• Published 21st Feb 2019
  • 1,364 Views, 13 Comments

Daughter of the Stars (Reboot) - Arkinstone

Luna was banished to the moon, we all know this story. But there was something else, something that changes it all.

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Chapter 1. Finally.

Animals scrambled wildly and rushed through the thick underbrush in attempts to escape the rampaging, wild looking mare who was doing a swell job of destroying the Everfree forest in her desperate search.

Blue aura violently shredded the underbrush and demolished the roots and bark of the surrounding trees and the wielder of the blue aura looked just as wild and haggard as her magic. Her coat was matted with sweat and lingering moondust that refused to budge as it was the remnant of her banishment that had just ended yesterday, the feathers on her wings were clumped together and desperately needed a good preening, her horn was dull and fuzzy from centuries of neglect, her normally serene turquoise eyes were red and bloodshot from pure exhaustion and stress, her mane and tail was short and a light blue that looked very similar to her younger self.

Princess Luna of Equestria was a wreck, mentally and physically, and really? who wouldn't? Centuries of solitary confinement, being agonizingly, but thankfully separated with a life-sucking parasite called Nightmare Moon that had latched onto her, and then immediately searching for the one thing she cared about most that was currently lost in the most dangerous forest in the world? Oh no, you'd be a hot mess too.

But where in Tartarus could that pod be? Yea, it's small, about as large as her wing, but for Faust's sake, it GLOWS. So, in the middle of the night, it should not be this hard to spot! Luna ignored the tears of frustration slipping from her eyes as her wild searching grew slower and slower until it eventually stopped altogether. Was this it? was the pod destroyed on impact from the rainbow blast? It was never designed to withstand such brute force, only to keep and preserve the most precious cargo it held safely in its hold.

Luna lethargically sank down to her rump, tears streaming down her face in a constant flow now. It can't be gone? but...it was the only thing that had kept her somewhat sane during her imprisonment... no... not this... anything but this... not her.. anything but her... take anything from Luna but her... surely the elements would not destroy the purest thing that held dear to her heart? Luna's head sank towards the ground as she fought to retain control of her emotions

Luna breathed in raggedly before raising her head once more to look around, nothing.....nothing..... nothing... no- wait, is that? It is! out of the corner of her eye, Luna spotted a pale blue glow in the distance that would have easily been outshone by her blue aura, so that's why she didn't spot it earlier! Her magic must have had a brighter glow then the pod, so only when she stopped was she able to see the telltale glow of old, old magic!

She raced over to the glow, her eyes locking onto the center of glow. After a few near misses with a couple trees that had stupidly been planted in her way, she made it over to the pod. She skidded to a stop a couple inches in front of it. her breath caught in her throat as she stared t it, remembering every detail. How it glowed a pale blue, how white dots and lines scattered across it like constellations on a map, how thick it was except for a large slot in the middle. But she cared little for the pod, for she was incredibly more interested in its cargo.

Using what little of depleted magic remained, she carefully peeled away layer after layer of the pod until the last layer disappeared to reveal what it held. A filly. A newborn filly with a mane as white as moonlight with black speckles as if a reverse night sky, and a coat as pitch black as shadow. Luna hesitated briefly before picking up the tiny filly in her hooves.

Luna memorized every part of her daughter, the way her mane fell around her tiny ears, how her tiny wings were still clamped to her sides, how a tiny nub of a horn just poked out her white mane, the way tiny tufts of fur stuck out around her miniscule hooves. Every part of her was perfect, from the way she yawned sleepily, to the way her dark purple eyes that seemed to be speckled with golden fleck cracked open for the first time.

Luna immediately fell in love. She remembered how after a short time on the moon she had given birth but had no time to rest seeing as the filly could not breathe, so with her magic, she had created a time capsule of sorts. It would freeze the little one in time until Luna, and Luna alone lifted the spell. But none of that mattered now, seeing as the little filly would soon grow cold in the soft breeze of the night.

While Luna never took her eyes off of her daughter, she spread her wings and with a few flaps, rose into the air. Soaring high above the Everfree, Luna the little alicorn close to her chest while beelining for Canterlot Castle. She didn't wonder how Celestia would react, or even if she should tell Celestia, nor did she ponder just how exactly she was going to take care of the young one. Luna only thought about how no matter, through thick and thin, she would love and protect her baby. Her Aquila.

Of course, her late father would have been the most doting creature on the planet... But that was another thing time had stolen from Luna. She tried hard to push down any resentment pointed at Celestia, but it was so hard. Yes, Luna had gotten out of control, but it stemmed from Celestia neglect! It was all her fau- no. NO. These thoughts would not be allowed, not now, not tonight, not when she had just recovered Aquila. Later Luna would seeth but take no actions against Celestia, but not tonight. Not tonight.

Author's Note:

The reboot of Daughter of the Stars! I'll be honest, I abandoned the previous because I am not at all happy with my previous writing and I couldn't bring myself to continue with such an awful piece. But this is an idea I really like, so I really don't want to leave it altogether, so I decided a reboot was the best option! So comment down below please and give me suggestions on how to improve or thing you would like to see in this story! (No really, tell me, I'm making this up as I go)