• Published 25th Aug 2018
  • 3,183 Views, 34 Comments

Once more, this time with feeling - Storylover-Vodhr

Three times Rainbow Dash tried to romance Twilight and failed, and the one time that Twilight didn't.

  • ...


The sun was shining down upon Ponyville, the weather beautiful and warm, the midday heat pleasant and comfortable, warm enough to make the present breeze welcome, yet cool enough not to cook those that resided within the sun’s reach, but not that of the wind.

But Rainbow Dash didn’t notice either. She didn’t notice how the sun beat down gently upon her back, nor did she recognize the wind in her hair as she flew through the sky, her wings buffeted by the air as she cut through it, curving around town. Indeed, she paid the wind and sun little mind, instead focusing on her own thoughts as she flew through the town.

Today was gonna be the day.

Today had to be the day.

For while the majority of Ponyville had been enjoying the long streak of lovely weather, Dash had been hyping herself up, as she been doing for weeks, almost months.

Countless hours of self-reassurance, dozens of plans, who knew how many "therapy" sessions with Fluttershy to relax herself enough not to completely chicken out on the whole situation. And after all that, she was as ready as she could ever be.

Now, she was ready to strike. The fact steeled her as she flew across Ponyville, towards the crystal monstrosity that sat dead center of town.

Any second now. Then she would strike.

After she did last circle of ponyville, and made sure that there was no problems around town, or anything.

With that thought, Dash curved to fly away, before reigning herself back in towards the castle once more.

Nope, no more hesitating; today was the day.

Today was the day that she’d ask out the mare of her dreams. And it would go well, nay, perfect and then they'd live happily ever after. Maybe adopt a kid. Grow old. One of them would die before the other, then the other remaining would follow a week later out of heartbreak and misery.

The dream everypony hoped for. Longed for.

And so, with that thought in mind to warm her chest and gird her bravery, Dash swooped down, and landed in front of the giant crystal door. She couldn’t fail; it wasn’t even an option, wasn’t even conceivable. Not even a viable thought. She was Rainbow Dash, Wonderbolt extraordinaire, hero of equestria, and she had this in the bag.

But even with that, Twilight’s front door had never looked so intimidating.

Nope, it was just a door. Nothing intimidating about it at all. It didn’t represent her fears or anything, nosiree.

The idea was absurd.

So, Dash bravely forced herself forward, and after the slightest of hesitations from her right hoof, knocked upon it, the noise of which resounded throughout the castle.

And now, she would wait.

Twilight would be down soon, she’d ask her out, and they’d live happily ever after, like in Rarity’s ultra trashy novels.

But until Twilight showed up, she’d wait.


Aaaaaaand wait.

It *was* a big castle, after all. It’d probably take a while to check the front door.

It wasn’t like Twilight was ignoring her, or anything.

But... maybe she should knock again? She did knock loud enough to be heard, but there was the possibility-

Nah, it’d be fine.

But, after fifteen minutes, Dash suddenly came to a realization, a memory returning to her, unbidden.

She recalled that, One, Twilight was supposed to be out of town until Friday, doing a Princess thing in Canterlot, And two, regardless of her enthusiasm, today was not yet friday.

And so, with an explosive sigh of disappointment and exasperation, Dash took back off into the sky, to return to her own home to lick her metaphorical wounds, and to rehype herself back up for when Twilight returned.

She’d get it next time.

Today was gonna be it. This time, she had this. No way that it could go wrong. Not a chance.

And better yet, this time she had an actual plan beyond a heartfelt confession and hopes that, maybe, Twilight knew what to do when it came to dating and had something beyond “do stuff together” as a action plan.

No, this time Dash got reservations at that fancy restaurant that Twilight liked, got the money required to pay for anything they had there for the both of them, and had even requested tomorrow off, in case romantic happy things happened and Dash couldn’t be bothered to stop hugging her pillow and happily squealing once she got home.

And, unlike the last time, before she had planned all this, she made sure that Twilight was definitely, totally, genuinely here. She even peeked through her library window and everything, just to be sure.

Sure, she nearly got caught peeking on the alicorn after making a totally uncool sigh that was totally not love struck or anything, but it was completely worth it.

So yeah, she totally got this.

With that in mind, Dash shot over to the front door once more, trying her best to fight the nervousness that was threatening to overcome her. Luckily, it wasn’t as bad as last time, but it was still there, a significant presence in her mind.

But she could get through it. So, after only a single minute of preparation, she knocked.

The die had been cast.

It only took a moment before hoofsteps were heard, clearly approaching the door, but for Dash, each sound was a strike to her composure, her nervousness practically multiplying with each step.

By the time the hoofsteps stopped before the door, Dash was but a second away from bolting, her heart beating deafeningly in her chest, the only thing keeping her rooted in place being, ironically, her own fear.

But no, she had to do this. There was no such thing as failure, and she wasn't about to let Twilight slip through her wingtips because she couldn't step up. She was a wonderbolt, a hero of equestria, and she was gonna be Twilight's special somepony, dangit. So, if she couldn’t manage composure, she could manage forcing the words out, purging them from her very soul like a cleansing flame.

Twilight might not get composed Dash, but she would certainly get passionate Dash.

So, the instant the door opened, Dash set herself in her actions and winced away, closing her eyes for the shortest of moments to keep Twilight’s sure to be beautiful face from breaking down her little remaining will, and just blurted out the question.


There was a moment of deadly silence at that, and upon the realization that her eyes were still closed, out of either fear or her own flagging will, she forced them open.

Even if she had been rejected, She’d take it like a mare.

But, rather than spying a Twilight, looking all beautiful or confused, she saw that Starlight was instead standing before her, drinking a soda and looking surprised at her sudden exclamation.

Crap. She blew it, and asked out the wrong purple unicorn. She had to do damage control, right now.

"Uh, Platonically! You know, to hang out and junk."

There was another moment of silence at that, and Dash found herself continuing.

“‘Cause, you know, we never hang out.”

The ex-con slowly seemed to consider the fact as she got over her own surprise before, to Dash’s lament, she agreed.

"Eh, sure."

Dash forced herself to nod in agreement, but not before spying a curious Twilight staring at them from the top of her staircase, looking all majestic and magnificent as she stood in the background, a confused tilt to her head as she watched the two of them talk.

She desperately hoped that Twilight didn't get the wrong idea. That was the last thing she needed.

"But only as long as you're buying. That place is expensive."

Dash nodded and smiled again, this time a bit more forced. Yes. Yes it was.

Ok! The last two times didn't count. But this time?

Golden. In the bag.

As Dash flew through the town, keeping her eye on the castle as she soared, she mentally went through her plan.

Twilight was definitely home, that knowledge borne from a bribed Scootaloo with a radio, and Starlight was out with Trixie due to a "Gift" from Dash herself, (A pair of flight tickets to las Pegasus that she got for free for being in the wonderbolts), And she even managed to luck out, and got a forwarded copy of the newest Daring Doo book from AK. Yearling sent to her house, provided via a lot of begging, as well as a tiny bit of a confession as to why she wanted it so badly.

So, everything was in place, and all she'd have to do was confess like a total boss, and then Twilight would swoon, and afterwards they'd end up snuggled up with the newest book by the fireplace, where'd they eat snacks or something while they did couple things, like hug and junk.

The very thought of it warmed her heart, bringing a dopey smile to her face, her imagination going wild. They’d hug, read, snuggle. They’d do it all.

Maybe even, dare she think it? Kiss?

No, it was too much. Her heart wasn't ready for that thought, not yet. But she could definitely think about the hug and snuggle.

So, with that in mind, Rainbow Dash shot down to Twilight's front door, and, after only a short moment to prepare herself, knocked. This time, however, she was a bit more at ease. After all, after the last two attempts, what else could happen?

After a moment, the door opened, and lo and behold, there she was, Twilight in all her glory. She had a genuine smile upon her face, her features framed wonderfully by her mane, which was being all nice and purple, and she even looked happy to see her specifically, her smile growing as she saw her, as the door opened fully.

And she didn't even know about the book yet! Clearly, this was a sign.

They were meant to be.

"Rainbow Dash! Come in! I was hoping yo- that one of you would stop by."

Wait... one of you? Did she mean something by that, or did she mean by one of her friends? Either way, the phrase did manage to put a damper on her mood a little, but even so, she still felt pretty good.

She was with Twilight, who looked really excited that she was here, the newest Daring Doo book was in her saddlebags, and it was just the two of them, with no distractions. Now, she just needed to do the whole "Confession” thing, and it’d be perfect.

"Oh, well, uh, that's good! So-"

But, before Dash could continue, she suddenly found herself being pushed, nay, almost corralled into another room by Twilight, the action proving to be very distracting as her hooves slid across the crystal floor. Wait, what did Twilight want?

To show her something?

Did she want her help with something?

Did she just want her?

To hug her?

To snuggle her?

Or... No, she didn't want to kiss, did she?

Dash’s cheeks and wings immediately flared up at the very thought, a massive crimson blush forming as she was pushed forward. Things were moving way too fast, even for her. Quick, she had to confess before something unexpected happened. At least at that point, she could tell what would happen next.

But, before Dash could say anything, she found herself pushed through the doors into the main hall.

This way led to the library. Twilight’s nest, if you would.

Way too much, way too fast. Quick, she had to confess!

"Twi, I gotta tell you something-"

"Oh, hello, Rainbow Dash."

Aaaaand, why was Twilight's parents here?

There was a moment of silence as Dash stared in confusion, trying to reconfirm what she saw.

But nope, they were definitely here, alongside Princess Cadence and Shining Armor, sitting on the chairs that normally had been reserved for their circle of friends, with the other royal pair holding a slightly squirmy Flurryheart.


Dash actually found herself forgetting what she was going to say for a moment, instead turning back towards Twilight questioningly, her blush still burning brightly.

"So, Uh, I was hoping that one of you would show up here to show everypony how the chairs worked! Mine doesn't light up unless everyone is here and all, so I was hoping that one of you girls would've stopped by."


She just wanted her for her magical butt.

What a letdown.

"So, you said you had something you had to say?"

Uh oh. Nope. Abort!

Quick, she had to distract them!

"Uh, not really, I, uh, lemme just show you the magical glowing chair!"

With that, Dash shot over to her little throne with a flap of her wings and basically dropped out of the air to sit upon it, which lit up slightly the second her flank touched the seat. And, at that, there was a pair of polite *Oooos* from the parents, a interested smile from Shining armor, and a....

A knowing smirk from Cadence, as she stared down Rainbow Dash.

There was a moment of silence after that, almost a battle of wills, before finally, both sides tried to speak up.

Cadence won.

"It's nice and all, Twilie, but we really should hear what your friend has to say. It sounded like it was important."

Curse you, magical love-horse.

There was no way that she was gonna confess in front of Twilight’s family. She could barely conceive doing so in front of just Twilight!

But the rest of Twilight's family, they all seemed to disagree with her, and now, all eyes were on her.

Like lasers, burning through her composure and eating away at her bravery. Shining Armor's smile, full of trust, not worrying that Dash herself had plans for his little sister. Momma Twilight, smiling gently, like she cared and hoped for whatever "problem" she had to be resolved. Nightlight, with a firm, understanding nod, like he'd stand up and fight whatever "Issue" that could be harrying her.

She definitely couldn't confess now.
Half would laugh, and the other half might lynch her.

"I... I... Uh..."

Before she knew what she was doing, Dash found herself moving and yanked the book out of her saddlebags, and thrust it into Twilight’s lap before bolting out of the building without a word.

But, before she crossed the threshold of the door, Dash could've sworn that Twilight's mother cooing something about her being *cute*.

Dash sighed heavily as she glared at the paper on her desk, several lines crossed out with increasing ferocity, before kneading a hoof against her temple as she pondered upon her failures.

She was all out of ideas.

Rent out a restaurant?

Too expensive.

A heartfelt serenade?

Too conspicuous.

An enormous wooden horse?

Too greek.

Her brain was officially done, but it had to happen eventually. Dash had never been an idea pony, after all, choosing to leave those bits of their adventures to, ironically, Twilight. No, she was an action pony. An action pony who did action things, who followed the plan set up by the idea gal and made sure that they had the muscle, moxie, and determination to accomplish it. That’s how she became a wonderbolt. How she ended up joining Twilight and their friends in the first place. By having muscle, Moxie, and determination.

But being an action pony didn't work so well when she had to make a plan. All she knew was how to ultimately screw one up.

Too bad that she couldn't just rush over, and ask Twilight out right now. It would make things so much simpler-


Dash immediately let out a growl, and stood back up. You know what? She was totally gonna do it.

To heck with the planning, to heck with trying to be an idea pony, and to heck with wimping out like she was the biggest wimp this side of wimpington. She was an Action pony. And she had a way to make this work.

And now, Twilight was hers, dang it. She just didn't know it yet. Dash was gonna go down to Twilight's right now, and just barge in. Twilight would be sitting there, being pretty and smart and sipping some fancy tea from Prance, and Dash would fly in, sweep her off her hooves, and blow her nerdy little mind.

It couldn't fail. It wouldn't fail.


Because she was Rainbow Dash, Wonderbolt extraordinaire, hero of equestria, holder of the element of loyalty, maker of Sonic Rainbooms, and Twilight's future Marefriend/Wife.

So, With a maniac grin, Dash leapt up from her desk, and rushed over to her front door, yanking it open.

And, Lo and behold, there was Twilight, her expression surprised, her hoof held up, about to knock on the door, wearing a saddlebag. And Dash, for a moment, just sat there, staring, trying to process the newest development that her life had decided to give to her.

And then, whatever bravado Dash had moments before suddenly died, brutally and immediately.

Oh yeah. *This* was why she kept trying to plan for things. Because she wimped out the second Twilight was in view. Plans, however, didn't disappear.

"Oh, uh, Hi, Dash. Can I come in?"

The only thing Rainbow Dash could do was gave an awkward nod, and shuffled nervously out of the way of Twilight as the alicorn walked into Dash's home. There mare then moved over to Dash's couch, and sat down, staring expectantly at Dash.

"So, uh, I wanted to ask you something."

Oh dear.

"Uh, er, sure! Whatcha wanna talk about?"

Twilight shuffled in place awkwardly for a moment, before pulling out a piece of paper from her saddlebag, and began to read it for a moment under her breath.

And then, she looked back up.

"Er, So, I wanted to..."

She looked back to the paper, then back up to Dash.

"No, Um... Should we go..."

Back to the paper.

"Er, well... Eh, to heck with it."

And with that, Twilight tore up the paper, practically making it into confetti, before looking Dash straight in the eye.

"Rainbow Dash, you wanna go out sometime?"

The silence could be cut with a knife, as Twilight sat there, a nervous expression on her face, and Dash in awed silence, staring at Twilight. She couldn't have just asked that. No way. Not a chance. She had to be mishearing things.

"Uh, What?"

Twilight looked a little worried at that, her nervous smile twisting a smidge, but she repeated her question. "Do you, Rainbow Dash, want to go out on a date with me?"

And then, silence.

Twilight nervously stared at Rainbow. Dash stared at Twilight. One, worried of a rejection, and the other, shocked that such great fortune just dropped into her lap.

But eventually, Dash's shock broke. And luckily, this time she was first.

"Y-Yeah. Sure."

And like that, Twilight's worry practically melted away, an expression of relief appearing in it's place.

"Oh, thank Celestia- Er, I mean, Great! Um... How about we go..."

Twilight paused for a moment, as if expecting to have some plan set aside, before she looked at the shreds of paper that now littered the floor, her expression looking slightly regretful.

"Nevermind. How about we go read the book you nearly threw at me yesterday?"

Dash's ecstatic grin in response was brilliant.

"Heck yeah."

Author's Note:

As I looked around at the recent TwiDash, I noticed several things.

One, that there isn't a whole lot.

And two, you know what hasn't been done in a while?

A light hearted "How they got together" fic.

So, here's the Rainbow Dash one!

Also, I've noticed that I've been rather anti-social as of late. So, to provoke dialog, Why not everyone tell me their favorite TwiDash story of all time in the comments, get a chat going, see who's still around. I'll even start.

Comments ( 34 )

My favorite TwiDash story to this day has to be A bluebird's Song by Ardensfax. I love that story. It's everything I wanted in a TwiDash fic when I read it, and while it's old, it has that spirit that I just adore.

I even paid to have the first half privately published. I still got the book around my house somewhere.

I loved it,great job !:twilightsmile:

you had me thinking it was a Bon Jovi parody

Probably my favorite is Unwell for the impact it had when I read it. The quirk of that one is that Twilight has a serious mental health issue and how that affects her relationship with Rainbow Dash. And of course Rainbow being Rainbow about it when she finds out but trying really hard.

I remember that one. It was amazing, and now I wanna reread it. Too bad the sequel died.

(Unlike miss pill replacer.)

(Unless I’m thinking of a different mental health fic. But I am pretty sure.)

Nah, it was a reference to all the old “one of the two try to ask out the other and keep failing/chickening out” stories.


Nope, that’s the one.

Yeah. I wonder what the odds of the sequel coming back to life are?

Guess we can only hope, it's like all the best fics. I was still really disappointed when Loyal2Luna vanished into the aether, I hope they're okay.

Same. I hope life is going ok for them.

This was hilarious!!!:rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh:
I love it!:heart::twilightsmile:

I liked it!

Awww, thank you! :twilightsmile:

Thank you for enjoying it! :rainbowkiss:

Thank you for making it!

It’s my pleasure. I’m just happy to make things people enjoy. :twilightblush:

Anyone remember Growing Pains? That was one helluva'n adventure.

That was the story that literally got me into TwiDash. XD

My dream is to make an mlp action story of the same caliber and scope.

Nice, love it. :twilightsmile::rainbowkiss:

Audacia Iris is my favourite getting together fic. The punchline revealed by the second chapter made it hilarious.

Great to see more Twidash. You're right that it feels like there's been a drought of it for a while...

I know, right?

I miss the golden days, when there was a TwiDash a day, when there was the big writers like the wizard of words, who wrote amazing TwiDash on a weekly basis.

It was a golden era.

Ah well. The most I can do is make as much as I can, and hope others do the same. And while I’m no Abyss, no kodeake, and certainly no Wizard of words, I’ll try to do my best, and make as much good TwiDash as I can.

I’ll keep trying, and keep learning, and maybe one day make something truly great.

Ah, this was well worth the trip down memory lane. I miss writing for this fandom. The close-knit community, constant competitions, challenges, and memes. I even miss the old ship wars.

This was a very fun read. I particularly enjoyed the second attempt, with the accidental plans with Starlight. This whole thing was an excellent reminder of why I started writing TwiDash, and MLP famfiction in general. Very cute.

As far as favorite TwiDash fics go, though, I only have a few that I’ve personally saved directly to my ibooks app. Campfire Stories was one of the very first TwiDashes, way back in 2011; it, and Twilight Learns A Secret, were the only ones I read before I took up the pen.

(Somewhat) more recently, we have fics like My Dashing Hero, Mare Do Well vs Professor Nightshade, and Miss Sparkle, Psychopath. I have a hardcover first edition copy of Twilight’s List, so that’s probably worth mentioning, too. But the best of the best is probably Then Tomorrow Came, honestly.

Bah. Who needs that Kodeake guy? This is far better than anything he could write anyway. Most enjoyable with some spot-on comedy.


Lies and slander. Your stories are easily some of my favorites of all time, and I still go back and read over them on occasion.

(I wrote up a response, and apparently didn't hit that little "post comment" button that always seems to elude me. I apologize for the wait.)

Thank ya! I'm glad I didn't burn out thine retinas. :pinkiehappy:

And, those are all great stories. And I really do wish that Tomorrow never came would update. It was easily one of my favorites when it came out, and I still await it's possible update to drop with excitement.

You don't know how happy I am to grin this stupidly at a twidash fic again:pinkiehappy: THEY'RE BOTH SO ADORABLE

Unlike all the other pony's assumptions on Rainbow Dash making the first move, it was actually Twilight, who was being the bigger pony.


Well now I just want to know how a Trojan Horse could be applied to the dating process.

It would be very interesting to see. I want a story that somehow involves this. I don't even begin to see how this one would work.

"Nevermind. How about we go read the book you nearly threw at me yesterday?"

Yep, that'll about do it.

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