• Published 6th Sep 2018
  • 1,251 Views, 3 Comments

Alien: FlutterBirth - TwiRaptor

A short story of the Alien Twilight Series, for fun and some other important reasons I guess

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Author's Note:

Hello, this is a short story for you to enjoy! I am writing this for fun and to share a bit more about the Alien Twilight Series, this is a short story through the eyes of Fluttershy after she got facehugged in Alien: Twilight's Final Chapter.

Everything in here will be canon to the series and will even reveal some information that was hidden away from the chapters of Final Chapter.

Thank You and Enjoy

Fluttershy's eyes shoot open and she gasps for air looking around for her friend, however, Verglas is nowhere to be seen. Rolling over to get up the pegasus bumps her hoof against a dead Facehugger. Seeing the creature she screams jumping up and smashing her head into the ceiling above. Looking around she tries to focus, however, being asleep for an unknown amount of time everything is a slight blur.

"What ... Happened?" Fluttershy's voice is weak and her legs tremble to struggle to keep her standing. To her, it feels like all of her energy was sucked out of her. "Where did everypony go?"

Fluttershy places her hoof over her chest feeling heavy there, it doesn't take long before she decides to slowly maker her way to the exit of the room. Upon exiting the room the pegasus almost slips on slick blood on the floor below, two stallion's lay dead on the ground outside the door. It looks like they were trying to get inside but one of the creatures got to them before they could.

"Oh ... my, I hope the rest of the station is okay" Fluttershy moves past trying not to tear up at the sight of the dead ponies. "I should try finding Twilight and the others"

Fluttershy pulls herself around the corner, being very weak she leans up against the hallway walls as she pushes herself forward. A green light shines down into her eyes, staring up at the light the pegasus remembers earlier those lights were red earlier when the quarantine was engaged. The Quarantine must have been lifted ... or worse compromised, Fluttershy looks away from the light doing her best to press on down the hallway.

"Oh ..." Fluttershy stops in her steps as a flash of heat flows over her body, the feeling inside her causes the mare to fall to the ground. Fluttershy grits her teeth together in pain, placing her hoof over her chest she takes a deep breath feeling something moving inside. "This is what I was afraid of! Oh, Celestia, it hurts!!"

Fluttershy takes a deep breath using her other hoof to reach into her saddlebag, she always has it on for moments like this. The pain increases making it hard to move, the Xenomorph inside her was ready to burst and she didn't have enough time to mess around. Pulling out a needle she grips it with her wing before pulling the cap off with her mouth, she whimpers feeling the creature inside of her moving around.

"AHHHH!!" Tears roll down her cheek and she shoves the needle into her chest quickly, she arches back as the creature inside pushes against the inside of her ribcage, however, it is only one push before the alien stops. "It's okay little one ... I just can't have you coming out now"

Fluttershy tosses the needle aside and pushes herself up to a stand, she looks ahead of her to see the entrance to a medical treatment center. These were placed all over Wey-U Station to aid injured visitors and Weyland Workers. She smiles the best she can before using the energy she has left to get inside the treatment center. Once she enters the room the mare looks to her right, a row of lockers sit in the darkness of the room and she heads over to the one with her name on it. The face of her locker reads, Dr. Fluttershy.

"I really should gear up if I wanna get out of here ... I won't make it far without treatment " Fluttershy reaches out opening the locker, she pulls out a plastic bag of needles like the one from her saddlebag. "Especially with my ... condition"

She does her best not to frown, however, times like this it is hard to smile.

The Quarantine Doors are wide open, scratch marks scar up the metal around the door from the Xenomorphs who attempted to get inside before it was opened. Fluttershy's eyes are wide as she stares at the opened doors, the thought of what happened on the other side are only thoughts ... for now. Looking around the realization that the door was opened normally and not forced opened is concerning.

"What pony would want these things getting out!? It couldn't have been a Weyland ... right?" With all the stressful thoughts going through her head, the Alien inside her become restless, however, at the first sign of this Fluttershy pulls out another needle and quickly injects herself in the chest.

"I really don't like the needles ... I also don't like the alien" She wipes sweat from her forehead and frowns. She thinks back to being a doctor before all of this. "I just have to hope it continues working"

She moves slowly towards the opened doors to look inside, only to jump out quickly as somepony comes out from the darkness. A stallion with a dark red coat, black mane, and orange eyes. He is wearing a black vest around him, however, he doesn't seem as afraid to be here as Fluttershy. In reaction to the stallion and the possibility of him being a threat, she scrambles to pull something out of her saddlebag for protection.

"Hey, Hey!! Calm Down!!" The stallion steps away to give Fluttershy some space, he uses his magic to adjust a pair of glasses he was wearing. "I am not going to hurt you ... " He stares blankly as Fluttershy pulls out a ruler from her saddlebag, the stallion tries his best not to laugh at her and the choice in weapon. "I don't wanna be measured"

"What are you doing!? Don't you know what is going on?" Fluttershy realizes her mistake in weapon and throws it to the ground. Ears pin back against the back of her head and she steps back afraid. "You shouldn't just come out of nowhere like that"

"Look I am sorry, however, I only know as much as the next pony. Ponies are dying all over Wey-U Station" The stallion looks around sniffling a bit like his nose is plugged up with gunk. "The name is Rahzzy Dazzle ... I am looking for"

"No! I don't have time for names ... I have no time for anything" Fluttershy's freezes closing her eyes, getting hyper causes the alien inside her chest to start moving again. The more she didn't remain perfectly calm, the more active the Xenomorph becomes. "I ... Don't ..."

Everything slows down around her and she uses the energy she has to reach inside her saddlebag. The Stallion is speaking to her but with the feeling of the Alien getting ready to burst made everything else a blur to her. She pulls out another needle, however, it is forced out of her grip as the station begins to rumble violently. Rahzzy stumbles almost falling over onto the ground but luckily he stays up and so does Fluttershy. Everything becomes slower around her as the rumbles of the station brings a rush of flames down the hallway. She sees Rahzzy react moving away from the flames and towards her, then it is nothing but blackness.

"What do you mean she has one of those things in her? How do you know this?" Rahzzy says in a worried tone and this is the first thing Fluttershy hears as she slowly regains consciousness. "Mistilie? How do you know?"

Fluttershy pulls herself up to look around and see what was going on, the stallion stands across the room talking to a mare who must be the Mistilie he was mentioning. The mare was interesting in appearance for sure ... White Fur, Rainbow irises, Yellow and Purple mane, Green Tail, and a Weyland Yutani Outfit on.

"What happened?" Fluttershy says as she wakes up fully, she places a hoof over her chest groaning. "What was the fire and why am I not dead from it?"

Mistilie steps forward and looks at Fluttershy, in a very blunt and blank tone she responds strangely to the question, "The fire means I failed ... your alive because of us"

Rahzzy now stands side by side with Mistilie and rolls his eyes to this, he doesn't stay long before he turns away to let Mistilie do all the talking. Fluttershy looks up and tries to force a smile, however, is too weak to do so. Mistilie smiles back and sits down next to the pegasus.

"The flames are from the explosion" Mistilie answers the question again but with a more helpful answer this time around. "That explosion is splitting the whole station in half and it leaves us with little time to live"

Fluttershy shakes her head at the news of this, though she doesn't stand a chance of living longer than she has needles to settle the alien. The thought of everypony else perishing in space brings tears to her eyes. As the tears begin to fall, magic from Mistilie's horn levitate the tears away.

"I thought maybe you could help? You could save two ponies before your unstoppable demise" Mistilie keeps her smile and speaks in a calm voice to Fluttershy. "I know of your condition ... it is a tragic one but if you could help me. I might be able to help you"

"I wish I could be saved ... in the time that I have treated test subjects here" Fluttershy stops and the tears return to her cheeks. "I don't think it is possible to save anypony from this!!"

"I know more about these thing's than you know" Mistilie gets up and looks to a locked security door, "I can explain how it might be possible if you can get me inside"

Something feels wrong but the thought of a way out is enough for Fluttershy to look at the door and nod. Walking over to the door she stares at a hoofpad on the side, that is when the question comes to mind. Mistilie is wearing a Weyland Yutani Uniform ... why doesn't she have access to the security room?

"Why can't you get inside?" Fluttershy sucks up her tears, scared the question might ruin the chance of Mistilie helping her out of this, if there is truly a way out of it. "You are wearing a uniform"

"I am only visiting Wey-U Station, they don't have me in the system yet" Mistilie's smile grows and she takes a couple steps forward. Rahzzy remains looking away at something else, however, the way he stays stationary sends an eerie vibe to Fluttershy. "I just need to see camera Seventeen, see the explosion damage"

Fluttershy places her hoof on the pad and a feeling in her chest of the moving Xenomorph grows. The door takes a moment to open, when it does the cameras reveal something obviously important to Mistilie. On one of the camera's the footage shows images of Twilight Sparkle floating off into the emptiness of space. Fluttershy's eyes open wide as she feels a sharp prick in her neck. Mistilie whispers into the pegasus's ear as the needle is pushed in further.

"I promised you a way out ... thank you for all your help" Mistilie's voice is soft but filled with negative emotions. As soon as the needle is pulled out, the pain inside of Fluttershy amplifies.

"Noo!!! What did you do!?" Fluttershy falls over to the ground and blood slowly forms on her lips, the Xenomorph inside of her pushing up against the inside of her ribs trying to break free. "I didn't wanna die"

"Oops, wrong needle .." Mistilie walks past and enters the security room, a loud cracking sound comes from inside Fluttershy as the bones of her chest shatter from the power of the Alien pushing against it. Fluttershy arches back and the head of the alien comes out from Fluttershy's chest. The Alien roars and turns it's small head to look at it's host, who is still breaking remarkably to see the alien birth. As the mare slowly begins to fade she feels a strange feeling towards the creature, she doesn't hate it. Fluttershy watches as the newborn slowly slips out from her chestcavity. The Station rumbles more and the last two things she hears is the sound of the alien screaming as it runs out of the room to grow up, then she hears the voice of Mistilie.

"Lets go pick up a Princess, Rahzzy"

Comments ( 3 )

Mistilie you fucking Bitch. You need to burn in Tartarus for all eternity. RIP Flutters

I'm wondering how she is gonna live pass this! something tells me there's more to this then meat the eyes... there's defiantly more to this.

Also yes Shy this is not the time to measured a stallion. you don't watch enough horror movies when it come to sexual tension. that why the explosion happen. horror movies hate sex

I still think she's going to die after getting impregnated by an alien facehugger.

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