• Published 12th Aug 2018
  • 453 Views, 2 Comments

The Ghastly Sky - The A I

An old mare's tail turns out to be more than just a tale told to scare foals.

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sit down and let me tell you a story...

Deep in canterlot, down a long dark alley an old wooden bar stands, still standing and serving the citizens of the city proudly. Inside, dark and gloomy, this old bar is decorated by remnants of ships and naval decoration, dimly lit by the warm light of a crackling fire. The rough tables, benches and floor left unpolished and grimy. in a corner, an old stallion sits on a stool before a group of Royal Guard recruits, a cold iron tankard full of ale balanced on his hoof. His long, scraggly grey beard dripping with the remnants of his last drink, wild brown eyes wistful and his withered green fur creased by a hearty smile as he retells tales of old, legends and old mare's tales.

"... And so, the great hunt for the sky whale came to an end, the Captain taken kicked out of the navy for wasting over a year and 3 ships hunting down the beast he swore to his dying breath had tried to take him and his crew out the sky. but some say, if you fly over canterlot at midnight, you can still hear his screams of despair" The old stallion strains his voice, hoarse and gritty. the guards before him showing little to no reaction before one pipes up.

"you have told us this story 3 times, in a row! don't you know any other stories? it's almost nightmare night" the white stallion sighs, saying simply what the other 4 guards were thinking, much to the old stallion's dismay.

With a grimace, the elderly stallion sighs. "Fine, pull my leg why don't you. let me tell you a true tale, oh spirits, airships, and a ghost that cannot be quelled by any mortal means" He hums softly, before looking the 5 stallions in the eyes seriously.

"Are you seriously going to spin the tale of the Flying Dutchmare?" The same stallion stopped the elder with a frown, receiving a chilling grin in response.

"Not quite. Every old mare's tale comes from a legend, and not all legends, are made up. this is the tale of the one true ghost ship, driven by unknown means and reasons, striking every ship unlucky enough to meet it's path. she has been prowling the skies for over a thousand years, no crew, not docking once, and never defeated" The elderly stallion whispers harshly, a sad sparkle in his eyes, looking between his audience members. "to this day, she takes the brave and stupid out of the sky if they don't escape her rage"

The guards look between each other, unsure if the story teller is pulling their leg or not, they wait for him to continue the story anxiously. "but, how did it become such?" One asked cautiously, their fur a light grey, the shade of which made unclear by the flickering firelight.

"... How? How did it become such..." He sighs, looking at the floor for a moment, thinking. "it all started in the last pirate battle in the equestrian skies, supposedly anyway. The battle was long and the weather treacherous, 8 ships flying the black flag clashed against the 3 most powerful ships equestria and the griffins had ever built. the battle was long, but as it seemed victory was near... there was a terrible loss. one of the three caught aflame, it's armoured balloon catching and tearing her from the sky, but not before, taking one of the pirate vessels with her. After that loss, the 2 remaining battleships finished off the pirates, and sent their crews to search for survivors of their friends. none were found alive that day, the wreck left to smoulder as a memorial to those aboard." The old stallion sighs, tapping his hoof on the floor before taking a gulp of his drink, most of it spilling out around his mouth, down his soaked beard and onto the floor. "BUT, there was something dark in that ship. something that refused to leave. it stayed, festered among the dead and wrecked dreams of it's crew. 3 years after the battle, a group travelled there to pay respects to the dead, only to find the skeletons scattered about on ashen ground, the wreck of the ship seeming to have disappeared. And then, reports started coming in. about a dark cloud tearing ships from the skies, and of the stench of rotting wood in it's wake. they tried hunting it down to be rid of it, but each was lost to the darkness."

The guards shuffle closer, seemingly eager to hear the rest of the tale, but find the story cut short by an injured pony slamming the door open and stumbling in. the guards rushing over to help the poor mare. "Are you okay? what happened?"

The mare looked past them and at the old stallion, her coat soaked and her face blackened by smoke. "She's struck again... just outside the port... we couldn't save them this time..." She snarls, her voice strained through panting breathe, shaking as though in shock

"... where" The story teller asks, rushing outside to look up, only to catch a glimpse of a large airship, illuminated by lightning fading into thick, black mist like clouds, rain pouring down like a typhoon. "... The cursed ship... Once the golden lance of the skies, now it's dark executioner..."

Meanwhile in Princess Celestia's private quarters...

Celestia stares out her window as she watches this dark ship leave canterlot's airspace, the burning wreck of the merchant ship crashing down into the mountainside below as thunder and lightning booms in the skies above. Regret for being too late to save them covering her face and yet unwilling to go after the ship responsible in case it turns it's gaze onto the towns and cities her ponies occupy. "why... why do you hunt the ships you used to protect... why do you see us all as enemies, threats to be dealt with..." She asks herself, the dark sky starting to dissipate as it stretches into the distance. The echoing sound of a single cannon shot being fired is heard as a green flash comes from inside the depths of thew storm, shortly followed by the remains of the merchant ship exploding with pale green flames, the wood quickly turning to ash in it's wrathful embrace.

Frowning, Celestia would sit down and think, trying to figure out a way to make the skies safe again.

"It used to follow a strict route, did it not, sister?" The voice of Luna calls from the door to her chambers, said princess trotting over to sit beside her sibling. "what caused it to change that?"

Celestia looks to her sister with a small smile and wraps a wing around her, holding her close. "I wish i knew, Luna. But it has become, erratic. like a trapped animal searching for a way out... and striking anything that gets too close"

Author's Note:

sorry if there are any spelling/grammar mistakes. i just needed to get this chapter done and out there.
hope you all enjoy.