• Member Since 23rd May, 2013
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dirty little secret

I tried so far… and got so hard… but in the end, it didn't even matter at all. (Direct Support)

Comments ( 46 )

lol, nice to see that the Reflexive Downvote Brigade is still in business. :rainbowlaugh:

edit: looks like it was only a couple, after all (though still only seconds after it was posted, so they couldn’t possibly have read it). Not that I mind, anyway ... it’s something I know is bound to happen in a story like this.

Now that it’s in the feature box (because of course it is), I expect there will be some more downvotes coming.

Sequel with Luna's favorite little Pipsqueak maybe?

I have been waiting for a good Mare on Colt foalcon, I would have like to has seen more of what happened after NMM started her rule.

Ask, and ye shall receive!
(This story wasn’t originally written as part of the Precious Little Woona universe ... but it actually fits quite perfectly.)

If my Patreon supporters demand it...

Unfortunately for her, the events of S01E02 went on just as they did in the show. So NMM didn’t have a very long reign. Later, the reformed Luna went for a visit to apologize to the (presumably traumatized) colt ... but it turned out that he wanted more. Reluctantly, Luna agreed -- in exchange for his forgiveness and agreeing to never speak of it.

...And now I have an idea for yet another sequel. :facehoof: Will this story never end?

I totally want to read that. Poor Colt. Also poor Luna. She'd probably feel utterly mortified and secretly thrilled. And when he says he wants more? Oh my...

Oh that would be great to see that and how about an Alt story where she wins too?

Well, I like consensual better than non-con, so the alternate where she wins isn’t particularly likely. Still, though, if the Patreon supporters demand it...

Well, if he did like it so much, maybe he asks her to pretend to be Nightmare Moon? Hell, maybe the chance to vent with him would prevent her from relapsing.

Now that would add a whole new level of fucked-up-edness. :rainbowlaugh:

Argh I just see this and I dont have time to read it.
Maybe tonight ill have time.

It’s not going anywhere. Take your time. :twilightsmile:

If I hadn't heard such bad things about it, I'd be tempted to make a 50 Shades of Woona pun.

Please!:fluttershysad: I would give you a rebate for a cover art for it, here is my DA gallery if you want to take a look.


Nonconsensual sex between an adult and a child is bound to get downvotes. I mean, these days you can lose your job just for joking about it on Twitter.

Eh, the alt story could probably use the same or similar cover art. But still ... I’ve got a lot of ideas to write, most of which I like better than non-con stories.

Heh, true. Still, downvoting without reading is bad form.
But whatever. It’s not like it matters.

What's up with you and walking the line? Not complaining of course.

>that feel when you revealed yourself to porn young and imagined having sex at that age, don't, and can only get off that young fantasy via proxies in fics
C'est la vie

I blame my Patreon supporters and their tendency to vote for the line-walkingest story in my ideas list.
*shrug* So it goes.

So ... you think you’d be better-adjusted if you did have sex at that age?

Thank Luna (hehe) she didn’t succeed! That colts gonna need YEARS of therapy to get past that night. SOMEONE GET DOCTOR WOLF!!!

Haha, no. It really can fuck a person up. Same thing applies to a lot of things people think they want. Kind've like getting a tattoo of a cock on your bicep in college but realized how fucking bad it was five years down the line. I dunno. I mean, ask yourself why you have this fetish in the first place - or why you have any particular fetish - and you might be able to find the answer besides 'making your dingle tingle.' Me wanting to experience something sexual in my early teens is my internal reasoning anyway. I just find it interesting to ponder, personally.

I want to see a chapter with her coming back as after her reformation and make "amends" to that colt...

Doctor Who?


Kind've like getting a tattoo of a cock on your bicep in college but realized how fucking bad it was five years down the line.

Please tell me that one isn’t also personal experience! :raritydespair:
Ah, well... If I had such a tattoo, I’d troll/guilt trip anyone who asked about it. “I got this when my mom died. It’s just like the one ... the one s-she had... *sniffle* She was such a whore.”

It’s on my ideas list to be voted on by my Patreon supporters each month!

Jesus man another one? *Sighs and unzips*

Who am I fooling. Awww Yeaaaahh.

Someday, eventually, Luna will have banged all the colts, and then I can finally rest.

That's a weird way to say, "Move onto another Princess".

Oh... I remember Precious Little Woona. I'd read a sequel to that.

And then episodes 1 and 2 happened and THIS is why Luna was in hiding for TWO WHOLE SEASONS (damn it Hasbro). She remembered everything she did as Nightmare Moon. Including stealing a young colts innocence before his prime. Shame on you Luna. Shame. (Very tiny voice) you have an entire tower of loyal lupine followers, any of whom would have given you the best orgy of your dreams and you go to a colt... so unfair.

There’s actually an extra chapter (if you haven’t read that yet) in addition to two sequels now. ^.^ You’re in luck!

Eh, I’m not sure if molesting a young colt really measures up to trying to plunge the entire world into eternal darkness...

Sin is sin, and the wages are eternal damnation...

Or something like that.


Sin is sin

Well, I did tell a white lie that one time...
So I guess I might as well go on a murderin’ spree, since it’s all the same, anyway.


No, that's not what I mean. I'm not saying it measures up. I'm saying it was the "lead up". Nightmare Moon was back for... I'm gonna guess five or six hours before Twilight and company caught up with her. Plenty of time to get in some long awaited dickings. Though I personally would have chosen one of the guards. Don't tell Twilight, but I've had my wolfish eye on a pretty little pegasus mare with a blue coat and silver mane in Luna's guard.

That's the spirit!

... I think.

a youtuber who is part of the brony analysis community.

and after luna was defeated she paid for that colts therapy for the next 20 years

Or she might make it up to him in ... other ways. (If my patreon supporters ask for it, there will be a sequel to this.)

🤔 Is it just me, or does Nightmare Moon have less... less...

It's like she's taking a jackhammer to something that requires a basic hammer.

Subtlety! That's the word I'm trying to find. She seems to have less subtlety than Luna :(


She seems to have less subtlety than Luna

Well, I mean ... have you seen the show-canon Nightmare Moon?
She’s not exactly subtle in anything.

I would expect some seduction out of her rather than OKAY. TIME TO DO THE THING. 'KAY, BYE.

*Sigh.* Im glad we got back Luna.

Not if Cadence f**ks them all first! Then they'll all be "too experienced" for Luna.:D

The real reason Sex Ed: Pony Style was instituted.

I enjoy reading your fics however this one seemed to lack the same drive your other books contained do you still write for enjoyment friend? or is it more like a job now? But it was still good don't get me wrong just seemed to have been made for the sake of being made not because you enjoyed writing it and writing in general. I hope to read another story that you have when you have regained your drive for the sheer passion of writing.

Heh, can’t hit a home run *every* time. And this one is a bit outside my usual repertoire.

I wasn't insulting you I was just asking but don't lose your passion it'd suck if that happened

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