• Published 9th Nov 2018
  • 3,701 Views, 25 Comments

Repentance - TimeLordStudios

A human was pulled into equestria and the ponies had rejected him to the point of death

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Repentance 1 Kindly Edited by Everfreepony


I've been stuck here for years, months, days? It doesn't matter anymore as soon I will depart this world of 'peaceful' colorful ponies. I hope my soul to finds peace in whatever afterlife that I may fall upon. As I can no longer survive on my own. First My left arm petrified by a cockatrice. The moment I laid my eyes upon it I had charged towards it as my body was already turning to stone… I was able to grip its neck in a attempt to strangle it before being completely petrified. It must had realized its mistake as it started to free me from my stone prison, but for some reason it decided to leave my left arm petrified…

That’s when I remembered it was my left hand that was around its neck. I think it knew that it was going to die either way and decided to wait it out, as if it released my arm my grip around its neck would had ended its life rather quickly... I think that was two days ago or was it three doesn’t really matter as it was shattered by a hungry manticore. Who had charged into me, probably smelling the dry blood of the cockatrice that I had pried out of my petrified arm...

The fragments had been deeply inloged into my upper thigh... My loud screams of anguish had apparently hurt its ears so bad it desired to leave me be, or it just thought I was too pitiful to kill... But I wished it had at least then I'd stop suffering. With no real way to treat my wounds I am bound to die soon anyways.

"I need To make it to ponyville to see if they could help me…” I said as I struggled to get up using nearby tree branches to do so.

“Ahh~ who am I kidding they'd probably finish me off themselves..." I said as I made my way to a nearby stump so I could check my injuries.

“Lets see here.” I said as went to work, trying to see if I could remove any of the fragments.

“Ah here’s a piece I could remove.” I said as I took hold of one of the bigger pieces. I winced in pain as I tried to pull it out.

“No good, I must seek medical treatment…” I said as a spark ignited within me.

“I have to make it there. Even if it’s way too early for them to be up and about. It doesn’t even matter if I receive medical aid." I said as I lifted myself up and slowly trudged towards the marked path leaving a small trail of blood behind me.

"If I continue to go this way I should reach ponyville in about five minutes. I just need to last that long." I said to myself As I continued down the path.

“Am I even gonna make it there…” I said as my vision began to blur. The trees starting to look like they were giant green blobs.

"No! I have to." I said banishing the thought of me failing to at least make it there. I need to at least show them what happens... What happens when you leave an creature with unknown origin in an unknown world, That tried to assimilate with your culture to survive, on its own...

They didn't accept me then and they need to see 'the fruits of their labor' that had put me on death’s row... there... there I see it i'm... "I'm al-...almost ther-e~." I said as a shimmer of light had entered my eyes no I... I can't die now not... "Not when i'm so close." I said as my thoughts started leaving my mind as I can no longer keep them in my head... "So...so cl...os...e." I said as I fell to the ground. I never made it there.


Two hours later...Early morning in ponyville[6:30 AM] The day of the world's first friendship festival...

"Spike!" Twilight called out. "We need to start preparing early if we want the fair to be open on time."

"Calm down, Twilight it’s not like somepony has died or anything it’s only a festival.” Spike complained as he rushed to get ready.

"Spike! That's not something to joke about that is a very serious matter!" She scolded, as she thought about what to say next. "But I do understand why you'd say something like that... I know I do freak out a lot and...-"

"Twilight-come quick! You have to see this, it's urgent!" Rainbow Dash yelled quickly as she busted through the door.

"It’s just a fair, it is not like sompony had died! What's so urgent about that-." Spike called out, But was cut off by Rainbow.

"But somepony did die Spike! That is no laughing matter, Spike, I'm sure Twilight has told you that already." Rainbow said in a serious tone.

"That's what I was talking to him about before...Wait did you say somepony was killed!"

"It’s not really a pony though." Rainbow said as her ears fell as she purposely withdrew information. "You'll have to see for yourself to...To identify it. It's just outside the outskirts of town near the everfree forest... I'm sorry, Twi but the festival might have to be canceled or at least delayed..."

"That's ok. This is more way important lead the way." Twilight said seriously as she quickly followed Rainbow out of their castle... They had failed to notice the baby dragon crying in the corner.

" I... I did it... I said it twice and... it actually happened..." Spike said in between sobs.

"You said that the creature wasn’t a pony but that doesn’t give me a lot work with." She said mid sprint. “Can you please tell me what the creature look like?" Twilight asked trying to assess the situation before they arrived. She noticed a strange ominous presence in the air. Almost like she was being watched, but decided to put it off for the time being.

"I… It was the... I don't really know…” Rainbow responded obviously trying to dodge the topic.

“All I know is that it's not equine. I really didn't get a good look at it." Rainbow said as she refused to look Twilight in the eyes.

Twilight knew that she was hiding something as Rainbow was never a good liar. "Rainbow-" Was all she could get out before an strong metallic stench had invaded her senses. "uah~ what is that smell?" Twilight asked waiting for Dash to explain what it was...

But Dash only responded by signaling Twilight to move forward... And needless to say. Twilight was not prepared for what she was about to see. "Is that... It can't be."

"It is, Twi... follow me." Dash said as she spread her wings and flew up into the sky with Twilight following suit... Physically flinching at what she saw...

"Is... Is that what I think it is... A... Ah tr... Trail of blo... Blood." Twilight responded struggling to get the words out of her mouth. Her gaze followed the the trail of blood tracing its path from the woods to its source even though she already knew... The creature she had wronged laying in a pool of it's own blood.

"Do you know what happened to it?” She asked but Dash didn’t respond. So she decided to ask different question. “Did you check it for a pulse it could still be alive, but badly injured." Twilight said trying her best to be hopeful. But that hope immediately faded when she saw the look of pure despair on Dash’s face.

"No its Dead, Twi... I tried its pulse and... There was none... We did this..." Dash said gulping near the end. "Oh Celestia, We could have prevented this..." Dash said now in tears, which both shocked and hurt Twilight. To see her friend crying like this. Especially Rainbow dash. The pony who never cries, the one who's always on the top. Crying at the bottom.

"Oh Celestia what have I done!" Twilight screamed as the overwhelming emotion of dread started to take hold. "I failed my role as the princess of friendship, he came to me and asked for help and I... We all turned him down... Now he's... he's dead and it’s all my fault. I was the first one to doubt him maybe... Maybe if I trusted him more he would had been accepted." Twilight said. Though distraught she still tried to maintain some sense of regality. "...We need to inform our friends about this they deserve to know too, you go on ahead to the castle i'll gather them up."

"K, Twi, see you there I guess... -But we can't just leave him here, at least cast an illusion spell over his corpse so that nopony else will stumble apon him or the entire town will be in chaos." Dash said finally gaining enough composure to stop crying.

"Great idea." Twilight said as her horn instantly lit up casting the spell around him." But we will need to be fast this will not last forever." She said as she made a beeline to carousel boutique. As Rainbow pretended to fly towards the castle... Once Twilight was a good distance away she flew back to bring the body to the castle with her.

"I'm not leaving you. Not this time." She whispered to him knowing that he couldn't respond back.

Comments ( 13 )

The block text is still there but at least its more descriptive than the last.

Why doesn't the story title start with a capital letter?

Thanks for catching that little error I’ll fix right away

my Second edit draft was complected the block text is no more!:pinkiecrazy:

Will you continue this?

Maybe sometime in the future. When I am a better writter. Updates may still happen, but not very often until then.

Well.... I'll look forward to when the hopefully, next chapter is released.
Till then, good luck on your further writing.

Very much deserves to be continued.

"I understand killin’ but I sure as hell don't understand you sheltered bastards.” -ThePhoton

Damn. I wish we got to see their reactions.

What is that supposed to mean?

You ever plan on giving this story another go I've always liked the mistreated human concept

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