• Published 1st Aug 2012
  • 2,493 Views, 26 Comments

More Stories Featuring Seth - KenSES64

Seth Disarmonia is a creation of Discord, who's become friends with the Wielder of the Elements, but that's the main story, Spawn of Disharmony. This is side stories of that fic. Have fun.

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Hearths Warming Eve. With Rainbow's Father

Hearth’s Warming Eve. with Rainbow’s Father

In the library I was assisting Twilight with some lights for Hearth’s Warming Eve. that was one week away.

“Okay that looks really good.” Twilight said as we finished decorating. Then, a blue blur burst through the front door and started snuggling me.

“Hey beautiful.” I greet my favorite pegasus, “You sure look happy, what’s up?”

“Read this.” She instructed, hoofing me a letter, that I read aloud

Dear Dashie,

It’s been awhile hasn’t it? So that’s why I would like for you and this fiancé of your’s that you’ve told me so much about to spend Hearth’s Warming Eve with me. I’m really looking forward to meeting him. So I’ll see you two in a few days.



I just stood there with my mouth agape. Rainbow smiled and said, “My Dad wants to meet you Seth, isn’t that awesome?!”

“Y-Yeah, of coarse it is. Why wouldn’t it be.” I said quickly.

“Why do you sound so nervous?”

“Well, I mean this is your father and all. I guess I’m going to be nervous. What if he doesn’t like me and/or doesn’t think I’m the right stallion for you? What if he forbids me from marrying you? What I...”

I was cut off by Rainbow giving me a kiss. When our lips parted Rainbow looked at me right in the eyes and said, “Don’t worry Seth. I’m sure he’ll just love you, I promise.”

I sigh and say, “I sure hope so.”

So five days later, after leaving Tank with Fluttershy, Rainbow and I went to Cloudsdale
and made our way to a small house in the suburbs. Oh yeah, you know how I was kinda nervous when we got the letter, well now I was having a mini freak out in my head, but I didn’t show it. I do have to make a good first impression.

Rainbow knocked on the front door for it to be answered by a middle aged pegasus stallion. He was a slightly darker shade of blue then Rainbow, his mane and tail was rainbow colored, but was in a grayish tone, I wasn’t sure if that was because of age or if that was his natural mane color, probably not a good question to ask him. He had yellow eyes and for a cutie mark he had what appeared to be some clouds with a straight rainbow coming out of them. Not sure what spacial talent that represents, but hey I don’t know what mine represents ether, so I’m not one to talk.

The stallion smiled and exclaimed, “Dashie!”

Rainbow wrapped her arms around him, smiling as well, “Hey Dad.” She then stopped hugging him and pointed her hoof at me, “Dad, this is my fiancé Seth. Seth, this is my Dad.”

“Color Spectrum.” He introduced himself, extending his hoof.

I shook it and responded, “Seth Disarmonia. It’s an honor to meet you sir.”

“Dashie’s told me so much about you in her letters.”

“Good or bad things?”

“Mostly good, so I think we’ll get along fine.”

We walked inside into the living room and placed the wrapped gifts we had for each other, and one for Rainbow’s father that she bought for him, and put both our names on, under a set up, but not yet decorated fake tree.

“Okay you two get yourselves settled in, and I’ll tell you when dinner’s ready. After we eat we’ll decorate that tree and then go to town square to see the yearly play, okay?” Rainbow’s father told us.

“‘Kay Dad.” Rainbow said flying off. I followed her.

The guest room, which apparently it used to be Rainbow’s old bedroom from when she was a filly, was a decent size with a bed, nightstand and a dresser. It also had it’s own bathroom with a shower.

Rainbow and I put our stuff down and she turned to me and said, “See I told you that my Dad would like you. He’s not saying you’re not good enough for me or saying anything about you being a unicorn and not a pegasus, like you worried about.”

“Well, not yet. I do really hope this goes well. Other than Screwball, you’re the closest thing I have to a family, and I don’t want to lose that.”

Rainbow nuzzled me and said, “Like I told you, you’re not going to lose me. Even if he didn’t like you, we could always get married in Las Pegasus or something. We are planning on going there for our honeymoon anyways.”

“There’s no way I’d give you some 20 minute wedding some drunk bimbo would have with some coat she don’t even know. You deserve the greatest wedding any mares ever had.”

Rainbow kissed me and said, “As long as it’s with you it is the greatest wedding any mares ever had.”

There then was a knock on the open door. We turned to see Rainbow’s father smirking. “Just letting you two lovebirds know that the pasta’s almost ready.”

So we sat down in the dining room with our plates of pasta and hayballs with garlic bread. While we were eating Rainbow’s father started asking me question to get to know me better. “So Seth, what do you do for a living?”

“Oh I work at the Ponyville library.”

“A librarian? Huh?” He turned to his daughter and said, “I never thought you’d be into those brainy types. What was it that you call them? Eggheads? I assumed that a dare devil like you’d be with somepony with a more interesting job.” He said with a chuckle.

Rainbow rolled her eyes and said, “You’re one to talk Dad. I mean Mom fell for you and you work at the weather factory. That's not the most exciting job in the world. ”

He then started laughing and responded with, “Okay you got me there. Touche Dashie, touche.” He turned back to me and asked, “So how did you two meet?”

“Well, I woke up one morning and she was besides me.” I tell him.

Rainbow facehoofed and I noticed her father’s left eye twitching a bit.

“Excuse me?”

“Wait, no, no, no. Not like that, what I mean is at the time I had no place to say, so I was living outside at the time, and yeah I woke up one morning and she was just standing nearby. Sorry for the poor choice of words earlier.”

“It’s fine.”

After dinner I asked Rainbow to meet me in the guest room, “I’m so stupid, I’m so stupid, I’m so stupid. Why did I say it like that. I made it sound like I met you after a one night stand or something.” I said trotting around the room.

“Seth it’s fine. My dad said it was.” Rainbow said trying to comfort me.

“No, it’s not. I mean he didn’t say a word to me after I said that.”

“It’s not that bad. I mean I’d say I don’t have a close relationship with your creator.”

“Oh shit! How did I not think of that? How the hell does he feel about the fact that the second we are married he’d be kinda related to Discord.”

“Hopefully the same way I feel about it, by not caring about him, and only thinking about the handsome unicorn he gave me.” Rainbow kissed me on the cheek and said, “You know that I love you with all my heart, besides remember what I said, like what, and hour ago?”

“Yeah, I know, but I’m not worth ruining your relationship with you father.”

“He doesn’t hate you, even he did, like it or not you’re going to be his son-in-law. Now come on, he’s wait for us to help him decorate the tree.”

So we went back to the living room and the three of us basically set up the tree. I grabbed ornaments with my magic,
hanging them on the branches.

“It must be usefully having magic.” Her father stated.

“Yeah, I guess it is. I mean if it wasn’t for magic I wouldn’t be standing in this house, nor would I be living with Rainbow. Huh, now I’m curious how our relationship would be like if I was an earth pony, like my sister.”

“If you were I’m sure we’d be able to make it work.” Rainbow said, wrapping some lights around the tree.

“So you have a sister?” Her dad asked.

“Yeah, her name’s Screwball. She’s Ponyville’s local model/mad scientist.” I explain.

He laughs and says, “She sounds quite interesting. I’d like to meet her, I’ve never talked to either a model or a mad scientist.”

“I’m sure you will at the wedding, but let me warn you. You do not want to get on her bad side. She blinded a dragon, with a vial of acid she had on her for some reason.”

He started laughing even louder. He has a weird sense of humor.

After we finished we all went to see the yearly play of the founding of Equestria. It wasn’t much different from the one I saw last year, that starred Rainbow and our friends. Except all the actors where pegasi, but that’s not surprising, this is Cloudsdale after all. So I was the only unicorn there, but that doesn’t matter. I stopped caring what they think, yet really the only ponies that really gave me any trouble about my race were those three flankholes, Dumbbell, Hoops, and Score.
After that was over we all went back to the house, Rainbow yawned and told us that she was going to bed. When she left, her father turned to me and said, “I overheard you two talking earlier.”

“You did.”

“Yeah, and to let you know I don’t have any problems with you or the fact that you were created by Discord.”


He nodded, “All I care about is that you make my little Dashie happy. Which I can tell you’re doing a good job at that, just by seeing the way she looks at you. I haven’t seen her that happy since she got home from flight camp and showed her mother and I her cutie mark.” After he said that he got a crestfallen look on his face.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. I just miss her so much. To think it’s been almost 8 years since she passed away.”

“Well from what I heard from Rainbow, she sounded like a great mare.”

“Yeah, she was, and it’s amazing how much Dashie is like her. You know what you kinda remind me of a younger version of myself, but I’m just judging that on how nervous you were acting. I don’t blame you though, if what you think what you said to me was stupid, you don’t even want to know what I told Firefly’s parents when I first met them.”

We both started laughing.

The next morning after the three of us had breakfast, we exchanged gifts. Rainbow gave me a box set of books based off of Science the Hunting, I got her a framed poster from the very first Wonderbolts air show, it wasn’t cheap, but hey I had extra money from not having to pay for her wedding bracelet, the gift that Rainbow got for her father was one of those soda machines, he seemed to like it, then he told us what his gift to us was, we were surprised.

“I’m going pay for your wedding.”

“Dad are you sure about that?” Rainbow asked.

“Of course I am.” he responded.

“It’s a nice thing to offer, but you really don’t have to.” I tell him.

“Yeah you should save up for retirement or something?” Rainbow added.

“You calling me old? I’m not a day over 50, young lady.”

“We’ll if you’re sure then we can’t thank you enough.” I tell him.

“Your welcome.” He then, to my surprise, hugged me. “You’re going to be a good husband for my little filly, I can tell.”

“Thanks Color. It’s okay if I call you Color right?”

“Of course it is, you are my future son-in-law after all.”

Awhile later Rainbow and I left and returned home.

Rainbow gave a cocky smile at me and said, “I told you so.”

Author's Note:

Happy Holidays Everyone!