• Published 6th Sep 2018
  • 3,903 Views, 189 Comments

Buggy System - Dedion

Occupant Chrysalis journeys through space after a foiled plan teleports her aboard a United Empire research ship.

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Every End, a Beginning

The ex-ruler of the changelings, Queen Chrysalis, ran from a lot of things in her life. In her youth, she ran from her siblings when fights broke out. Towards her teenage years, she ran from the responsibilities of becoming a changeling queen after some unfortunate events took the lives of her older sisters. Now, in her adulthood, she had run from her home. She ran from her enemies after every plan to gain her revenge failed. She ran from predators of the Everfree Forest and on more than one occasion was barely able to do so. And now she had run out of luck.

Here she stood, a disgraced changeling with a giant wall of rock to her back and a small army of ponies in front of her. Her magic reserves were too low to teleport out of her situation. Her wings were too sore to fly anymore, and her legs were doing everything they could to keep her standing. Pain spread across the changeling's body as she just now began to realize just how far she had pushed her body.

"Chrysalis." called a voice from above. The ex-queen in question made an effort to adjust her gaze towards a familiar purple alicorn followed by a light purple unicorn. A grimace spread across her face. Of course, it had to be them.

"Ah, Princess Twilight and her ex-friendship pupil Starlight Glimmer," hate practically oozed out of Chrysalis as she spoke Starlight's name. "Congrats on graduating by the way. However, to what do I owe this lovely meeting?"

"The list is long Chrysalis," Twilight replied, "Though most of it could be forgiven, however, the latest entries makes this meeting seem long overdue."

"What would those last entries be exactly?" Chrysalis asked.

"Theft of a magical artifact, assault against a royal guard, attempted murder of a minor... and about ten more." Starlight answered.

"Attempted murder of a minor? I don't remember attacking a child!" Chrysalis protested. Twilight was quick to correct her.

"At approximately one thirty-nine p.m., two castle maids witnessed Chrysalis, ex-ruler of the changelings, blast one Spike Argonias Sparkle with an unknown magic spell with the use of the magic item that was stolen at approximately one thirty-five p.m. rendering the fifteen-year-old dragon in the hospital wing of Canterlot Castle with a severe concussion and three broken ribs," Twilight stated. "That is just one snippet of the report that I read. In all honesty, if Starlight hadn't come along, I might have done something I would have regretted." Chrysalis's eyes widened momentarily at the realization of two things. The first being that she still held the magic item around her neck and the second being that she put the pretty purple princess's pet in the hospital.

A plan started to form inside her head. She knew it was a last resort, but she was grasping for straws at this point. She just needed to spark a bit of anger to get the spell going. "They sent him to the Royal Hospital? Seems like a lot of work for a pet don't you think? Couldn't you have just sent him to the vet or something?" Chrysalis asked. She got more of a response out of that than she thought she would.

"My little brother is not a pet!!" Twilight shouted at the top of her lungs. Her booming voice caused the earth to shake. Both ponies and changeling alike took a few steps back from the raging alicorn. Her horn ignited with a pure violet aura. Chrysalis had not cowered in fear since her youth and had since then forgotten what fear was like, until now. Chrysalis made sure that if she ever lived through these next moments, that she would never push Twilight's buttons when it comes to that purple dragon of hers.

Starlight took a few cautious steps towards Twilight and placed a hoof on her shoulder. The purple alicorn's magic quickly dimmed as she stared at Chrysalis for a few moments longer. "You promised, Twilight." Starlight said. Twilight grunted and rubbed a hoof over her temple.

"Five minutes." she plainly stated. Starlight thanked Twilight before she turned her attention towards Chrysalis. The changeling scoffed as the two's gazes locked from a moment.

"Chrysalis," Starlight started. "Why do you hate ponies so much?" There was a question Chrysalis had not heard in quite some time. How long had it been since someone had asked her that? A decade? A century? She had forgotten at this point. "We keep trying to befriend you. We keep trying to give you a helping hand to see a better way to live, but each time you keep pushing us away and trying to get revenge. Why can't you accept that we want to help you?"

"You know, I figure I might as well let you know seeing as to how you might be the last who hear of this." Chrysalis started. She took a breath and flinched as her lungs sent small prongs of pain through her body. "I hate you ponies because you are almost always trying to spread your concept of friendship to others. You think that just about anything can be solved by friendship and any who don't bend to your will either get imprisoned, become destined to lose to you, and eventually accept your way of thinking because they have no other alternatives." Chrysalis made a stand. She stood with all the energy she had left and continued. "And you know what Starlight Glimmer? I was almost one of the latter. I almost gave in, but I will not bend to your will. I will not accept your friendship, even if it means I will die."

"But it doesn't have to be like that Chrysalis! Your pride hasn't gotten you any further in your plans. If anything it has dragged you down even more!" Starlight protested. Chrysalis grinned, showing her fangs to the ponies in front of her.

"I would have to disagree young Starlight. My persistence, my pride, has put two of my most hated enemies right. Where. I. Want. Them." With that final word, the magical item around Chrysalis's neck began to glow in a sickly green hue. Twilight gasped as she began to summon her magic to cast a spell. She was stopped when a powerful wave of magic threw her back into a tree. Starlight was thrown by the magic wave too, but her momentum was stopped by the crowd of ponies behind her.

Chrysalis began to rise into the air. The ruby placed in the middle of the magic item continued to suck out all the magic Chrysalis had left. She could feel herself losing consciousness as the last few bits of magic were drained from her. She quickly began to cast one of her sister's favorite spells when they were young, a small explosion spell. It was more of a firework spell meant to be used for pranks. However, the necklace around her neck was made to enhance one's magic potency. If the accessory were operating normally, the explosion would have been enough to destroy a fruit stand. However, the necklace was not functioning normally thanks to Chrysalis's tinkering. The resulting explosion would be enough to turn the next few miles into a crater.

Twilight's and Starlight's horn began to glow as they both tried to stop the changeling queen. Their magic mixed in with Chrysalis's and swirled around the ruby. "Whatever you're trying to do, it's futile!" Chrysalis yelled as the ruby started to turn a blinding white and began to let out a loud wail. Starlight continued to try and stop the changeling while Twilight scoffed under her breath. She stopped working to prevent the ex-queen from doing what she was doing and focused her attention on teleporting her and the group of ponies out of Chrysalis's range.

There was a flash of light and a loud boom, and the pain from Chrysalis's body vanished. As the boom echoed into non-existence and the light faded away, silence and darkness filled in the empty void the two left behind. Chrysalis let her mind wander a bit. She made it walk through the town of her mind before jumping from realm to realm of possibilities. One of which was that Chrysalis found herself believing more and more was that she had successfully killed herself and this was the afterlife. The afterlife seemed to disappoint Chrysalis as there was nothing to do. She didn't feel pain or anything for that matter, she couldn't move, and all around her was darkness and silence. She was confident that if this was the afterlife, she should have reconsidered the whole blowing herself up plan.

After what felt like an eternity, the silence was broken by a soft *beep*. At first, Chrysalis thought that she had gone insane, but her fears were proven unfounded as another soft *beep* was heard. It was followed by another and another in a rhythmic pattern. It was almost like a heartbeat. The beeps continued for sometime before Chrysalis felt a cold sensation over her body. This was followed by the feeling of warm air that felt more than pleasant. Following her sense of touch was her hearing and then her smell. Her sense of taste was regrettably returned as her first taste was something she couldn't put her hoof on, but it was horrible all the same.

The last sense that returned to her took its sweet time as Chrysalis could not lift her eyelids to see. She was patient though, and her patience was rewarded with the ability to look at her surroundings. Chrysalis had expected to see the mile-wide crater she made but was instead greeted by three pale white walls and a transparent glass wall. The lights above her forced her to close her eyes for a moment before she could scan her surroundings again. When she opened her eyes this time, two figures stood outside her 'room,' each of them wore a yellow suit and what appeared to be a facial mask to hide their appearance. Before Chrysalis could gather any more details from them, her senses were once again stolen from her, and she returned to her world of silence and darkness.

Author's Note:

A story that I had brewing in my head ever since I saw the cover art. What do you think?