• Published 3rd Aug 2012
  • 7,034 Views, 248 Comments

Weak wings and a useless unicorn. - Sugar Moon

Rarity wants nothing more than applejack but will she be generous enough to take in an orphan?

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Chapter eleven


It was the only word that three of ponies at the apples' dinner table could think of.

Each pony slowly ate their breakfast as the Apple family Matriarch's shifty gaze took each of them in turn. She knew her children like the back of her hoof and she knew they were keeping something from her. It was time to turn on the pressure cooker an' let 'em stew in their own juices till they can't take it any more. Each mouthful of her gruel was punctuated with a steely look at each of her grandchildren except for 'Bloom.

Scootaloo could see Granny Smith sitting at the head of the table looking at the two older apple siblings but she had her own thoughts to consume her mind. Maybe she was crazy, but last night she could swear she saw Applejack kiss Rarity, and the thought of her new... carer doing something like that was bouncing around in her skull like Pinkie at a Party. The worst part was when she woke up there was no hint that what she saw had happened. Just Rarity lying by herself. Maybe she was crazy after all. Least it was taking her mind of those other thoughts.

Rarity on the other was wondering something similar as she politely ate her food. Looking around she could see that for the most part things were what she expected. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle eating their food in a drowsy, woke up too soon sort of way. They didn't even seem to be awake enough to talk to one another as they mechanically chewed their breakfast.

Maybe we should have another food fight sometime if it means they do not have the energy to cause mischief for a while. she tittered softly as she batted her coiffure. Though maybe not. It does such a number on ones' hair.

Big Mac was doing what she always assumed he was doing. Absolutely nothing. That's not to say she thought he was lazy or slow or anything of that nature but in all honestly the strong and silent type may work for someponies but it just bored her rigid. Give me a good argument over quiet acceptance any day.

The two ponies who were acting strange,to her at least, was Scootaloo and Applejack. Both of them were sitting facing Rarity with Big Mac on Applejacks left and Scootaloo on her right. Scootaloo still hadn't returned to her usual happy spirits since yesterdays brunch. We'll have to talk soon about what's troubling her. As much as Scootaloo's pensiveness was worrying her Rarity's prime concern was the pony who was trying awfully hard not to look at her.

I swear that mare drives me up the walls. We finally kiss. I will not be foolish enough to believe that it was all just a dream. A more perfect moment I could not plan. Well that simply isn't true, perhaps if we were at a moonlight picnic... GAHH you are getting sidetracked Rarity. she berated herself You are meant to be filled with righteous fury at being scorned this morning. The nerve of her, leaving me to wake cold and alone on a hard floor by the sounds of her granny snoring. I have wanted her too long to be toyed with. Is she ashamed of me?.

“Hmmph” she snorted indignantly causing the mare in question to look up.

Dangit, ahm in trouble Applejack thought as she wiped a dribble of oatmeal of her chin with the back of her hoof.

Applejack had up until this point been avoiding any pony at the table. She knew that only too soon some awkward questions was going to rise up an' she wanted to square them away one at a time. Maybe she could sort them out tomorrow. Or next year. Heck how about ten years, it wasn't that urgent to tell Granny smith and the rest of her family that she may be entering a relationship with another mare. It could wait.

It can't wait dummy. Ya gotta tell 'em soon.

Applejack stared at her hoofs as they fidgeted as she tried to conjure up the courage. She knew it wasn't the sort of thing you blurt out over breakfast but dammit they had to know, besides as Granny Smith stared at her with that knowing glare she could feel the full weight of her need to confess. Ever since she was a little filly she couldn't hide anything from her granny. All the green mare had to do was give her one look and Aj would be sobbing about stealing the last cookie from the jar or whatever childhood secret granny wanted to know. She started sweating. Her head moving quickly from side to side, flicking her eyes around the room but avoiding those eyes. Those horrible truth finding eyes.

She couldn't take it much longer. Rarity stared at Applejack as she stood on her back hooves and started to shout “Me and Rare'...”

But it was deafened by a louder shout from the elder sibling.

Big Mac had gotten to his hooves just a beat faster than Applejack. She had been so stressed that she hadn't seen his own reaction to Granny's truth glare. He was in a sorrier state than Applejack, his yoke slick with nervous sweat.

Ah kissed Miss Twilight and ah liked it Granny.” he shouted, happy to finally have it off his mind. Though he shuddered knowing full well what was going to happen next.

Everypony at the table stared at him. Sweetie Belle's eyes positively sparkled as she near swooned at the idea that finally Big Mac had a special somepony. Rarity mirrored her younger sister rather well, even going so far as too fall back a little, resting her hoof on her forehead. The rest of the Cutie Mark Crusaders just looked confused with a hint of disgust as one filly thought of her big brother kissing Twilight.

The rest of the group could have been one pony, their faces masks of murderous rage. Yet Granny smiths eyes glittered slightly with a carefully hidden smirk.

“Girls” Applejack said through gritted teeth. “Go play outside for a spell. This here is grown up talk.”

The little fillies started protesting but with one look from Aj they ran outside as quick as their hooves could carry them.

“Now hold on a sec' there AJ” Big Mac said, backing up towards the wall.

“No you hold on a sec' there Casanova.” Applejack snorted out her nostrils. “ You mean to tell me that my brother is tryna rut one of my friends. A friend who you might recall is Princess Celestias personal pro-to-che” Aj punctuated each syllable by jabbing her brother forcefully in his chest. “Surely my brother isn't so stupid as to try that. Surely he'd know that my friends are off limits. That if he dared hurt them, my extended family Macintosh, that not only could it put the fate of Equestria in danger, it'll put one red coated snake n' the grasses hide in danger.” Applejack was very nearly frothing at the mouth with fury as she pushed her head together with Big Macs.

Rarity was stunned. All this anger just wasn't what she was used too from Applejack. All this raw passion to protect her friends from even the possibility of hurt. Maybe it was silly of her but she was so proud of Applejack right now, even if she was acting crazy.

“Darling, calm down.” Rarity used her magic to pull Applejack back, dragging grooves in the floor as she tried to stand her ground. “I'm sure Big Mac has done nothing untoward.” She eyed Big Mac.

“Eenope.” he said flustered.

Finally Granny smith decided to speak.

“Applejack Apple you back sit down on yer haunches right this second or ah'll make sure ya can't sit down right for a week” She said calmly.

Applejack fell back down with a muted thump and a barely heard “Yes Ma'am”.

Oh she's good Rarity thought.

After staring at Applejack to make sure she was doing what her elders and betters told her she returned to Big Mac.

“Macintosh. You better get on up to your room fer a while. We'll talk after ah have a word with your sister about what you been up too.”

“But Granny..” Big Mac protested.

“Ah said to yer room mister.” she fixed him with a hard eyed gaze, almost petrifying him to the spot.

But Big Mac had enough.

“Not til after Ah've had my say Granny.” he growled.

Applejack looked shock and a gasp was heard from the direction of Rarity but the grizzled green mare was impassive. Her face never even flinched as he began to warm up.

“Ahm dating Miss Twilight. We've been sort of dating for a few months now anyhow. But now its official. Ah thought y'all should know and if you don't like it Granny ahm sorry but ah can't change the way ah feel. As long as she'll have me ah'll be there for her.” turning to Aj he continued “and Applejack ahm sorry ya had to find out like this. About me and Twilight. Ah promise ahm not just tail chasing or anything like that. Ya know ah've never been like that. Ah wouldn't hurt Twilight” his voice took on an almost desperate pleading tone as his mouth stumbled around the words he wanted to say. “Ah...well.. ah l..”

“Macintosh. Your. Room. Now” Granny smith spoke seriously, cutting him off with a glare.

Sighing dejectedly he walked out the room his head hung low.

The remaining mares just sat there soaking in what Big Mac had said as his hooffalls echoed around the house only to be silenced by a door closing gently.

For a second there was silence. Rarity didn't know how to break it.

Then all of a sudden loud racking guffaws emanated from Granny smith.

She was almost rolling about the floor as she attempted to curtail her laughter.

“Haw ha ha ha ha”

“Um granny” Applejack asked worriedly “you alright?”

Granny on the other hoof showed no sign that she heard her or that she was going to stop as she just kept laughing, tears collecting in her eyes.

After a few minutes in which Applejack and Rarity just stared at the old earth pony worried and awkwardly, respectively, the laughter began to peter out as Granny smith righted her self and wiped the tears from her eyes with the back of her hoof.

“Oh Celestia, that was a good 'un” she chuckled finally.

“Granny” Applejack started exasperated. “ This is serious. Big Mac is...”

“Ah know what he's doing sugarcube. Ahm not that old.” Granny smith said. “He and yer friend are a couple now. Can't believe it took him so long to tell me after three months of them two making moon eyes at each other”

“You knew?” Applejack all but shouted.

“Course ah knew. Ahm crazy not blind.” she deadpanned. “Surprised you didn't see it either. Dang foals walking around like they was the only two ponies in Equestria.” She shook her head ruefully. “ Anyway good fer him. She seems like a good mare.”

“Granny” Applejack exclaimed. “but shes my friend.”

“You've made yer thoughts clear sugarcube. Do you really think Macintosh would hurt her? The same Macintosh who held a funeral for that butterfly he sat on once.”

“It was a lovely service.” Applejack agreed.

“Besides anypony can see hes crazy for that gal.”

“She's right darling.” Rarity added. “He was all about to confess his love for her right here before your granny tactfully sent him to his room.” She turned to face Granny smith. “ It was very decent of you to do that. Twilight should be the first to know how he feels.”

“Ah happen to be of the same mind myself.” Granny Smith nodded.

“Love?” Applejack was flabbergasted. “ Don't ya think y'all are jumping to conclusions 'bout that? It's a bit too soon for that.”

Rarity and Granny Smith shared a sly look, it seemed to Applejack to say “aww isn't she precious” in the most patronising manner possible.

The two mares started.



Rarity looked at Granny Smith somewhat awkwardly before inclining her head for head for her to continue.

“That there stallion is the quietest, kindest one ah know. An just because of the possibility that ah won't take too kindly to him and Twilight he shouted me down and fought me. Me. A mare hes more scared off than any critter in the Everfree. Just because ah might not approve. He is absolutely smitten an ahm betting Twilight is too. We're simple ponies Applejack. We follow our hearts not our heads and that boys lead him straight to yer friend. An when we fall for somepony, we fall fast and hard. Like it was for me, for yer pop , fer Big Mac and probably fer you too. Wouldn't surprise me if him an Twilight got married within a year.” she chuckled. “Better do it soon an make an honest stallion of my boy.”

Applejack was taken aback. She had just learned that her brother was courting one of her friends and now it seems they are as good as married according to her Granny. It was a lot to process in such a short time. She sighed.

“Ah guess it'll take some getting used to. But ahm surprised at you Rarity, being all gung-ho about this here thing.”

“My dear of course I'm supportive of this. I wish nothing more for Twilight to be happy and really a whirlwind romance? How could I not approve? It's like a magic fairy tale I always dreamed of when I was a little filly.” Rarity said eyes a little lost in remembrance.

Typical Applejack smirked. One sniff of romance and she's off. Speaking of romance..

“Granny what did ya mean 'bout how we fall hard and fast'?” Applejack whispered as Rarity remained oblivious in her day dreams of fillyhood imaginings.

“Ah told ya ah was crazy not blind. Ah see the way you an that mare keep looking at each other.” holding up her hooves to stop Applejack spluttering explanations she continued. “ Don't you dare lie to me Applejack. Ah can see that there mare is head over hooves fer you even if you aren't. Ah'll let you two stay in the stable as long as you like, heck since Macintosh has had a few months to sort out how his own feelings you deserve the same courtesy.” She leaned in to whisper with a serious expression on her face “but don't lie to me. Take some time to think about things. Its the advice ah gave yer daddy and it worked out well fer him. He liked 'em fancy as well.” With that Granny smith trotted off leaving Applejack dumbfounded.

“ Where is Granny Smith?” Rarity asked finally snapping out of her daydreams.

“Talking to Mac ah guess.”

“Something the matter dear?” Rarity asked.

Something the matter? Applejack thought. Few days ago ah was single, my brother wasn't trying to snuggle up to one of my best friends and another one of my best friends hadn't just adopted a kid before basically outright saying she was in love with me. Now.

Now my dear A Manehattanite voice cut in Your brother is in love and you could have a new sister, a poor unfortunate girl that you care for has been saved from a life on the streets by the most generous mare you know and that self same mare is in love with you. I think you are doing rather well darling. It may not be simple but life, love and family never are. In the end they are all the same.

Applejack looked up and smiled that lopsided grin that Rarity loved oh so much.

“Darlin' Ah can't think of anything that matters more right now than you.” and with that she reached across and kissed her, not giving a damn about anything but the gorgeous mare that was all hers.

Author's Note:

Whoop sticking to the schedule. Give or take a day or two.

Right onto more important things. I'm surprised nobody caught the reference in the last chapter? I thought it was rather heavy handed but I digress. As punishment see if you can find any reference in this chapter.

This has been the longest chapter in a while and well I'm not entirely happy with it but that seems to be a running theme with me,Some of this chapter is kind of important and settles a few things that could easily bog down the fic.

I know you are all missing Scootaloo but this is also a Rarijack fic. Scoots is coming back to the forefront if not the next chapter, the one after that. It's already written and has been since around chapter two. I've just been waiting for the right time to slot it in to the story so to speak which has proved a lot harder than I every imagined. It seems this story has a life of its own and keeps going off in directions I really didn't anticipate.

Also I was looking for a little bit of feedback about the whole twi/mac thing. I'm I going a bit too fast with it or do you just not like it in general. Let me know as I always love reading comments. They are usually so much better written than my crummy fics.

References, Scoots while be main character again soon and please comment, comment, comment.
