• Published 21st Feb 2019
  • 1,366 Views, 13 Comments

Daughter of the Stars (Reboot) - Arkinstone

Luna was banished to the moon, we all know this story. But there was something else, something that changes it all.

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Chapter 3 Planning.

Author's Note:

Hey, how are you? It's been a while. Hope you have been good. I got a visit from the guilt fairy telling me I hadn't posted for far too long.

I wrote this late at night in one go, so don't be too harsh if something is not too your liking. At the same time, feel free to leave comments or suggestions on what you would like to see. I wanted something to show Luna's mindset and how she is recovering from her trip to the moon, also to give something to reference in the future. So, enjoy!

Luna returned to her chambers with a soft sigh, the meeting with Celestia was about what you might expect, a poorly hid interrogation on her health, how she was adjusting, when she planned to take back her throne, how she liked the food, almost any questions Celestia could conjure in her still guilty mind.

Luna appreciated her sister's concern, it was a nice change compared to a thousand years ago when Celestia couldn't care half a wit about Luna. It was unwise to linger on these thoughts, she could still feel the parasite linger in the very depths of her mind, waiting patiently to once more steal a foothold.

She distracted herself by looking over the large, baby-proofed bed where Aquila gurgled happily at the mobile above her head. She smiled, her precious star had been fine in the half-hour Luna had been gone, and oh, was it ever difficult to be away from Aquila for so long, her instincts had been screaming in her ear the entire time she was away to return to her daughter's side.

Luna walked over to the plush bed, kicking off her hoof guards. With care not to disturb the high walls made of pillows, she clambered over to her daughter and curled around her, receiving delighted giggles. Aquila seemed ecstatic to be in the presence of her mother, wiggling around trying to press closer to her.

As Luna watched her daughter fondly, her mind raced to the future, for now was as good of a time as any to harbour these thoughts. She couldn't keep Aquila a secret for long, not without gaining the attention of the nobles which would only further sully her reputation, or even worse, gain the attention of Celestia, who would look at her with that 'I-am-so-disappointed-that-you-don't-trust-me' look. You know, the one the Luna is weak against.
And if Aquila should ever take ill, she would not be able to assist her. No, Aquila's safety and wellbeing are not worth the risks of keeping her secret from the world. And like any large deception, it would not last, she would be discovered at some point, so it would be best if her reveal was on her terms.

Aquila nuzzled Luna's wings, curious about the stiff and slightly gritty feathers. Perhaps it would be wise to choose a trustworthy Night Guard to introduce to Aquila, so then at least Aquila would not be alone if Luna had to leave for some reason or another. It would take time and energy, but now that Luna could think a bit clearer from rest and fresh food, she had the effort to spare.

Aquila started to gnaw on one of her softer feathers, no doubt liking the velvety texture in her mouth. To be able to properly expose Aquila, Luna would have to establish her reputation amongst the nobles and the ponies of Equestria so when her daughter was unveiled to the world, she would have something to fall back on.
Not many ponies realize the significance of a reliable reputation in the ranks of any types of power. A princess could only rule effectively if her people trusted her to make the right decisions, and the nobles would only allow a wise and profitable princess to command them, so yes, her reputation would have to be rebuilt.

Luna's head started to ache, such planning was taking its toll on her still delicate mind. Taking a deep breath before she fell too far into her in own mind, she solidified her first move. Locate a Night Guard that she can trust with her secret and introduce them to Aquila, and preferably a Bat Pony, they usually have an ingrained loyalty to her and Aquila having some of their traits would endear her.

Making sure Aquila was ok on her own for a few moments, Luna gingerly got up and moved away from the bed. The best way to start building her reputation was to present a clean image. Approaching the yet unused washroom, she raised an eyebrow at the luxury and elegant interior. The floors were white marble, with a very large, cream-white bathtub which could be better described as a small swimming pool with a shallow end that reached her hooves and deep end that would reach up to her neck. The steps leading to the bathtub are lined with a slightly rough material to keep her hooves from slipping, there were even taps for hot and cold water, which was completely new to Luna as before, water had to be heated manually. The washrooms in her time were much less exuberant and more about getting clean in the shortest amount of time.

After fiddling with the odd taps for a little, Luna set the water temperature to a pleasant lukewarm. As she waited for it to fill, she looked through the soaps and shampoo's set out alongside the edges. Once the bath was nearly full, she turned off the water, she turned around and stepped back into the bedroom, where Aquila was nibbling on the edge of a pillow.

Using her magic to pick up her daughter, Luna levitated Aquila onto her back before eagerly approaching the awaiting bath. Relieving herself of her remaining regalia, she stepped into the bathtub. The water was warm and soothing on her matted fur, and she took no time washing the dust and grime from her mane. She let Aquila splash around in the shallowest end, watching her like a hawk in case she should fall.

After washing out a pine-scented shampoo from her mane and tail, she brought Aquila into her hooves and started washing her down as well. No need for just Luna to smell fresh and clean, and Aquila seems to enjoy it thoroughly if her energetic splashing was anything to go by. It was making a complete mess of the bathroom as the water went flying, but Luna could do nothing but smile as she was finally able to watch Aquila play as a young filly should.

We could have had this time with Aquila much earlier if it wasn't for Celestia

Luna started slightly at the sharp tones of the parasite, but quietly spat out as she watched her precious star play "Silence parasite. You have no right to converse with me or to even utter my star's name. And if you should ever even think of harming Aquila, I swear to the moon I will do everything in my power to end you. Permanently"

A faint chuckle Of course. Not that I ever would, we will require an heiress after all. We would never injure the precious one, not like Celestia tried to

Luna shook her head, her wet mane flopping around "Celestia didn't know, you cannot blame her! Cease your attempts to poison my mind immediately!"

Luna could almost feel the smug smirk of the parasite Didn't she? the oh so grand Celestia had no hesitations banishing her baby sister to a desolate wasteland for a thousand years

It took her far too much effort to chain the Nightmare back into the recesses of her mind and gag her. She gazed back down to Aquila, who had been looking up at her mother curiously. Luna cuddled her soaked filly as she murmured "Don't fret my precious star, I will keep you safe" Aquila babbled and hugged her mother's snout.

Luna would keep her daughter protected, that was for certain, and she would sooner raze Canterlot to ash before she let danger visit her foal.