• Published 8th Sep 2018
  • 2,786 Views, 10 Comments

Equestria's Quietest Escape - Undyne Devotion

Filly Anon has just one night to escape her babysitter Fluttershy, to sneak into Twilight's castle and set a wrong doing right. How hard could it be?

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Silence Is Golden.

“The littlest pony made her way down the golden road, all her sweetest dreams coming true…” Fluttershy spoke in a soft whisper, holding a large pink book for fillies opened wide her turquoise hues lifting up slowly from the page.

Cutely snoring upon a large bed was a tiny green filly, her jet black mane framing her face like a portrait. A large smile formed upon her tiny muzzle innocently, her name was Anon a poor lost child in the world of Equestria that Twilight had adopted just a month ago.

Fluttershy was proud to look after this adorable child while the rest of the girls had a fun weekend in Las Pegasus, the city of lights was never her cup of tea anyways. Besides if Twilight was kind enough to take in a child off the streets, she could be the same and spend her weekend being a auntie.

The flowing pink mane framed the face of the mare cutely, she leaned inward placing a tender kiss upon the child’s forehead. Lifting off the floor in a silent flutter before heading to the door, eyes full of tender love as she was off to bed herself.

“Sleep tight princess.” The whisper wafted across the room gently, the area going dark as the door came to a close.

Anon quickly darting her eyes open in the abyss, if she was ever going to return back to normal it would be now. While Twilight was away living it up, she could sneak into the castle and find the spell to reverse this curse she was trapped within.

She would have to be careful and above all this would have to be….


You were quick to slide out of the pink silk sheets, wearing a petite pink nightie with matching bows in your mane. Eyes rolling as tiny hooves barely touched the floor, once you found a way back to normal Twilight would truly know the meaning of revenge.

It was just a bit over a month ago, you had somehow been teleported to Equestria. In your world just a show for children, yet now a world you were growing all too familiar with. Each day holding a new humiliation, all because you had to be teleported into Twilight’s study.

She was in awe at seeing a human alive in such a world, yet thought the ponies around might freak out by seeing such a creature. Before you could even suggest a Plan B, the world shrunk down and you were stripped of humanity.

Finding yourself a tiny filly of all things, Twilight smirking down at you smugly before explaining you’d only be this way until she could send you home. You should’ve fought harder, asked why did you have to be a girl?

Now stuck like this for who knows how long, by the fact last week you went shopping for nighties. You think it might be longer than you’d like, each day becoming harder to swallow.

Gently sliding onto your belly you slithered across the dark room like a snake, gently creaking open the door of the room a small bit. Using your tiny muzzle to push it open enough to slide through, eyes glowing in the dark as you hoof-tipped down the hall of the cottage to the living room.

The door so close now, your breath held deeply as you walked through the darkness towards salvation. Paying no attention as you suddenly bumped muzzle first into a small but angry bunny, his eyes narrowing to you in such a spiteful way that sent a cold shiver down your spine.

This damn creature has been giving you the stink eye all weekend, he must think you are stealing away Fluttershy’s attention from him. The past few days she has been fixing you decadent salads, giving you two hour coat brushing sessions.

You had to play this right, if he woke up Fluttershy now. The mission would be over and it would be back to dress shopping next week, god how you hated dress shopping.

“Ah! Little Angel, I see you’ve spotted me...simply move aside and I shall…” Angel quickly lifted up a large flat foot, smacking the side of your front hooves before you went face first smacking into the floor.

Your muzzle on fire as you bit down hard on your lower lip, slowly lifting up to nothingness as a small trickle of blood flowed from your nostrils.

“You may have that one for free...this time.” You were quick to snort the blood back within, wincing from a burning sensation behind your eyes.

Lifting up on hind hooves, you gently twist the knob upon the door. Feeling a firm resistance as eyes darted down, heart sinking as you knew you needed a key. Slowly arching your head back, that bastard bunny tossing the key up and down in place from the shadows atop the living room sofa.

“Little Angel, give me the…” You watched in horror as the bunny pushed over a vase on a table next to the sofa, you sliding swiftly across the wooden floor like a blur.

The road rash from the floor burning so horribly as you barely caught the vase in tiny hooves, wincing in pain as you lifted upward feeling no less than four splinters poking your insides.

“Angel get back here...you little shit.” You watched as the bunny hopped away into the darkness, heading for the kitchen.

“Run, for when I catch you...I shall boil you in a pot...with carrots.” Swiftly you ran into the kitchen, with the most delicate of hoofsteps just in time to see Angel holding a pan off the edge of the counter.

“Don’t...you...bucking…” You did a single pounce forward as the pan dropped from above, barely catching it with a soft clank of metal upon hoof.

Quickly lifting up from the crouched position, to place the pan back onto the counter. Yet to your surprise the bunny was holding a kitchen knife downward to drop, cheek stabbing deeply into the blade as it dug itself clean inside.

Blood trickling down your cheek in agony, as eyes watered in the purest of pains. The bunny running off out of the kitchen, leaving the blade sticking straight up out of your cheek.

“Ow...my face…” You gently placed the pan on the counter, softly and agonizingly pulling the knife out of your cheek afterwards.

Taking a deep breath to calm the pain burning like a wildfire deep within, you slowly swallowed the growing lump in your throat with much effort. Chest aching in suffering as tiny hooves walked back into the dark living area, eyes glowing like embers.

“Angel, you piece of suck...if you get me caught...I swear I’ll rape you so hard...that not even Nightmare Moon will want to look at you afterwards…” You watch as the bunny hid an item in a saddlebag, quickly running off into the shadows.

“That is what I thought...bi...tch…” You did a silent skid across the floor to the saddlebag, plunging hooves deeply into the unknown before your eyes narrowed in annoyance.

“Piece...of...shit…” You lifted now brown hooves out of the abyss, covered in foul, wet and warm bunny diarrhea.

“I will kill you...little Angel…” You could only see red as you ran into the darkness, hooves clicking a bit loudly yet still on the quiet side.

Swiping mighty hooves blindly into the nothingness, hearing the bastard breathing aloud yet instead of hitting tender bunny flesh, your hooves crunched into a hard wall painfully. The bunny hopping down from a shelf high above, feet slashing across the darkness and smashing into your face exceedingly hard.

Your tiny frame flying across the room, the world around you spinning as you did a flip into the air. Landing perfectly upon a soft pillow but quickly losing balance, toppling down towards the floor and smashing muzzle first into the floor again.

“How dare you...make me bleed my own...blood…” You lift a small head up glaring, bright crimson blood oozing down your muzzle wildly.

“If you’d please stop...beating my ass so roughly...I could just leave…”

Eyes darting around the room in a rage, spotting a long sharp sewing needle to the side. Your hooves clutching it tightly as you spin around, swiftly tossing it to the bunny at lightning speeds.

His petite paw simply snatching it out of the air, such as one would pluck a strawberry from a tree. Performing a flawless three hundred and sixty point turn, flinging the needle towards you even faster.

In a flash of white light you had become blind, the needle sticking sickly out of your right eye in a pain unbeknownst to anypony. The left eye gazing in pure hate to the bunny, a single tear rolling down your soft cheek.

“Fuuuuu...mmmmm...hahahaha...chacha...psssst…” You gave a soft murmur of pain riddled noises, gently clutching the needle in hoof and pulling it free from your retina.

Your eye swelling completely shut as a small trickle of blood cascaded down your right cheek, the world now black to that eye, though you could see truly clearly now.

Like a glimmer of light you ran at top speeds across the floor, hooves never making a sound from the speed you’ve accomplished. Swiftly wrapping hooves around the neck of the bunny, lifting him high into the air ready to strike with all that you had.

“You’re mine now...and the suffering shall be legendary...any pleas for mercy will be ignored...you will know true…” You watched in anger and awe, the bunny quickly tossing the key into the air swallowing it whole in one swift motion.

“..........MOTHER FUCKER!!!!” You scream at the top of your small lungs, dropping the bunny to the floor as the sound of hoofsteps echoed behind you.

Turning around in a cold sweat you watched as the yellow mare shot you a stern look of disappointment, her hooves stomping towards you in anger as a shadow fell upon the world.

Twilight sweetly walked into the small cottage that belonged to Fluttershy, her violet hues glancing to Fluttershy on the sofa reading.

“I’m back, how was Anon? Did she give you any trouble?” The mare gave a small giggle, spotting Anon in the corner of the room in her new pastel blue summer dress.

“She was a sweetheart all weekend, though at the end we did need to delve into some discipline right Anon?” Fluttershy spoke in a stern voice once more, Anon turning around with her umbra mane in cute pigtails.

“Mmmmmhmmm!” Anon gave a huff aloud eye covered in a small patch, a pink bar of soap sticking out of her tiny mouth bubbling around the sides.

Defeat had never tasted so bitter.

Comments ( 10 )

Well... i can safely say that i was unfortunately VERY able to feel like i was Anon in this story..... and as such i can now say i have an intense desire to strangle a certain bunny <.<

Thanks for explaining that this was a reference to "World's Quietest Let's Play". Now I can't stop imagining that the Anon in this story was Markiplier in his world. Or at least sounds exactly like him.

I think you captured Angel's character very well.

Angel is a dick.

And Twilight, and any other of the mane 6 qho know. Infantalizing Anon lije that when they would apparently know that's not what he is hust makes them look bad.

“Angel get back here...you little shit.”

Hello Everybody my name is Markiplier and Welcome back to
The World's Quietest Let's Play
edit: I just read the desc and yeah I'm dumb anyways I'm currently too lazy to


this fic by making anon have previously watched Mark's Quietest Let's Play and or add a more satisfying addendum so remind me to do so later

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