• Published 25th Sep 2018
  • 3,370 Views, 23 Comments

Drabbles of Discord - DisneyFanatic23

A collection of vignettes taking place in the "Bride of Discord" universe.

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Do We Have a Deal?

Author's Note:

So while going through my old files I found the one filled with drabbles of all my stories, including fanfiction. A lot of them were alternate and extra scenes for the Bride of Discord universe (if you haven't read that story, none of this will make sense to you), some of them which were initially written for the story but I changed my mind and put them in the drabble document just in case I should change my mind again, some of them written as afterthoughts. But everything you'll see in here take place in the Bride of Discord universe and only a few of them are not canon to the universe but are instead alternate takes on certain scenes (such as this one).

Here was my original idea for the scene in which Fluttershy accepts Discord's proposal. It was meant to be very reminiscent of the "Once Upon a Time" scene in the episode "Skin Deep."

I changed this scene for many reasons:
1. I decided it was best not to copy "Once Upon a Time" entirely and try a more original approach, though I still made subtle references in the final version.
2. I figured it would be best if Discord not ask Fluttershy directly and instead act like he doesn't care which mare he ends up with. His attraction to Fluttershy was only small at that point and I don't think he'd want to appear desperate to his foes.
3. This version put more pressure specifically on Fluttershy. I wanted to allow time for not just her to contemplate this, but all the Mane 6 (leading to some later, more dramatic and heartbreaking scenes). This way, she comes to the decision on her own without Discord pressuring her.
4. I also wanted to incorporate elements of "Bride of the Lindorm King" (I talk about this folktale in my podcast "Beauties and Beasts" on PodBean), such as the visit to the soothsayer and for the confrontation between the maiden and the animal groom. I liked the idea of Fluttershy facing him alone in a cave, amplifying her terror and bravery.
5. I wanted to make Discord seem a little less cruel in allowing Fluttershy to say goodbye to her friends. And maybe more like he wasn't expecting Fluttershy, who is so timid and scared, to actually WANT to be his wife, and the point was for him to feel wanted by someone.
6. I realized Fluttershy needed more support from at least one of her friends before she could make this decision, or at the very least that she'd talk it out with one of them (level-headed Applejack seemed like the best option).

Well, anyway, I'm glad with how it turned out ultimately. But it's fun to share what could have been with all of you.

Discord pondered on the last item and cursed himself for not thinking it through earlier. He thought of what he would need in his new life. He had already asked that the ponies never use the Elements of Harmony against him in exchange for Princess Twilight's horn and that he have a piece of land, so long as he promised not to wreak havoc on Equestria. It was all he needed to live comfortably, but if he were to stop his hostile takeover, what would he do then? Return to his empty cave and talk to copies of himself? Even if he was to continue his chaos, there was no point in it if he had no one to share it with.

His mind then wandered to the couple he had encountered a few minutes earlier. The way they had held each other, talked to each other, looked at each other; he would never admit it aloud that he wanted that.

Then it struck him. That was what he needed! A companion! Someone he could share his chaos with! Someone he could talk to! Someone who could fill the hole in his heart that had been empty for eons!

After playing the scenario out in his head, he realized that it was not a companion he needed. What he needed was a...wife.

A wife would not only keep him company, but show him the love he had been denied all these years. She would look at him in a way no pony ever had and would touch him in a way no pony had ever dared to do. A wife would be bound to him forever and never leave!

But it could not be just any pony. Most mares would scream at the sight of him or look at him with disdain. If he just asked for a random mare, who was to say she would even like him or if he would even like her? No. This mare had to be special, some pony he would be happy to spend the rest of eternity with. Unfortunately, he did not find that many ponies to be attractive, except...

He looked at the yellow pegasus out of the corner of his eye. She still wore her flowing green gown from the Grand Galloping Gala that evening, and his heart skipped a beat at the memory of first seeing her in it. It truly made her look beautiful, and the daisies braided into her silky pink mane only enhanced that beauty.

Her eyes at this moment were filled with fear as they stared at his back, though she was trying her best to hide it. He grinned as he remembered the Stare she had given him a few minutes earlier. He did not submit to it, but having this hidden chaotic ability made her all the more attractive to the Lord of Chaos.

She was the Element of Kindness. Surely with her sweet nature, she would show him the compassion he so desired. He remembered how she had felt in his arms and imagined what it would be like if she were returning his embrace, caressing his distorted face with those soft, delicate hooves of hers...

"Well?" Twilight asked impatiently.

Discord grinned mischievously and turned back to the ponies. "Okay, I know what I want now!"

"What is it?" Rarity groaned. "Jewels?"

He huffed. "Please, I can summon all the jewels in Equestria with a wave of my paw. No. What I want," he chuckled as he glanced at the yellow pegasus, "is something much more valuable, but I believe it's a fair bargain. It's a three for one deal."

"Huh?" Pinkie uttered.

"Applejack, you're a sales pony. You understand, don't you?"

"Uh," the southern pony muttered. "Three for one means three for the price of one, but I don't..."

"Precisely! I will give you your princesses, three mares, for the price of one mare! We'll call Cadence's unborn filly a bonus."

Silence fell over the ponies. Twilight was the first to break it.

"What do you mean by the price of one mare?"

Discord pointed at Fluttershy. "I want her."

Every pony gasped in shock.

"WHAT?!" Fluttershy screamed.

"Did you not hear me, my dear?" Discord asked, leaning down to cup her chin in his claw. "I want you."

Rainbow Dash slapped away his claw and moved protectively in front of Fluttershy.

"Forget it, punk!" she exclaimed.

Rarity followed Rainbow's example and stood firmly beside Fluttershy. "You're not getting her for whatever sick, twisted intentions you have for her!"

"Why do you want her, anyway?" Applejack demanded.

Discord shrugged. "Why wouldn't I want a rare beauty like her...?"

Fluttershy squeaked as she suddenly felt his paw on her. She turned around to see that he had teleported behind her. She whimpered as he ran his claw through her mane.

"...to be my bride?"

Fluttershy stood frozen in fear. Rainbow Dash moved quickly and threw a punch at Discord's paw. The others formed a circle around their friend.

"There is no way Fluttershy is going with you!" Twilight exclaimed. "Especially if it's to be your bride!"

"Yeah!" Rainbow Dash shouted. "You must be crazy to think we would just hand her over to you!"

"I didn't say you had to hand her over," Discord said. "I don't want the pretty thing coming along if she doesn't want to. In order for this to work, she has to come out of her own free will. Then, and only then, will you get your princesses back."

"But why her?" Rarity demanded. "Of all the ponies in Equestria, why Fluttershy?"

He grinned as his eyes focused intently on her. "I have never seen such beauty in all my life, and I have lived for a very long time. Being a creature of chaos can be a rather...lonely occupation. I feel the time has come to seek companionship, and frankly, the only mare who has captured my interest is you, my dear Fluttershy."

"If you want a bride so badly," Twilight scowled, "take me instead!"

"No, Twilight!" Shining Armor and Spike said at once.

"If she won't do," Rarity said, "take me!"

"Or me!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Take either of us!" Applejack shouted. "Just leave Fluttershy be!"

"Well!" Discord sneered. "It's nice to see you ladies fighting over me, but I will take no pony other than this lovely little pegasus here. It's her, or no deal."

"Then we have no deal," Twilight growled through her teeth. "You can have the old castle in the Everfree Forest for your land and we will promise never to use the Elements against you, but there is no way you will ever have Fluttershy!"

Discord sighed. "Very well, your highness."

He snapped his fingers and, in a flash, Twilight horn was restored to her head, and Equestria was returned to normal. Discord began striding to the door. He could feel their furious gazes on him, as well as Fluttershy's confused one. He was nearly out the door when he heard a soft, but loud voice.


Discord grinned in triumph as he turned back to the ponies. Fluttershy gently pushed her friends aside and boldly walked toward the draconequus. She stopped in front of him and looked up at him with fiery eyes that made him want her even more.

"If I go with you," she said in a shaky, but brave voice, "and become your...wife, you will keep your promise and let the princesses go?"

"My dear," he said with a bow, "you have my word."

She turned to look at her friends for a long moment and then back up at him.

"Then you have mine."

"Fluttershy, no!" Rainbow Dash shouted.

"It's the only way, girls!"

"But Fluttershy, you can't!" Twilight insisted.

"You can't marry this," Rarity paused to glare at Discord, "beast!"

Discord dramatically put his paw to his heart and pretended to look offended. "Well! See if I invite you to the wedding!"

"There isn't gonna be a wedding!" Applejack snapped. "Cuz she's not goin'..."

"Girls!" Fluttershy shouted. "Listen to me. Discord is the only one who knows where the princesses are, and we can only get them back if we give him what he wants. If it's me he wants, it's me he shall get."

Discord's grin grew wider at his bride-to-be's speech. "Well said, my dear!"

Fluttershy shut her eyes as he laid his paw and claw on her shoulders.

"Now what do you say we go check out our new palace?" he whispered.

"No!" Twilight protested. "Fluttershy, you can't...you won't..."

"I'm sorry, Twilight, but it's been decided."

"She's right," Discord smirked. "The deal is struck."

He laughed triumphantly as he scooped her up in his arms. Rainbow Dash was about to charge for him, when Applejack grabbed her tail in her mouth.

"Stop, Rainbow!" the cowgirl shouted through her teeth. "There's nothin' we can do!"

"You jerk!" Rainbow exclaimed, trying to break free from Applejack's grasp. "If you hurt a hair on her head..."

Discord gasped dramatically. "Hurt this precious pony? Never! So long as you don't try and steal her back. Now if you'll excuse us, we've got a wedding to plan!"

"Wait!" Fluttershy cried. "Let me say goodbye to..."

But Discord had already vanished from the room, taking Fluttershy along with him.