• Published 22nd Nov 2018
  • 1,071 Views, 35 Comments

Rainbow Unicorns: Bridle Gossip - Hopeful_Ink_Hoof

After a run-in with a mysterious hooded figure, Rainbow and company wake up to find themselves changed

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Crystals and Pies

Princess Celestia sat in her study, a cup of tea at hoof. The sound of gentle instrumental music filled the air of the space. With the mid-day court handled, she was taking a moment to relax before moving on to other matters. She still had quite a bit to do as well. Including matters of Luna's return, such as instituting a new training program for the returning bat ponies who wish to be a part of Luna's night guard, and with Rainbow Burst now living into Ponyville and being a national hero. Additionally, with summer more than half over, that did mean that school would be resuming shortly. To that end, she would need to start preparing for a new semester at her school for gifted unicorns, both as the principal, and as an instructor.

Her lips pursed as she considered it. Perhaps it was time to look into taking on a new personal student. Rainbow was still her student, but was more at an independent study point than needing actual teaching and guidance. On one hoof, she had helped Rainbow grow and learn quite a bit, and was very proud of her, so Celestia could see it as a reason to take a break, spend time on other matters, and wait a few years for a new student. On the other, much of what she had done over the centuries of her rule have become rather autonomous, relying on her direct interference very little. To that end, she felt as though she were not fully working toward her own responsibility and potential should she wait.

Perhaps she should wait and see what happens. See what students apply for the upcoming year. She might meet one with the same potential as Rainbow or--

Princess Celestia shook her head, forcing the thought away. She knew she could not ignore the past, but it was still a bit too painful to think about.

Thankfully, there was a knock at the door, allowing her to distract herself with something else.

Taking a breath and slowly letting it out, Princess Celestia straightened up, trying to look as calm and regal as possible.

"Enter," she called out.

The door opened to reveal a white unicorn mare with dark brown mane.

"Princess," the mare said, giving a small bow. "Your two o'clock is here."

It was with the years of practice that kept Celestia from showing her surprise. Had she really been sitting her so long already? Her gaze quickly flicked to the wall clock to confirm that it was indeed the case.

"Please send her in, Raven."

Raven Inkwell gave a nod and stepped further into the office, turning toward the hall.

"The Princess will see you now," she said, motioning a hoof toward the desk.

In walked an earth pony mare, who was... very gray. There was a little variation to it. Her mane and tail had a purple tinge, and the dress she wore hinted toward blue, but they both looked more toward gray than those colors. The only really noticeable color was the bright pale blue of her eyes. Those eyes were half-lidded, and her mouth was closed and small, giving her a bored, tired look about her.

"Miss Maud Pie," Princess Celestia said, giving a small nod. "Thank you for coming. Would you care for some refreshment?"

"I am fine, thank you," Maud said in a deep, but clearly feminine, voice, the entire thing being an emotionless monotone.

Celestia gave a nod to Raven, getting one in return as the assistant left them. The princess then returned her attention to her visitor, motioning to an empty seat on the other side of the desk.

"Professor Frogstone speaks very highly of you. I understand you are actually going for your Doctorate in Geology."

"My Rocktorate, yes," Maud confirmed as she moved to take the seat.

Although it had become a common colloquialism to refer to such a doctorate, Princess Celestia could not bring herself to use it. Many ponies did seem to enjoy their wordplay.

"How familiar are you with Magic Crystals?" Celestia asked as she opened a drawer.

"I am aware of the basics," Maud answered. "A stone, crystal, or gemstone ends up becoming infused with a high concentration of magic, which causes the material to undergo a molecular metamorphosis, which also is capable of storing a majority of the remaining magic used to create it. There is a theory that the energy could be drained, then recharged, creating a replacement for batteries, but none have yet been able to do so. It was also used as evidence that alchemy was possible, leading those who worked in the field to either transmute lead into gold, or create an Philosopher's Stone that will grant an elixir of immortality. Neither of which has panned out to date."

Princess Celestia's eyebrows shot up in surprise. She had been aware of the alchemical aspects, but was not expecting Maud to be as well, and had not even known about the replacement battery prospect.

"I am also trying to learn as many of the practical applications as possible as well," Maud explained.

Celestia gave a nod of acknowledgement, filing away the new information on the mare for later. She returned her attention to the drawer, using a hoof to pull out the Mage Crystal that Rainbow Burst had sent her several days ago and passing it to Maud.

"What can you tell me about this one?"

Maud took the crystal and held it between her hooves, pressing on it gently and spinning it slowly. She then brought it up to her face, nose twitching as she gave it a sniff, then pulled it closer and gave it a lick. After that, she held it up to her ear, head tilting as she listened to it. She even gave a small hum of her own.

"It seems to have been made nearby," Maud stated. "The composition does not have the high mineral content of the bare stone at this height, nor indicators of marble and slate used in the construction of Canterlot, but it is similar to what would be down around the base of the mountain. There are indicators of high organic material, indicating that it was likely created from a looser, fertile soil, although it also has a high clay content, which is capable of retaining high amounts of water. That means that it is from an area that is largely agrarian."

She held it out toward the princess.

"While the new crystalline structure has given it greater strength, I would put the shatter point on the lower end of the scale. However, I would not recommend doing so as the energy seems unstable. I cannot gauge precisely without either a unicorn's assistance or specifically calibrated tools, but I believe the spontaneous energy output would be more than fatal for a pony, even one of your size."

There was a small amount of disappointment as Princess Celestia took the crystal back. She had been aware that such was a possibility, but had been hoping it was not. A shame too. If it had been on the stabler side, it would have been possible to shape and work with. Rainbow may not have been much for jewelry, but then Celestia thought she would have appreciated having her Mage Crystal as a pendant.

Celestia set the crystal back in the drawer and shut it before turning her full attention to the guest.

"Thank you, Miss Maud Pie, for your assistance," she said with a small smile. "How may I reimburse you for your time and skill?"

The room turned silent as Celestia waited for an answer, allowing Maud to consider it. The offer was one Princess Celestia made from time to time. Not only did it allow her to get a sense of the pony's priorities and interest, but also allowed her a starting point for negotiations. She was aware that if she so desire, she could simply choose how to pay a pony for their services, and most would accept it. Even if it was far less than they properly deserved. However, that was hardly fair, and fairness was something of importance to her and how she saw her society as a whole.

It also taught her something more about Maud in particular: she had not been expecting the question. When Maud had been asked, there had been no mention of compensation, and she had not thought about it during the trip. That meant that she had come to Canterlot to meet with the princess, and done so out of kindness or obligation, not for money or power.

Maud gave a blink, shifting her gaze.

"One of my sisters, Marble, is a bat pony," she explained. "She was very excited at the news of Princess Luna's arrival for some reason."

She looked up at the Princess.

"Would it be possible for my sister to meet Princess Luna?"

Princess Celestia leaned down, bringing herself eye level with Maud.

"I am afraid I cannot guarantee it," she said. Celestia then smiled. "But I can ask Luna, and I am fairly certain she would very much like to meet a pony that looks up to her."

It was barely noticeable, but Celestia caught a slight upward twitch to the sides of Maud's mouth.

"Thank you, Princess."