• Published 1st Sep 2018
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Love Letters of the Princess of the Sun - Echo 27

"I believe that I will, for the time being, use this diary to record my thoughts on the matter. Perhaps this will help clear my mind."

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Decembr 8th, the Year MCCCXLVII - January 2nd, the Year MCCCXLVIII

December 8th, the Year MCCCXLVII

Oh, dear sister Luna. I love you more than you know. We have been through so much, you and I. Whether it be the struggles to unite a kingdom, the millennia apart, or the endless conflicts that seem to plague us now. We have overcome differences of ideology and belief, seen darkness unfathomable, fought against hordes beyond count, yet still we have remained of one faith and spirit. We have always fought and worked to protect the land we call home.

But heaven help me today, for there is no person on this earth I consider a greater pain in the neck!

Ford and I have deliberated slowly about how we are to announce our engagement. I know most would normally just take to telling their beloved friends and family. However, as much as we would like to be normal people, Ford and I have less simple issues to deal with. For a time, we have simply let it be until either one of us possessed a clear idea on how to come forward about it all.

I wish I could say it was my idea to talk to Luna, but that truthfully belongs to Ford. We have taken to spending nearly every evening together, I beginning to teach him greater depths of history and law of the country. He holds no enthusiasm for the subjects, but he knows as well as I that his future role in this kingdom requires he become knowledgeable. During our last session together, he began to question me on our next step. It had been some time since I had accepted his proposal, so of course he wanted to know what I thought to do next.

“It will come as a shock to people no matter when we announce it,” I told him, he and I relaxing as we settled down, spending our remaining hour together over a deck of cards. “I wonder if it should wait for the New Year, rather than announcing it before the holiday season has passed.”

“You think it wise to wait that long?” he asked. The card game had been his idea, simple ways of spending one’s time a common practice in the military. My chambers had become our sanctuary, the one place in the world where we could truly be ourselves. “I’m guessing you’re thinking of bringing it forward at your Annual Address.”

“That was the hope. People wish to see something hopeful when the New Year comes around. The dead of winter can be difficult to push through.”

“And you think that will give them something to look forward to?”

“Whether or not they do, I will have no regrets in the matter,” I replied. “It is just a means of announcing it carefully. I have born controversy before, but it will be unlike anything you have yet known. Your own brethren may come to hate your very name.”

“Let them,” Ford scoffed. He eyed me as he laid down his next card. “Have you told anyone yet?”

“Not as such.”

“Not even your sister? I’m surprised.”

Luna. I felt my body stiffen as I recalled the last encounter all of three of us shared, where Ford very nearly lost several limbs. The memory was less than pleasant.

“I’m taking that as a no,” Ford said. “Anxious about it?”

“She is protective of everyone she cares about- and that includes me,” I said. “And I’m guessing you recall your last meeting.”

Ford rubbed his neck, perhaps unconsciously. “Do you want to do it alone, or should I be there with you?”

“I don’t know. It will be unpleasant either way. But perhaps having you there will give me some additional resolve. I would not be against it.”

“Then we shouldn’t wait. Where is she now?” Ford asked, throwing down his cards and rising to his feet. Perhaps he saw the surprise in my eyes, and he nodded as though to affirm his decision. “Might as well. The longer we wait the worse it will get.”

I didn’t find the idea appealing, but the wisdom in the decision was obvious. “She is likely out on patrol with her guard, if I were to wager it,” I said, snapping my fingers and bringing a quill and parchment to my side. “I shall get her attention- but perhaps you should be out of range, just in case.”

It was Ford’s credit that he didn’t laugh, simply heeding my words and moving back some as I continue to write my missive. With another snap it was gone, already heading towards its recipient. I knew it would only be a short amount of time before it reached her- and what chaos unfolded after that would be difficult even for Discord to match.

Ford sighed. “This isn’t going to be fun, is it?”

“Most certainly not,” I said.

There was a Crack! like the sound of thunder, and Luna appeared before us both, a heavy axeblade in hand and her expression absolutely murderous. “Where is he?” she bellowed, her weapon swinging in her hands with the intent of its usage. “Where is that unworthy filth so that I may crush his skull beneath my boots?!”
“Luna, calm yourself,” I said, resigned for a vicious fight. “Nothing wicked or devious has been conjured here. The choice is mine just as much as it is Ford’s.”

I do not know whether she even heard me, she peering around for a target. Ford had stepped into the shadows of my room, likely trying to bring himself out of firing range. A wise strategy, but it did not last forever. Luna’s dark vision found him immediately and she set upon him like a dog after its prey. “You!” she snarled, taking hold of his neck as though she wished to throttle him. “You foul, loathsome cockroach not worthy to lick my sister’s boots-

“Enough of this!” I strode across the room and wrenched her away from him, my grip as hot as fire and as steady as iron, though Luna resisted with every ounce she could muster. “Sister, what on earth are you trying to prove here?”

“He has tricked you!” she snarled, practically spitting in her rage. “That oaf has his sights set on a throne, not you! What other end could be his goal?”
“And you think I would not notice such an attempt?” I asked, my voice cold for she had wounded my pride. It was an insulting thing for her to say, that I would not be aware of such a falsity. “Do you truly think so little of me that I would be so easily conned?”

Perhaps Luna had not even thought her words might mean something so cold, for she suddenly became silent, though her eyes still burned with fiery rage against him.

“Settle yourself. We will discuss this like adults,” I told her.

“Sister, this is not wise. You know full well the court may not even accept such a thing to pass!” she whispered.

“What they can decide in regards to my future is limited, particularly in matters such as this,” I replied. “No one on earth decides whom I am to love besides myself, and do not suggest otherwise.”

“But how do you let this just happen? Surely some devilry is at work here? Sister, no mortal man is worthy of you, something like this is not normal!”

“Do you think I don’t know that?” Ford said, voicing himself for the first time since Luna’s appearance. “I know she is beyond me, anyone can see that!”

“You! Silence yourself, soldier- this is not a conversation for those such as you!” Luna hissed.

He is my fiancée- and that gives him as much right to speak as anyone. We do not look down upon anyone, sister,” I reminded her.

“How do you think this happened, Princess?” Ford challenged. “Do you think I tricked your sister? Hoodwinked her, or something similar? Do you think so lowly of us both as to assume the worst?”

“I assume nothing but to protect my sister from all threats- both outside and within,” Luna said fiercely, going toe-to-toe with the young man. “If you had the courtesy and common sense in you, you would now be on your knees.”

“I serve your sister- not you, Princess,” he fired back, a dangerous thing to say to an already angered Princess of the Night. “If she dictates that I stand, I stand. I do not have any inclination to take any modicum of power from her whatsoever. Now I want to explain why this has happened, if you will let me do so.”

Luna seemed extremely unwilling to let the moment pass, but relented nonetheless. “Very well, then,” she said harshly. “Speak your mind, and I may not try to kill you in the morning.”

“Do you think I don’t love your sister?” Ford asked. “I’ve loved your sister since I was a boy, from the moment I first saw her. Just to be able to serve her was more than I could have imagined! This- this is beyond any of my wildest dreams!”

“And you mean to say that no thoughts of grandeur have entered your mind since this courtship began?” Luna sneered. I had never seen her be this cold towards another person before.

“Princess, I don’t want power! I don’t care for it at all, I just want to marry your sister!” he pressed. “If the rank and title comes along with it, then so be it- but that is not my end goal. When this is over and done, I want to continue my service. I love being a soldier almost as dearly as I love your sister. Do you still doubt me on this?”

“You are mortal!” Luna objected. “You will die and only bring my beloved sister pain. Is that what you wish for her to know?”

As much as I wished it were not so, it was true. Ford had a limited lifespan, while mine remained free to last as long as it wished. Luna’s objection rang painfully true.

“Well?” she pressed.

“I am aware of it, but I do not regret my decision,” he said slowly. “I will change nothing.”

“Then you are selfish! You do not care of how it will hurt my sister-”

“Your sister is right beside you, Luna,” I said angrily, “and I do not waver in my choice either.”

“Sister- please, I beg you. Reconsider,” Luna said. “This road will bring you nothing but grief, you must know this.”

“I will consider nothing but the path I have chosen,” I said firmly. No matter the depths of affection my sister held for me, I would not waver now. “What you have said is true, but it does nothing to make me reconsider.”

“He will die. You will not. Are you ready to live with that loneliness the rest of your endless days?” she asked. This was not hatred of Ford, but love for her sister. Her eyes held the pain evident for me to see.

“If I must, then so I will,” I said. “Sister, I love you dearly, but I will choose this no matter what you say. I would rather have you on my side through it all.”

Luna hesitated, her gaze flickering back and forth between me and Ford as she mulled the decision over. True, Ford had done nothing to win her over, but she cared for me deeply and that might be enough to sway her decision.

“Sister, if that is what you wish,” Luna said slowly, “then I will object no more. But please, consider my words. He will die, that is his fate.”

“Then we will make our own fate,” I said.

“Is that even possible?” Ford asked. “No one can be made immortal, as far as I know. Are you certain?”

“We will find a way.”

Luna appeared unconvinced, but finally relented, turning to Ford with a strange sadness in her eyes. “I must return to my soldiers,” she said. “I accept your decision, but I beg you: bring no pain to my sister.”

“I have no intent to do so,” Ford said.

“Few do,” Luna replied, vanishing in an instant. Her acceptance was wonderful, but she had brought forth a problem I had no real way of surmounting. Ford will die…

Unless we find a way to defy death itself.

December 9th, the Year MCCCXLVII

Twilight! Why has Twilight not risen in my mind through all of this? Her knowledge of history and myth is second to none in this world. If anyone has the answer that will bring resolution, then it is certainly her…

Though as I begin to remember Twilight’s hyper-neuroticism, I begin to remember why I am sometimes hesitant to share information with her. She has no knowledge of Ford or his relationship with me. I remember how she reacted when she discovered that her brother was betrothed to Cadance; I can only assume that news of my marriage, the one who has been her age-long mentor, would only cause her to explode in shock. As much as I would like to ask her openly, perhaps the intimate details would be best divulged in a face-to-face conversation.

As much as I have tried to find a way around it, Luna’s words remain true. Ford is mortal. I am not. No matter how well he remains, or what injuries he avoids, death will come for him as surely as the sun sets. Ford, knowing nothing else, has readily accepted that fate. I, however, am more hesitant. If there is a way to subdue death, then I wish to find it. Ford’s presence is now part of my world just as Luna is. To lose him would be to lose part of myself. If he can remain with me, as endless and untouchable as I, then I would have my world kept pure and whole until the end of ages comes down.

I must think of a way to speak to Twilight about the matter discreetly. Do I speak to her of Ford over parchment and ink? Doubtful. That portion is what will remain with me for now. As for the rest… finding a way to request it of her without revealing too much would be best. I trust Twilight deeply, but I do not think a great shock would be the kindest way to bring her into the secret. I will request it of her, but how to frame the question? Simply outright, or give her a veiled reason? Certainly not lying to her, that is hardly fair. Perhaps outright is best. Tell her that I am performing some of my own research into the nature of immortality and wish to know if there is a means of manufacturing it artificially, and if she knows any further on the subject.

I have, for now, a plan. May the rest run so smoothly!

December 11th, the Year MCCCXLVII

I believe I have come to understand Ford’s hesitation in the matter of an immortal life. I think he fears it. Not unfairly, as the mere idea of existing endlessly is not an easy thing to comprehend. It is not an unfair thing to be afraid of.

We spent the day together, a rare event in itself. With the Hearth’s Warming season upon us, I and my Royal Guard haven been busy among the people, spreading whatever cheer we can manage. Food and useful items to the poorer families, along with gifts and toys for younger children. Why it has taken me so long to think of such things and act upon them is unknown to me. I feel more like a ruler than I ever have before.

As we had finished, Ford, who was in charge of the detachment that had been performing the work, dismissed them to return to the palace while he remained with me. Some appeared uneasy about the decision but relented. I half wonder if Ford is becoming cavalier in discretion, perhaps to help normalize our time around one another in preparation for the upcoming announcement. When they had left, we slowly walked back to the palace on our own, spending time with those we came across and reveling in conversation with merrymakers wherever we went.

“Princess? Can I ask you something?” Ford asked as we walked along.

“Do you really need to ask such a thing any longer?” I told him.

“The world doesn’t know quite yet. I do not wish to seem overly familiar with you before everyone just yet.”

Perhaps he was more careful than I had given him credit for. “Very well,” I said. “Ask away.”

“What is immortality like?”

I struggled to answer that easily. “I do not quite know what you mean.”

“Well…” Ford struggled to come up with his own answers. “You never age. Your body heals rapidly from damage, death can’t touch you. I just- don’t know what it feels like. It just seems lonely.”

“It certainly can be,” I admitted, my mind drifting to the millennia I spent without my dear sister. “More lonely and isolating than you can imagine. But it does not always need be so. And it will not be again.”

“And what makes you certain of that?” he was challenging me on every answer, something he had never done before.

“Because you will be beside me. Luna will have returned to me. I have those who will withstand the endless turn of time right alongside me. I will see many faces come and go, but I will be able to see their legacy live on and flourish. I will have a sister to hold to, and a dear beloved for all my days.”

“Does it hurt? To just, see it all pass by?”

“Not if you have one to share it with,” I said gently, reaching for his hand though the whole world could see us- I retracting it before my mistake could be seen. “Does the thought intimidate you?”

Ford said nothing, walking alongside me as though that was enough to give an answer. I did not press him, we two enjoying our winter stroll through Canterlot. The streets were lined with holly and wreaths of green, lights of all colors strung across houses and lampposts, bows of red hung neatly with care. To see such joy among my people was wonderful, over and over again no matter how many years trickled by.



“If Twilight finds a way,” Ford said slowly, “If what you’re hoping for is true… then I want to find a way to do it again. So we never have to fear death again.”

Through it all, I had been solely concerned with how to preserve Ford’s life. And as for him, he wished to find a cure that would change the world forever. The heart of a leader beats within him strong and sure.

December 17th, the Year MCCCXLVII

The stage has been set. Ford has remained here in the palace for the holidays. Luna has become more amiable to the idea of our marriage, or at least accepting of it, which is as much as I could hope for. Twilight is working diligently on her research. And on the third of January, the announcement will be made to the world.

Small preparations for the affair are slowly being made. One of them that Ford’s uniform will need to be… remade. If he is to step into the realm of royalty, just as Shining Armor did some years back, then he will need to look the part. Even more so, since he will be marrying- well, me. A ruler of a kingdom. So who do I turn to for such a thing? Rarity, of course. The best clothes designer in Equestria- and also one of its biggest gossips.

I wasn’t at all sure how to broach the subject with her. I would need her absolute discretion, for if word leaked out early, the aftereffect could be disastrous. Though after some time spent worrying over it all, I decided that I was being silly. I was giving too much concern to the subject, wishing for it to be just a certain way. Why not simply tell her the truth and ask for her compliance in keeping it secret?

Yesterday, it was declared that Ford was to be given the day off, and privately I informed him that he would be sent ahead to wait for my signal to enter. Sassy was sent word early that Rarity’s presence was requested, and that a level of privacy was needed for a fitting. Knowing the two fashionistas, it would be more than enough to guarantee a private audience. Today, as the afternoon set upon us, I closed Day Court early and discreetly slipped away to my chambers, leaving behind my more regal garb and vanishing, arriving just as the clock struck two on the hour and finding the boutique empty- just as I had hoped.

“Princess Celestia!” Sassy was the first to greet me, coming from the back with an air of unusual excitement on her face. “It is a wonderful pleasure to see you again! Please excuse Rarity, she is currently making sure everything is set, I hope you do not mind!”

“Not at all, Sassy,” I said. “Would you please let Rarity know I have arrived? I would like to speak to you both before we begin.”

“Of course, let me bring her out. Excuse me, Princess-” The young woman was off like a shot, leaving me in the empty store. With a snap of my fingers, a small tongue of flame erupted from my fingertips, my aim bent towards the window where Ford would be searching. In two minutes, he would enter the room.

“I’m sorry to keep you waiting, Princess, please forgive me,” Rarity said, appearing suddenly from the back room with her usual air of drama about her. She never seemed to tire of emoting so heavily, a strength I had to admire. “When I was told you were asking for a personal fitting I almost leapt out of my skin. Just to be able to have such a moment is incredible- and such a surprise!”

“I believe I will have to give you one more, actually,” I said, my eyes drifting towards the nearby window.

Rarity followed my gaze and gave a swish of her finger, sending the blinds falling down and darkening the room. “Well, now that’s cared for, Princess,” she said, a professional air overcoming her, “What can I do for you today? A royal garment, or something a little more relaxed? Romantic, perhaps?”

“Rarity, I ask that you listen to me,” I said, and the two women edged closer. “What I am about to divulge to you right now is the greatest untold secret in the kingdom. Do you understand how deeply I am taking you into my confidence now? What you are about to see must not be revealed. Not until I announce it myself.”

Rarity looked perfectly set to burst from excitement. The idea of royal intrigue was almost too much for her. As if on cue, the door creaked open just a tinge and the shadowy figure of Ford entered the shop, his face hidden in darkness by his cloak.
“I am sorry, sir, but I must ask that you leave the premises at once,” Sassy said, rushing forth to greet him. “We are currently closed as we deal with a guest, so if you would be so kind as to exit-”

“He is here for me, Sassy,” I said calmly. “Ford, if you would reveal yourself.”

Ford’s hood fell from his shoulders and the outline of the soldier was laid bare, his silhouette clear against the soft light of the boutique as both Sassy and Rarity stared as though they could not quite believe their eyes. Ford did not falter under their intense gaze, though he seemed somewhat uncomfortable under such scrutiny.

“Your Majesty,” Rarity said slowly, her voice becoming shaky, “Just who is this man to you? Surely… is he-”

“Rarity, this man is Saber Ford. My fiancé… and your future prince.”

Sassy’s jaw dropped and Rarity swayed back and forth before she fell backwards, I catching her just in time before she would have hit the ground. At first I worried that she would be out for some time, but Rarity seemed to shake herself free and her resolve grew firm. The lovely fashionista took to her feet and tried to regain her composure.

“Princess, when you graciously aided us with the shoot for the wedding dress, I did not expect you to be betrothed so soon after. Just- Princess Celestia, this is- it’s- this is magnificent! Oh, it is wonderful to meet you!” Rarity ran forth and greeted Ford enthusiastically, who seemed taken aback by the woman’s vivacious nature. As the details of the engagement and our visit came forward, Sassy and Rarity took to the job eagerly- on the sole condition that she alone would be the one to design my wedding dress after the announcement had been made. With a promise to keep absolutely silent about the matter, I realized I shouldn’t have worried. Rarity’s discretion was more than trustworthy, and maybe I had caught the smallest of glimpses as to how my people would receive Ford.

The process took some time, Ford’s measurements coming first as every inch of him was wrung by a measuring tape. Rarity and Sassy squabbled a great deal as to what the official uniform should look like- Rarity favored a more classical design of a soldier’s dress uniform, while Sassy propositioned that a fashion-forward approach was the correct method. After some deliberation, and Ford’s input, Rarity’s side won out. Ford will look magnificent on the day of announcement. We’ve been assured that the final product will be complete before year’s end.

Saying my goodbyes to Ford (Sassy and Rarity cooing over us both), I vanished once more and reappeared in my chambers, and I have not left since I returned. It has been a lone day, but a successful one. We are one step closer.

December 26th, the Year MCCCXLVII

I have informed Hearth Fire that an announcement is to be made on the 3rd day of the New Year, as part of the Annual Address. As to the nature of the announcement, I declined to say, only stating that the news would be ‘great and momentous.’

Hearth Fire studied me after I had finished speaking, his searching gaze unrelenting as he studied every inch of me, perhaps looking for some sign of weakness or information that would be able to exploit. He found himself fruitless, and obviously unsatisfied.

“Your Majesty, I will ensure the announcements are spread across the kingdom for all to hear,” he said, “though I do wish to know if there is more that must be said.”

“There is, Hearth Fire, but not now,” I told him. “When the time comes, and only then.”

“Then, Your Majesty, I must know,” he pressed and my heart clenched. “Is this news you wish to announce relevant to myself? Is there something that I should know beforehand?”

How much did he know already? Had he guessed at bits and pieces? Ford and I had done our best to be discreet these past two years, but what if our rendezvous had been seen? Maybe we had revealed ourselves by accident. Either way, it truly didn’t matter at this point; in only a few days, the whole world would know the truth.

“Hearth Fire, the day before the announcement, I will reveal everything to you personally, so that you might be able to aid me in the conduction of it all,” I said finally, taking some moments to deliberate. “You will know everything. But then, and only then. Is that satisfactory to you?”

Hearth Fire seemed unwilling to let it be, but he nodded nonetheless. “As you wish, Your Majesty. I will accept your words.” He dismissed himself soon after.

I do wonder how he will react to it all. How will he take seeing one of his own soldiers become royalty?

December 31st, the Year MCCCXLVII

The time is coming soon. As the final hours of this year tick away, the announcement only comes closer. Ford’s nerves have begun to falter as the reality of what is coming sinks in. It has even begun to affect me as well. He is my pride and joy, someone I love dearly. Though I remain steadfast in my decision, though I am sure they will accept and welcome him as they once did for me, I still worry. I want them to like Ford.

Most of the castle has been celebrating the arrival of the New Year throughout the day. Hearth Fire, in better spirits than usual, has been doing his best to cheer those who still remain on duty, offering them wine for an end-of-year toast. I have rarely seen him like this, and suspect he might be somewhat drunk already. Ford, having taken the early morning shifts, has spent the last few hours of the year with me in my chambers, peppering me with questions on the forthcoming announcement. What to expect, what he will do next, what will be expected of him to do next- simply one after another, endlessly.

“You know much of it will be purely ceremonial early on,” I told him finally, his constant questions beginning to wear down my own nerves. “You are worrying needlessly. Try to relax, Ford. The announcement is three days away, you can relax until then, can’t you?”

“That’s all very easy to say, but not so easy to do,” he replied, going back to pace about the room. “There’s no precedent for this. No one I can seek advice from, anything. I don’t know what to do with myself.”

“The best thing you can do with yourself is learn to be calm,” I said. “I truly sympathize with you, but your nerves will only become more frayed. Breathe slowly and take a seat again.”

Ford appeared uncertain as to the effectiveness of my words, but obeyed all the same. “Are you sure this is a good idea?” he asked.

“The marriage? Don’t tell me you’re having second thoughts,” I said.

“No, of course not! I mean the whole announcement, a public marriage, all of that- is this what you think is best?”

“I have no desire to hide you any longer. I love you dearly and am proud of you,” I told him. “I will not act as though I am ashamed of you.”

“I understand, but does it really matter, though? We could do something small and private and then it’s over-”

“And then what? Lie that I love you? See that both of us receive suitors for the rest of our days? Constantly hide and sneak around a palace until the end of days? I have no stomach for it,” I replied. “Your worry is going to wring you dry if you let this keep up, Ford. Please relax.”

Ford gave a face and shrugged, turning his gaze away from me. Though he had been exasperating most of the day, I still felt sympathetic to his plight. He had no way of knowing what to expect, what the pressures would come- nor what his comrades would say at such a revelation. Some would feel betrayed that he had never spoken of it. Others would claim he had earned nothing in his career. Though he loved me, I knew it weighed on his heart. With no other words to say, I came and settled next to him, wrapping my hand in his.

Ford gave a small, sad little laugh. “You sure you don’t want to just run off and get married somewhere?” he asked.

“My place is here- our place is here,” I said, kissing his forehead. “Be brave, beloved. I have faith in you.”

I sincerely hope the moment comes sooner rather than later.

January 1st, the Year MCCCXLVIII

Tomorrow is the day Hearth Fire will be informed. The moment is finally starting to arrive.

Ford has been on edge all day, barely able to string a sentence together. I do not believe he would blow his cover now, but he is attracting too much attention. It is going to be a long wait.

January 2nd, the Year MCCCXLVIII

It is late. Well past midnight as I sit here and write this. My own nerves are starting to fail me. When I wake, Hearth Fire will be called to me for a private meeting of importance. Ford will join me soon after, and then the whole gambit will be laid bare.

I am not certain I am ready for this.

Author's Note:

It's almost here. Ready for the world to change forever?

I like the idea of Luna just being anti the entire time. Celestia needs some additional stress to keep things interesting. And the idea of immortality... hmm...

As always, comments and corrections below. Enjoy!