• Published 18th Aug 2012
  • 4,035 Views, 59 Comments

Broken Dawn - HIDEMYPAST

Nightmare Moon. They thought she was defeated - but nothing can destroy the indestructible.

  • ...

Chapter 7 - Debates.

Twilight was tired.

No, that was too simple. 'Tired' defined a pony after a day at work or school. Twilight was much more than tired.

She could say exhausted, but that was only her physical state. She felt mentally wracked, something sleep couldn't fix.

''Twilight?'' Broken Dawn sounded concerned, for good reason. ''I think we should rest. We've got a long way to go, and we're weak and exposed right now.''

No. Twilight replied with her thoughts, determined to stay true to her promise of no speaking. I can't rest now. I need to figure all this out.

''But Luna herself told us she and her sister tried to kill you. What more do you need to know?''

Why. Twilight was starting to feel annoyed - she was starting to lose track of her thoughts, and she didn't feel up to mentally retracing her steps.

''Twilight, it's because of me. You've not read anything different, have you? Because I can guarantee it's not true. Broken's voice started to become more frantic, and Twilight decided to intervene before she could start worrying further.

No, I haven't. But that's what I'm thinking about. How did they know, and why did they decide death was the right way? I mean, Luna only got banishment. Twilight's ears drooped. Why did she only get banished?

''Maybe she cared about Luna more. Broken's voice faded for a moment, and Twilight could tell by the slight twinges in her head that she was thinking hard about something.

Go on? She prompted, her curiosity piqued.

''It's one of two things. Either she learnt from her past experience with Nightmare Moon, and many before that, resurfacing after a short punishment. Or...'' She trailed off.

Or...? Twilight was starting to get annoyed again, and her trail of thoughts were completely shattered. She could only hold onto them and hope she could resume thinking once this little shred of conversation was over.

''She's feared you for a long time and decided it was much safer. Or she's hated you, and couldn't wait to kill you. Celestia's a very good actor.''

Twilight felt her hooves stop in shock, and she forced them to start moving again. Stop it. Broken, go back to sleep. Please.

''Of course, Twilight.'' With that, the presence she had felt since the conversation's start faded, leaving Twilight with her built-upon and confusing thoughts.


Applejack and the rest of her friends were gathered in their large room. Princess Celestia had given them permission to stay while they decided what to do, even giving them one of the only rooms in the castle big enough to accommodate five ponies.
Since they had arrived, the five had been locked in deep debate about what to do.

''I say we go find her.'' Dash's brash voice was full of an unmoving stubbornness. She had been circling the air since the talk had started, and she had been repeating that same sentence for the past ten minutes or so.

''Rainbow, fer the last time, as much as we'd love to save Twilight, we have to wait.'' Applejack sighed. ''The Princesses have a plan, you know that. They just need some time to work it all out.''

Fluttershy gently raised her voice. ''And anyway, the Princesses said the most likely place they've gone to is the Everfree Forest...'' She trailed off.

Applejack frowned, confused. ''Sugarcube, what do ya'll mean, they?''

Fluttershy shifted in place. ''Well, the princesses said that there were two ponies in Twilight's mind, remember? So it makes sense to say they.''

Dash rolled her eyes. ''Saying 'they' implies Twilight's agreeing with that thing. No, I'm gonna stick to her.'' She spat the first words out angrily, increasing her flying speed until a few loose papers drifted out of place.

''Rainbow, please stop. You're moving all my notes!'' Rarity spoke up for the first time, levitating the misplaced papers back into a neat pile. Applejack noticed for the first time the books piled around Rarity.

Dash slowed to a stop, and let herself drift from the air. ''Research?'' She asked.

Rarity nodded, not taking her eyes off the book in front of her.

Applejack lifted her head. ''Ya got anything, Rares?''

The white unicorn sighed and spun around to face the others. ''Quite a lot, actually. But it's not good news, any of it.'' Her ears drooped, and even her mane seemed to lose a little of it's life.

''Well?'' Pinkie spoke up from her corner where she had been moping. She had been inconsolable, and Applejack was starting to worry.

Rarity sighed again. ''It says here that the thing infecting Twilight isn't an infection at all, more of a vengeful spirit burdened with immortality.''

Rarity had the five mare's attention now, and all but Pinkie had shifted to gather around her, listening intently.

''The books I've read all say the same thing - The victim is in complete control of what goes on until convinced that the spirit inside it has the right idea. The victim goes through three main stages before they reach what is known as 'Nightmare Mode.''

''The spirit first begins to converse with the victim and through that it gains access from it's memories. This is followed up by twisting an event in the victim's life to turn it against others, forcing them to harbor a false hatred. Finally, the victim starts to fully listen to the spirit, to the point where they will run away to converse in peace, when they name the spirit.''

''Nightmare Moon.'' Fluttershy whispered.

Rarity nodded, and continued to read from her notes. ''After giving in to Nightmare Mode, the spirit gains full access to everything, and will often change to a nightmarish version of their host, hence the name Nightmare Mode. It will often be a alicorn-sized version of their race, with an intense amount of power that could match Princess Celestia. If it were to take on a strong host, say an alicorn or an individual with tremendous power, Equestria as we know it could be completely destroyed. The only thing powerful enough to stop the nightmare is an ancient power known as the 'Elements Of Harmony.' Without these, the bearer must be killed. There is only one other way to cure the victim, but it has only been used once, and has been passed off as a rumor.''

''However, even after being cured by the Elements, the victim may still believe in the spirits ideals, and will attempt to continue what it started. After being freed from their spell, one victim was known to kill thirteen ponies and then herself. This has also been passed off as a rumor, though scientific evidence has been brought forth that may prove it true.''

A silence filled the room, stretching on long after Rarity had finished. It was broken only by a quiet sobbing coming from the corner.