• Published 9th Aug 2018
  • 553 Views, 7 Comments

A Tale Of Three Worlds - Sornos

A Khajiit and a Turian in Equestria...enough said...except Cheese.

  • ...

citizenship and health care

The door to Luna’s office closed with an ominous *boom,* despite it being a normal door.

“Why do I have a bad feeling about this?” Torrin said with a sigh.

“Perhaps it was the “boom” we heard,” Qa’taro guessed.

“Or the strange smirk Luna has,” Twilight added.

Torrin nodded, feeling kind of weird. “Huf huf. I must be out of it if i’m out of breath.”

“Considering the fact that when I scanned Chrysalis, I caught a “reading” of you and...well…” Twilight balked.

“It wasn’t pretty. I know my body was not in great shape but this bad?” Torrin sighed. “It's a miracle I can still fight.”

“Bah, it shouldn’t be too much of a concern,” Qa’taro brushed off. “Khajiit has been nearly decapitated and is still alive and able to fight.” He shook his head for a short bit before his neck popped and he flinched in pain. “Although, it has left this one with nasty neck pain on occasion.”

“Try losing half your lung capacity at best and damage to your heart.” Torrin said.

“And all of a sudden, regret over making comparisons fills this one with grief.” Qa’taro shrunk into a seat.

“As intriguing as your health and near death experiences are, let’s jump onto the subject I feel should be addressed. Primarily, the potential of contact with the worlds you come from.” Luna began.

“Mine is possible but unlikely as while we can travel the stars, your planet is at least 100 light years away. Which means unless a mass relay misfires again, I will be the only one from my universe.” Torrin explained. “You Qa’taro?”

“Unless the Divine Aedra and/or the Daedric Princes can work something for that, no,” he answered. “And even if it was possible, the Imperial Empire, the Aldimeri Dominion, and what’s left of the Daggerfall Covenant wouldn’t be receptive of new races. If anything, they would assume this world is nothing but a portion of Oblivion and would insist on war to “purge” the new Daedric threat.”

“That just mean just in case, I need to get to work training your guards.” Torrin commented. “Anything else?”

“Citizenship,” Luna said simply. “If you desire to help Equestria in any way, then you will need citizenship...and don’t worry. We can provide a form of dual citizenship so you may still remain loyal to your worlds while giving aid here, if you so wish.”

“Sounds good, but I have no ties save a few friends back home.” Torrin said.

“And Qa’taro was but a mercenary, fence, spy, and vampire hunter. No real loyalties or family to think of.” Qa’taro said.

“Even my own race hated me for my powers. So they hold no loyalty for me.” Torrin said.

“I’ll take that as a no then,” Luna said with a bored tone while jotting something down on a nearby notepad.

“My power as a spectre is all I have that could tie me to home, and I plan to drop it.” Torrin added. “Unless you plan to make such a role for pony government?”

“There might be something I could work out, but for now, the project you had in mind should tide you over until such time that a spectre would be needed,” Luna said. “And Qa’taro-”

“This one mostly in skills of combat of various forms, as well as having a bit of a silver tongue for some cases,” Qa-taro answered. “However, the specific skills that involve hunting vampires and the buying and selling of questionable merchandise probably wouldn’t be needed.”

“It's simple my feline friend. You could set up a spy network with that skill as a fence.” Torrin pointed out.

“Setting it up is one thing, maintaining it and keeping corruption from infecting it...not something Qataro enjoy’s,” he said. “Khajiit prefers the actual dirty work over leading any day.”

“Understandable,” Luna commented. “Tia only loved two things: chess, and cake. In other words, she prefered to have others do the dirty work while she sat on her fat flanks and directed from afar...mostly.”

“So not even willing to do anything dirty herself? What a coward.” Torrin said.

“She did it under a lie that she was helping ponies learn, a lie she believed herself,” Luna agreed.

“Then she was no leader worthy of respect.” Torrin sighed. “I’m going back to the wreck of my ship. With luck some of the armors and weapons survived the crash.”

“And what of Qa’taro and I?” Twilight asked.

“To answer your question, Qa’taro should accompany you and Torrin to Ponyville, as I’m guessing that is where his shipwreck is,” Luna told them. “However, how a ship got so far inland is what I want to know...at a later time that is.

“It’s a quick answer so I can do it now. It's not one that sails the seas, but the stars.” Torrin explained.

“Curious. This one wonders if the vessel has hints of Dwemer influence,” Qa’taro said as he stood up. Before he started to walk off, he turned to Luna. “And Qa’taro hopes this isn’t an insult, but for some reason, Khajiit can feel the power of this world’s moon, or moons...it must have to do with the phases of the moons on Nirn when I was born.”

“Wait! Moons? As in plural?” Twilight asked, a frenzied look in her eyes.

“Yes?” Qa’taro answered hesitantly. He was suddenly enveloped in a purple aura and Twilight left the room with him floating behind while she started asking question after question.

“Twin moons likely as that is the most stable set up after one moon. Huf huf.” Torrin’s breathing was a bit ragged.

“Of course,” Luna said. “It should be understandable that those from lands and worlds unknown have different customs and probably different phenomenon. Now, I’m not giving any command right now, but I think it would be best if you rescue your feline friend and get to Ponyville with Twilight and the other Bearers.”

“Sounds good. Huf huf. But not sure I got it in me to move fast. Cursed broken air sacs!” Torrin exclaimed. “Sorry that's what I meant by losing half my lung capacity.”

“Then for now, I shall assist you.” Her horn glowed blue before the feeling of being disassemble into millions of pieces and then reassembled elsewhere hit him.

“Ugh and I thought the feeling of a biotic charge was bad.” Torrin looked quickly for his new friend. What he saw was borderline hilarious and practically embarrassing...for his feline friend.

Qa’taro was hanging upside down in a blue aura while his armored shirt was being examined by Rarity, all while the Mane 6 watched. Add to the fact that he was wearing more of an armored skirt rather than pants...

“Uh Rarity. Luna said we all should head back to ponyville.” Torrin said quite loudly. “So please let him down.”

“What?” She said, looking at him in slight confusion, before brightening up. “Oh, of course.” She then absentmindedly dropped Qa’taro on his head, her attention brought back to the armored shirt.

“We better get going. Huf huf.” Fluttershy was the first to really notice Torrins ragged breathing.

“Oh my! Are you okay?” She asked.

“Its some old internal damage acting up. I will live.” Torrin explained. “It’s not like you can fix broken air sacs.”

“Actually, we can, if we have enough understanding of the patient’s body,” Twilight said. “And no, the scan I unintentionally did didn’t give me enough knowledge to heal the damage I saw.”

“Would a focused one do the trick?” Torrin asked. “Would be nice to get healed.”

“Yes, but now isn’t the time or place, and it would be best for a medical professional to do the scanning and healing spell.”

“Of course Twilight. As I said. I will live.” Torrin said with a smile.

“Regardless, it would be best if you get yourself checked up,” Qa’taro said as he stood up from his fall. “Perhaps either after the trip to Ponyville or the rescheduled wedding.”

“Twilight do you think there is such a professional in Ponyville?” Torrin asked.

“Yes, but compared to what we could find in the cities, what Ponyville has is decent at best, basic at worst,” She answered.

“Then perhaps we should delay heading back just yet and look.” Torrin said. “It might be too late if we wait.”

“Sounds promising, but Khajiit believe that you may still need a guide,” Qa’taro said

“Then perhaps most of you should head to Ponyville, while the rest of us find a medical professional.” Torrin reasoned out a plan. “How does that sound Twilight?”

“Yeah, It does,” she agreed. “But who-”

“I’ll do it,” Rarity jumped in. “You do need this world’s currency, if I’m guessing correctly and I have the money to pay for your procedure. Better for that than my thought of purchasing makeup from out of Equestria.”

“We have room for at least one more. Anyone else want to stay?” Torrin said.

“Umm...Me,” Fluttershy whispered nervously. “As disgusting as it sounds, I want to know more about Torrin and how he works. New creatures fascinate me.”

“That actually sounds very noble Fluttershy. I think these two are more than enough so everyone else head back to ponyville. We will meet you there when we are done.” Torrin said.

“Excellent,” Qa’taro said. “Let us start moving and working.” Rarity and Fluttershy started walking to a hospital with Torrin following. The rest went to the train.

Author's Note:

hope you like this a lot.