. And with a powerful thrust forward, a massive torrent of flames erupted from their roaring maws.

Gasping in shock, Rainbow Dash darted forward, pulling the balloon away from the path of the fiery attack.

Another pair of roars echoed across the skies as the ponies sped onward. Rainbow Dash pushed and pushed forward with all of her might, using her capable flying skills to pull them away from the beasts.

But it did little in the wake of the coming dragons. The sky itself seemed to shake with the wing beats of the creatures. Twilight and the others looked behind them in fear, seeing the dragons approach them with increasing speed.

The chase took them over a large forest, the basket of their ride brushed against the tops of trees. Loud sounds of leaves rustling filled the air along with the rushing winds and ferocious growls.

“Faster, Rainbow Dash, faster!” Rarity shouted, panicking as their pursuing dragons were gaining speed.

“I'm going as fast as I can!” the pegasus shouted back, doing her best to ignore the weight she was pulling and push her limits more and more.

“We gotta stop 'em ourselves,” Applejack said determinedly.

Grabbing a rope from her bag, orange mare twirled the lasso high into the air. With a powerful swing, the rope was sent off to her right, wrapping a long branch at the top of a tall tree they were just flying past. After just a momentary pull, Applejack released her hold on the rope and forced the bending branch to snap back, the action caused the blue dragon to be smacked forcefully across the face.

After growl of startled pain, the dragon fell behind it's red companion, nearly crashing as it recovered from the attack.

Catching on to the idea, the others took to their own actions in attempts to save themselves.

Twilight leaned against the back of the basket. Her horn glowed with magic as she concentrated on a defensive spell. Small bolts of magical energy shot forward, aiming for the dragons chasing them. The unicorn wasn't well versed in spells of offensive purposes, but she put her best effort into her attack to try and blast the dragons out of the sky.

Rarity reached into her own saddlebags and took the only thing she had. Pulling out a large feathered hat she was saving for later in their trip, the alabaster unicorn tossed it overboard toward the dragons, followed by several other articles of clothing she had packed. The attempt accomplished little however, as the dragons neared the coming obstacle, their claws swiped out and tore the clothing to shreds. Rarity gasped, heated over the mistreatment of her garments.

Spike held onto the contents of his own bag. With nothing else for him to do, the little dragon could only stare at the gems he had taken from the temple with hesitation. To think of wasting such delicious items hurt him so. His contemplating was halted however as a light glow encompassed the gem in his hand.

“Spike,” Rarity said sternly, “now's not the time for that.” She then tossed the gem toward the dragons, prompting Spike to follow suit and throw them with all of his strength. The dragons merely opened their jaws wide, catching the gems into their gaping maws, swallowing each one without even needing to chew.

As they did all they could to push back the pursuing dragons, everyone paused as they caught sight of colorful paper flying back toward the menaces. They looked to the side to see Pinkie Pie quickly tossing out hooffulls of confetti and streamers. Her attempts at stopping the dragons appeared for naught however, most of the decorations simply missed the dragons. There was some confetti that seemed to hit them however, but it simply clung to their scales and only managed to make them look more festive.

“Ah don't think that's helpin',” Applejack stressed, eying her pink friend with skepticism, overwriting the heart pounding fear that showed on her face.

“Oh, don't worry a second little Appleyjackley,” Pinkie Pie reassured. She forced Applejack's hat down with a pat on the head, covering her eyes. A confident smile seemed to be sculpted onto her face. “Your pal Pinkie Pie has got this allllll handled.” As Applejack readjusted her hat, she caught the eyes of Pinkie Pie as her usual blissful smile turned devious. The pink mare lowered her head down and whispered, “I haven't even used my secret weapon.”

Without waiting for anything else, Pinkie Pie reached into her bags and pulled out her 'secret weapon'. The others looked at the party planner wither wonder as she held her weapon in her mouth, a bushel of rubber balloons.

Everyone groaned at the revelation, going back to their own means of defense as it seemed the dragons were gaining speed.

Pinkie Pie quickly began to wrap her lips around her new choice of weaponry and blew. After each balloon inflated, Pinkie was quick to lean her head out of the basket and release her pursed lips. Without anything holding it back, the air in the balloon flew from its rubber prison and shot the balloon forward. The colorful decoration headed straight for the coming dragons, but it did little as it simply blew past, fading from sight quickly at the speeds the two parties were going.

But Pinkie Pie was not deterred in the action. Again and again, the hyperactive pony filled more balloons with air, tossing them aside just as quickly. Several balloons actually hit their targets, getting stuck in the spines and scales of the dragons, accompanying the other attempts the pony had made.

Then, a bright pink balloon found a mark, striking the red dragon in the eye. After an earthshaking roar of annoyance and rage, the dragon's hand shot upward to rub the agitated area. With it's disrupted concentration and half-blinded state however, the dragon's wing crashed into the side of an oncoming tree with a mighty snap.

All the dragon could utter was another furious roar as it spiraled out of control, turning into a ball of flailing wings, limbs and scales as it came down hard into the forest beneath it. The loud snapping of wood sounded as trees were flattened underneath the red weight.

“Woohoo,” Pinkie Pie cheered, “take that Mr. Scalybut!” Her friends held a different reaction, only able to stare at their friend with dumbstruck expressions.

With only one dragon in pursuit, the blue drake's eyes narrowed in a fierce glare. Rearing it's head back, the dragon shot a great ball of fire toward it's target.

“Rainbow, turn right!” Twilight shouted. Rainbow Dash looked back to see the blazing inferno on their tail. She did as she was instructed and veered to the side. But they all gasped upon realization that they were not the dragon's target.

Instead, as the ball of fire passed them, it struck the tree tops just ahead of their path. In a powerful explosion of fire, the trees burst into flame. A wall of fire crackled in an impassible demeanor, threatening to swallow up anything foolish enough to think it could go through.

“Ah,” Rainbow Dash yelped as she forced herself upward, nearly throwing her passengers from the basket with the sudden incline.

Their elevated direction did them more harm than good however. It decreased there speed significantly, and the dragon just behind them knew it.

Seeing the ponies slowing, the blue dragon raced forward. Everyone looked on in shock as the large dragon was upon them, meeting face to face with them in a triumphant sneer. It raised it's clawed hand up and brought it down on them.

They had to jump back just to dodge the deadly swipe. But the claws had found something to sink into. The upper half of the backside of the basket was gone, as well as a large tear being cut into the balloon itself.

The hot air quickly poured out of the wound. With the new forceful push, it caused the basket to be sent across the skies in a sporadic mess of movements. Rainbow Dash herself couldn't even keep up with it, being sent around and about along with them as the ropes that leashed her also trapped her.

Even the earsplitting cries of the the six friends drowned out the dragon's beastly roar. After losing most of the lifting air, the balloon plummeted down. Branches snapped as it tore through the treeline, twigs and leaves were tossed in every direction.

As the crashing ponies began to lose momentum, the airless sack that was once called a balloon snagged in an oncoming branch. The sudden stop lurched the basket forward and threw everyone forward.

They all landed onto the hard, unforgiving floor of the forest. But there was no time to lick wounds and stop pounding heats. The overbearing sound of wing beats remained them all of their predicament. So they ran.

The ponies galloped through the forest as fast as they could. Spike locked his arms around Twilight's neck and buried his face into her comforting mane. The others all looked behind them and toward the skies, fearing they would once again see the imposing visage of a scaled monster on them once again.

After a continuous run straight forward, the ponies found themselves entering a large clearing in the forest. They came to a stop at the very edge of it, looking out to the wide, open area.

With a cautious start, the ponies began to move into the clearing. As nothing happened, they broke into another fast gallop. The furthest edge of the clearing was in their sight, certainty that they could escape the creatures pursuing them hung in the air.

But they were all forced to stop as a sudden blast of fire exploded just before them.

Rearing back, everyone looked up to see the blue dragon flying above them before landing in the clearing. The dragon began to advance toward them, but it stopped as another screeching roar sounded. Then, the red dragon came to a landing, impacting the ground with such force that a small crater expanded around it. It's eyes held the fiercest look any dragon could form, the intimidating fear it created was only diluted slightly by the pulsing red eye that made it up.

Twilight and the others slowly backed away from the dragons that were stepping toward them. With their original route now in flames, they quickly chose a new path and now inched themselves toward it. But none of them, not even the warmhearted Pinkie Pie, could dare muster up the optimism to assume they were making it out of this.

They had nothing, no means of escape, no means of defense. Twilight's own vast knowledge of spells dwindled into nothingness as her building panic tore the young student down. All they could do was cower, and hope that whatever was coming would come soon, and end just as quickly.

As the dragon's moved within easy striking distance of their targets, their lips curled into sadistic smiles, their razor sharp fangs gleaming in the sunlight.

Then, as both dragons leaned backward onto their back legs, preparing to overtake their prey in a single bound, their expressions shifted as a familiar, but new sound echoed through the sky.

Everyone, the ponies, as well as the dragons looked to the sky, The sun seemed to disappear over the ponies as a shadow befell them. Then, the earth itself shook as though an earthquake had hit as a third dragon landed between the six friends and the two dragons.

The frightened friends only cringed back at the entrance, now seeing their bleak chances become absolute. The new dragon was easily larger than the two previous ones. The size wasn't all that was noticeable about the dragon either. It was it's scales, holding a magnificent color of bronze, it looked as though the metal itself was cast into it's hide.

They also noticed the odd effect the newcomer had on the red and blue dragons. Their previous ferocity had shifted to looks of surprise and shock. They eyed the bronze dragon as though they didn't know how to react to it's presence at all.

But soon, their vicious demeanor returned, shooting fiery glares toward the dragon. The blue one took it a step further, shifting it's gaze back toward the ponies. It's eyes fell back onto the purple scaled dragon with them. With quick movements, the blue dragon sidestepped the new arrival and rushed forward.

The ponies gasped in shock, not at the blue dragon, no, having not even made it's target. Instead, the blue beast found itself sprawled in a heap of crushed trees, having been sent flying as the bronze dragon charged into it with a powerful headbutt.

The red dragon countered with it's own forceful rush forward, a crackling flame built from between it's lips as it's sights were set on the defenseless hoofed creatures. But with amazing speed, the bronze dragon was already upon it's red opponent. Leaning on it's hind legs, the larger dragon reached up and grabbed onto the red one's horns. Only a short struggle was had before the red dragon was wrestled to the ground, it's forming blast of fire being sent into the ground beneath them, scorching away the grass and leaving a blackened scar.

Having recovered, the blue drake took advantage of the bronze one's preoccupation, planning to run past it and attack. Again it was stopped however, making it only a few feet before a tail adorned in bronze scales struck out and threw it back to the forest floor.

Applejack stared wide eyed at the events transpiring before her, an absurd idea crossed her as the dragons fought. “Is it just me,” she wondered aloud, “or is that there dragon helpin' us?”

As though hearing the earth pony's quiet thought amongst her friends, the bronze dragon's head shot toward them. They flinched noticeably at the stare that was felt from it and took several more steps back. The dragon's lips quivered for a moment before it opened it's maw, a sudden burst of flames shooting forward, aiming for the six friends.

With startled cries, the ponies all dived out of the way, narrowly dodging the attack by inches. They could feel the heat of the blast on their flanks as they came to a stop. But again, the dragon readied another stream of flames, rearing it's head back to put it's full force into it.

The ponies all ran for it, clearing space between them and the path of the oncoming blaze.

Their steps were frantic and poorly balanced. The scrambled actions of the five ponies caused the single rider upon Twilight's back to lose his grip. Spike's hold on his caretaker was lost as he tumbled away and collapsed onto the ground.

By the time the others noticed his absence, it was too late. The five ponies looked back to see Spike helpless on the ground, frozen on the spot in terror as he looked up at the large dragon's coming flame.

Like a wave of burning water, the fiery attack washed over the baby dragon. The purple of his scales was lost in the overpowering shades of orange and red.

“Spike!” Twilight cried out, seeing her assistant swallowed in the path of flame.

The librarian fell to the ground, unable to stand as tears streamed from her eyes. Even the ferocious battle of dragons just a few feet away was lost to her, the crippling grief pounding into her senses.

The others simple stood there in stunned silence, unable to react to the sudden loss.

Soon, the full extent of the blaze began to die down, leaving nothing but small fires still burning in the area. It was almost too much to watch as the now five ponies prepared to see what was left of their scaled friend.

Inevitable gasps escaped into the air as the fire died down, the eyes of everypony locked onto the spot where Spike was. What they saw was something none of them could emotionally prepare themselves for. Tears began to build in their eyes, lips quivered in an involuntary spasm, all brought on by the small purple dragon lying on the ground in the smoldered earth.

Spike's small body was curled into a ball. His eyes were shut tight in his final act of immediate preparation.

After several moments, the dragon's emerald eyes revealed themselves. Sitting up, Spike timidly looked over himself, shocked to see that nothing was wrong with himself. The shock was soon erased by an embarrassed stroke of stupidity as the little assistant rubbed the back of his head.

“Oh yeah,” the dragon murmured aloud, “I'm fireproof, aren't I?” His embarrassment was quickly shifted to a startled state as he realized the small flame clinging to his back. With a sudden yelp, the dragon stripped away the bag that he wore and tossed the flaming piece of fabric aside. Soon, the remainder of it was eaten away by the flame, leaving only a smoldering pile of gems behind.

Then, the frozen ponies were all shaken into movement as the booming sound of more trees being crushed rang out, followed by another series of furious roars.

“We need to go!” Rainbow Dash shouted, seeing their only chance at escape slipping away with each passing moment they stayed idle.

Without anymore hesitation, the others followed Rainbow's lead and ran off. Only Spike seemed to be still unaware of what was going on. But he was yanked from his disorientation as Twilight bit down on one of his back spines and carried him off into the forest, holding him like a mother cat would their kitten.

None of them were sure how long they were running. All they were certain of was that rising sounds of the fighting dragons began to fade with every moment they spent galloping.

They were exhausted, barely able to keep themselves standing much less run such lengths. But the pounding fear could still be felt within them all, propelling them forward without further hesitation.

Soon enough, they could no longer hear the sounds of the scaled beasts. The forest felt still, almost calm, as though the attack had never taken place. Luck itself seemed to shine down on them as warmly as the dimming sun itself as they made their way through a large cluster of trees.

Elated breaths of joy fell from the lips of them all as they encountered a cave sitting amongst the trees. The entrance was small, but the ponies were just the right size to make it through, bringing comfort that no cave dwelling beasts would be large enough to make it their own home.

Hiding themselves as deep within the cave as they could, everyone collapsed onto the rocky flooring as their legs finally gave out.

They all remained silent. The only sound in the cave came from their own heavy breathing.

The silence stayed for some time, but eventually, it was broken by a startled yelp. It came from Spike, shocked as he was suddenly crushed in the tight hold of five mares as they all held the dragon in relieved group hug.

“Oh, Spike,” Twilight whispered, having the tightest grip on the assistant, “I thought I had lost you.”

“We all did,” Rarity added. Spike could feel wet tears transfer onto his cheek as the alabaster unicorn's eyes began to water. “To think, my little Spikey Wikey, to be taken from us so... so...” She didn't finish, instead holding the dragon even tighter as her tears of joy continued.

“Ugh,” Spike managed to let out, feeling every ounce of air being squeezed out of him. After several moments of squirming, the infant dragon managed to break free of the hold placed on him. “Guys, guys,” he said reassuringly, “I'm alright. No dragon's going to mess with this uh... dragon.” Seeing their worry for him though, Spike's slight annoyance to their overbearing joy dissipated and turned to a happy smile. “But thank you for the concern.”

After one last hug from each of them, the six friends settled down and began to think of what they would do.

Traveling now was out of the question. No doubt their previous attackers were still in search. So they decided to make camp within the cave for the night.

With Luna's moon nearly taking over the sky, a fire was made to bring light to the dark cave. Only a few paces were taken outside of the cave to gather the wood needed, and Spike's flaming breath proved useful for lighting it.

It wasn't long before the six friends rested around a warming blaze. The rest allowed them to ponder over what had transpired before. The heart racing chase and their brush with death were both still fresh within their minds.

Rainbow Dash was the first to speak on the subject. “So... why did those dragons up and attack us like that?” There was no immediate answer. None of them could begin to come up with solutions.

“Maybe,” Twilight offered, “it was a territorial matter? Some creatures can become violent when outsiders come into their chosen territory. Maybe the dragons put claim on the land and we were just looked at as intruders.”

“Maybe they were just monsters lookin' for a meal,” Applejack huffed heatedly. To her, attacking innocent creatures without provocation was unacceptable.

“Hey,” said Spike in defense of his scaled kin, “dragons don't eat ponies.” As soon as the words left him, his certainty wavered. He then turned to Twilight. “Right?”

The scholar's eyes fell to the floor, unsure as to how she would answer the question. “Well... I'm not really sure.” As she saw Spike's expression droop down into depression, the unicorn was quick to add to her statement. “But, you've shown that dragons don't have to at least, so maybe none of them do.”

“Well I'm just glad that big ol' shiny dragon came by,” Pinkie Pie said cheerfully. “He was all like kerpow! And those two meanie dragons were all 'ahh' crash! If he hadn't wanted to eat us too, we would be donediddly done for, yessiree.”

Twilight nodded, if a bit awkwardly. “We were fortunate for that dragon. But something about it just doesn't sit right with me.”

“Maybe we're putting too much thought into this,” Rarity said, offering her own insight. “The important thing is we are all safe and sound, which is more than I can say for my poor outfits... But, it was a worthy sacrifice to help in our safety.”

“You're right, Rarity,” Twilight agreed. “Now we should just try and get a good night sleep. Tomorrow we can figure out what to do next. Those dragons should be long gone by then.”

So they all decided to sleep for the night.

But a peaceful rest did not come easily for the five ponies. They tossed and turned on their hard beds of stone, their dreams plagued by nightmares of flame, scale and claw.

The same could not be said for Spike however as he held a blissful expression of peace on his face. The young dragon did not dream of recent events. No, his own dream was one of a very distant memory. One of the earliest days his subconscious to recollect, at a time when his status as a baby dragon still showed in his outward appearance as well as his maturity.

As the memory played itself out in Spike's head, a smile slowly crept onto his lips, remembering fondly on the day he learned one of his first great lessons.