• Published 1st Aug 2012
  • 2,493 Views, 26 Comments

More Stories Featuring Seth - KenSES64

Seth Disarmonia is a creation of Discord, who's become friends with the Wielder of the Elements, but that's the main story, Spawn of Disharmony. This is side stories of that fic. Have fun.

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First Comes Love

First Comes Love
By: KenSES64

I was by the desk looking at a checklist. A checklist of preparations for a certain big event that was happening Tomorrow. Why? Because tomorrow is April 16th, and on that day, I’ll be getting married to somepony who is the fastest flier in all of Equestria, a future wonderbolt, and the most beautiful mare in the world, Rainbow Dash.

“Okay, so we have the cake. Vinyl’s doing the music for the reception. We have the drinks for the open bar. Rarity’s making the dress and my suit. Fluttershy agreed to take care of Tank while we’re on our honeymoon.” I read aloud to myself as Rainbow flew up next to me and looked at the checklist.

“Is the list really necessary?” She asked.

“Of course, beautiful,” I respond, “I’ve told you before that I want this to be as special for you as possible. I mean, after the crappy proposal I gave you on my birthday, you deserve it.”

She smiled a little and said, “And I told you it doesn’t matter to me, and besides I didn’t mind the fact that you were drunk when you did it, I was tipsy too you know.” She then leaned forward to give me a peck on the nose. “But, I appreciate the effort. Now come on, don’t we need to go and met up with Cadence, Shining, Steel and Light?”

“Oh, of course.”

We left our house to met up with the before mentioned ponies. Along the way we ran into Twilight and Pinkie.

Not far from the train station, a chariot being pulled by two pegasi dressed in armor landed with the royal couple in the back.

Not to my surprise, Cadence and Twilight ran up to each other to do their little hello.

“Sunshine, Sunshine! Ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!”

Shining gave the two guardponies a salute, which they returned before they flew off.

I walked up to him, “Hey Shining, how’ve you been?”

“Good. Helping the Crystal Empire prepare for the Equestria Games, you know. How about you?”

“Not much as of late.”

“Ah, okay. So, Steel and Light are showing up too?”

“Well, they should be arriving soon, but who knows, their train may be late. Also, my friend The Doctor might show up to the bachelor party if he’s not too busy with some wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff.”

Shining Armor tilted his head a little at that, “Umm... What?”


Not too long after, the remaining ones we were waiting for came from the station. A pegasus, a unicorn, and a changeling.

“Hey Shiny! Hey Seth!” Light Arrow greeted as he flew up to us while Steel and his wife, Copy Cat, walked behind. Granted this isn’t the same Copy Cat that helped us against Chrysalis and Drez, but hey, we kinda knew her because of that.

Steel turned to her and asked, “So, you’ll be fine while I’m at the party?”

Cat just let out a small sigh and said, “Well, I guess I can find something to do.”

That’s when Pinkie Pie seemed to just appear by them with her arm around Copy Cat, “Oh don’t worry Catty, I’m sure Dashie won’t mind you and Cadence coming to her bachelorette party. Right Dashie?”

Rainbow just shrugged, “Sure, I’m cool with it.”

It was then that Light Arrow took notice of Pinkie Pie and landed right next to her, “Well, hello there.” he said smiling.

“Oh hiya! I don’t think we’ve met before, oh wait I met another you for that other universe, but I don’t think you would know about that. Anyways I’m Pinkie Pie! What’s your name?”

“I’m Light Arrow. You have a really pretty name, perfect for a pretty mare.”

Pinkie just giggled, “Thanks.”

Steel just rolled his eyes and said, “Cool your jets Poneo.”

Light gave him a slight glare. When he turns back to where Pinkie was, she was suddenly back over with the other mares. Light got a look of confusion at how she moved so quickly, but for myself, in the time I’ve come to know Pinkie Pie, it’s best to not question anything she does.

Not long after, the two groups of stallions and mares went their separate ways. They were off to Sugarcube Corner while we were off to a local bar that was simply called Berry’s. Yes, it’s owned by my sister’s friend, Berry Punch, ironic considering what I know about her now. She’s a recovering alcoholic.

When we arrived there, I heard a strange, but familiar sound. I turned in the direction it was coming from to see a blue box appearing in a alleyway. Once it had fully appeared, a brown earth pony wearing a lime green tie stepped out. He looked around a bit before he noticed the four of us and he made his way over to us.

“Hi, Doctor.” I greeted.

“Good to see you see you again Seth. So who are these gentlemen? I’m sorry, I meant gentlecolts.” The Doctor said.

“Oh. Doctor, these are my friends Shining Armor, Steel Wall and Light Arrow. Guys, this is The Doctor.”

“Doctor?” Light asked, “Doctor who?”

The Doctor gave a bit of a nervous chuckle at that, not answering the question.

“So anyways, should we head in?” Steel asked.

“Sure.” I responded.

Once inside the bar, we all sat down and ordered our drinks.

Light held up his hoof for a bit and said, “Huh, this the third bachelor party I’ve been to... I’m not sure where I’m going with this... Anyways, despite how much I enjoy these, I know I’m not going to have one of my own.”

“Why’s that?” I asked.

“I just don’t see the point in tying yourself down to one mare. You can’t look at or talk to any other mares, she’ll always want to talk about things you don’t care about, and eventually you’ll have to deal with what’s coming up for Steel here. The scariest thing ever.”

“A zombified Slendermare with an army of bees?”

“What? No. A foal.”

“Wait, what does he mean by, ‘what coming up for you’?” I asked Steel.

The grey unicorn just smiled and said, “Well, about a week ago, Cat was throwing up and had the strangest craving for fear, and well, I’m going to be a dad.”

“Congratulations man!” I exclaimed, “Wait, ponies and changeling can reproduce?”

“I guess so.” He said, “Though, I wonder what the little one will look like. A pony? Changeling? Maybe traits from both?”

Light got a smirk on his face, “Well she’s a bug, maybe there’ll be more than one. Maybe she’ll lay eggs.”

Steel looked like he was about two seconds away from punching his friend, “No. I mean yes, changelings are technically insects, but they do have mammalian trains in them too, so yeah, no eggs or larvae.”

That’s when our drinks arrived. Not wanting to stay on the topic of whatever Steel’s wife was going to giving birth to, I turned to The Doctor and asked, “So Doc, hows Ditzy been?”

The Doctor took a sip of his banana daiquiri and said, “She’s good. Been spending some time with her daughter since she got free form that voice thing. I honestly didn’t even know she was a mother.”

Steel practically froze right there.

Shining nudged him a bit, “Umm... Steel are you okay?”

He then snapped back into focus, “Huh? Sorry, I was just remembering being part of that thing.”

Knowing that The Voice was a part of myself, I asked, “If you don’t mind me asking, what was it like?”

Steel sighed and downed the rest of his drink before continuing, “It’s hard to explain. It felt like my whole body was asleep, but at the same time couldn’t really tell where my body was. Though, I was able to see and hear everything it saw and heard. Including your fight with it.” He got silent for a second, “I have to ask you. When you killed the voice and freed us all, how did you know that would work and not take all of us with it?”

I just looked down and simply said, “I didn’t.”

“Oh... well hey, it worked so that’s what’s important in the end.”

“Yeah, I guess so.”

Some time later, after a few drinks, I walked over to something that I noticed in the bar. It was this arcade machine type thing with a screen, two speakers and two sets of arrows on the floor that pointed forward, back, left, and right. I turned to Berry Punch, who was behind the bar table and asked, “Hey, Berry, what is this thing?”

She waved her hoof and said, “Oh, it’s just some game I had installed, you can try it out if you want.”

So I stepped onto one of the pads, put a bit into the coin slot and set everything up. Within moments music started playing, arrows began to appear on the screen and I stepped on the direction they indicated. Also... well, this is a little embarrassing, but I started singing along with the song.

Stamp on the ground
Jump, Jump, Jump, Jump
Moving all around
Tep tep da dow
Stamp on the ground
Jump, Jump, Jump, Jump
Moving all around
We're jumping all around

Düp düp düp düp düp ...

Jumping all around


We're jumping all around

Düp düp düp düp düp ...

We're sending out an invitation
to everyone in every nation.
But don't sleep get on the run
Stop thinkin' and have some fun!

Stamp on the ground
Jump, Jump, Jump, Jump
Moving all around
Tep tep da dow
Stamp on the ground
Jump, Jump, Jump, Jump
Moving all around
We're jumping all around

Stamp on the ground
Jump, Jump, Jump, Jump
Moving all around
Tep tep da dow
Stamp on the ground
Jump, Jump, Jump, Jump
Moving all around
We're jumping all around

Düp düp düp düp düp ...


So come and join our love foundation
Go feel the heat, the sweet vibration
'Cause we are about to ignite
And we wanna go out tonight!

Düp düp düp ...
Jumping all around


Jumping all around

Düp düp düp düp düp ...

Jumping all around

When I finished, and saw that my score was well, low, I heard some chuckling coming from behind me. I turned around to see the guys right as they all burst into full on laughter. Light Arrow even fell to the floor from laughing so hard.

I just shrugged and said, “Well hey, I had fun with it.”

Shining caught his breath and said, “Yeah, but the fact that you were singing made it too funny.”

“Oh come on, ponies break into song all the time, yet nopony knows why.”

My defence didn’t help me.

Afterwards we all went our separate ways. The Doctor went back into The TARDIS, Shining said that he and Cadence were staying at the library with Twilight, and I think Steel mentioned that he, Copy Cat and Light were all staying in a motel for the night.

I walked home, well, more like teleported up to it and walked through the front door. The second I closed it however, I had a hoof wrapped around my head and a pair of lips pressed up against mine. When said lips departed from mine, I was face to face with Rainbow Dash giving me bedroom eyes and swirling her hoof on my chest.

She just smiled and said, “You come here often handsome?” I could smell the alcohol, and some apples, and some cupcakes, along with many other things, in her breath.

I decided to play along, “Yeah, I’m familiar with this place. What’s a fine mare like yourself doing here?”

“Trying to have some fun.” She said with a wink, “So, my bed or yours?”

“Doesn’t matter to me.” It really didn’t matter considering we share a bed.

“Okay, but don’t keep me up too late, I’m getting married tomorrow.”

I smiled and said, “As am I.”

The next day, I was in the library putting on my suit. It was a new one, complete with a shiny purple jacket, a white undershirt and red tie.

I looked at myself in the mirror as Twilight, who I asked to be my best mare, walked up to me, “So are you nervous?” she asked.

“Of course I am,” I said in response. “I’m getting married. I wish I can see how Rainbow looks in her dress. Stupid bad luck superstitions.”

“It’s not for much longer, just be a little patient.”

“Fine, mom.” I said with a sarcastic huff.

Twi rolled her eyes, “You know, for a stallion who’s getting married, you don’t seem to be acting your own age.”

“I’m one.” I deadpaned.

“You know what I meant.”

Then we heard the front door open. We both turned to see an older blue pegasus stallion with a rainbow colored mane dressed in a black suit. Rainbow’s father, Color Spectrum.

“Color!” I exclaim, trotting up to him, “So glad you could make it.”

He just smirked and said, “What? You’d think that there would be any way in tartarus I’d miss my own daughter’s wedding? Especially when I’m paying for it.”

“I still can’t thank you enough by the way. So, did you say hi to Rainbow yet?”

“I’m on my way to do that actually, but I have something for you.”

“Really, what?” I asked, curious of what it could be.

He took out a box from a his pocket and opened it up. Inside was a golden pin that was in the shape of two wings.

“This pin has been in my family for generations. I wore it at my wedding, my father wore it at his, his father wore it at his, and so on and so forth. Anyways I’d like you to have it now.” He held out the box a little more, and I’m sure I saw some small tears in his eyes.

“Wow, I don’t know what to say.”

“Well, you can say ‘thank you’ and put it on.”

“Oh, of course. Thank you sir. It means alot that you’d give me your family heirloom.”

“Well, you’re part of my family now, and hey, maybe one day you can pass it on as well.”

I levitated the pin out of the box and pinned it onto my jacket.

“How does it look?” I asked.

“Well, the pin is great, but as for the stallion wearing it... meh I think Dashie could do a little better.”

My jaw dropped when he said that, but then he started laughing a put a hoof on my shoulder, “I’m just pulling your leg. I’m sure you’ll make my little filly very happy.”


“Anyways, I best be going to see Dashie.”

I smiled and said, “I’ll see you later,” as he walked out.

“Oh, wasn’t that a sweet family moment.” A disembodied voice echoed around the room. Then out of nowhere there was a quick blink of light. When it vanished, there was a draconequus standing in the middle of the library. He was wearing a suit that was so eye soring it would make Rarity cry. One half of it was brown with purple zebra stripes while the other half looked like it was was some sort of pink tie dye. He was also wearing a dark purple bow tie, an oversized light blue top hat and a pair of white gloves on his hands.

“Hey Dad, how’ve you been?” I asked my creator.

“Meh, the same. Tia hasn’t really had me do much, but hey no work and all play makes Discord a happy boy.”

“It makes it sound like you’re lazy.”

Discord raised a finger, but put it back down saying, “Yeah, I can’t argue with that... I forgot why I came here... Bye.” He then disappeared with a snap of his fingers.

“Well, that seemed... um... I don’t even know.”

Twilight just shrugged, “Well, I’m going to check up on Rainbow. You’ll be okay here right?”

“I used to live here, so yeah.”

She then walked out, basically leaving me by myself for about ten minutes until some other ponies came into the library. Applejack, Pinkie, Rarity, and Fluttershy, all wearing their bridesmaids dresses.

“Oh hey guys, whats up?” I ask.

“Now look at you sugarcube, y’all look as sharp as a brand new nail.” Applejack said.

“Oh, thanks.” I replied before I turned to Rarity, “And thank you for making my suit Rarity.”

The fassionista simply nodded and stated, “It was no trouble at all darling. A stallion has to look his best for his wedding. Not better than the bride mind you, but still his best.”

Pinkie Pie then jumped up to me and exclaimed, “I can’t believe you and Dashie are getting married. I mean yeah, we knew this would happen for a few months, but It’s still so sweet and exciting. Oh, are you two going to have foals? I bet they would be ssssssoooooooooooooo cute! If you have a filly, could you name her after me?” When she said that, Light’s words, “scariest thing ever” echoed in my head.

I could only respond with, “We aren’t planning on something like that until quite sometime from now. So sorry.” I then gave a nervous smile.

“Awww.” Pinkie said, sounding slightly disappointed. “Well, I guess theres always someday right.”

I smiled and said, “Yeah, someday.”

“Umm...” Fluttershy peeped, “I’m glad that you two are so happy together, it’s... nice.”

“Thanks,” was all I could think to say in response.

“Well, it’s almost time to promise yourself to that speedy pegasus. You ready sugarcube?” Applejack asked.

I took a breath, trying to shake off some nerves and said, “Yeah, I’m ready.”


In the in center of the town park, not that far from the tree I used to sleep under, I stood at the altar with Twilight by my side, doing her job as best mare. The other four mares were across from us being bridesmaids. Like that was a shock. Between all of us was Princess Celestia, who had agreed to be the one to marry Rainbow and I.

I looked throughout the rows of ponies as I waited for Rainbow to come in. Shining Armor and Cadence were seated next to each other. Nearby them were Steel, Copy Cat, and Light. To my slight surprise, Princess Luna was able to make it. In the back row I noticed The Doctor and Ditzy Doo. Finally, in the front row was Screwball, who looked slightly bored, and next to her was the one being here that stood out the most. My creator, Discord, who was now also wearing a pair of purple sunglasses.

Then suddenly, I heard “Here Comes the Bride” start to play and my heart began to race knowing that the mare who was going to be my wife was a few seconds from coming down that aisle. Everypony turned their attention to the aisle. First, the Cutie Mark Crusaders went down it acting as flower fillies, and soon after, there she was. Rainbow Dash in her wedding dress, her heading right towards me. I could swear I felt myself die a for a second as my heart stopped beating from seeing her in her dress. Most of it was a normal white, the part over the flank resembled a fluffy cloud. Also, part of the dress that covered her chest had a rainbow pattern. The vail was over her face, but I could see a small blush right through it.

Her father walked right beside her, right up to the steps of the altar, and then sat down with the rest of the ponies.

Rainbow walked up the steps and turned towards me.

Princess Celestia smiled and began, "Rainbow Dash and Setali Depongono le Uvoa di Disarmonia. Today you are surrounded by your friends and family, all of whom have gathered here to witness your marriage and to share in the joy of this special occasion. Today, as you join yourselves in marriage, there is a vast and unknown future stretching out before you. The possibilities and potentials of your married life are great; and now falls upon your shoulders the task of choosing your values and making real your dreams. Through your commitment to each other, may you grow and nurture a love that makes both of you better ponies. A love that continues to give you great joy, and also a passion for living that provides you with the energy and patience to face the responsibilities of life. True marriage is more than joining the bonds of two ponies, it is the union of two hearts. It lives on the love you give each other and never grows old, but thrives on the joy of each new day. Marriage is love. May you always be able to talk things over, to confide in each other, to laugh with each other, to enjoy life together, and to share moments of quiet and peace when the day is done. May you be blessed with a lifetime of happiness and a home of warmth and understanding.”

She paused for a moment before looking at me. “Do you, Seth, take Rainbow Dash to be your lawfully wedded wife and sharing your path, equal in love, a mirror for your true self, promising to honor and cherish, through good times and bad, until death do you part?"

I smiled at my favorite pegasus and said, “I do.”

“And do you, Rainbow Dash, take Seth to be your lawfully wedded husband and sharing your path, equal in love, a mirror for your true self, promising to honor and cherish, through good times and bad, until death do you part?"

She looked back at me smiling and said, “I do.”

“May we have the rings?” Celestia asked.

Spike came up with a bracelet that had a rare rainbow gem on it and a plain golden ring on a pillow.

I picked up the bracelet with my magic and slipped it onto her hoof. Rainbow then grabbed the ring and slid it down my horn.

"And now, by the power vested in me by the country of Equestria, I hereby pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the...”

Before Princess Celestia could even finish that last part, Rainbow had already pressed her lips against mine, giving me a fully passionate kiss.


At the reception, when we cut the cake we both held one piece of it out for each other, but as I expected, Rainbow tried to smash it on my face. I put up a magical barrier, making it fall to the ground and stuck out my tongue. The second I put it down however, she took the piece that I had in my hoof and smashed it on my face. Everypony laughed at that.

Later, Rainbow and I were dancing together when a we heard Twilight hit a spoon against a glass cup to get everypony’s attention.

“Ach-hm, Hello everypony. I propose a toast to the happy couple. In the time you two have been together, you two have shown us that you really do care deeply for one another, and you future together is looking so bright. Also, Rainbow got Seth out of my house, so that was a plus.”

Everypony once again laughed at my expense, but I rolled my eyes.

“Oh don’t worry, I’m kidding. Still, I wish you two the best of luck, as long as the flames of your love for each other still burns.”

I simply smiled, turned to Rainbow and said, “Oh, there’s no way in tartarus that this fire is going to go out.”

Rainbow blushed and gave me another kiss.

About 15 minutes after that, I was by myself while Rainbow was chatting with Twilight and Fluttershy when Screwball, with a drink in hoof, came up to me.

“HHHHeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyy bro. I want to say that I’m soooooo happy for you, you and Rainbow really belong together, you really do.” She said before taking another sip.

I raised an eyebrow, “Uhhh... Screwball? Are you drunk?”

“Mmmmmaaabbye... yes. What? You have an open bar and I need to make this somewhat interesting.”

I gave her a slight glare.

“Oh, sorry that I put it like that. I mean, it’s just that I’m not big on these types of things you know, but hey I came here anyways because you’re my brother.” She then gave me a hug, spilling the rest of her drink on the ground, “I hope you two are happy together, and hey maybe one day I may find somepony too.”

“And then I can get drunk at your wedding.” I said jokingly.

Screwball just laughed a little and then stumbled away.

So after many congratulations and good lucks from many ponies, it was almost time for the two of us to be heading off for our honeymoon in Las Pegasus.

We stepped aboard the train and waved as it took off.

Rainbow threw her bouquet and I saw that it was Ditzy Doo who caught it. She took a quick look at The Doctor, then just as quickly looked away, blushing.

Once we were gone, we sat down in the train cart and Rainbow cuddled up to me, resting her head against my chest.

I sighed and asked her, “Well, nothing too exciting like a changeling invasion happened, but do you think it was the best wedding ever?”

She took her head off of me and asked, “What kind of question is that? Of course it was!”

I just smiled and said, “I love you Rainbow Dash.”

She smiled back, and I swear I saw a spark in her eyes, “I know. I love you too Seth.”

We then sealed it with a kiss.

We are Seth Disarmonia and Rainbow Dash. Spawn of Disharmony and Element of Loyalty, Stallion and Mare, Husband and Wife.

Author's Note:

Well after much work here it is, I hope that you all liked it, and I can't thank you all enough for following this series.

Comments ( 4 )

It's over? D-: Season 4?is comming in early 2014

2436821 It's not over they're just married now. Hell if you remember I did set up the next villain, and there's a new story out about some of the side characters.

2440402 Oh, lol the husband mare, element, spaw thingy at the very very end thre me off

"And now, by the power vested in me by the country of Equestria, I hereby pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the...”
Before Princess Celestia could even finish that last part, Rainbow had already pressed her lips against mine, giving me a fully passionate kiss.

Alrighty then. :yay:

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