• Published 21st Aug 2012
  • 2,872 Views, 192 Comments

(Dis)Harmonics. - overlord-flinx

It does not effect us, it does not see us, it can not touch us; so why is that we fear it so much?

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Passage Ten: Benevolentia obtestor.

"In the truest gift of compassion, even a beggar is a respectable being. I am not saying that with no compassion a beggar is a lowly creature; no. What I mean is that through compassion, while the negatives of all else still exist, it is still very hard to deter. It is like the old question asks: 'what happens when an unmovable object is met with an unstoppable force?'. A curious question to be sure. What does happen when unbridled cruelty meets against unwavering warmth and love? Very, very curious..." - Star Swirl the Bearded.

Everfree Forest... Or, what remained of it, still outlined the reaches of the neighboring settlement cradled within its charred bosom. But no home was closer, and still untouched by the blaze, then the cottage stationed just outside of the ashen destruction. It was a cottage that stood a staunch contrast to what was left of Everfree. Bright, vibrant, and surprisingly green given the fallout that still came from the struggling forest. Few took treks out to this home, nonetheless. Not out of fear, not out of worry, not out of pity. But perhaps only out of respect.

The cottage itself had wildlife working about it twenty-four seven. Even from a distance, a pony could see birds spreading seeds, bunnies thumping new soil, and a few hives of bees pollinating and spreading new grass. So many wild animals, all working in one harmony with one another to keep the cottage and land around it alive and well. Day by day, new animals would come and go, using the cottage and grounds as a resting spot or a short settlement for themselves. It was a very strange site to be sure. But, above all, the most strangest thing was what the animals grew. Most, if not all of the animals, were scavengers or foragers; the idea of them growing and harvesting flowers, wheat, and even tomatoes seemed almost otherworldly.

However, not a single animal ate any of the harvesting. Instead, they would gather the wheat and other products and bring it into the cottage through one of a few hatch openings that had been built in some time ago. What they did inside, none outside knew. All that was known was that they entered with it, and left without it. None knew, but many had a clue. That clue fed into their collective respect to not bother the home. A respect to not disturb the habitat, and a respect to not disturb her.

Fluttershy... Years ago, she removed the two doors leading into her home and replaced them with solid walls. Though the outside air and light still came in from the windows and hatches she made for her little friends to come in and out with, she herself hadn't left the cottage in years. It was fortunate that her animals and all other creatures that once lived in the Everfree Forest took a liking to her to such a degree. Because of them, she always had a steady supply of food and company. To her, they were all each the dearest of friends. She taught them all she could through her books, actions, and anything else to make them productive for themselves. In exchange, they provided for her and helped her stay out of the world. It was for the best in her opinion.

Outside, there was fire, destruction, forced control; darkness. It wasn't a beautiful, peaceful world like the one inside and around her cottage. Everything else out there wanted to hurt her... And she couldn't hurt them back. She could never hurt anyone. It wasn't her nature. And yet... Why? Why did Solaris, ruler of the land, give her that necklace? All it ever did was look at her weird with nonexistent eyes. It scared her to the degree she locked it up in her room... For years, she has not once gone back into her own bedroom. That necklace, like everything else outside of her world, wanted her to hurt people.

To be cruel.

There was no way she could be cruel. But, even she could be corrupted by the horrible world outside her cottage. It pained her to know that her little friends braved themselves each day to provide for her out there. But, at least they were safe in this one stretch of safety. They were not in the clutches of those that wanted to only hurt them. For now, as long as they were close to her, they were safe. And she, as long as they were close to her, was safe.

"Kindness is a very unstable factor. It can save kingdoms! It can destroy empires... It can give love to one who needs it! It can leave you open to infliction... When are you able to show kindness? This is a plaguing question. At the same time, when can you show a cruel grip? It is just as unforgiving as kindness. With it, you can crush a kingdom! With it, you can be overthrown in rage... One could command an entire world! Many could retaliate against one... As anyone can see, unstable factors are a bother. However, they are unavoidable. But, in there lies a beauty... You must always have one or both at play. This is of course true. However, what happens when you place a kindness that refuses to budge against a cruelty that never ends? The answer is simple, and it provides me with my solution... They negate, and give up..."