• Published 12th Aug 2018
  • 453 Views, 2 Comments

The Ghastly Sky - The A I

An old mare's tail turns out to be more than just a tale told to scare foals.

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A call for help

Historical books, newspapers, notes and letters circle around a lavender unicorn, taking vigorous notes on all related writings that she can find on the subject matter her tutor has written to her about in a letter. While she is not the only pony tasked with such a quest to find information, she is easily the one the princesses have the most faith in, something that she knows and reminds herself of, even as she finishes compiling data and signing it off. The tree-bound library in which she lives being lit up by a green flame as the large scroll is burnt by her baby dragon.

Celestia, in her own studies of the cursed ship’s movements over the past years, her sister, Luna beside her, looking through foreign reports of the ship’s sightings. Both taken out of their research by the fiery arrival of a hefty scroll forming from a familiar trail of smoke.

“I see your student’s recent task has been completed with plenty of information” Luna would raise an eyebrow as the size of the scroll, and silently hoping she was more successful at finding more relevant information that they had been.

“Yes, sister. It would appear so. Let’s see what she has found” With a nod from her sister, the two open the scroll Twilight sent, from the scroll several photos, paintings and drawings fall to the desk, along with a separate list of locations. The scroll itself giving a detailed accounts from eye witnesses and ponies claiming to have had unique interactions. From the absurd to the more probable.

“It’s strange sister, it seems several of the more elaborate ponies of canterlot have been claiming that our ghost has not only kidnapped them, but proposed marriage to them. As unlikely as it is, these tall tales are, amusing, to consider” Luna finds herself smirking at the idea that nobles would try to make such claims to increase their social standing, ignorant of the fact that such a claim would make themselves seem somewhat liable for the loss of opposing noble’s merchant ships. “What do they seek to gain from these claims?”

“They want to climb the social hierarchy, Sister, whether by fear or respect. Such is the nobility of today” Celestia sighs out her response, she had been hoping Luna could have been spared the noble’s pompous and ignorant nature for longer than she had been. However being a princess, and a recently un-banished one at that, draws a lot of attention from such ponies. Despite this distraction though, she points to a single story amongst the many compiled by her faithful student. “This claim by, Storm Caster, a weather-pony for Cloudsdale, if true would explain the erratic behavior of our foe. If it is to be believed, then they may yet be hope to reclaim our skies.“

Luna reads over the considerably shortened story of the weather-pony, raising an eyebrow in surprise of the pony’s claims. “Could this vessel truly drive off the Skylance if so, then, perhaps we could acquire the vessel’s services. A platform to use the elements from perhaps?” Luna inquires, looking to her sister’s face, who seems to be in deep thought, going by the slight frown, hard look in her eyes and slight twitch to her wings when luna asked about the subject matter at hoof.


Below Cloudsdale’s stress booms like thunder echo up from thick black fog as green and orange flashes light it up. The occasional balloon of an airship can be seen piercing through the top of the fog as 2 large vessels exchange fire, one having haunted the skies for longer than most ponies can remember, a vessel of myth and legend, the other, a privately funded ship of the line, her captain said to be a noble of canterlot seeing to prove his worth and earn his title.whispers are shared among pegasi as they watch from on high, some saying that this is the same ship that has been toe to toe with the ghost ship 3 times now, others saying that this may be the last battle, that the ghost ship will surely fail this time around. But in truth, no one knew the outcome of this battle. 2 mighty vessels and 2 strong willed captains pitted against each other in a duel, likely to the death. One to reclaim the skies for their people and home, the other, seemingly intent on destroying hope for peace in the skies over equestria.

Blast after blast is heard, before a bright and large green burst is seen, glowing brightly as though in a ghostly blaze, ebbing and flowing wildly even as it seems to get consumed by the fog, the battle seems to have come to an end as no more canon fire is heard, the larger of the 2 vessels emerging atop the fog bank and rising to the sky city. Wounded but victorious, the gold emblazoned ship came into clear view, holes, splintered decking and scorch marks decorating the hull of the vessel. Words shining brightly in the golden armour name the ship the ‘Royal Victorious’ as pegasi swarm around the ship. Some flying to the deck to find out the names of the crew and captain.

The captain himself wears a vagrant blue tailcoat and a wide brimmed hat, casting a shadow over his face until it gets thrown onto the decking in celebration of another victory. The white stallion with blonde mane and blue eyes. Grinning down to his crew of griffins and pegasi, along with the crowd of cheering civilians, he prepares to make a small victory speech. “This battle, is just one, of the unknown number we will win, to rid our skies of this millenia old curse! For the princesses, and for the sake of everypony who calls the skies their home!” the crowd cheers, while the crew focus on getting repairs underway. The way they see it, Prince Blueblood can talk the talk as long as he likes, just as long as he keeps financing their mission to take down the beast that took many of their livelihoods away from them. To them, it doesn't matter who runs the ship, so long as their friends, and for some, family, can be avenged in the death of the cursed vessel that assails their skies every other day.

Author's Note:

sorry this took so long to come out, and i know it is only short, life has kept me busy! i hope that this short chapter will tide you all over until i can get another out!

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