• Published 1st Jan 2019
  • 484 Views, 0 Comments

The Big Bad Discord - thatonecoffeemachine

Discord, the now reformed spirit of chaos, roams free on his own will. A colt, wanting to impress others, tries to take the 'big bad' spirit down.

  • ...

I Will Take Him Down If It's The Last Thing I Do!

You are Blaze Yearns, an earthpony colt with a pale yellow coat, almost reddish-brown mane along with cute little dimples. You haven't earned your cutie mark yet and you have a plan to earn one.

A few months ago, after the Tirek incident, news spread that Discord, former Spirit of Chaos AND the one who betrayed all of ponykind with Tirek, has been forgiven. It bothered you really cause, HE WAS FORGIVEN SO EASILY!

After betraying all of ponykind and helping Tirek, as heard from the heroes of the story, 'finding all alicorns and taking their magic to grow stronger, bigger and powerful', in the end getting back-stabbed by Tirek himself, all of ponykind's lives depended on him and he blew it, was STILL forgiven in the end like all he did was accidentally breaking a window with a pebble.

Heck, when you did it, you got grounded for a month! And that window was still broken to this very day. It's been a while since you heard of the word 'games' either.

You walked along the edges of a lake with your cape and bandana on, both a very dark shade of red. You were thinking about the situation as it really did bothered you. You looked into the lake as you stared at your reflection. He didn't really pay for what he did.....did he?

He would usually cause some chaos, but it was usually nice and friendly ones. Like when he would suddenly grow a patch of cabbages in front of ponies' houses. Or when he would block the road with a patch of flowers.....okay maybe not nice, but they were pretty mediocre for what he would do.

Although ponies were used to his weird antics, you still thought that he was kinda annoying.

But back to topic.

He seemed to have not been put into any sort of punishment, hell the princesses probably didn't really acknowledge it much. The princesses rarely mentioned about Discord's betrayal anyway.

Does he want them to keep quiet and not say anything about it? Cause really, EVERYPONY knows about it. So why bother?

If that's not the case, then what is? "Wait...." You said as you raised your head from staring at the lake, your eyes shrinked as you may have realised something. "Maybe he's threatening them to keep quiet about the situation! And threatened that he'll do something bad if they try to punish him! I mean....that's how it always is in 'Finn Rider' anyway." You said as you referenced your favourite comic series, Finn Rider.

You were introduced to it by your dad during your 5th birthday. It was his birthday gift, a full set of the comic series 'Finn Rider'. And you cherished it ever since.

Finn Rider was an adventurer who traveled around Equestria rescuing damsels and looking for loot. He was a blue coated earthpony with brown hair and a shaggy beard. His cutie mark was of a sword along with a diamond.

He had many fantastic and exciting stories, but your favorite so far, was titled 'Finn Rider And The Pirate Princess'. It was about the adventurer disguising himself as a pirate and snuck into a small village to save a princess who.... also happened to be a princess?

Although you still didn't get the concept of the story, you still liked the story.

Back to topic.

"Hmm..... I dunno though. Princess Twilight did say that he was now 'reformed'." you say as you plop your butt onto the ground. "But I got a feeling that he's up to something." you said as you looked up into the sky.

"Hmm........" you said as you laid on your back and took in the view. You watched as a few pegasus cleared the clouds in the sky. You were in awe as you watched OK be of them speed from one cloud to another, leaving behind a rainbow trail. Wait a minute....

"That's Rainbow Dash!" you exclaimed excitedly as you jumped up and watch her soar through the air. She was one of your favourite ponies to ever exist aside from your mom and dad. You used to always pester your dad to take you to the Wonderbolts shows, ever since the news spread about how she had joined the team. Every Saturday, the CMCs committee would have this 'Rainbow Dash Fan Club' meet up discussing about how awesome and cool the pegasus was. And damn right, she was pretty awesome.

You had a thought that maybe you should ask for her opinion on Discord. But then again, the mane six are his closest thing to 'friends' as far as you know, she'll probably just say something along the lines of 'yeah he's wack but he's reformed so who cares'. Something like that.

But you still had your suspicions. He's Discord, afterall. He's unpredictable! He could be playing with bunny rabbits today then destroy the town the next! And boy, and if that happens, you wouldn't forget the fact that you jinxed it. How would your friends would react if you told them that you did......

Thinking about Rainbow Dah again, you know that she's a hero. And you looked up to her. You wanted to be a hero too, just like the rest of her friends. And maybe get a cutie mark from it! Just like Finn Rider!

But how? The only threat you could think of is Discord, with all his weird magic and stuff.

So before you do anything you'd regret, you decided to hatch up a plan. Hmm.....you also needed to know where to find him at. Since he's Discord, you gotta think from his perspective. Where would an evil chaos wrecking Lord hide at? Hmm......

Of course! Somewhere ponies would never hide at! Somewhere ponies the wouldn't dare to go in alone! Somewhere like.....the Everfree forest! Yes! That's exactly where you should find him at!

But like you said previously, ponies were scared to enter alone into the Everfree forest. And you were one of those ponies. Maybe this isn't such a good idea afterall......

...which is what a wimp would say.

Finn Rider had trecked the deadliest mountains and jungles and has survived all the encounters he had. So if he could do it, you could do it too!....


Right! Because.....because a pony from a comic book could do it too. Sounds reasonable, you thought. Maybe. Hopefully.

Welp, no time to waste. You enacted your plan as soon as possible.....at least, after you had your lunch. You're starving.

You stood in front of the entrance to the forest. You're not even in yet and the breeze had already made you tremble in fear. Something reeks too, the odour is terrible. But you inhaled and exhaled slowly. You tried to gather up the courage to just walk in.....but it's so dark and gloomy. Maybe he's not here, maybe he's not here at all, haha he's not.. he's not....

You turned around quickly and tried to walk away, but your heart stops you. No! You have to do this! The sooner you find that meanie, the sooner you'll get your cutie mark, the sooner you'll get your own throne in the castle. That's right! You can do this!

You gathered up the courage to turn back around, and started trembling again as the gloominess intimidates you. You feel your legs giving out as it wanted to just turn around and run, but you went with your heart instead. You ran into the forest, screaming hysterically as you tried desperately to convince yourself that it was fine. "AHHHH! I'MNOTSCAREDI'MNOTSCAREDI'MNOTSCARED!!!"

You ran as far as you could take yourself through the forest. Dodging each and every tree, going through further and further, your eyes looked around expecting to see maybe a trail of Chaos that could lead to him.....

But you found nothing. The forest was just creepy and you saw no specks of Chaos anywhere. It was at then your gut feeling told you that your expectations might've been a tad wrong, and that maaaaybe he's not here at all. Darn.

You slowed down as you looked around at where you were at. You looked back to see where you came from, but realised that you could see no trail from where you came from. Uh oh.

You backed up as you realised the stench grew stronger. You didn't know where you were at. You were stuck. Your heart deceived you. This is it. You'll die alone in a forest. Probably from starvation. That's it, you're doomed. Gone for. And you haven't even gotten your cutie mark yet....

You jumped as you heard a growl. Trembling even more, you backed up into a tree. You regretted your decision to run into the forest. Whatever growled is gonna eat you. You just know it. Then instead of dying a cutie markless pony, you'll just die a ponyless pony. It's over. You're dead.

Your legs gave out as you collapsed onto the ground in fear, your eyes teary as you realised how much you missed your parents. How much you'll miss your comic book collection. How much you'll miss your pet hamster. How much you'll miss all your friends. How much you'll miss being alive.

And you heard the sound of crackling leaves and branches, as if the creature that lurked around is walking towards you. And there it was as it creeped out from the gloomy perspective you had in front of you.

A timberwolf. You forgot that they lived in the forest. The predator was slowly creeping up to you. Your teary eyes finally streamed as you cowered a little more. You closed your eyes as you wished in your mind that this was just a dream. That it wasn't true.

".....somepony....anypony.....help....me" you whined softly, awaiting for the moment when the predator would pounce on him. You feel it closing in on you, and after a while sniffing you. You awaited your dismay.

That is until you heard another voice.

"Well well well, if it isn't a little colt and a puppy- what an adorable pair! Although, I couldn't help but notice how tense the atmosphere is- or is it just me?"."

You heard a snap, and a little flash. "......w-what puppy?" you opened your eyes slowly, and funny enough, the timberwolf stood there, only ten times smaller. ".....h-huh...."

"Does the little pup want a makeover? Ooh, yes you do!" cooed the voice again as a snap enveloped the timberwolf in light, and as it faded, the timberwolf wore a big pink bow on its head and a little skirt.

This time, you giggled a little through your tears. You finally gathered the strength to stand up, sniffling. "...pfft....h-hello there, puppy...." you mocked a little.

The timberwolf looked embarrassed at its own as it whined and ran away, leaving you giggling. But as the tiny 'pup' ran, the voice came back again.

"Now for you, little one." the voice said as a flash appeared in front of you. You closed it a moment, blinded by light. And when you opened, you stood face to face with the Lord of Chaos himself, who had his tail coiled from the tree branch above you. "What brings you out into the forest??"

You yelped as you fell to your side, surprised. You then remembered your motive to enter the forest, and now your chance is standing right there in front of you. So you wore a brave look, well, acting brave at least. He still intimidated you. "...I-I'm not scared of you..." you said with a shaky voice.

He seemed a tad confused at what you had just said. However, he took it as a chance of a little fun as he chuckled. He slithered down the tree and backed away from you a little. You didn't know what he was doing but his demeanor had already started to frighten you. "Oh, but you should be," he said as the atmosphere changed. Suddenly, clouds above you turned grey as thunder roared, the breeze grew stronger as if a storm was brewing. The ground shook as he stood tall and menacing. He laughed as you started trembling again. "Why....I am Discord! The Lord of Chaos! Who wouldn't fear me? Mwahahahaha!" he laughed the iconic villain laugh, thunder roaring endlessly as he did. He looked down at you to see your reaction- but was taken aback as he did.

You were trembling, your face buried in your hooves as you whimpered. "....nhhh....please s-stop..." you were able to whine.

At that moment, Discord realized he had just made you cry, and instantly went from mischievous and playful to almost worried. He lowered down to four feet as the sky cleared instantly and the breeze went back to normal. He poked your head a little but from that you trembled as well. His ears lowered in regret as he realized how far he went. "...I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you like that! I just...." he stammered as he tried to calm you down. The lord of chaos being a bully, he thought to himself. Well, he is but this was a bit too cruel for even his own tastes seeing a foal cry. As you heard what he said, you raised your head a little to face the lord.

You instantly lowered your head down again, as you were still scared of him. Just the concept of him frightens you. Discord sat beside you, not really knowing what to do to get you to stop crying. You two sat there in silence for as long as two minutes, with only your sniffling can be heard.

"Ahem," he coughed suddenly, breaking the awkward silence you two endured. "Well, guess we've learned our own lessons today. I would like to personally ap-" he stuttered, as if he couldn't say the word, "-apo-ap-apolo-" he continued to stutter. You raised your head a little, not knowing what he was trying to stay but was eager to hear. Finally, he managed. "-ap-apolo-apolo-APOLOGIZE! For...my actions," he noticeably cringed as the world rolled off his tongue. "And with that, I give you this," he snapped his talon and waved his hands a little in the air, and like magic, your cape started twirling in his hands with a flash. You were noticeably caught eyed by it as you raised you head higher to see it. One opf your hooves moved onto your neck and felt, as expected, nothing. Huh.....you never noticed it fall off.

Although now it had little rips and tears, with the corners being held by loose thread. You were sure your mother won't be pleased. You turned your head away from it in disappointment. "Oh come on already...." he pleaded. He sighed as he looked at the cape, examining the damage that had fallen upon it. You heard another snap and a slight flash from the gaps of your hooves. "Now would you accept it?"

You slowly turned your head, still wearing a frown. But as your eyes laid on the new red cloth in front of you, that frown of yours faded. Instead, you stared at it in disbelief. "....what in the..."

Discord seemed to smile at your reaction as well. "Happy? Let me put it on for you."

You sat up, wiped your tears and snot away as he carefully tied it around your neck. "Aaaaand voĆ­la! There. All better, right?" he asked as you examined the cape that draped down your neck, feeling the cloth. It really was like brand new. You smiled a little.

"....I guess so. T-thanks, Mr Discord."

"Just Discord is fine. Uhm...." he looked around as if he was looking for something. "Now, explain your reasons for being here. Where are your parents? Are you guys having a picnic in-" he looked around, "-in the middle of nowhere? Whatever are you people doing here, you crazy little things. Unless?"

"I....came here on my own," you said regretfully, your head drooped a little.

"Hasn't anypony told you how dangerous the forest is? I mean, it was pure coincidence that I had stumbled onto you. Heavens know what would happen if I weren't just snooping around here for God knows what, you'd be dead for all I know. What were you playing at?" he scolded. This definitely wasn't something you've heard him being known for. The responsible side of him.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't- well I did know but- I was just.....curious, is all." you said. You didn't know what would happen if you told him that you actually came to have a 1-on-1 with him, right after he mended your cape.

"That's fine and dandy, if it wasn't more than that," he said matter-o-factly. "Please, I've been alive long enough to know how foals are. When you ask them a question, they answer with such genuinity that I could write a book with how much they will say! May I ask what triggered your so-called 'curiosity'? And I will add, your words must exceed 9 pages."

"W-what?" you didn't understand the last thing he said. But you did understand the stuff before it. You gulped as he awaited for an answer. "W-well, I was....." What if he got mad and decided then that it was a good time to do something to you? What if he snapped the timberwolf back to let it eat you because he decided he didn't like you anymore? Dear Celestia, you weren't ready. But...you had to say something. Before he kills you off instead without your explanation. Welp, here goes nothing. "....I-I.....was here.....to.....f-find you...."

"....find....me?" he repeated.

"C-catch you, I suppose. Defeat you- I don't know! I was....I thought you were plotting something evil and wanted to do something about it. Maybe even earn a cutie mark from it. And don't be mad at me, please," you said as you lowered your head, from embarassment. It was more embarrassing than anything, really. You were ready for maybe a stern talking to or a one-way trip to the sun, but what you got was entirely different.

He laughed. "Oh? So that"s what this is all about? You wanted to catch me?- The big bad Discord? Pffft-" he laughed even more. Okay, now you wanted to die, this was embarrassing. Like, you didn't even have a plan and like an actual valid reason to what you wanted to accomplish. He laughed heartedly for a few more seconds, wiping a tear out of his eye. "Oh, catch me. Priceless...."

"....just kill me already," you mumbled through your flustered look.

"Aw, don't be like that!" he said as he snapped his talon, and you flashed away and appeared on his back. "Come on! It's not that bad, I mean, you were able to find me, weren't you?"

"Yeah but-"

"Hey, that's an accomplishment already. I tell ya, you tell other foals about this and they will think you're so cool for meeting the one and only Lord of Chaos!" he said proudly. "Which reminds me, Twilight might be suspecting and looking for me now. I had just put a spell on the whole Castle so that random sounds would appear out of nowhere to creep her out and I don't know if she knows it was me. She's probably guessed who's done it but I haven't heard anything from her yet- guess I'll wait!" That made you laugh a little. Ha, Princess Twilight being fooled must be very entertaining to watch. "Now that's what I was looking for! A little laugh never hurt nopony." he said as he started walking.

You two exited the forest and walked towards town. It was then silence between you two. You noticed how he smiled alot. And as if it were a disease, you couldn't help but smile as well.

Discord started to speak however as you two got closer to town. "I haven't gotten your name, haven't I?"

"Blaze. Blaze Yearns," you say as you looked up at the sky. It was almost night as you watched the sun set. "...I was supposed to be back home before dinner. Dad's gonna ruin me...."

"Well the good thing is that you may live to still see him again, right?" he said.

"That's true, I guess. Thanks to this old fella." you say as you patted him, which he chuckled in return. Of course, you still felt bad for pointing hooves at him. "Sorry for...you know.....thinking you bad and stuff."

"Don't be. Alot of ponies do," he said. At that moment, you could feel his smile forcing itself to maintain even with that remark. Poor fella, you didn't want him to feel sad for thinking much about it. You could feel the tenseness of the atmosphere, so you laid on his back and gave him a hug.

"Well I don't anymore. You seem like a great guy, actually," you said. He chuckled.

"I suppose I am, aren't I?" he replied, making you both laugh. You liked his humor, he was funny as well. Not at all like you had thought of him as. He's been nice the whole time, too.

At that moment, you felt comfortable with him. Huh, perhaps you had just made a new friend. Still pretty unbelievable that it was the lord of chaos, however.

As you two entered through town, you watched as ponies eyed you two confusely, murmuring among themselves at the scene. You were pretty sure that it was because a sight like you two is pretty rare to see. You chuckled a little at that.

"So where's your home?" asked Discord as he looked around at the row of houses. He cared not for the staring eyes of others. You commended him for that.

"Turn to the corner in front and the five more houses ahead- are you sure you wanna walk me home all the way?" you asked. You felt like you were using him, almost.

"I mean, we're almost there, aren't we? Besides, I want to make it up to you for that whole scaring you thing."

You sat up, and held the ends of your cape in your hooves. "You mending my cape is enough though, really."

"Welp, can't stop me now, I'm almost there~" he said as you giggled.

You sighed. Oh boy, you wondered how your parents were holding up. You kinda enjoyed being by the guy's side though. Talking to him was fun, his company alone was fun. He......can't help but be one of the best of friends you have made in your life, and your friends list ain't that much to begin with.

"Hey, Blaze."


"Maybe we could hang out again sometimes. Like accompany me to pull pranks or whatever. I could even invite the CMCs with us if you want- you know who they are, right?"

"Yeah, I know them. And...I'd like that actually," you said. You...actually felt excited that the day wouldn't be the last day you guys meet.

"Then, how about tomorrow?"

"Hmm, maybe a few days after, probably. My parents probably wouldn't let me out of the house after what happened today."

"Eh, understandable. Maybe if you see any of the mane six around you'd be able to ask 'em where I'm at if you're free. That or I'll probably be around to hear you. I have ears like radar you know," he commented as you chuckled a little. You two eventually made it to your home as well.

Standing in front of your house, you slid off his back. You wanted to knock but hesitated when you heard the frantic voices coming from inside.

"Princess Twilight, you need to find my son as soon as possible, please-"

"And with all due respect, I have sent out guards to be on a lookout. Just-"

"He's just a little boy, what if he gets hungry and he's all alone in the dark? Oh my little baby...."

"Ma'am, please calm down....."

Discord snorted. "...baby..."

"It's not funny," you said quickly, embarrassed.

"It is a little, if you think about it," he said as you rolled your eyes.

Suddenly, you could hear mom calling out frantically. "Oh my Celestia I hear somepony outside- Blazey?? Is that you???"

"Uh oh," you gulped as you could hear hoofsteps.

"Quick- knock so that she won't think we're stalling," he whispered hurriedly.

You quickly went to action, but was too late as the door swung open. Your mother stood at the other side, staring at you and Discord in surprise. "....uh, I'm back?" you laughed nervously.

"My Blazey!" she cried as she pulled you in for a hug. "Oh my goodness, don't you know how worried I was?? Where have you been all day??"

"I was....out- and Mr Discord was nice enough to walk me home," you tried to say as you felt like you could suffocate through the grip your mom had on you as she hugged you tightly.

Discord hurriedly tried to sneak away, but paused as he heard the stern voice of Twilight. "Oh no you don't, Discord."

He paused, and turned to her with an exasperated sigh. "Oh come on, I clearly had nothing to do with it other than walking him home."

"No excuses. You'll have to explain the whole situation- and I mean whole situation to me at the Castle. Come on now." she said as she excused herself to your mother and dragged Discord away by his tail, which he sulked upon..

"You on the other hand," you heard your dad say as he stood behind you and mom, making you gulp. "You're gonna explain yourself, and go to bed early without dinner. Also, you're grounded."

You sighed. Whatever. You were still pretty happy with the day, and nothing in this world could ever ruin your mood now. Except for that no dinner part, but that didn't matter much anymore. You were proud of yourself today. Not only did you catch Discord, you managed to befriend him. Oh boy, what a story you would tell your parents this time.....

Author's Note:

Happy new year! Here's some packets of marshmallows, they're pretty good.

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