• Published 15th Sep 2018
  • 2,084 Views, 87 Comments

A Second Chance - Meteorite Shower

A forgotten OC is confronted by her author, and is faced with having to interact with her crush.

  • ...

Chapter 12

Rarity had it all worked out.

She had spent the last week drawing up the perfect way to spark a relationship between her and Meteorite, all without Meteorite ever knowing that Rarity had known about her feelings all along. Well, truth be told, she came up with the plan the afternoon Meteorite had left the boutique, but Rarity did spend the rest of the week drawing up and creating a dress just for Meteorite in secret.

And now it was Hearts and Hooves Day, over a week later, and Rarity was cantering towards Sweet Apple Acres, a silly grin on her face as she revelled in how perfect her plan was.

It's almost time! Rarity thought to herself giddily. First, I'll run into her, begging for her help, saying I need her help today, and she should say yes, then when we're at the boutique I'll tell her I need her to model my new dress in public, oh but she won't have a date, I'll pretend to be her date, then we'll go to The Golden Lea, we'll have a lovely time, I'll 'accidentally' have too much wine and confess my feelings to her, she'll suddenly realize we can be together, and then we can share our first kiss, which will be her first kiss, just as she had always dreamt it as a filly! Rarity tittered to herself. Oh, it's just as romantic as my novels, if not more so if I do say so myself!

A short while later, Rarity crested one of Sweet Apple Acres' hills, shielding her eyes against the afternoon sun as she scanned the landscape for a familiar shade of purple. Fortunately it did not long to spot Meteorite in the distance, walking along a path with another pony. Smiling to herself, Rarity shook her mane a few times to give it a dishevelled appearance, and then broke into a gallop down the hill.


Meteorite, and the dark blue stallion with her, turned around to see Rarity charging, before skidding to a stop before them. Meteorite stepped back, a foreleg lifted out of concern.

"Rarity?! W… What's the matter? What's going on?"

Rarity marched up to Meteorite and grabbed her by the shoulders. "Meteorite! I need your help!" Rarity shrieked dramatically, "I've been all over town asking for help nopony else has been able to come to my aid!"

Meteorite gulped as she stared into Rarity's pleading eyes, just inches away from hers. An involuntarily squeak escaped her mouth as she nervously glanced over at her co-worker, who was cautiously watching the scene unfold, not entirely sure what was going on. Rarity followed her glance and drew back, placing a hoof on her chest.

"Oh goodness!" she exclaimed, "you're not busy, are you? I know today is Hearts and Hooves Day but-"

"No!" Meteorite trilled, "Not busy! Well-" she hesitated as she started to calm down, "I mean, yeah I still need to finish up stuff for today-"

The stallion held his hoof up. "Miss Meteorite," he interrupted, stealing a glance at Rarity, "if Miss… er, Rarity, was it? If she requires your assistance immediately, then the rest of us are more than able to cover your duties for today."

"Oh well, not immediately," Rarity said playfully, waving away the notion with a hoof, before returning to face Meteorite, "but I do need you tonight."

"Tonight?" Meteorite questioned with a confused look.

"Oh yes! Please, come by the boutique after hours. I really can't say more right now, but it's very important that you'll be there!"

Meteorite blinked at the sudden secrecy, and glanced at the stallion, who then gave a sharp curt nod.

"Uh, sure! Definitely!"

"Oh, thank goodness!" Rarity said with an air of relief, already fixing her mane, "I honestly do not know what I would've done otherwise!" She began to turn back towards the hill. "Well, I really must head back to prepare, darling!" Rarity acknowledged the stallion with a smile. "I do apologize for the interruption. It was nice meeting you, err…"

"Steel," the stallion said firmly, "Steel Gaze."

"Steel, then," Rarity nodded, before waving goodbye to Meteorite, "See you tonight, darling!"

Meteorite awkwardly waved back at Rarity, already disappearing over the hill. Steel glanced at the hill before turning back to Meteorite.

"So, that was the Miss Rarity I've been hearing about?"

"Yeah…" Meteorite said wistfully, still staring at the spot Rarity had been at.

Steel studied Meteorite for a few moments, before drawing in a deep breath.

"Come along Miss Meteorite," he commanded quietly, but with a firm enough tone to shake Meteorite of her reverie, "we still have tasks to complete before you can go see her."

With the final customer of the day leaving Rarity's boutique with a smile, Rarity slowly closed the door after them, her hoof lingering on the door as she considered the next phase of her plan. Only now, she realized she had failed to specify a time for Meteorite to arrive. Still, something inside told her Meteorite would show herself soon. Perhaps even arrive fashionably late. Yes, that is what she'll do, just to keep Rarity on her tippy-hooves.

Rarity sharply turned away from the door, and with her magic brought forth a dress-covered mannequin, previously hidden away from public eye. She studied it all over inch by inch, with a harsh glare, almost daring any detail to be out of place.

This was the dress Rarity had been secretly making for Meteorite; using measurements she had taken during the two days she had modelled to fit her perfectly. The dress ran through hues of maroon and lavender to evoke visions of the sky as night approached, adorned with tiny golden studs, lining the hem.

If she had to be honest with herself, Rarity had some difficulty downplaying the intensity of the original design. She had initially envisioned something grander, something that truly spoke to the essence of Meteorite… but she begrudgingly admitted that such a piece might be overdoing it for a first dinner date, as well as the fact it almost definitely would have tipped Meteorite off that something was going on straight away. Oh well. Perhaps I can make it a reality sometime after tonight.

A sudden knocking at the door startled Rarity with a yelp, and she quickly stowed the mannequin back to its hiding place behind the staging area. Quietly clearing her throat and composing herself, she called out with a hint of a singsong to her voice.

"The door's open, darling!"

A moment's pause before the door slowly creaked open and Meteorite shyly entered, uneasy about being in the boutique when it was meant to be closed, despite having been invited to do so.

"Come in, come in!" Rarity urged, prompting Meteorite to approach further. "Thank you so much for coming by, darling!"

"Heh, no problem, happy to help," Meteorite said, slowly smiling before glancing around. "Though uh, I'm not exactly sure how…"

"Oh, of course! Allow me to explain, darling," Rarity said, placing a hoof on her chest, "You see, fashion is such a frightful world sometimes," she paused, giving Meteorite a sly wink, "and I don't necessarily mean the outfits themselves." That got an amused smile out of Meteorite, so Rarity continued. "Trying to stay ahead of the competition can be such a headache, so you have to take advantage of whatever opportunity you can find, yes?"

Meteorite nodded, and that was Rarity's cue to reveal her secret dress. She levitated the mannequin in front of Meteorite.

"This is a dress I have been making on the side. I feel it is ready for the world, but…" Rarity trailed over, dramatically biting her lip, "I'm not entirely sure the world is ready for it."

Meteorite blinked as she looked the dress over, trying to figure out what could possibly be wrong with it. "Oh, well, I think it looks nice," she offered with a sincere smile.

Rarity smiled back, as she lidded her eyes slightly. "Thank you darling, I do too. However, I fear I cannot rely on the opinion of two ponies, especially when one of them is moi."

Meteorite conceded with a nod, before furrowing her brow. "So… how do you want me to help?"

Rarity flashed Meteorite a grin. "I'm glad you asked, darling! I want to know how the public will react to this dress, and with today being Hearts and Hooves Day, tonight will undoubtedly be one of the busiest nights of the year. Sooo…" Rarity moved near Meteorite, placing a hoof on her shoulder. "I was hoping you could go out tonight wearing this and seeing what ponies think, hm?"

Meteorite became increasingly concerned, both by Rarity's proximity and Rarity's idea. "Uh… y-you want me to… what? Just parade myself around town asking everypony what they think?"

Rarity laughed, smiling broadly. "Oh no no no, darling! That would be ridiculous! And arouse too much suspicion. No darling, I feel this task requires a tad more… how shall we say, subterfuge." Rarity looked around before leaning in close, making Meteorite nervous though hanging on every word. "I have a table booked for tonight at The Golden Lea. I want you to use it for your own date tonight. That way you'll blend in with the other couples and-" Rarity stopped herself as she drew herself back, her face now awash with horror as her hooves flew to her face. "Oh no!" her voice wavered dramatically, "I just remembered; you're not seeing anypony!"

"Thanks," Meteorite said dryly after a beat, before drooping her head slightly, "but yeah. I was about to mention that…"

Rarity sharply turned away, sitting on her haunches as she crossed her forelegs, one hoof up to her mouth as she nervously bit it, muttering to herself.

"Oh, what have I done? Rarity, you are such a fool!" she looked up at Meteorite, "Darling, I am so sorry! If only I thought a little harder I could've avoided dragging you into this!"

"Hey… hey, it's okay!" Meteorite said, trying to sound soothing, "It's no big deal, really! It's just an honest mistake!"

"No, I simply must…" Rarity's theatrics tapered off, her confidence in her plan faltering as Meteorite's words reached her. She's… she's trying to console me. A sharp pang of guilt shot through her heart as her conscience pointedly reminded her she was in the middle of tricking a very lovely mare into going on a date with her.

"You simply must what?" Meteorite asked, concerned.

No, I cannot make this decision by myself. She has to be okay with it.

Rarity quietly stood up, and faced Meteorite. "My apologies, darling," she said subdued, all dramatics vanished from her voice and actions, "I misspoke. But… an idea just came to me. I would like to make it up to you, if you would allow it." Rarity followed it up with a smile, tinged with a hint of guilt.

Meteorite frowned in confusion slightly. "Allow what?"

Rarity turned to the mannequin, and slowly ran a hoof along the dress. "There is a way you can still assist me… if also I were to… masquerade as your date." She ignored the shocked gasp, and bowed her head, "It is pretend of course, but I promise I'll make it worth your while." She turned to look at Meteorite, who was staring at her wide-eyed, and her mouth was slack with shock. Rarity pressed on. "However! It is entirely your decision. I understand completely if you are uncomfortable even the slightest with the idea, and do not wish to carry on." Rarity closed her eyes, awaiting the response, hoping against hope it was a positive one.

Meteorite stared at Rarity, too stunned to even blink. Here she was, proposing the ide- oh that was a bad word to use there- the idea of the two of them going out on a date, fake as it was, on Hearts and Hooves Day of all days. Meteorite groaned internally as she realised she had to answer now. She had to tell Rarity 'No, I don't want to go on a date with you,' because that was the right response, wasn't it? It had to be. It was the right thing to do. She had to be the responsible one, because she knew, she knew nobody would want to see them together. She didn't have the right to be madly in love with one of the Mane Six. She was an outsider. That's why she had avoided her for so long already, anyway, wasn't it, right? It was only because she had a moment of weakness that caused them to form a friendship, after all. She had to be even stronger now to maintain that friendship and make sure it never went any further.

Meteorite swallowed hard. She had her answer.

"Okay," she whispered. Rarity's eyes opened, with a faint but surprised smile on her face.

"Really, darling?"

Meteorite nodded weakly, but smiled. "I said I'd help, and if this will help… then sure."

Rarity beamed at the response. "Oh darling, I'm so happy about this!" With a huge smile, she magicked the dress off the mannequin and thrusted it at Meteorite to take. "Put this on! You're going to look simply wonderful in it! I just know it!" When Meteorite took the dress, holding it close to her, Rarity giddily giggled for a moment before she put a hoof to her cheek.

"Oh! That's right! If I'm going, I must get ready myself!" Rarity turned away, but paused to address Meteorite first, smiling warmly. "I won't take long, darling."

Rarity found herself and Meteorite locking eyes, their gaze lingering a tad longer than Rarity had intended. She forced herself to smile brighter, before tearing away and focusing on heading upstairs. Meteorite held the dress tightly, watching Rarity until she was no longer in sight. Her gaze dropped down to the dress, before looking to the side at one of the many mirrors around her, and at herself. She sighed sadly as she closed her eyes.

Twenty minutes later, Meteorite had pulled herself out of her self-pity and into the dress Rarity gave her, and was currently inspecting herself in the mirror. She had to admit, it did look great on her; well, all of Rarity's dresses did, but this one especially. She allowed herself a smile as she practiced a few poses, including an attempt at a curtsy. Eventually, she came to a standstill, as she stared at herself with a sad smile, slowly placing a hoof upon the mirror.

"Why are you so neurotic, you silly pony?" she whispered under her breath. Her reflection didn't give an answer, either because Meteorite already knew, or most likely because Meteorite could hear somepony coming down from upstairs.

She turned around and sat to appear as if she's been waiting patiently, but as Rarity came into full view, Meteorite couldn't help but stare, stare at Rarity's dress, almost as pure white as she was, though there was a mint green tinge to it, adorned with gold bracelets. Rarity flicked her mane and batted her eyes, bringing attention to the golden earrings she wore.

"Well, what do you think?" Rarity asked, striking a pose. "It's not that exciting I know, but I couldn't very well draw attention away from you now, can I?" She paused and studied Meteorite for a moment. "And you do look very lovely indeed! How does it fit, darling?"

"I…" Meteorite stood up, tearing her attention away from Rarity to look at herself in the mirror again, "It fits great! I… I like it a lot."

Rarity appeared in the mirror next to Meteorite, her smile slowly fading as her brow furrowed. "Yes… but there's something not quite… right." She pursed her lips, thinking. Suddenly she raised a hoof triumphantly, startling Meteorite. "Aha!"

Meteorite watched as Rarity floated over a kit of some sort, and it wasn't until several items were pulled out that her eyes widen. "Makeup?" she asked, a little nervous, though a tiny bit of excitement creeped in. "Rarity, I… don't… know how to apply makeup."

Rarity grinned. "Well luckily for you, I do."

The journey to The Golden Lea was oddly silent. Rarity led the way slightly, happily humming to herself, her purse floating by her side. Meteorite was on her other side, keep pace but was otherwise preoccupied.

But not by the eye shadow, mascara or lipstick on her face, although it was a strange sight to see in the mirror after Rarity had applied them to her. It almost didn't seem real at first, a curious thought to have about wearing makeup, she realised, considering she was a magical flying horse.

Nor was she preoccupied by her dress or the purse Rarity had insisted she take with her, held in place under her wing. Meteorite protested at first, saying she didn't even have anything to carry in it, but Rarity had made the point that it was more an accessory rather than a practical carry bag.

Meteorite wasn't even preoccupied by Rarity herself, and the warm smiles she kept throwing her way as they left the boutique, almost as if she was intent on breaking down Meteorite's already floundering willpower to keep her distance.

No, Meteorite was preoccupied by the uneasy tightness in her chest.

It was a feeling she had felt years ago, when she was younger, in another world. It was the feeling she had whenever she had to attend formal events she didn't really care about, but had to look nice. Her clothes had to be proper. She had to behave.

Yes, Meteorite knew this feeling well.

It was the feeling of being forced to present herself as something she wasn't comfortable with.

She wasn't fancy, yet here she was, all gussied up to look her best for tonight, because tonight was important because she had to pretend she was on a date with Rarity just so everypony can gawk at her in her fancy dress.

The feeling grew tighter and Meteorite was finding it harder to breathe.

Rarity glanced back, her expression becoming worried. "Darling, are you feeling alright?"

Meteorite jerked out of her thoughts, her eyes widening as she focused on Rarity, and forced a smile. "Oh, yes! I'm great! I'm fine!"

Rarity frowned, thoroughly unconvinced. "Are you absolutely sure?"

Meteorite opened her mouth to lie again, but instead took a deep breath as she bowed her head. "No…" she muttered, "I… I'm not. I've not done anything like this before… I… I'm not sure how to act…"

There was a brief silence as Rarity carefully walked back over to Meteorite. "Darling, you don't need to 'act'," Rarity said softly, as she cupped her hoof under Meteorite's chin and lifted her head until their eyes met. "Just be yourself, Meteorite."

Meteorite allowed herself a small, weak smile. "I'm pretty sure that's a terrible idea…"

Rarity blinked with method care. "Really. That's a shame. I quite like what I've seen of you." She slowly slid her hoof away as she turned around and continued walking, leaving Meteorite standing as she was, her cheeks blushing as she watched Rarity walk away.

W-Wait. Was that… flirting? Was Rarity… flirting with me?!

After a few steps, Rarity paused and turned to look at Meteorite, her eyes lidded. "Are you coming or not, darling?"

Meteorite swallowed as she kept eye contact with Rarity and slowly nodded, her hooves taking steps forward she wasn't entirely aware of.

…No. No, it's… just my imagination. It's just Rarity being Rarity. I'm imagining things because… we're pretending to be on a date…

Meteorite found herself frowning as she carefully watched Rarity, before shaking her head clear.

No, don't read anything into that… There's no reason to be suspicious. There's a completely logical reasoning behind this; she needed you to have a date so she volunteered. And… you had to have a date to model her new dress… for some reason that made sense at the time.

Meteorite slowed her pace slightly. The tightness in her chest was fading away, only to be replaced with a feeling of dread. She took a deep breath before stomping her hoof forward, picking up the pace.

No, don't do that. Don't be 'that' character that reads something suspicious in something innocent. And this is innocent! It just… doesn't sound it.

"We're almost there, darling," Rarity announced, pointing at the restaurant within sight. However, Meteorite just kept her eye on Rarity.

No… Don't ruin this night, Meteorite… even if there is something behind all this… just… don't ruin it, please! Just… don't think about it and enjoy it for now. You'll never get this chance again.

Meteorite nodded, forcing a smile.


"Table for two, under the name Rarity."

Meteorite's eyes wandered about The Golden Lea. It was a lot fancier than she was expecting for a Ponyville establishment, especially with a maître d' on staff, but then again, of course Rarity would know where the high end restaurants would be. She glanced at Rarity, who had been watching her with a smile. Meteorite shrank back slightly, with an embarrassed smile.

"Ah, yes, we have your table," the maître d' announced, looking up from his book. "Right this way, ladies."

A moment later, they were at their table a short distance from the entrance, and Meteorite couldn't help but giggle a little and smile when the maître d' pulled out the seat for both of them.

"Thank you, darling," Rarity said graciously.

"Yes, thank you!"

After the menus were given out and the maître d' had returned to his post, Meteorite looked over her menu before glancing up across the table at Rarity, already picking out her order.

Just be yourself.

Meteorite closed her eyes briefly and exhaled quietly, returning to her menu.

A short while later, both mares had left their orders with the maître d', although Rarity had to assist Meteorite with the pronunciation of hers, which only left her feeling embarrassed to be there with Rarity.

"Don't worry about it, darling," Rarity dismissed with a wave of her hoof, "you did better than some attempts I've heard."

Meteorite hesitated for a moment. "Applejack?"

"Now now darling," Rarity chided softly, "it's unbecoming to gossip about one's employer." Rarity glanced aside for a second while sipping a glass of water, "But yes. Also, Rainbow Dash," Rarity frowned, "and Pinkie."

Meteorite chuckled softly, covering her mouth. Rarity smiled at her.

"Well, you seem to be feeling better now, yes?"

Meteorite gave an unsure smile. "I… think so." She laid her hooves down on the table in front of her, thinking. Her mouth hung open for a moment as she tried to put her feelings into words. "…I just don't think I was… ready for something like this tonight."

Rarity paused as guilt ran through her again, but eventually gave a sympathetic smile as she nodded. "Yes… I suppose you're right. I do apologize for springing this onto you so suddenly."

Meteorite shook her head. "No, it's… okay," she smiled, "you needed my help, so… I'm here to help."

Rarity smiled wavered as the guilt of lying to Meteorite grew stronger within. She grabbed her glass of water and peered intensely at it, wishing that the water were suddenly the wine she ordered earlier.

Why am I feeling so terrible? I'm not doing anything wrong! I'm helping her get what she wants!

She glanced up into Meteorite's wide trusting eyes and kind friendly smile, and another wave of guilt hit her. Ngh! It's no good! I can't think clearly while she's… looking at me like that! Eyeing the back of the restaurant, Rarity took a big gulp of her water, and cleared her throat.

"Excuse me, darling," Rarity said with a huge smile, grabbing her purse and getting up, "I'm… just going to go to the little filly's room! To freshen up. I'll be back in just a moment!"

"Oh, o-" Meteorite managed to get out before Rarity quickly left the table, "-kay… huh."

Did I say something wrong? I… don't think I did.

Meteorite let out a sigh, glancing around the restaurant at all the other tables, every one of them occupied by at least two ponies. She started to wonder how much she was going to stand out, being by herself.

Or maybe that's the idea? Rarity left me to draw attention to myself and therefore the dress? Meteorite adjusted herself in her seat, perturbed. No… that's a terrible idea. Who would want to wear a dress worn by somepony who got stood up on Hearts and Hooves Day? Besides. Rarity would've told me that was the plan, right? Of course she would. …Right?

Her musings and doubts however, were interrupted by a voice behind her, seemingly by the entrance of the restaurant, increasingly gaining volume over the din of everypony else dining.

"What do you mean you have no tables left?! Do you know who I am?!" came a stallion's voice. Meteorite blinked out of her thoughts, and leaned back slightly, swivelling her ears towards the disturbance.

"No sir," came the maître d's voice, "but I do know that you do not have a reservation with us tonight."

"Preposterous! I don't need a reservation!"

"You do if you want to eat here tonight, sir," the maître d' replied, surprisingly calm as ever, "all our tables for tonight were booked at least over a week ago."

"Harrumph!" the pompous sounding stallion harrumphed, Meteorite feeling quite bemused at the fact he actually said the word. "You can't be serious! Surely you have had cancellations!"

"No sir!" the maître d' replied, a bit of mirthful pride in his voice, "Everypony tonight has ensured they've not missed their chance to dine at our fine establishment!"

"Honnnneeey," a mare's voice whined in a singsong fashion, "why aren't we being seated yet?! You said we'd get in!"

The stallion grunted. "Nevermind! They clearly do not want our business! We'll find somewhere else!"

"But…" the confused mare started to say, her voice fading away, "we don't have a business…"

After a few seconds of the noise level returning to the usual background noise, Meteorite couldn't help but chuckle to herself for a while.

Ahh… always nice to see comeuppance like that.

She smirked to herself as she waited patiently for Rarity, glancing around the place in idle boredom. Her gaze swept across the very full restaurant, and her brow furrowed as the deep sense of dread slowly returned.

Something's not right here… How did we get this table if every table was already booked last week? Meteorite folded her forelegs and nervously bit her hoof as she thought further. If this table was booked last week… then that means… what exactly? Why would Rarity book this table for Hearts and Hooves Day, well in advance? She's not seeing anypony… She glanced aside, a little bitterly, at least, I would think I would've noticed if she was…

And then, in the dimly lit reflection of the restaurant windows, Meteorite saw herself. Sitting at the table. Fear struck her heart.

It… can't be me. Right?! There's absolutely no way somepony as wonderful and successful as Rarity would ever be interested in m-

And suddenly, six years' worth of fears and suspicions came flooding back into her. Meteorite buried her snout into her hooves, panic gripping her. Oh noooo… something's up… oh no nonono, oh god no, please don't let this be what I think it is please, please… oh god…

Shutting her eyes tightly, Meteorite breathed heavily into her hooves, trying to calm herself down. I'm mistaken… that has to be it… I'm hideously wrong and I'm overreacting… Yeah, that's… it. Has to be. It can't be a shipfic, right? The world's not contriving to pair me and Rarity together. …right?

She lowered her hooves from her face, and glanced across the restaurant, spotting Rarity making her way back to their table. Meteorite tried to smile at her.

…fuck. I'm going to have to find out, aren't I?

"Ah, terribly sorry about that, darling!" Rarity exclaimed as she retook her seat, "I do hope you weren't too lonesome!"

"U-Uh, no! No no, I was… fine," Meteorite said as she flopped a hoof.

"Oh! Well good," Rarity said pleasantly, before taking a closer look at Meteorite, concerned. "Darling, are you sure you're alright? You're… looking a little pale."

Meteorite swallowed, staring into Rarity's eyes. Or, the facsimile passing as Rarity if her fears are correct. "Yeah!" Meteorite shrilled as she planted both her hooves down on the table, "I'm fine! Just… nervous! About tonight, heh!"

"Oh darling," Rarity said with sympathy, placing her hoof on Meteorite's, "no need to be nervous!" She offered a concerned smile. "Let's just… enjoy our time tonight."

Meteorite wanted to yank her hoof away, but fears or not, she couldn't bring herself to reject Rarity's caring touch and smile. She drew in a deep breath and closed her eyes, calming down. "Sure… I'll try."

But, as lovely as spending the evening with Rarity sounded, she needed to be sure. She needed to stop her fears from constantly nitpicking at everything that might be out of place for 'no discernable reason'. Meteorite waited for a moment, creating a lull in the conversation before glancing around as obviously nonchalantly as she could. "So… lots of ponies here tonight."

Rarity blinked. "Uh, yes! Yes, there is! I mean, it is Hearts and Hooves Day, after all."

"Haha, yeah…" Meteorite gaze dropped slightly before facing Rarity with a hopeful smile. "You must've been lucky getting a table tonight then!"

Rarity smiled, a touch of nervousness setting in. "Oh, yes! Yes, I must've been!"

Meteorite slowly nodded, her smile frozen on her face as her gaze bore into Rarity's. Her brow furrowed as she slightly tilted her head, still smiling. "So like, when did you book it? Like, after you asked me to help or something?"

Rarity nervously fidgeted, smiling wider as she subconsciously wrung a napkin in her magic. "Uh, yes! Yes, that's right!"

In the instant that followed, a split-second that seemed to last minutes, the restaurant became silent for Meteorite. She drew in a deep breath.


Rarity started to feel herself wilt under Meteorite's gaze. "Darling, is something the matter?" she asked, still sporting a totally not nervous smile.

"I… don't know," Meteorite stated simply, her emotions now carefully reserved, "I just know that while you were gone, I overheard the maître d' say this place was fully booked for a week."

Rarity's smile disappeared in fear for just a second, before returning. "W-Well! I suppose t-there must've been a cance-"

"No cancellations," Meteorite interrupted.

"…Oh," was all Rarity could think to say, as her gaze dropped to the table. Meteorite took this time to breathe in calmly, preparing for her next question.

"Why are you lying to me, Rarity?"

Rarity's head shot up, hoof to her chest in protest. "I-I'm not l- I'm not-" she hesitated as she saw Meteorite looking at her, her expression becoming upset as her body started to shake.

"I- I don't care w-what it is," Meteorite fought to say, her voice wavering from trying to stay strong, "just… tell me I-I'm wrong. Tell me… it's not what I think it is, please."

Rarity opened her mouth to respond, but words failed to come out.

Say something! Say something to comfort her! She needs you! She's practically begging you to lie to her! Why… Why… can't you…

A wave of shame washed over her as she looked down, unable to continue looking Meteorite in the eye. "…I'm sorry," she whispered.

There was a sniff, followed by the scraping of a chair against the floor. Rarity looked up to see Meteorite standing up, forehooves still on the table and avoiding looking at Rarity Not Rarity.

"Meteorite? What are- Where-"

"I'm… I think I'm going to go…" Meteorite said quietly, her voice carefully avoiding any emotion, "so… I'm going to."

Rarity reached out. "Darling, please! Don't go! I- I can explain!"

Meteorite hesitated and looked at Rarity Not Rarity, hurt in her eyes. "Okay… do it."

Rarity paused, glancing at fellow patrons already looking their way. "W-Well… I can't say it here..."

"Right… of course not." Meteorite stepped down and turned away. "I'm sorry, Rarity, I… I really have to go. I… don't want make a scene." Without waiting for a response, she quickly made her way to the entrance, only pausing to lock eyes with the maître d'.

"Sorry," she whimpered, before running out.


Meteorite could hear Rarity calling after her as she ran down the streets of Ponyville, tears and mascara flowing down her face, but she didn't want to deal with her anymore. She didn't want to stand there and interact with… with herself as the author, using Rarity like some sort of cheap puppet.

"Meteorite! Please! Let- me- explain!"

Meteorite gritted her teeth, and slowed down to a stop. How dare you… even continue on with this façade?

A few moments later she heard someone huffing behind her.

"Well- I- must say- I didn't think- you'd actually stop…"

"Go on then," Meteorite spat out while breathing heavily and wiping away her tears, refusing to turn around, "what's your explanation, Rarity?"

Rarity flinched at the spiteful way Meteorite was saying her name. "Darling, I really think you should calm down first…"

"I'll calm down when you tell me this 'explanation'," Meteorite huffed before muttering under her breath, "not that you actually will."

Rarity swallowed, before drawing herself up. "I've met Alexandra."

Stillness filled the air as Meteorite stiffened, both fearful and confused by the admittance. Very slowly, she turned around, with an extremely wary and afraid look in her eyes.

"What did you say?" she whispered.

"A few weeks ago, I encountered this…" she waved a hoof in a circular fashion, "being who called herself Alexandra. You… know her, yes?"

Meteorite eyed Rarity carefully, her mouth agape slightly before refocusing on trying to sort out the dozens of new thoughts in her head. Alexandra? Okay, obviously me… but… when did I start using 'Alexandra' over just 'Alex'? Meteorite blinked out of her furrowed confusion. "Yeeeeah…" she carefully admitted, "I know her… But… what do you mean, you 'encountered' her?"

Rarity tried to smile sympathetically. "I realize this must be a bit of a shock to you-"

"You don't say," Meteorite interrupted. Rarity bit her lip and pressed onward.

"Yes of course… but, yes, I met her the same day you and her had an argument."

Meteorite eyed Rarity suspiciously, and pointed at hoof at her. "Okay, first-"

"You don't remember the argument, darling," Rarity helpfully added. Meteorite dropped her hoof slightly, feeling less sure of her grasp on things. She dropped her hoof back to the ground firmly.

"E-Explain," she said, trying to sound firm in her demand. Rarity nodded solemnly.

"It was the day you first came to my store. After you left, I followed you because I suspected there was more to what you were saying. And then… there she was, talking to you. You were…" Rarity cleared her throat as she flopped a hoof and glanced aside, "upset, to say the least. Then something happened between you two, and you left, unaware she was ever there." Rarity's gaze dropped as she pawed at the ground slightly. "Then she caught me spying on you two…"

Meteorite listened as she stared at Rarity intently, trying to spot any signs of deceit. "Then what?" she asked carefully.

Rarity looked back up at Meteorite, a small smile on her lips. "Well, the poor dear was rather confused about why I was there, just as I was with her… annnd after some prodding she explained who she was, and who you were, and… why you were in my boutique that day…"

Meteorite's breath caught in her throat as she froze on the spot, now realising she'd been found out. For a while. Rarity looked upon her with sympathy.

"I do apologize for pretending to not know how you felt, but I had to!"

"You… had to," Meteorite said numbly.

Rarity nodded vehemently. "Yes! She was going to change everything back to how it was before because your first attempt at…" she cleared her throat, "'wooing' me, didn't go so well."

Despite the mascara down her face, a blush of embarrassment shone through on Meteorite's cheeks.

"So," Rarity continued, "I insisted on letting things remain as they were."

Meteorite stared at Rarity in confusion, her cheeks still burning. Sitting down, she finally gathered enough wits to continue ask a simple question.


Rarity smiled as she stepped forward. "Because…" she said softly, "everypony deserves a second chance at love." She momentarily looked into her purse, and took out a handkerchief, using it to clean Meteorite's face, still smiling. "And despite tonight being utterly disastrous, I still think you're worth it."

"Y-You do…?" Meteorite whispered as she blinked away her lingering tears.

Rarity smiled as she placed her hoof under Meteorite's chin and gently lifted so their eyes met. "I do…" she whispered back, before leaning in, kissing Meteorite.

Meteorite's eyes went wide, not knowing what to do or how to respond, but she eventually settled on closing her eyes and kiss back as well as she could, losing herself in the moment. Some might describe it as feeling like an eternity, but for Meteorite, it was the long-awaited end of one.