• Published 9th Aug 2018
  • 551 Views, 7 Comments

A Tale Of Three Worlds - Sornos

A Khajiit and a Turian in Equestria...enough said...except Cheese.

  • ...

the threat is revealed

“So what is this visit going to involve?” Torrin asked as they went to the hospital. “They aren’t going to try to dissect me are they?”

“Only ponies who are mentally unsound would do that,” Rarity answered. “With the spell that Twilight spoke of, the only cutting that may or may not be involved would be surgical kinds.”

“Then I better make sure they know to avoid my plates then.” he replied. “Likely you don’t have a metal to cut through them.”

“The spell should tell them where it may be best to do any cutting, if that happens,” Fluttershy said. “If not, a warning before...hand?” She gave Torrin a questioning glance.

“Yes that's the right word.” Torrin nodded. “I plan on telling them as much as i can before they start.”

“Of course they may take a skin and blood sample so that in cases of surgery, they can replicate them to allow for blood transfusions and skin grafting, should they be needed.” Rarity paused in walking and shook her head. “All of this talk of blood will either require two tons of ice cream or a hard drink or two to forget it.”

“Fair enough not all can take it.” Torrin amidted. “So is this the place?”

They all took a look at the building they were in front of. “Yes, this should be it.” Rarity strode to the door and opened it for Torrin and Fluttershy. When they entered, they found it was busy, more than likely for those injured from the invasion, civilian and military. However, when one of the nurses saw Torrin and the other two, she walked up to them.

“May I help you three?” She asked.

“I am in need of medical care.” Torrin said.

“Alright, we’ll have to get the recently reworked paperwork out for you to work with,” She said as she went to one of the administration desks. “Luna, having been given primary “stewardship” over Equestria, she instituted a few laws to counter ones that most ponies practically ignored. That, and she also informed us of some...one of another race of needing medical assistance for accumulated war scars on the inside, and assuming it’s you, it’s supposedly long overdue.”

“War scars?” Fluttershy asked, looking at Torrin.

“I’m a soldier Fluttershy. In fact I’m special ops.” Torrin explained. “My powers come with a major cost if I overuse them.”

“Then after this check up and possible surgery, we may need to schedule more check ups and needed surgeries,” the nurse said, as she handed over the paperwork.

“Oh I’ll likely need at least two. My amp is a big issue.” Torrin explained as he took and quickly filled out the paperwork. “There we go. Should have everything I need to put and some of the extra’s I felt i needed to say.”

“Hmm,” the nurse said. “Let’s see, plates over major organs, cellular structure not composed of material found in the life of this world, no dissection, skin, plate, and blood samples to be taken for both research and any medical needs, and finally…” Her face contorted in confusion before giving Torrin a nod and taking the paperwork towards the back. “Take a seat while I find a...trustworthy team to handle your needed assistance, which may take a while, with the invasion that happened, we’re a little backed up.”

“Take your time, I have lived with this for ten years. A few more hours can’t hurt.” Torrin said taking a seat.

“As true as that initially sounds, it isn’t,” Rarity said. “Take your time, but not too much.”

“That’s of course what I meant. My life is in no immediate danger is my point.” He said. After waiting roughly for half an hour, Torrin was called to the back by another nurse. He was given a minotaur hospital gown and a private spot to change. After a quick change, he was brought to the OR, and the nurse gave him a quick scan. After the scan, Torrin gave a summed up version of his biotics and the pockets of element zero through his body as the nurse readied a strong sleeping spell. Within a few seconds, Torrin was in a deep sleep.


“For the last time, you are not going to touch the Wabbajack!” Qa’taro shouted at Twilight as the train was going down the mountain.

“Think of all we can learn from its strange magic!” Twilight whined.

“That’s about as bad as purposefully asking to go mad!” Qa’taro yelled. “In a roundabout way, this one has seen madness personified and his tendencies!”

“Do you mean Sheogorath?” Pinkie asked suddenly.

“Pinkie, you are so random,” Rainbow said as she smirked at Qa’taro as he had to physically and psychologically fight of Twilight and PInkie.

“And who’s this Sheogorath, if Pinkie is right?” Applejack asked.

“Sheogorath is the Daedric Prince of Madness, one who delights in tormenting men into madness, and that’s when he’s relatively normal,” he answered. “If he’s in a bad mood, your intestines would make good jump ropes for him, and in his kinder mood, that’s the issue this one has.”

“Disgusting!” Applejack and Rainbow Dash said in obvious disgust.

“He sounds like a big meanie!” Pinkie exclaimed.

“How can he even get away with that!?” Twilight said in shock.

“He’s a Daedric Prince, which is to say that he is practically a god in all but title. He cares not (entirely) for mortals and only cares for himself.”

“So...could the Princesses defeat him?” Rainbow asked.

“Short version, not in the long run,” Qa’taro said. “He is more than roughly 50 or so times stronger than both, and the only thing they could do is keep him off the mortal plane of existence and in the Shivering Isles.”

“What!? That means he surpass all the villains the princesses faced in their prime, combined!?” Twilight nearly fainted at the thought.

“Not sure how powerful these villains are, but yes,” he answered.

Twilight fainted to the shock of everyone.

“That would easily have been a new level of doozy if I felt him on my Pinkie Sense.” Pinkie said.

“Not sure what that is, but Qa’taro will just nod and agree.” He then gave a slight sweeping look at the four ponies. “Since the trip to Ponyville may take a while, what do each of you do for work?”

“I run Sweet Apple Acres,” Applejack boasted. “We grow the best apples in all of Equestria.”

“I’m the weather manager, and soon to be Wonderbolt,” Rainbow proudly said.

“Wonderbolts?” He looked towards her questioningly.

“You don’t know about the WONDERBOLTS!!!” She flew up to his face with a shocked expression.

“Dashie! He just arrived as he is from a different dimension!” Pinkie said.

“Oh, my bad,” she said as she rubbed her head in embarrassment.

“Just remember that next time you tell Khajiit and he’s confused,” Qa’taro told her. “And now you, Pink one?”

“Yes? Whats up?” Pinkie said.

“Uh, your job? What is it?” He asked.

“I make sweets at Sugarcube Corner. I also take care of the Cake twins.” Pinkie said.

“A baker and a babysitter...This one of course find it disgusting that these Cakes pay you to sit on babies.” He paused before he started chuckling to himself. “Qa’taro can do it for nothing...now why does my head feel suddenly foggy.”

“I don’t know. It happens to me sometimes too.” Pinkie said.

“Possible side effects of being sent here by Sheogorath,” he guessed. “It may also explain my sudden craving of cheese and quesadillas since I woke up in the palace dungeons.”

Twilight started to stir only to faint again at the mention of cheese. “She faints at power level differences, and now concerning cheese,” Qa’taro commented.

“There must be a reason my new feline friend.” Pinkie said. “Something to ask latter.”

“Well, I ain’t gonna question it too much,” Applejack said. “It just means that most of my meals will have cheese on the side rather than in it, just in case Twi ends up visiting for dinner.”

“I will keep this in mind when I plan your party big guy.” Pinkie said.

“Keep the cheese hidden, yet present, and make sure there is plenty of mead.”

“Mead?” Rainbow asked.

“An alcohol that is made from fermented honey, and can sometime have fruit mixed in,” Qa’taro explained. “Sweet as a summer’s morning and can kick you harder than a giant’s foot.”

“Huh, sounds like something I could try to make and see how it works for sales,” Applejack thought out loud. “If it tastes as well as you claim, it could possibly sell better than our family cider.”

“Just so long as I can get a mug of both to test and see which tastes better and which stays or becomes my favorite,” Rainbow said.

“Noted big guy. I will see what I can do.” Pinkie smiled.

“This one thanks you. Now, I don’t mean to be rude, but Khajiit has decided to take a nap,” Qa’taro said. “In the meantime, see to your traumatized friend.” He then stood and climbed into a bunk in their car. Within seconds, he was out.

“What’s going on? Why am I here?” Torrin said as he sees he is in some kind of strange space.

“Better question. Where is “here?” And why is Qa’taro here as well?” He heard Qa’taro say behind him.

“Well they knocked me out to perform the surgery. Then I ended up here.” Torrin said.

“This one is taking a catnap...take from that what you will,” Qa’taro joked.

“Who brought us here? Why are we here in this strange space?” Torrin pondered out loud.

A brightly colored orb appeared in front of the two and spoke. “I have, and it is to warn you both.”

“Now i know it must be the spell. How can a orb talk!?” Torrin starts to freak a bit.

“It is because I’m not an orb.” The orb spoke before brightening and showing a large, glowing, golden dragon. “For I am Akatosh, the god of Nirn’s sun, the god of time, and the father of all Nirn’s dragons.”

Upon hearing those words, Qa’taro fell to his knees in a bow and began muttering in an unknown tongue. Torrin on the other hand...

“A god? There are no such thing as gods!” Torrin exclaimed.

“In your dimension, that may be true. But that doesn’t mean that is multiversally true,” Akatosh calmly responded. “Before I continue, Khajiit, I wish to feel your Thu’um. It has been literal ages since I felt Talo’s power.”

“Thu’um? What the heck is that?” Torrin asked confused.

“Then listen carefully,” Qa’taro said as he stood up. “Yol Toor Shul!!!” He shouted, blasting flames at Akatosh.

“Ahh! Such power. If you were born as dovahkiin, then your power would have rivaled many of my children,” Akatosh complimented him as the flames burned before extinguishing. “Now, the warning I spoke of. In actuality, two warnings.”

“What is it you have to tell us?” Torrin says able to tell this “being” is powerful to say the least.

“Patience, armored one. The dreamscape is timeless, but regardless, time will be shortly short.” Akatosh chuckled at his joke. “A thousand years in the past, an Empire existed that was ruled by a harsh leader by the name of Sombra.”

“Getting dark immediately,” Qa’taro commented.

“For fear of his literal dark reign spreading like a plague from Peryite, the two sisters struck him down and banished him to the shadows of this realm. But not without cost. He cursed the Empire in the last second to follow him into the shadows.”

“Let me guess, this empire is soon to return?” Torrin asked.

“Your perception seems to rival that of Shepard himself. Yes, that is true, but alongside the Empire’s return, it’s Dark Emperor returns as well. When the sisters call for Twilight, then upon her departure, you must board the soonest train heading into the Frozen North.

“I at least can do one better. They see me as a friend, so i could be with them when they arrive.” Torrin pointed out.

“As for the second warning, Molag Bal is seeking to conquer Equis.”

“How could this come about?” Qa’taro asked in shock.

“Sheogorath unintentionally brought enough of his influence through you that Oblivion is now a part of Equis as it is a part of Nirn.”

“Why do I have a bad feeling about that?” Torrin moaned.

“It is because Molag Bal, in his curiosity over Equis, he has discovered other Realms, ones he will find agents to do his will to conquer this one. Fortunately, I have also alerted the Guardians of those realms of Molag’s ambition. So when one of his agents arrive to either sow chaos or bring destruction, aid will come.”

“The catch? There is always a catch.” Torrin said.

“The only catch is an oath, one that the khajiit has already made. Do you swear by your ancestors, that you shall protect those who cannot do so themselves and to do so in my name?!”

“Other than the in your name part, that is already in my job description as a specter. So I swear. This doesn't not mean I trust you as a being, just that I wish to do what I can.” Torrin said.

“Very well. As a token and sign of the oath you have made, upon your neck an amulet of my worshipers shall be placed. So long as it remains on your neck and you fulfil your oath, then the affliction your gift curses you with shall be weakened, but not banished.”

“Your telling me this thing will make my amp deal me less damage on overheat!?” Torrin exclaimed.

“Of course, but remember this: I am bound should ye do what I say, but if ye do not what I say, ye have no promise.” Akatosh flapped his wings and took flight through space before vanishing in a flash of light.

“Ok that is amazing.” Torrin smiled. “How will I explain this to the doctors though?”

“Khajiit finds that the truth works best,” Qa’taro said. “It is good for the soul.”

“How do I wake up from this though!?” Torrin starts to panic a bit.

“Like this!” Qa’taro’s hands burst into flames and fired a fireball at him. Just as it was about to impact...

Torrin jolted awake in the hospital. “Why do i feel so powerful?” he wondered. “That crazy cat tried to burn me alive!”

“Who? What? Huh?” He heard from a nearby chair. Rarity was shaking herself awake while checking her reflection in a mirror. “Oh My Stars! My hair is all messed up! And Torrin just woke up too! He must think I’m hideous!” She said in a panic.

“Relax Rarity. You look great.” Torrin said.

“GREAT! I’m supposed to look fabulous, not great!” She started tearing up. “I can’t be here with my hair like this! Fluttershy!” She yelled out while rushing out of the hospital room.

“What the heck did I do!?” Torrin exclaimed.

A nurse opened the door and asked, “Who was yelling?”
“One of my guests just left.” Torrin explained.

“One of the Elements?” She asked with an annoyed deadpan tone. Torrin nodded and the nurse sighed. “Typical Elements. They save the world a few times over and, perhaps subconsciously, they think they can break rules and laws with little to no consequence.” She then moved to the side, allowing Fluttershy to enter the room. “With a few exceptions,” she added before leaving.

“I heard Rarity shouting. Are you okay?” Fluttershy asked.

“It's fine, Rarity just got a bit overboard about her hair.” Torrin said.

“I DON’T GO OVERBOARD!!!” They both heard Rarity bellow, causing the hospital to shake.

“Be careful what you say about her looks or reputation,” Fluttershy whispered. “She had a terrible time as a teenager, acne and sometimes overly bad hair days.”

“I see. Fair enough thanks for the warning.” Torrin said. “Now about this amulet?” He moved his hand to the amulet and examined it. It seemed to be a simple leather rope with an intricately carved wooden arrowhead.

“That necklace looks pretty,” Fluttershy said. “Where did you get it?”

“From a possible friend. As a sign of my oath.” He said.

“Who, and what oath?” She asked.

“It’s a long story. I have sworn to keep others safe.” Torrin said. “Not sure if I should say who.”

“If you’re uncomfortable about saying it, then it can wait,” She said before gently laying him down in the hospital bed. “And it’s currently late, so you can get some more rest before you tell.”

“But i just woke up!” Torrin whined a bit.

“And if I know anything, you’ll need what rest you can get before the pain comes back as hard as Dashie crashing headfirst into the dirt at Mach 4.

“What pain? I was never in any pain?” Torrin asked confused.

Fluttershy sighed before counting down on her feathers. “Three, two, one.” At the last word, he started to feel like he just downed a bottle of ryncol, massive waves of pain hit every cell in his body.

“AGH!!!!!!!!!!” His muscles tense as he fights the pain.

“I don’t have to say it, so get what rest you can,” she said as she walked to the door. “I’ll go and see if a nurse can-” The door suddenly burst open, Rarity walking in with her hair and makeup fixed.

“There we go!” She exclaimed. “Now, what did I miss?” Torrin stared at her for a few seconds with a pained ‘Really?’ expression, before two Royal guards walked in and gently pulled her out. The door then closed, showing Fluttershy imbedded into the wall with her eyes rotating in dizziness.

“Agh! So much pain! Why does it hurt so much!” Torrin screamed. A nurse rushed in, slamming the door open on Fluttershy again, and quickly cast a numbing spell. Without any more words, she walked out after checking something off of a clipboard. The door closed again and he saw that Fluttershy looked flattened, almost as if she was one of those old human cartoon characters.

“Fluttershy? Are you ok? OW!” Torrin exclaimed still in quite a bit of pain. “How much did you have to fix?”

Fluttershy pulled herself out of the wall and began to drunkenly sway around. “Oh, Angel. My Angel, why do you have wings?” She drunkenly sang before collapsing into unconsciousness.

“Can we get a doc over here. She might have minor head trauma. OW not again!” Torrin exclaimed.

Author's Note:

the next bit will have a short time skip then we will get to the first meaty bit.