• Published 22nd Nov 2018
  • 1,069 Views, 35 Comments

Rainbow Unicorns: Bridle Gossip - Hopeful_Ink_Hoof

After a run-in with a mysterious hooded figure, Rainbow and company wake up to find themselves changed

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Moon Pies

It was just after sunset as the royal chariot arrived at the Pie family rock farm. It landed smoothly on a path leading toward the house, the pair of pegasus guards breaking into a trot the second their hooves touched solid ground, and wings tucking up against their sides. Their pace slowed, coming to a full stop just inches from the porch.

Shining Armor, the new captain of Princess Luna's Royal Night Guard, stepped down first. He wore the dark blue armor of his new position and rank, as opposed to the gold armor of those on the day guard who were temporarily reassigned until the night guard proper could complete their training. Turning around, he gave a bow before holding a wing out.

Princess Luna reached out with one of her bat wings, taking a hold of Shining Armor's feathered one. She smiled as she stepped down off the chariot and onto the ground. She then made her way around and faced the pair pulling the chariot.

"Your assistance is much appreciated," she stated. "Please, make yourselves comfortable as it is uncertain how long we shall be visiting with the residents of this farm."

The two guards gave bows, acknowledging her statement, then waited until she had begun walking away before unhitching themselves from the royal chariot.

Princess Luna took the lead as they made their way up the porch. Reaching up with a hoof, she gave a knock on the door.

"Ugh!" a voice groaned out. "Hold on! I'm comin, I'm comin!"

The sound of angry hooves stomping echoed through the house, getting louder as the pony approached. The door was then flung open to reveal a dark gray pegasus mare with a light gray mane and tail.

"What'd yaaaaaaaaaaaa..." the mare trailed off as she looked to see who was there. Her green eyes went wide.

"P-p-p-Princess Luna."

The mare then dropped into a bow, slamming her face audibly into the wooden floor of the farmhouse.

"Please, rise, young pony," Princess Luna stated, "and tell us your name."

"Limestone, your highness," the pegasus answered, moving to stand up.

"Well, Limestone, as you have already concluded, I am Princess Luna." She motioned with a wing. "This is my guard captain, Shining Armor." She returned her attention to the pegasus. "I was informed that a bat pony resides here, and wishes to meet with me."

Limestone let out a huff, ears pulled back and wings twitching.

"Please come in," she said, a note of sourness to her voice. "I'll go get her."

The moment the princess and guard stepped in, Limestone slammed the door shut and turned around, making her way through the house. The two waited where they were, looking around. The small farmhouse was, surprisingly to them both, not made of stone. It look more like it has been made of stucco with wooden framing and supports. Considering they were a rock farm and wood seemed to be a scarce commodity in the area, it was rather unexpected.

"Look," the two of them heard Limestone snapping from somewhere in the house. "This is something you wanted, and Maud somehow managed to make it happen. So you are going out there and meeting her!"

Several seconds passed in silence, interrupted by the sound of scraping across the floor. Limestone returned, pushing along a bat pony mare. Like the pegasus, she was all gray, with a light coat and two darker shades for her mane and tail. One purple eye was hidden behind said mane, while the other stared widely and unblinking.

Princess Luna took a step back, but gave a smile.

"Greetings young pony," she announced, spreading her bat wings wide. "I am Princess Luna, and have been told you wished to meet me. Tell me, what is your name?"

The mare let out a squeak, pulling in on herself more.

"Marble," Limestone answered. "Her name is Marble Pie." She gave the other mare a push forward. "And she's very excited to meet you." She leaned forward, eyes narrowing. "Right?"

"Mm-hm," Marble said, giving a nod as she looked away.

Limestone looked at Marble, who was looking at the wall with her free eye. She then rolled her own eyes, letting out a growl of frustration.

"She really is excited to meet you," Limestone stated. "She's just really shy around new ponies." Her gaze narrowed as it shifted to her sister again. "Which is pretty much everyone not in the immediate family."

"Mm-hm," Marble squeaked again. Her wings pulled tighter against herself and ears pulled back as she slouched down. The pale gray of her cheeks took on a pinkish tinge.

Luna and Shining Armor shared a quick glance. Shining Armor then took a step forward, clearing his throat.

"Well, it was nice to meet you," he said in a calm, friendly tone, "but perhaps we should get going. Don't want to make you uncomfortable, and we have a lot to do." He let out a chuckle. "Actually have the first few bat ponies in training for Princess Luna's guard."

"'twas nice to meet you," Luna stated, giving a small nod. She then turned around, making her way for the door.

"Take me with you!"

Everything suddenly went so quiet, it was deafening. Shining Armor and Princess Luna turned around to look at Marble Pie, who was also being stared at by a wide-eyed Limestone.

"Marble?" Limestone blurted out. "You actually talked out loud?" Her eyes then narrowed. "You want to go with them?"

Marble shrank down again, her wings unfurling to wrap around her. She shifted on her legs and licked her lips.

"I'm... I'm sorry," she said, her voice barely audible. "It's... It's just..."

She too a deep breath and turned to face Limestone.

"We've never met any other bat ponies before," Marble stated. "We don't know anything about them. You've met other pegasi, and Pinkie's met other unicorns. This is a chance for me to learn more about what I am. Things not even our doctor can tell me or that I find in old books."

She took a deep breath, and straightened up. Her wings pulled back to rest against her side as she looked her sister in the eye.

"I need to do this."

Limestone scowled out at her for a long moment. With a sigh, she then looked away, her body sagging as she stared at one of the walls.

"I can't go with you," she stated. "Some pony needs to run the farm while Ma and Pa are out." She then looked to Marble again. "If you want to go, you'll have to go by yourself. That also means that you'll have to speak up for yourself and actually talk to ponies. No hiding behind any of us. Got it?"

Marble gave a nod, smiling a little. She then turned to Princess Luna and Shining Armor.

"Can I?"

Princess Luna gave a smile.

"Certainly," she said. "I am more than happy to help one of my little ponies learn about their history and culture. I welcome you to travel back to Canterlot with us."

She turned her head.

"Shining, if you would please fly and ahead and begin making arrangements for Miss Pie?"

Shining gave a salute and headed for the door, making his way outside before taking off.

Princess Luna returned her attention to Marble Pie.

"I shall be waiting outside when you are ready."

Marble gave a nod and got up. She walked over to Limestone and suddenly wrapped her forelegs and bat wings around the other mare, giving her a hug.

"Thank you."

Limestone blushed brightly, and her wings gave a flutter of annoyance, but she wrapped her forelegs around Marble, returning the hug.

"Yeah, yeah," she growled out. "Love you too."

Limestone then pushed her away.

"That's enough mushy stuff. Go get whatever you need for your trip."

Marble smiled before leaving the room, leaving Limestone and the Princess alone. Limestone cleared her throat, then turned to face Luna directly.

"Marble is the baby of our family," she stated, "and means a lot to all of us. She has never gone anywhere by herself before, always being too scared of getting too far from any of us. Normally it was with Pinkie. My point is this is a big step for her."

Her eyes narrowed as she straightened up, her entire body tensing.

"If anything happens to her, I am not above getting in a fight with a royal guard." Her eyes narrowed further. "Or a princess, for that matter. Understand?"

Princess Luna stared at the rock farmer. Had she just been threatened? Such a thing was treasonous, and if she so desired, the Princess could have Limestone arrested and imprisoned for it. Certainly, Limestone knew such a thing, and there was no way to know if Princess Luna would do such a thing or not.

But Limestone had still done it. Because she was trying to keep her sister safe.

The shock gave way and Princess Luna smiled.

"Fear not, Limestone," she stated. "For we shall do everything in our power to assure that no harm comes to young Marble."

Limestone did not quite smile at that, but her features were less severe her scowl had softened.