• Published 1st Sep 2018
  • 3,590 Views, 106 Comments

Love Letters of the Princess of the Sun - Echo 27

"I believe that I will, for the time being, use this diary to record my thoughts on the matter. Perhaps this will help clear my mind."

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February 1st, the Year MCCCXLVIII

February 1st, the Year MCCCXLVIII

Almost three years ago I began my entries in this diary as a means of pouring my thoughts onto paper- a catharsis of soul and mind to ease my worries of an illicit relationship that I did not believe in. I feel, in a strange way, older than I was before. Time has begun to make marks upon me through the ones I cherish, through this book that is now littered with my untidy scrawl.

This diary was once a solace for my own spirit. A means by which to understand my own thoughts and doubts that plagued me. Instead, it has been a record of these tumultuous years. I fell in love. I watched my people suffer and die. I bore witness to insurrections and rebellions, murders and traitors. I have seen destruction, victory, defeat, and despair that I did not know could come so swiftly. This journal has been mine for so long: now, it shall belong to my people, so they may understand what I have chosen to do.

Luna and I greeted each other early in the morning, before the sun had even risen. I requested that she relieve herself from her patrols and come to see me privately. After a time, she appeared and looking more haggard than ever.

“You overwork yourself,” I told her. “Neither you nor Twilight know the meaning of rest.”

“I cannot. Not anymore,” my sister replied. “Sombra’s ways darken my dreams. I fear I may not know rest until he departs from this world forever.”

“Sister, he may never depart,” I told her. “Twilight was able to decipher Sombra’s stolen book. I believe you need to know this.”

I spoke for a lengthy period, telling her everything we knew. For the most part, Luna said little beyond asking the occasional question. My sister was typically unflappable, and this proved to be no exception. I wondered if anything could truly faze her.

Finally, after I was done, Luna seemed to wait my words again. “And?” she pressed. “You must have a plan to deal with this. We cannot let Sombra simply find a Stone and bring about the end of days.”

“I will not let him do any such thing,” I assured her. “And I have a plan. But you are not part of it.”

For the first time, my sister was left stunned. “You lie!” she hissed. “I am your sister, we are the only two Alicorns left in the world! Is it not our duty to stop him together?”

“Sister, I wish it were,” I said, “but this burden is upon my shoulders solely. I will go after him, follow him into the world and not rest until he is dead at my feet and the world can breathe knowing the last Umbra has been burned from this life. But you, dear sister… you must remain here. If I fail, if my life is lost and Sombra finds his desired prize, then you will be the safeguard against his tide. You will have to find a way to protect these people and bring them to safety again. That is no longer my task.”

“Sister, you can’t- I only just got you back!” Luna pleaded. “We have spent so little time together since my return- am I to be robbed of you forever? You do not even know how long it will take you to find him- years, decades- centuries, perhaps!”

“I know. But I must. This kingdom, this beautiful country we call home, will need your protection. Its new leader will need your wisdom and solidarity.”

“And who will that be?” she asked. “Is there any who can succeed you?”

“Only one. And Twilight will do wonderfully- do not act surprised, dear sister. We knew what we were doing when we allowed her to ascend. She is a bridge between all peoples- what Cadance has been, but better. She is the sum of all hopes and dreams that you or I have ever known.”

“She is mortal. She will not rule forever.”

“She will live on until the end of time, dear sister. Her name will become a dynasty- one that I ask you to uphold.”

“Must you do this to me?” Luna begged. “Can no one journey with you?”

“Dear Luna, I will not be alone. Who, of all people, do you think I will ask to journey with me?”

“You mean Ford,” she guessed. All her usual malice against him seemed forgotten in the moment, she desperate for someone to accompany me on my journey. “You wish for him to find it.”

“I hope for him to,” I said. “The Alicorns were once protectors of eternal life, dear sister. Maybe we must be again- and perhaps we have found one who is worthy of it.”

Luna’s tears were like daggers in my heart as she sat beside me. “And there is nothing I can do to sway you?”

“None could dissuade me now,” I said. “I ask that you, seven days from now, announce my decision to the kingdom. Let them know Twilight will be my successor. Give them reason to hope for the future, and forget me forever.”

“I will announce it,” she hiccupped, “but there are none in the world who could ever forget you.”

I told her of myself, of Sombra, and everything else I could remember, and then I embraced my sister. How long had it been since we had acted like family? Been sisters amongst each other, shown affection and love for one another? We had endured millennia together, fought countless wars and battles, been separated by darkness and violence, and even after a long-awaited reunion, we had found no time for one another to truly be ourselves. I loved my sister dearly, and she deserved more than I had ever given her. Luna, if someday you read this, I hope you know I will always love you, and I am glad that you were my sister.

Morning came and I cancelled Day Court, instead making preparations. I discreetly had food prepared in the kitchens and brought to my study, where I pored over maps and old legends of long-forgotten countries with Luna by my side. Some I knew of- others had been left to time’s flow and remained a mystery to me. I would begin with what we knew, and journey onwards. Finding Sombra was our immediate priority- the Philospher’s Stones, if any remained, would be next.

Once everything had been made ready, I summoned Hearth Fire to my study. He soon appeared with an air that suggested he knew my words would bode ill for him. Like Luna, I explained what Sombra intended to bring about, and how he would be stopped. Hearth Fire was a stalwart fighter, but I watched him age into a tired soldier before my very eyes.

“Your Majesty,” he asked, “is there truly no other way.”

“None that I could hope in. None that deserve our faith. I will not let your future, or any of my people’s futures, be left to chance. I will follow Sombra into the dark, and kill him there so that we may live free again.”

“And you intend to bring Sergeant Ford with you?” he asked, leaving me stunned. A small, sad smile graced his aged features. “Yes, Your Majesty, I knew of it. I have for many years now. I had my suspicions and watched you both. Both you and he are terrible at keeping secrets- and none know but I.”

Hearth Fire, Hearth Fire, my old devoted friend. What am I going to do without you? I gave him instructions for aiding Twilight in her role as Queen. I asked him to guide her along, be her right arm just as he had once been for me. None would be greater than he, my loyal Commander. I knew that Twilight, with the guidance of Luna and Hearth Fire’s wisdom, would be just fine without me.

As we spoke, Hearth Fire called for Ford to join us. My beloved appeared before too long and I embraced him, my sudden kiss giving him quite a shock.

“Tia- Princess- uh, Your-” he stumbled over every word, unable to find his rhythm. For me to showcase such affection to him before other people left him almost catatonic.

“You have nothing to hide any longer, my friend,” Hearth Fire said in a voice that seemed to laugh. “Your dear bride has greater plans in store.” Ford turned pale and slowly wheeled about to face his Commander. “Yes, I know- of course I know. Do you think I do not know what my soldiers do with their time? Do not worry about what people will think; all who know you can rest assured that your skills belong to you alone.”

We talked amongst one another, I revealing my plans to Ford. He was still rather frazzled by my actions, but he understood quickly and had small trouble understanding my intent.

“Then we should leave tonight,” he declared. “We leave quietly so that none know. If any are aware of it, they might try to stop us. Your sister -pardon my boldness, Your Highness- might even try.”

“She wouldn’t dare,” I said, though I felt my sister shuffle somewhere behind me.

“Out of love for you, she very well might,” he persisted, his expression serious. “Celestia, you and I are sacrificing everything. Our lives, our friends, family, futures- all of it is now lost to us. We may never return.”

“Then… then we have little time to waste,” I decided, rising to my feet and taking him in my arms. “Once we are done here, return to your quarters and prepare your things. Do not worry for food- I have assured plenty will be ready for us. Prepare your weapons, clothes, anything you may need. If you have any goodbyes, say them. None can stop you now.”

Ford’s face was solemn, perhaps intimidated by the daunting task that now lay before us, but my beloved remained ever resolute. My unwavering, dedicated, wonderful Ford was giving up the life and joys he had ever desired, and would follow me into the darkness. But there alongside me, he would be something more.

“Hearth Fire, if you would, please,” I said, and so it began.

The night has fallen around us. I now only await Ford’s arrival from his quarters so that we may begin our journey. I am afraid, terrified even; the dangers before us shall be unlike anything I have known in my many long years. Darkness and shadows, burning heat and unrelenting cold, storms and cataclysms and a prize that may not even be real. And Sombra: darkness of the deepest black, Umbra, abominable creation of twisted gods. Someday we shall find him- and we shall end him forever.

This shall be my last entry in this journal, as I write upon its final pages. If I never return, know that I did not fall quietly or without fight. I have done all I can to safeguard the hope of a better future. I could hardly ask for more, or greater a soul beside me. So, here I end.

To all here present, know this: On this day, the First of February in the Year MCCCXLVIII, the undersigned Sergeant Saber Ford of the Royal Guard is married to Princess Celestia, Keeper of the Sun, Ruler of Equestria, and Guardian of Life upon this Earth.

Author's Note:

And so this book closes. But another one is waiting to be opened.

I have an announcement to make, if you wish to know what comes next. It may be a bittersweet thing, but I hope you bear it nonetheless. Take a look here: Oof

As always, comments and corrections below. I hope you've enjoy this tale.

Comments ( 6 )

I'm glad to have kept up with this one. Thanks for sharing.

Just finished reading this.

All I can say is that is was wonderfully written and honestly, I don't have words to describe how much I adore it.

Tune in on Monday if you want more!


Just wow.

For a story that is mostly slice of life, and doesn't actually describe much action scenes, it has taken me on an emotional rollercoaster ride. It has been a while since I have felt tension like this.

It is oddly refreshing.

Thank you much. The sequel is definitely a different genre, but is worth a shot. And will be complete fairly soon.

Thank you for this story! I spent the entire day reading the second half of it. It was a bit more serious compared to what I usually read nowadays, but I enjoyed it a lot! I feel like I really got to experience that world you built. Looking forward to continue with the sequel, after a short break.

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