• Published 3rd Aug 2012
  • 7,034 Views, 248 Comments

Weak wings and a useless unicorn. - Sugar Moon

Rarity wants nothing more than applejack but will she be generous enough to take in an orphan?

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Chapter ten

Humming. It wafted through the kitchen at Sweet Apple Acres like the scrummy apple smell itself.

Standing, drying the dishes all on her own was the mare responsible. Applejack stood humming an old tune that time hadn't managed to muddy just yet. No, instead her memories protected it and brought it out from time to time like an uncut diamond just ready to chipped to reveal the worth beneath, to polish and buff it till it shone.

Picking up speed her little humming became a quiet song as she recited it from memory.

“Been a long time coming, feelings for you. My hearts been skippin' a beat, maybe two.” she sang almost silently.

She hadn't even thought of her mothers song since she lost her. Appropriate that she'd sing it now. All those years ago learning to Applebuck young Aj liked to nothing better than to just listen to her momma sing that song. It was probably why she was so bad at applebucking back then, pleading her mom to sing that song for Celestia knows how many times before she'd ruefully shake her head and oblige her.

According to Diamond it was about her and her daddy. A love song bout how much they meant to each other, how they respected each other. But right now it seemed to be about expecting something Applejack thought. Diamond would sing it everyday while applebucking her favourite tree.

“Right now you're weak but you'll be strong. I know where there's a place that you belong.”

She wasn't sure what her head was trying to tell her but it was trying awfully hard thats for dang sure.

“I cannot believe you did that.” Rarity said as she walked into the kitchen.

The alabaster unicorn was still a little moist from her extensive showering. Those bits of marrow had gotten all over her coat and mane. Even now after what could only be politely called “marinating” in the bath in a vain attempt to rid her of all the vegetable detritus lodged about her pony, little flecks of marrow still stubbornly clung to her fur and mane.

Walking over to Applejack she furiously attempted drying her hair with her towel and magic in a veritable tornado of activity. Of course the result was hilarious as with a weighty POOMF her normally luxuriously curled mane puffed out like Twilight's after a Rainblow dry.

Applejack snickered.

“Looks good on ya' Rare.” she said.

“Har de har Applejack, I will have you know that this is all the rage in Jamareca. They are doing terrifically bold new statements with fashion these days.” She said haughtily, though as she caught sight of her violet afro in a reflection on a pan she added “but perhaps my usual style is better for me. More class I should think.” and with that her horn lit up in a suspiciously golden light as she cast the spell to set her hair. In an instant it was transformed back into the curls she so loved, albeit a little less groomed than usual.

“Much better sugarcube” Aj said approvingly. Rarity blushed a little at the compliment but decided to wade through her embarrassment.

“Thank you darling. Do you need a hoof with that.?”

“Nope ah got it. Can't have guests doing all the dishes, and besides..” she said setting down the last dried dish with a clink. “ it's all done. Now how about me and you make up some hot chocolate for those little devils before y'all head home?”

“That sounds wonderful. Here allow me.” Rarity levitated the plates back into the cupboard while Applejack fetched the necessary utensils for the drinks. And a few marshmallows.

The rest of the beverage making past in comfortable silence. They swiftly made the hot chocolate as each delicately brushed past each other as the made everypony's drinks. Every time they did Rarity felt as if she was going to implode with the touch. Each whisper of Applejack that came achingly close to her threatened to knock her senseless.

All to soon the forced close contact ended as she levitated all the cups and trotted into the eerily quiet living room with Applejack following behind, a smile resting easy on her face.

The sight that greeted each them wasn't really what they expected.

Sitting in her chair silently snoozing was Granny smith. That was almost to be expected but what was not was the three fillies lying together in a haphazard dog pile on the sofa. Scootaloo lay a little on the outside with Sweetie Belles head on her back as Sweeties toungue lolled out onto her fur as she snored gently. Applebloom lay on top of her but on her own back with her hind legs stretched out as if she fell asleep while trying to push both girls of the sofa. It was a rather odd tableau to say the least.

“Heh.” Applejack huffed in a whisper. “Now if that don't beat all. Guess today plum tuckered them out. Guess we're having a sleep over tonight.” Rarity opened her mouth to protest before Applejack continued. “Darlin' you're staying here tonight. We gots plenty of room and well it'd be might rude just to send you out after throwing a giant marrow atcha'” Applejack turned her head away at the end as to hid her scrunched up face.

“Ah'll go get the sleeping bags.” She called quietly over her shoulder as she tip-hoofed up the stairs.

When she returned Rarity was sitting on the floor, legs tucked underneath her in front of the fire with two steaming cups of Hot chocolate. Applejack smiled lightly as she pulled the sleeping bag over the tired fillies.

Those girls. Too much energy for their own good sometimes She thought good naturedly.

Still tip hoofing she went beside her unicorn friend and sat down, placing a sleeping bag each beside both of them.

Nothing was said.

Instead they just lay there drinking their chocolate in silence, each waiting for the other to break it. Before long Rarity bit the bullet and talked.

“Darling I do not mean to be rude but earlier on I heard you singing. I did not know you had such a lovely voice.” She said in a whisper, leaning close so Applejack could hear.

“Oh ah don't know about that lovely voice stuff but yeah ah was singing. It was something my momma used to sing about her and pop. Just their own private love song ah guess.” Applejack looked down at her hooves embarrassed.

“That's very romantic. I scarcely recognised your voice you know. It's beautiful Applejack.” With that Rarity looked straight in Applejacks eyes. Those two emeralds sparkled more than other gem she had ever seen. The entire cosmos was contained in each lush green sphere as Rarity was transfixed.

“Thanks Rarity.” As she looked up to see Rarity looking at her, those blue eyes pierced her very soul. Those sapphire irises had more warmth in them than anything she had ever seen. For her the only thing she could she was the glistening eyes of the pony opposite.

But another pony could see them. One little filly who should have been asleep was watching the entire thing.

“Ya know Rare'” Applejack started, never once taking her eyes off of Rarity.

“Yesss?” she replied leaning ever closer. Their muzzles barely inches apart as she could feel the heat of Applejacks breath. Her fur was on end by being this close.

“Sometimes sugarcube things happen. Ah'm a farmer so ah know when somethings are meant to happen, when you give them time to mature and grow to understand what they are and what that something is meant to be.”

“Yessssss?” Rarity replied once again almost nose to nose with Applejack.

“And sugar ah think its time for that something to happen.” Applejack said as she crossed the final distance between them, pressing her lips against Rarity.

A low, light moan emanated from Rarity's throat as Applejack pushed their lips firmly together. The moment they touched it had felt as if lightening had struck her, she suddenly felt too warm and tingly all over as her nerves fired into overdrive with the pure bone aching need to touch, to feel every inch of the pony beside her.

All too soon the kiss ended as Applejack snuggled up to Rarity as she draping a sleeping bag over them and held her tight. Rarity just sighed and lay her head down on Applejacks shoulder. She could wait for now. Right now she just wanted to be held tightly in Applejacks strong hooves.

As they all fell asleep unicorn, earth pony and filly pegasus a marshmallow melted in an untouched hot chocolate.

Author's Note:

Surprised? I know I am. Did not expect this to be written for hearts and hooves. Not that I'm complaining mind just surprised. Just a little not the song used is aviators lights. It was originally going to be autumn leaves by tarby but changed it last minute. I think this fits better anyway.

Other side note. You have no idea how tempted I was to have Granny smith wake up and before they could kiss. I was honestly this close to doing that but meh I'm in the lovey dovey spirit and it feels good to final have that Rarijack I promised. Hope it was worth the wait.
