• Published 21st Aug 2012
  • 2,873 Views, 192 Comments

(Dis)Harmonics. - overlord-flinx

It does not effect us, it does not see us, it can not touch us; so why is that we fear it so much?

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Passage Three: Inops victus.

"The state of being is a near universal law; we exist, that is impossible to disprove. But what is not impossible to disprove is that the style of decadents and poverty is the lowest form of living. It is hard to put into exact words, but put simply the idea is this: 'when you are in the dirt, the hounds can not smell you. When you are in the air, your scent will travel further'. This is not to say that being on top is not preferable, but instead that each way of living has its advantages." - Star Swirl the Bearded.

Ponyville; Colony Two; it didn't matter what it was called, it was a basic hell. The streets were clear, clean, and well swept for the guards that marched through them in the wee hours of the morning to the setting of the moon in the evening. Very few mares or stallions would step a hoof out into the morning or noon, afraid that they may break one of Solaris's laws. However, the fillies and colts were given nearly free range outside the safety of their parents' homes. Children were the future in Solaris's eyes, but everypony knew that there was no future... There never was going to be one. Yet they lied to the children and allowed them to go to their classes and learn of Solaris's greatness, how she gave us the world and how her many laws keep us from straying. Many spoke fear and loathing for their Queen, some even brave enough to tell a guard or two to the face; but not a single mare or stallion had the bravery to say a word before "them".

"'Solarium: The full works and history of Solaris', in beautiful condition still too," low was the mare's tone yet still at a volume for her and the drake behind her to hear her.

The drake, seated at a wooden table behind her lazily scribbled down the name and condition of the book he was told. The few glints of dawn light that slipped into the musty old library showed the violet mare the way to her next stack of books, carelessly hopping over to them by using other stacks as her stepping way. Each hopping clop sent the stacks teetering over and collapsing down onto the young dragon, "Twilight!" was all the mare heard before a powerful thud.

The mare briefly looked back and offered a barely audible apology before going back to her studying. "Hmmm... Ah! 'The Compendium of Solaris'! A wonderful piece!" once more her eyes darted a look back just in time to see the dragon squirming his way from under the books, "Brush yourself off and take a note of that... and please put those books back up in their stack. Solaris did not leave me this library so you could leave it in discord!"

"Twilight..." was all the dragon said before carrying out his given task, visibly dragging his off-put leg in the process.

"While you're at it, make it a nice new order... Oh! 'Disharmony in Six Parts' in mint! How exciting!" Spike, Twilight Sparkle's dragon assistant looked up at his negligent master and fought back a tear.

Not a day went by that he did not have to clean up her messes and mistakes that somehow were his. And more so, not a day went by that he did not wish that he could escape this world. But those wishes were never to be so; Twilight was his only family... And despite the animosity that she fed off of her ignoring aura, it was the only life he could ever reside in.

It had been written in history's past that there was a time when equality was shared between the two royal sisters. However, a day came when Queen Solaris took hold of the Elements of Harmony that she and her sister once used to vanquish the chaos demon Discord and perverted their power. The once beautiful and colorful gems that once represented blissful and vibrant harmony had become listless and dark. Solaris's sister had made the attempt to stop her sister's continued abuse of the elements and was justly banished for the act until such a time that she could understand the good that came from absolute control.

Thus, the Elements of Harmony became the Elements of Disarray. However, Solaris found that she could not control the elements herself anymore, so she sought out the six who would embody her new order of elements... The Six most greedy, deceitful, treacherous, cruel, scorned beings that had ever lived; or at least lived now. Six souls that would be bound by the tether of fate... Even if fate had to be perverted itself.

"Three bits?" shaking head, "four bits?" much of the same, "alright. Nine bits."

"Madam, this truly shocks me..." low was that mare's cackling laugh as her blue magic scooped the fabric before her up, "I was to assume that you were a mare of substance and class. Yet here you are, attempting to -as the foals say- stiff me on such a magnificent garb."

The garb was indeed magnificent to the eyes; it shimmered in the right lights, the shading was superb, and the feel was simply heavenly against the body. "I have to agree... It is beautiful..." as she said this she was quickly overcome with the sight of the mare selling the garb to her coming ever so close to her; almost to the point that she could smell her sweet breath against her nose.

"Oh it really is... But not so much as you..." the garb, still hooked in the magic hold brushed up against the flesh of the startled mare, sending a wobbling sensation through her limbs.

The mare remained stunned as she absently allowed this salespony to continue her acts; brushing the soft, tantalizing fabric against her body and taking in that mounting scent of the mare herself. "...Twenty bits?" her voice had cracked and the sapphire eyes of the mare before her glinted before darting back to her station.

"Very well... I'll part with it for that much..." the salesmare submitted, starting the transaction.

As the other mare placed her bag of bits down and tucked the fabric into her saddle bag, she couldn't help but find her eyes cursorily drawn to the mare she bought from once more. "For now?"

"Oh yes. For now. You see, Rarity knows that that garb will be tucked around you at some Gala or party... But she also knows that you will be discarding it the moment she comes knocking at your door to see that lovely, toned body once more..." Rarity, the salespony, purred hypnotically low.

Dazed, confused, and a bit intoxicated by the actions, the other mare turned away and left the boutique, still wobbling in her legs. Rarity remained in her place, listening closely to the chime of her door closing once more so she would be alone in her store again.


"Hm... It will certainly look lovely on you," Rarity's lips curled sickly as she listened to her own voice, "But much like everything, it will and would look better on me... Oh well. Rarity always collects when she wants..." She then left her sales table and moved to look at herself in a wide panel of mirrors.

The mare studied herself lovingly, entranced with her own form and appearance by every aspect. Velvety mane, soft white coat, trim toned body; she was indeed beautiful. But in truth, and though all knew it and ignored it at times when they saw her; greed was never beautiful deep down.