• Published 6th Sep 2018
  • 3,903 Views, 189 Comments

Buggy System - Dedion

Occupant Chrysalis journeys through space after a foiled plan teleports her aboard a United Empire research ship.

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In Debt to an Empire

After the initial contact with the figures, they continued to stop by and check up on Chrysalis almost every time she woke up. Their visits ranged from attempting to start a conversation to bringing her food and water to trying to do what Chrysalis assumed were experiments. It was safe to say that she did not take being treated like a lab rat easily. However, the constant stream of positive emotions proved to make Chrysalis waver her feelings on the matter. Chrysalis could have said anything about the two figures that continued to visit her, but one thing she could not say was that they were not passionate about their work.

It wasn't long before Chrysalis could stand again. That day had brought a small smile to the changeling's face. Walking proved to be more of a challenge though. It would take a few more days before she could have the pleasure to walk again. 'That explosion must have taken more out of me than I thought.' Chrysalis thought to herself. 'Well, seeing as to how I wasn't supposed to survive that blast, it shouldn't be that surprising.' The glass door of her room slid open again as the figures walked in again. However, the emotions emanating from one of them was the almost complete opposite of the other. The body language suggested that the figure did not want to be here with their accomplice. They stood at the entrance of the door with their back it. It played with a multicolored cube while the other figure performed its normal tasks.

Chrysalis allowed the figure to obtain more strands of her hair while she stared at the figure at the entrance. This figure wasn't the same as the other one that normally comes in. The posture was all wrong and it wasn't as... feminine as the other one. A male being that took no interest in her? Now that was a new one. Chrysalis supposed it was time to teach the figures a lesson on changelings. Rule number one: Never ignore a changeling for too long. Her horn glowed in an emerald hue as she enveloped the cube in her magic aura. With a simple tug, the cube was ripped from the male figure's possession and floated towards Chrysalis.

Both figures stood in silence as Chrysalis inspected the cube. It seemed as though the cube functioned as some sort of puzzle. The goal of the puzzle seemed to have each side of the cube have one color on it. Chrysalis, while one who took an interest with puzzles, saw no need for a simple puzzle as this. In the context as to this whole situation, she was the greatest puzzle to these figures. It was only natural that she should be the center of attention at this point. Now, how was she going to get the green to the lower left corner? While Chrysalis was contemplating this question, she felt a weird sensation in her horn before her magic fizzled out and the cube fell to the floor. Her world turned black one more time before she could even think to question why her magic gave out.

Once Chrysalis had awakened again, she had found that she was no longer in the pale white room. Instead, the room she was in was more of an egg-shell white with grey outline across the bottom of the walls. The room was also not as simple as three normal walls and a glass wall. This room had beds! One of which Chrysalis found herself laying on. The bed was not as soft as some of the beds that Chrysalis had grown to know, but it was not too hard either. It was passable at best. Chrysalis began to sit up and survey her surroundings. Her eyes landed on a container that was on the nightstand next to her. Upon seeing the condensation on the outside of the container, she assumed that whatever was inside the container had to be cold. Maybe the container was full of water the figures had left for her? The thought of drinking ice-cold water seemed to make Chrysalis realize just how dry her throat was.

Chrysalis began to use her magic to try and levitate the container. She stopped just a few moments after her horn ignited, remembering that she had blacked out earlier from using her magic. She hesitated for a moment. On one hoof, she could risk levitating the container to her and indulge in some much-needed rehydration. On the other hoof, she could suffer through the dryness clawing at her throat for however long it would take to get some water. Chrysalis considered the second option for a brief moment before her horn was lit with an emerald hue. The container began encased in her magical grip and was gently beginning to float in the air. A smile of success spread its way across Chrysalis's muzzle.

The container was then brought closer to Chrysalis as she began to inspect it closer. The top of the container thinned out into a smaller cylinder and ended with some sort of lid. There wasn't any sign of the lid of the container being able to pry off so Chrysalis imagined it had to be like one those jars that one would have to twist off. Chrysalis never knew why those jars were invented as only a third of the pony population could open them with ease. She would have elaborated harder on that thought, but her assumption of the lid being twisted off was proven to be correct as the lip twisted and was lifted off the container. Chrysalis brought the opened container to her nose and sniffed the inside of it. Yes, the container definitely had water in it. Which Chrysalis began to chug as if there was no tomorrow.

Her desperate drinking was only interrupted when she felt a prong of awe in the air. Someone had entered the room. Turning to face those who had entered, her eyes grew wide at the sight of the two beings that stood in the entrance of the door. On her right stood a... light brown... diamond dog? No, it couldn't be. The proportions were that the same as that of a diamond dog. The paws were too small, most the body was too thin, and the list goes on and on. The being didn't even have a tail! The only thing that would make the being a diamond dog would be the hips. Those were definitely diamond dog hips.

The being on the left possessed an almost see-through body. It seemed to be made out of... Chrysalis couldn't even figure out what the being was made out of, but it was a light blue. In the center of the being was a round object that slowly pulsated in a dark blue aura. The shape in which the being was in furthered Chrysalis's confusion as it was one that she had never seen before.

"Oh thank The Five, you're okay." said the not diamond dog. "We were beginning to think you were not going to wake up after that one." Chrysalis continued to stare at the two beings and tilted her head in confusion. "O-oh, is something wrong?"

"I think its the fact that this is the first time they've seen us outside the bio-hazard suits." The light blue being spoke. The not diamond dog seem to have something go off in their brain as she turned back to face Chrysalis.

"Ah, so that's why you look so confused. Well, there are probably other things for you to be confused about as well, but I digress." the not diamond dog walked towards Chrysalis and extended a paw. "My name is Almira, nice to meet you."

Chrysalis looked at Almira's paw for a brief moment before she lifted a hoof into it. "You may call me... Chrysalis," she stated. The light blue creature came up behind Almira to introduce herself.

"Name's Ge-Foli, Chrysalis." She waved towards the changeling. Chrysalis gave a weak wave back as she still continued to stare at the two of them.

"Okay, I have to ask. What are you two?" Chrysalis asked.

"Oh, sorry." Ge-Foli apologized, "I forgot that you've never been out of your own solar system before." Chrysalis scrunched up her nose a bit, feeling as though that was an insult. "I'm what most people classify as a Hultova. My friend over here is an Alkileon." Chrysalis was about to ask a question, but she was interrupted by Almira.

"You can look into what our species are on your datapad and Linked Language Communication Device. I'll be sure to give it to you before we leave." Almira explained. "You'll also be able to research everything else that you may have a question about via audio commands." This seemed to put the changeling queen at ease for the moment as Almira took the opportunity to continue. "We would also like to apologize for the conditions we put you in. We had theorized that you were capable of flux manipulation, but we weren't entirely sure due to all the flux radiation from your teleportation device. You should be able to gather some free flux energy to replenish your reserves."

"Though, now that we think about it, it would make sense as to why you would go dormant from time to time. Your body was in some type of hibernation period while it tried to reproduce a sustainable amount of flux energy." Ge-Foli explained

"Flux energy? What in the name of Celestia's right flank is that?" Chrysalis asked annoyance coated her every word.

"Flux energy is an energy that exists nearly everywhere. It's physical structure changes almost frequently, hence the name 'flux'. It has been documented changing from invisible energy to a crystalline structure to a liquid substance and so on. Some beings have managed to manipulate this energy using some type of channeling medium or their through their own biological functions." Ge-Foli explained.

"Augh... it feels like I'm listening to one of Twilight's speeches." Chrysalis groaned. "Say it in a way that I can understand it!"

"... I guess the simplest explanation would be that flux is what most humans before the Blinxton Renaissance of 2070 would call 'magic'." Almira responded. "I'm assuming that's what the people on your planet called it too?"

"You would be correct with that assumption," Chrysalis confirmed.

"Ah, so we were also right about their home planet being way behind in technology," Ge-Foli spoke up, "No offense but you guys are so far behind, it'll be a miracle if we can even trace your flux path back."

"I'm assuming that was an insult and choose to ignore it for the time being," Chrysalis snarled. Ge-Foli held up her appendages in a surrendering manner.

"Calm down, no need to get angry," Ge-Foli said, "Not yet anyway." That last part was barely uttered.

"Anyway..." Almira started, "We'd like to apologize again for placing you in that situation. We also hope you will continue to be co-operative with us for the foreseeable future." As Almira finished, there was a soft flash of orange light. A light grey rectangular device appeared in her paws. She handed it over to Chrysalis who hesitantly took it in her magic grasp. The device came to life as its once dark screen was now a light blue. A circle appeared in the center of the screen as a voice emanated from the device.

"Greetings, Occupant Chrysalis, how may I assist you?" the device spoke. The circle flashed a few times as it did. Hearing the voice come out of device should have made Chrysalis jump at least a little, but with everything that has been going on lately, she found that she was quite numb to everything.

"We'll leave you alone for now," Almira spoke, "I'd imagine having all this information dumped onto you must be tiring. We'll be back in the solar cycle to pick you up. The datapad should inform you on all of what to expect tomorrow before you go to bed." With that, the two beings waved goodbye before exiting the room. Once the door slid closed, only the hum the lights and some far off machine kept the silence from suffocating Chrysalis. The information overload was intense and the question that the information brought with them was overwhelming. However, she was a changeling. Learning vast amounts of information and adapting was a part of their way of life. She would be fine.

"Datapad?" Chrysalis asked tiredly.

"Yes, Occupant Chrysalis?" the device responded.

"What is in store for me tomorrow?"

"According to the schedule made out for you, during the first hours of the solar cycle, you'll be fitted for a custom-made uniform. After that, you'll begin assisting researchers with their experiments to the best of your abilities as well as give information about your kind to allow better accommodations for you. Other assignments will be given at a later time. Should everything go well, you will have accumulated approximately 240 credits and your payment for this ship's teleportation system repairs with be approximately 250,698 credits. Based on calculations, you will have the payment paid in full in 1,045 full cycles at your current rate of earning credits. This is including any pay raises that may occur in your current employment. Obtaining a higher paying position is advised." A wall of information spewed from the datapad. After Chrysalis's brain took a few more moments to process what she had just heard, she let out a roar of anger and frustration.