• Published 6th Oct 2018
  • 1,547 Views, 94 Comments

My Little Pony-The Movie (reworked) - The Blue EM2

What happens if you throw MLP and many other fandoms into a blender? Well, this, of course!

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The Fall of Canterlot

Princess Luna

Princess of the Moon and Diarch of Equestria, formerly Nightmare Moon, she who raises the Moon, Etc. Etc.

October 6th, 007 SLR

Luna knew something was wrong when it started clouding over. Stepping onto the balcony, she heard frantic conversation from down below.

“I ordered clear skies!” Twilight demanded. “Rainbow Dash?”

“Those aren’t storm clouds!” Rainbow replied. “That’s exhaust from a twin-reciprocating steam compound turbine.” When everyone looked at her in confusion, she replied. “What? I can know stuff!”

A massive black airship emerged from the blackness. It had a motif of glowing blue eyes with ominous lines marked down the sides of the machine, and was festooned with propellers. In truth, it looked like somebody had taken a normal boat and attached a balloon to it.

“I bet those are the clowns I ordered!” Pinkie exclaimed.

The airship descended upon the courtyard, dropping with all the grace of a speeding rhino. It knocked over several columns, and flattened a balloon stand, demolishing it, and sending a balloon flying towards its landing point. Touching down, it vented steam in every conceivable direction, before the drop ramp came in, crushing the balloon.

“Ryan!” cried a voice. “NOOOOOOOOOO!”

The access door to the airship slid open, and out stepped a small, fat creature carrying a box. Placing it down on the floor, it transformed into a megaphone, and the creature started speaking.

Luna could not believe this creature’s rudeness. Why did he just land his airship (badly) in the middle of HER courtyard?

“Ponies of Equestria,” began the fat one, with a pronounced lisp spoken with an exceptionally annoying voice. “We come on behalf of the fearsome, the powerful, the almighty, STORM KING!” As if on cue, banners dropped showing an incredibly ugly horned creature, posing as if he were part of a shampoo advert.

Almost everybody in the crowd looked terrified. Applejack was one of the few who was not.

“And now,” the fat creature continued, “to deliver the-”

“I can introduce myself, Grubber,” came a male voice over the intercom. A figure stood at the door. What was he? Luna couldn’t quite make him out. Was he a centaur? A dragonequus?

The figure began to descend the steps, and everyone gasped at it.

The figure was a tall, monkey-like organism. He had pale flesh and sunken eyes, and where a muzzle should have been, a pair of... air holes? He also had lips, set just below them. His build was massive, and it was almost impossible to guess his age. He could have been 30 or 50. He wore a black bandana over his scalp, and was dressed in grey/black combat fatigues.

“WHO ARE YOU?” Celestia boomed in the Royal Canterlot Voice, causing shockwaves to echo through the plaza and ponies to cover their ears. The figure, however, didn’t seem at all phased.

“Heh, I’ve dealt with shoutier people before,” he said casually.

The princesses relocated in front of the figure, looking him directly in the face. “I know what he is,” Twilight spoke up. “He’s a human.”

“What’s a human?” Cadence asked.

“They live on the other side of the portal,” Twilight explained.

“I’m not from that world,” the figure answered her. “But you are correct. I am human.”

Celestia leaned into his face. “I asked, WHO ARE YOU?”

The figure snorted, still totally unaffected, and pushed her face back. “I need some breathing room,” he grunted. “And, to answer your question, the name...is Rorke.”

“What do want, Mr. Rorke?” Cadence asked. “If you’re here for the Festival there’s plenty of room.”

“Thank you Miss Interrupted, but I’m not here for parties.” Rorke turned to address Celestia. “On behalf of the Storm King, and of the Federation of the Americas, I demand Equestria surrender immediately and hand over all of its natural resources and population. This, or suffer destruction.”

Luna laughed. “You really think you can destroy Equestria? We have our allies, and furthermore, there is only one of you, and thousands of us.”

Rorke laughed in return. “Oh, such an idiot.” He raised his volume. “I’ll take it then that you reject my demands.”

“Yes, we do,” Celestia answered. “NOW LEAVE THIS PLACE!”

Rorke sighed. “Lady, you don’t achieve much by shouting at people.” He stepped back. “LIGHT THIS PLACE UP! SHOW ‘EM WHAT WE GOT, BOYS!”


Commander, FOA Military

October 6th, 007 SLR

It was always the same. The idiots never seemed to know when to quit. When to surrender. When to fight. It had been just the same with the USA, and now he would give this group the same treatment.

“SHOW ‘EM WHAT WE GOT, BOYS!” he bellowed.

More airships arrived in the airspace over Canterlot. The first two rumbled forward, ready to disgorge their lethal cargo. It soon became apparent something was wrong, as they were suddenly blasted out of the sky by energy weapons.

Rorke looked up, and saw two massive cannons covering the city. “Dodgy intel,” he growled. “Orbital, I have two anti-ship guns covering target Epsilon, call down LUNA on their position, repeat, call down LUNA on their position, how copy, over?”

“Mensaje recibido y entendido señor, sistema de disparo de ciclismo ahora”. The response crackled down the radio.

“Excellent,” Rorke laughed. “Watch, as we turn your own weapons against you!”

Two beams of blue light roared down from the sky, impacting the guns and blowing them into tiny pieces. Wreckage rained down all over the city, destroying buildings and nearly flattening the landscape.

“Secuencia de disparo completa; ¿Confirmar la destrucción del objetivo, sobre?”

“Roger that,” Rorke replied. “Deploy the second wave!”

A swarm of airships touched down, and unloaded a horde of tall monsters armed with shields and massive staffs. They ran about, knocking tables over, demolishing awnings and generally causing chaos.

Princess Luna

Luna found herself on the frontline of war once again. She switched on her radio. “General Armor, do you read, over?”

“Loud and clear, over?”

“What is the status of our assets in the field, over?”

“We have a squadron scrambling from Las Pegasus now, and two more from Cloudsdale-wait, squadrons are down, repeat, squadrons are down, over.”

“What?” Luna exclaimed, as a monster charged her. She kicked it with her hind legs as hard as she could, sending it flying into a building.

Cloudsdale airbase has fallen, there are Russian tanks rolling all over it. LUNA satellite network is in enemy hands, and several key cities have fallen to the enemy, over?”’

“We need outside help,” Luna said grimly. “Out.”

Suddenly, another airship exploded above her, followed by another as the hydrogen gas ruptured and burnt them to a crisp.

Luna looked behind her to see that an AA gun had opened up, with three fillies crewing it. “Cutie Mark Crusaders Anti-Aircraft Gunners, yay!” they shouted, blowing another airship out of the sky.

Rorke waved his arms and shouted something. A group of strange metal machines suddenly flew upwards, with barrels and fireworks attached all over their superstructure. They were being piloted by more of these ‘humans’, and unloaded barrages of rockets into various buildings, and blew massive holes into roads.

But it was the final barrage which horrified her most. One of them flew at the AA gun, and unloaded its entire payload into it, destroying the gun utterly and sending the CMC flying.

“Oh no,” Luna whispered. “ERA, deploy the garrison. Detach one unit to Search and Rescue, move the remainder in front of the civilians. The enemy is launching a frontal assault.”

“Roger that, deploying now.”

Ponies clad in heavy armour and carrying melee weapons charged forward. Some were unicorns, and opened fire on the creatures in front of the courtyard. More of them were pouring through the city gates, and charged straight at the ERA.

Most were bowled straight down by the sustained fire. Luna switched her horn over to full-auto fire mode, and started saturating the area with bolts of energy. With all 4 princesses sustaining such a bombardment, the frontal assault was soon blown away.


“They are now out front,” Rorke smiled. “Perfect.” The AA guns had been flattened by the Mi-24s, and the frontal attack had been thrown back-for now.

“How is this good?” Grubber asked.

“Because it is what I anticipated. BM-21s, open fire!”

Down below, a group of lorries with rockets mounted to launch sleds moved into position. The batteries elevated.

“Цель подтверждена. ОГОНЬ!” An incredible roar started up as the engines on the rockets kicked in and flew upward into the air.

The soldiers of the ERA looked above them, to see a hoard of shrieking death rain down upon them, each impact blowing a hole in the ground and reducing a Guardsman to a bloody mess. A cloud of smoke and haze hung around the sight of the battle, which made it hard to see. But when it cleared, it was clear all was lost.

Rorke grinned. “Now for phase Two.” Pulling on a pair of thermal goggles, and grabbing a shotgun, he charged.

His targeting array picked up the one closest to him, Cadence. He pumped the shotgun, and fired.

The percussive bark of the shell was all Cadence heard, before an indescribable agony hit her whole being. It was like touching an eel for too long, and she collapsed onto her side, shrieking in pain.

Rorke was on top of her in an instant. “Quiet, My Little Pony,” he said mockingly, before jabbing a needle into her and injecting sedative. “I hope your husband doesn’t mind as he’ll be a widow before too long.”

Cadence gasped out a few last words to Celestia. “Can’t...fight...it...” she gasped, before passing out.

Celestia then tried to shout something to Luna. “Find the Queen of the Hip-!”

She never did finish the sentence. A .50 Calibre revolver round to the foreleg put paid to that. Celestia collapsed on the floor in agony.

Rorke jammed another needle into her. “Have a nice night,” he said.

“Go...to...Tartarus,” Celestia snarled, before fainting.

“My dear, I’ve already been,” Rorke smiled.

Luna kicked another of the monsters off of her, and took to the sky. Rorke drew his revolver and kept firing, missing with each shot. He pulled again, and there was a loud click. “Well, I’m out of ammo,” he said casually.

Luna thought she was home free, and safe from him.

Tragically, a SAM missile put those hopes on hold.

Luna fell from the sky, crashing through the roof of a Carousel, and came to rest. She saw Rorke approaching, and got up, shooting him with a blast of her horn before running for safety, flying off from the edges of the city. Rorke spotted that Twilight was still in the city. An easy target.

“Two down, but one got away,” Rorke laughed. “Too bad. I’ll have to take you as compensation!” He grabbed a needle gun, and fired.

After the smoke cleared, he smiled. “That was too easy.” He frowned when he saw what he had hit. “Way too easy.” He hadn’t hit Twilight at all. He’d hit a pegaus with lopsided eyes!

“Damnit!” he roared. “You lot, go and find her!”

Twilight Sparkle

Twilight could not believe it. How could this man have taken down 2 Princesses and wounded another? She knew she had to escape.

“Luna!" She cried out. That creepy man was wandering over.

“Two down, but one got away,” he laughed. “Too bad. I’ll have to take you as compensation!” A dart flew in Twilight’s direction, but she dodged it and ran, leaving her crown behind.

“This way, ya’ll!” Applejack shouted. Twilight and Rainbow dodged two more of the monsters and arrived at the bridge that marked the city’s exit.

But their triumph was to be short lived. A monstrosity made of metal rolled onto the bridge, and pointed a colossal arm at them. It resembled that machine that Cheese Sandwich had cobbled together at a party. But it had a turret that looked like a pudding basin, and a multitude of other arms.

Twilight blasted it with her horn. The impact punched clean through the front armour and caused the vehicle to explode. This, combined with the machine’s weight, caused the bridge to collapse, taking Twilight and her friends with it.

They fell into the water, and went over a waterfall, with the wreckage going with them.

A soldier jumped over and looked down the ravine. “Targets neutralised,” he said. “No way they survived that fall.”

Author's Note:

So, the story is off on a roll! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and those who can spot the TWO references in here will get a mention in the author's notes next chapter!

See you soon!