• Published 15th Sep 2018
  • 2,089 Views, 87 Comments

A Second Chance - Meteorite Shower

A forgotten OC is confronted by her author, and is faced with having to interact with her crush.

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Chapter 5

That evening, Rarity sat pensively at her kitchen table, a freshly made cup of tea in her hooves. She took a sip with careful deliberation, her mind focused on the events of that day. It had been an unexpected rollercoaster of events to be sure, and she was caught up in moment of it all at the time, but now, she had time to be calm and collected to tackle the situation she faced.

Although, first she had to figure out what the situation was.

Somepony out there had secretly been in love with her for the past six years. This in itself was not all that unusual; Rarity had many admirers, and she knew this. This however, was the first one that had something watching over them.

Rarity considered the creature she had met, and took another sip.

The tall creature had called herself Alexandra. The name was an odd sounding one, still feeling somewhat alien to Rarity's mind. However, she seemed nice, and appeared to care deeply, even if her fashion sense was rather… plain. That was weird, given her apparent ability to shape reality to her whim. Rarity thought she at least could've come up with something interesting.

Rarity drank some more tea.

Rarity had wondered if that afternoon was just a feverish hallucination, but she couldn't account for why her couch was in that alleyway. It might've been possible she magicked it there unknowingly, but that seemed like reaching for an explanation. No, the far more logical explanation was an alien being trying to set her up with somepony else.

Rarity gulped down the rest of her tea.

Gently placing down her cup on the table, she rose from her chair and made her way upstairs. She decided she needed to sleep on the matter.

The next morning occurred without much deviation. Rarity awoke from her slumber as usual, she brushed her mane as usual, she made breakfast for her and Sweetie Belle as usual, and she opened her boutique as usual, with the intent to focus on her next line of designs in the meantime.

However, throughout the day, during lulls in both creativity and customers, she found her mind wandering back to the previous day and the purple pegasus. The next time they meet, Rarity would most likely have to quell Meteorite's fear that she had embarrassed herself with her departing words the day before. As she was adjusting the outfits on her mannequins, she realised there was going to be a slight issue.

She didn't actually know where to find her.

It would be safe to assume that the poor dear would not want to return to the boutique on her own. Asking around town would not go well, as there was the risk that word would get back to Meteorite that Rarity was inquiring about her, igniting the suspicion that Alexandra had warned her about. This could prove difficult.

Rarity considered her options as she absentmindedly moved from task to task in her store. She could just leave it until she spotted the pegasus while out and about. It would give Meteorite time to heal from her sorrows, and give Rarity time to think of a plan to set things in motion.


There was someone who would surely know where Meteorite was right now. And knowing where now wouldn't necessarily speed things up, and would surely help in the planning process. She glanced around her design room, and quickly made sure nopony was in the store waiting, before delicately clearing her throat.

"Hello?" she called out into the open air, trying to not feel silly, "Alexandra darling? Forgive my intrusion, but I was wondering if you could quickly inform me where dear Meteorite would be?" She laughed politely. "I'm afraid in our haste I forgot to ask where to find her!"

Rarity waited patiently for an answer, glancing around for Alexandra to suddenly make an appearance. After a while, Rarity frowned in confusion.

"Hello? Anypony there?"

She was sure she could be heard. Alexandra practically said as much. So why wasn't she answering?

"Why aren't you responding?" Rarity asked anxiously, starting to become upset. "Did I do something wrong? Did I-"

"Are you talking to me, Rarity?" came a young voice from the doorway.

Rarity gasped and twirled around to face Sweetie Belle, looking at her with a troubled expression.

"Oh, no no, Sweetie darling!" Rarity frantically claimed, waving a hoof, "I was… just talking to myself…!" She lowered her voice to a whisper. "Evidently…"

Sweetie Belle raised an eyebrow. "Well… alright then," she said, before walking away, muttering to herself about how her sister seemed to be getting weirder and weirder as time went by.

Rarity wiped her brow and gave a relieved sigh. That would've been tough to explain. Especially since this Alexandra seemed to be incredibly shy to appear all of a sudden. Although… she did say it was up to her now. Perhaps she was forbidden from appearing again? Rarity shook her head clear and approached her full length mirror to briefly check and fix her mane.

Mid-brush, Rarity became lost in thought. Was this something Meteorite had to deal with? Knowing that there was someone out there that could hear her, see her, yet was left unable to prove it if that someone would not deign to appear at all? Alexandra did say Meteorite suspected… even with Alexandra's ability to cover things up if she wished it so. And for six years… it must be eating her up inside to not be able to confide her fears to anypony without sounding crazy.

Rarity finished touching up her mane, though was left frowning. It appeared her only option for now was to keep an eye out for the pegasus.

The rest of the week passed without incident. Rarity had refocused her attention back to her regular activities, with the events earlier that week pushed to the back of her mind, only occasionally remembering her mental note to be on the lookout while outside. Today however, at the market strip, she needn't be reminded.

As she was making her rounds through the crowd mingling around stalls selling fresh vegetables, fruit and various other goods, Rarity spotted her friend Applejack in the distance, setting up her own stall for the day. And beside her, awkwardly helping unloading crates and barrels of apples, was Meteorite.

Rarity paused. She had by now considered a number of scenarios in which she would encounter the purple pegasus, however none of them included any of her friends standing by. Still, Rarity knew she was quick on her hooves and she would not let this opportunity slip away simply because of an unexpected audience.

Meteorite strained herself as she heaved up the last crate of apples to place on top of the small stack, her wings struggling to give her an extra bit of height to complete the task. With the crate now sturdily on top of the others, she let go and allowed herself to drop to the ground, prone.

"All… done…" she gasped at Applejack.

"Whooee!" Applejack cheered, appraising the stacking. "See, Ah knew yer had it in ya! And yer didn't think yer could do it!"

Meteorite didn't respond, apart from turning over and catching her breath, her back resting against a barrel of apples. As one of Applejack's hired workers, she had appreciated being asked to help move their stock into town. It was just that she just didn't appreciate having to do the hard work involved. She eventually got to her hooves, though she almost instantly wished she hadn't when Applejack next spoke.

"Howdy Rarity!" she greeted from behind her stall, "What can Ah do ya for?"

Rarity beamed at Applejack, purposefully ignoring the pegasus next to her.

"Good morning Applejack, darling! I was hoping to see you today. I've been in the mood for some apple pie lately, and your apples are simply divine! Do you think you could pick out some of your juicer ones?"

"Aw shucks, Rarity! Anything fer one of mah friends!"

Rarity smiled warmly at Applejack as the farm pony started going through her stock. She idly inspected her hoof for a moment, before lazily raising her gaze in the direction of Meteorite. Her performance went unnoticed however, as Meteorite was standing still as a rock, head pointed downwards, her gaze attempting to bore a hole into the ground. Rarity frowned slightly, before stealing a glance towards Applejack, who was still distracted with her apples. Rarity decided she'd have to be more direct in getting the pegasus' attention, and gasped slightly.

"Oh! It's you!" Rarity exclaimed, raising a hoof to her chest. Meteorite looked up, somewhat horrified that, yes, Rarity had somehow noticed her and remembered her. Rarity went on. "You're that pony that was in earlier this week! The one that said those nice things!"

Applejack at this point looked up from her search, one eyebrow arched, and glanced between the two ponies. Meteorite was noticeably rigid from fear, her tail even bristling. Applejack wasn't sure what was going on, but silently pressed on with finding the right apples for her friend.

"I must thank you," Rarity continued, apparently blind to Meteorite's internal panic, "it was an unusual choice of words I'll admit, but still, I caught the sentiment behind it. It brightened my day!"

"I-It did…?" Meteorite asked, somehow finding her voice.

"Oh yes. To be perfectly honest, I had wanted to thank you then, but you took off so suddenly! It…" Rarity paused, increasing the drama, "had been quite some time since anypony said anything of the sort, without wanting something in return, of course," she lightly chuckled.

A brief smile crossed Meteorite's lips, before the dark realisation hit her that ultimately, she was wanting something in return, and her gaze dropped back to the ground, growing heavy with guilt.

Oh dear, Rarity thought to herself, I've gone and made it worse it seems. What shall I do now? Rarity was at a momentary loss. She was sure that practiced speech would erase any embarrassment Meteorite might've felt about what she had said, enough to rebuild her confidence in trying to meet Rarity again, but instead the poor thing now seemed to be depressed.

"Here're yer apples, Rarity," Applejack called, holding a small bag of apples towards the unicorn. She glanced over at Meteorite, a concerned frown forming on her face.

"Oh! Thank you, my dear," Rarity exclaimed, suddenly remembering she was there under the guise of buying from Applejack. She floated over her payment of bits and took the apples from her friend, placing them carefully into her saddlebag. She smiled pleasantly at Applejack, before glancing at Meteorite one more time.

"Well, I must be off, darlings!" Rarity announced. She briefly hesitated before turning, "Ciao for now…"

Rarity slowly started walking away, her body on auto-pilot as her mind furiously ran through any possible idea that would encourage Meteorite to meet with her more often, without looking too suspicious on Rarity's part. She couldn't wait for another opportunity to meet; the pegasus apparently knew Applejack well enough to be trusted with their apples, and Rarity simply did not visit Sweet Apple Acres enough to warrant sudden multiple visits on the off-chance of bumping into Meteorite again. Even Applejack would start wondering something was off. No, she had to think of something now, something that would draw Meteorite into her boutique on a regular basis, without fail, like a model employ-

Rarity stopped mid-step, her head whisking back towards the apple stand, and studied the pegasus, currently talking with Applejack. She wasn't as sleek as most pegasi were, but it could be worked with. She trotted back to the stand, a wide smile on her face.

"-fine, Applejack!" Meteorite said, sounding more annoyed than anything. She twirled a hoof, "I just, y'know, had a bit of nerves going on…" she trailed off, not really sure what she was saying. Not that it mattered, because she quickly went wide-eyed and froze as soon as she saw Rarity approaching again, seemingly straight at her.

"I'm terribly sorry girls," Rarity cooed, "but I just had a thought and I was wondering if you could be of assistance?"

"'f course, Rarity!" Applejack nodded, "Any way we can! What do y'all need?"

"Well! You see, for a while now I've wanted to make a few designs just for pegasi, but it's just so hard to find willing pegasi who have the time to model outfits for me as I work on them!" She smiled warmly at Meteorite. "I was wondering if your friend here might at all be interested?"

Meteorite swallowed, both trying to process what was just said, and trying to not collapse from Rarity's smile. Applejack looked over at Meteorite, who didn't seem to be responding, and frowned as she turned to Rarity.

"Ah'm sorry, sugarcube. But Ah don't think that's the kinda thing she'd be interes-"

"Yes it is!" Meteorite shrieked suddenly, startling the other two ponies, as well as several others nearby. Meteorite blinked, seemingly snapping out her mental lockup. "Uh, I mean…" she meekly said, "I'd… love to, but…" she rubbed her neck, looking downtrodden, "I don't exactly… have a lot of free time off the farm…"

Rarity looked over at Applejack, her gaze turning expectantly. The orange pony reached up and scratched her head slightly, a bit befuddled.

"Well shoot, if this is somethin' y'all really want to do," Applejack said, as Meteorite looked up at her, nodding quickly, "then Ah ain't one to stand in yer way."

"Really?" Meteorite exclaimed, her face lighting up.

"Sure! Ah reckon we can manage without ya for a day or two," Applejack said with a wink.

"Oh, thank you, thank you!" Meteorite said gleefully, practically bouncing with excitement. Rarity looked on with some curiosity, seeing the pegasus not being nervous for the first time.

"Well then," Rarity began, "since we're all in agreement, shall I see you, oh say, the start of next week?" Yes, Rarity thought to herself, that ought to be enough time to create a few new designs. "I expect you to be at my boutique no later than eight sharp!"

Meteorite quietened down as she turned to face Rarity but nodded firmly, if a little shakily. "Y-Yes, of course. I won't let you down."

"I'm quite sure," Rarity smiled warmly, as she bowed her head slightly. "Thank you both. I'm not sure what I would've done otherwise."

"Aw shucks, Rair'!" Applejack beamed, "Ain't nothin'! Ah'm just glad Meteorite here can help ya out!"

Rarity nodded, looking over and seeing an earnest smile on Meteorite. Rarity found herself smiling back. "Right, well darlings! I really must go! We'll catch up later!"

Meteorite waved subduedly as Rarity once again cantered away. Applejack gave her a curious look.

"Ah didn' know yer were into fashion."

Meteorite smiled sheepishly, as she pawed at the ground. "Well… it's not just that… I don't know much about it really… but I like it." She looked up at the unicorn receding into the distance. "I… I'd like to be more involved with it, I guess."