• Published 18th Aug 2012
  • 4,034 Views, 59 Comments

Broken Dawn - HIDEMYPAST

Nightmare Moon. They thought she was defeated - but nothing can destroy the indestructible.

  • ...

Chapter 5 - 'Your name is Broken Dawn.'

Twilight cast her gaze anywhere but the Princess tied up before her, afraid that even looking at her would upset the alicorn further. She didn't know what it was that had made Luna so angry.


Maybe she knows we're about to get the truth, and wants anything but that? The Nightmare's voice echoed in her head, making Twilight jump even though she'd heard it so many times that day.

I don't want to believe that. I've only seen the worst of both of you. Let's just find answers, okay? Twilight knew she sounded tired and desperate, but after having your enemies and friends flipped around, she felt it was justified.

''Princess Luna, is it true you let the Nightmare do what she did?'' Twilight surprised even herself with that question, but upon a short reflection she realized she hadn't ever truly believed that.

Luna stayed silent for a few moments, before snapping her teeth threateningly and spitting out a yes.

Twilight tried not to show the shock that sprang up in her. So it's true... She thought sadly. Luna wasn't entirely innocent for what happened to her. She'd let it.

''Question two.'' Twilight hesitated. She wanted ask the big question - but at the same time, she was scared. She didn't want to know - but at the same time she did. Twilight sighed, deciding to leave it until last.

''Why? Why did you let the Nightmare become Nightmare Moon?'' She felt happy with that question - if things ever went back to normal, she'd be able to understand Luna a little better.

Luna stayed silent for a lot longer than before, and the expression on her face was almost painful. She looked like she was about to burst into tears, but a sudden flash from the Nightmare's horn seemed to wipe it away.

She was fighting the spell. The Nightmare informed Twilight, but her voice sounded a little guilty. Twilight brushed it off, deciding to ask her later.

Luna shook herself again, drawing Twilight back to the situation at hand. ''Well?'' She prompted.

''I - We did it because of the power. She promised us power - and we got it. Eternal night was just an afterthought - no, a punishment - that we made when we realized ponies had started to hate us - all because we were better than them.'' Luna's voice was a harsh jeer, and Twilight flinched at the glare Luna shot at her. But Twilight wasn't satisfied.

''So Celestia made up all the jealousy and hate you felt?'' She inquired, starting to feel a little like an interviewer from The Celestial.

Luna laughed. ''Of course not. She just directed it a different way. Oh no, we were jealous alright. Jealous of her!'' Luna struggled furiously, and Twilight could sense the anger rising.

''We were jealous of her power! She was the first princess, the better princess - and she acted it! You think she's perfect, don't you?''

Twilight hesitantly nodded.

Luna screeched angrily, shaking herself. ''She changed because of me! I'm the reason your mentor is so perfect - because I made her wake up and see the truth!!' Luna's anger came to a head, and she almost managed to tear apart her bonds in her rage.

Twilight noticed almost that Luna hadn't used the royal plurals. She prepared herself to ask her why, but Luna cut her off, her voice now quiet.

''But she's still the better sister.'' Luna whispered, and Twilight's deepest conscious realized that this sentence didn't feel as forced as the others.

Twilight looked at the ground, and all was silent for a long time. Eventually, Twilight spoke.

''Princess Luna, did you try to kill me back at the castle?''

Another long silence filled the black-red cavern, the air filled with tension broken only by a cough or sneeze from Twilight.

After a while, Luna sighed. Twilight snapped to attention, ears flicking upwards.

''Twilight Sparkle.'' Luna started, her voice soft. ''We did try to kill you, yes. But take note - our sister did too.''

Without warning, her tone and expression darkened significantly, sending a chill down Twilight's spine.

''Run, Twilight Sparkle. Run or face eternity on the moon.''

Twilight shot upright. ''What do you mean?!''

Luna shook her head, and in one fast move, headbutted the Nightmare away. Her concentration broken, the bonds holding Luna evaporated. She lifted herself into the air, moving quickly.

''We say what we say as ourselves, Twilight Sparkle. Run - but run from only who you believe to be the enemy here.'' She began to glow. ''We would tell you more, but a fiend has cast a hex upon us.'' She glared at the Nightmare, who glared right back.

''Luna!'' Twilight felt herself become lighter, like she was drifting upwards.

''Awaken, Twilight Sparkle - and try to escape this nightmare.''

And so, she did.


Twilight staggered out of bed and collapsed on the floor, breathing heavily. She heard a sound from downstairs, and was about to investigate when a very important sounding voice changed her mind completely.

''Twilight Sparkle, open this door immediately! We are Solar Guards, and we have an order to take you to the castle!''

Twilight gasped, remembering Luna's last words to her. She scrambled around the room, gathering up items and throwing them into her enchanted saddlebags. She didn't need to be told to run - it was that or return to Princess Celestia and get zapped.

''Twilight? What's going on?''

Twilight turned sharply, and breathed out in relief when she realized it was just Spike.

''Look, Spike, I've got to go.'' She quickly resumed her packing, dashing about the room in a panic.

''You've got to go where? On a mission from Celestia?'' Spike sounded so confused Twilight ached with sadness at having to leave without saying goodbye to him - or any of their friends, for that matter. ''Is that why there are guards downstairs?''

Twilight sighed and stopped just in front of Spike, pulling him into a hug. ''I'm sorry Spike, but I think you'll handle all this better in your sleep.''

A simple spell later, and Spike was snoring gently. Twilight placed him in his bed, kissed his forehead lightly, and trotted swiftly downstairs like nothing had happened.

''Twilight Sparkle, we know you are in there! Open up now or we will force down the door!'' Twilight could hear the voice much better downstairs, and it's owner sounded annoyed and angry. She doubled her pace, gathering up food she could live off until she found safety.

A loud thud came from the main room, and Twilight knew her time had ran out. The door was forced open, and all the guards rushed in to the sight of a glowing Twilight Sparkle blinking away.


Twilight felt her hooves touch ground, and she lay there for a moment to gather her bearings. She recognized the area instantly - Fluttershy's house was right next to her. Just up ahead she could see the Everfree Forest.

The castle, Twilight. The Nightmare spoke up, her voice reassuring Twilight.

Twilight nodded and, without a moments thought, she set off towards the forest, and hopefully towards safety until she had sorted this mess out. She let her thoughts drift to the past hours.

A few moments later, she made a decision.

Nightmare? She thought to her new ally - she could call her an ally, right?

Yes, Twilight? She answered.

Twilight hesitated, preparing herself for her next words. Eventually, as the grass and trees around her changed to the Everfree's dismal tones, she spoke aloud for what she had decided to be the last time.

''Your name is Broken Dawn.''