• Published 6th Oct 2018
  • 1,547 Views, 94 Comments

My Little Pony-The Movie (reworked) - The Blue EM2

What happens if you throw MLP and many other fandoms into a blender? Well, this, of course!

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Escape from Klugetown



October 12th, 007 SLR

The Mi-24 touched down in the centre of Klugetown, and Rorke and 5 men got out. Suddenly, a crowd of fish people surrounded him.

“What do you want?” one of them asked.

“Yeah, we know the sorta shit you humans pull!” shouted another.

Rorke gave a hand signal. One of the soldiers kicked over a market stand, causing several of the creatures to run in fear.

“Co-operate with me, and I’ll stop demolishing your livelihoods!” he shouted.

“Señor, ¿está seguro de que vinieron por aquí?” one of the soldiers asked.

“Oh, I’m sure of it,” Rorke smiled. “This doesn’t need any violence, I just need to know where 6 horses went.”

“Or you’ll get thumped!” Grubber added.

One of the creatures lumbered over to him. “You’ll think we’ll fall for this again?” he bellowed, rearing up to his full height over the man. “I don’t know what kinda scam you and Capper are workin’, but poison or no posion, you gotta pay!”

If Rorke was worried, he didn’t show it. He simply kicked the creature in the leg, knocking it back. Jumping on it, he drew his revolver and put it straight at the creature’s head.

“One false move and I blow your fucking brains out!” he growled. “Where is this Capper?”

“He’s in his room, up in the windmill!” the creature begged. “Just let me go!”

Rorke smiled. “I’ll let you go alright.” He laughed as he pulled the trigger, decorating the street with the creature’s brains. “I’ll let you go to heaven.”

He stepped back and motioned to the other soldiers. “Get the rest of the group on the ground!” he called. “This place needs to be taught a lesson! You can’t just hide fugitives in a town and expect no reprisal!”

“What sort of reprisal?” asked another of the creatures.

Approximately 50 soldiers were unloaded from the Hinds, and stepped toward the commander. “¿Cuáles son sus órdenes, señor?”

“10 of you, come with me. The rest...purge the town, kill everything in sight.”

Twilight Sparkle

Twilight went to open the door...and was immediately confronted by an ugly mole creature.

“Here’s Verko!” he laughed.

“Nopony’s gonna get that!” Pinkie cried. “That film isn’t even a concept here!”

“What?” Fluttershy asked, confused.

“That line was simply put in for the benefit of those far away reading this on their computer screens!”

Twilight sighed. “Pinkie, you are so random.”

Verko snorted. “These ponies had better shoot rainbow lasers out their eyes if you’re gonna settle your debt! Brought the big cage especially!”

Twilight looked back. “I get what you mean Pinkie. How could he possibly know what happened in the human world against Sunset Shimmer?”

“Because the author wanted him to!”

IF I MAY GET BACK TO THE STORY, PINKIE...Rarity gasped. “You were... going to sell us?”

“I knew it!” Twilight shouted. “We gotta get outta here!”

At the door, there appeared Rorke. He had a loaded shotgun in his hand. “You’re even more stupid than I thought, Twilight,” he said. “You should never trust strangers. In fact, given the conduct of your friends, you shouldn’t trust anybody at all.”

Verko didn’t seem at all intimidated. He simply stepped into Rorke’s face. “I don’t see many of you in these parts,” he laughed. “So, what do you do?”

A loud roar from the shotgun more than answered that. Verko was gibbed into many tiny pieces that flew through the window at the back, and splattered the Main 6 and Capper in blood.

Rorke shrugged. “One down, many more to go.”

Suddenly, the Main 6 jumped out of the window and sprinted along the ledge.

Rorke roared in frustration. “Havoc 1-4, pursue. I want those ponies reduced to mincemeat!”

“Сейчас мы занимаемся.”

As Twilight ran along the ledge, one of the metal birds from Canterlot appeared. As they mounted the windmill, it opened fire. A stray bullet caught the rotation housing, causing it to fall free.

The girls held on for dear life as the sails rolled down the street. The sounds of gunfire echoed through Klugetown as the soldiers of the Federation did their messy work.

The girls jumped off the sails and ran as they disintegrated. The bird from earlier flew level with them and fired off its fireworks into the ledge and the building behind them. Flames and explosions roared behind them with the force of the barrage.

They jumped to safety in one building, and ran to the other end. But just as they reached the edge, the bird flew upwards, and spooled up one of its arms. Twilight put up a shield to deflect the oncoming barrage.

It never came.

Suddenly, the bird exploded in a shower of red and orange. The wreckage fell downwards. Twilight looked up and saw another of the birds. It was a different shape, and painted black. Written on the side were the words US MARINES.

“US?” asked Fluttershy.

Twilight’s heart filled with hope. “Our allies have answered the call!” she cried. “The Americans are here! Let’s get to that airship!”

Sargeant Paul Jackson

1st Marine Battalion

Airspace near Klugetown

October 12th, 007 SLR

The Black Hawks thundered over the landscape, loaded with US troops. Inside one of them, Sgt. Jackson was manning the M134 bolted to the side. The unit leader, Lieutenant Vasquez, was briefing them.

“Listen up Marines!” he shouted. “We don’t leave our allies behind! Intel confirms that Twilight Sparkle and her friends are somewhere in Klugetown, and Rorke is tearing the town apart trying to find them. In addition, he’s decided to do a little cleaning up.”

He pointed to a display behind him. “Cobalt 1-1 thru 1-5 will perform combat drops into the town. We are providing air support from 1-6. Get your asses in gear and support our Marines!”

One of the others, Private Ryan, spoke up. “Damn, no sooner do we leave one desert we get stuck in another.”

Jackson shrugged. “At least we’re not chasing another power crazed madman again.”

“Alright boys!” shouted the pilot. “We’re moving into the combat zone. Good luck!”

What Jackson saw below shocked him. The Federation moved through the streets, the ground running red with blood. These people clearly had no regard for life at all. What had they done to merit such brutality.

A loud jolt put him back to his senses.

“What are you waiting for, a written invitation?” Vasquez bellowed. “Get into gear and put some lead into them!”

“Yes sir!” Jackson answered, and pressed the trigger down. The minigun spooled up rapidly, sending a hail of lead down into the street and mowing the foe down.

One of the units on the ground radioed in. "This is Anvil 1! We have large numbers of hostiles in a nearby building! Can you supress?”

“On it!” Jackson replied. “Pilot, get us around! I need a bead on the large building with the clock!”

“Moving her round!” the pilot answered, the huge helicopter lurching as it did so. The other machines were pouring down fire and dropping troops into position.

Ryan aimed with his M4, and fired off a shot. It hit an enemy with a missile launcher and knocked him down.

“Good shot!” called another soldier.

Jackson spooled up the gun again, and let rip another volley into the building. The storm of bullets flew through the windows, trails of blood flying out of the soldiers within. Moments later, the building was quiet and still.

“Vasquez, we have a new target,” said a voice over the radio.

“Go ahead, Overlord!”

“Princess Twilight and her friends have been sighted, but an Mi-24 is chasing them. Can you assist?”

“We’re on it. Pilot, get on that Mi-24!”

They found the girls soon enough. A giant set of sails from a windmill was bouncing down the street and getting dangerously close. A fragment broke off, flying straight towards the Black Hawk.

Jackson spooled up again, the bullets reducing the wood to splinters.

“Woo!” cheered the other troops.

“You saved Private Ryan!” shouted one.

“We have bigger priorities! Get on that Hind!”

The smaller, but more manoeuvrable, Black Hawk flew round behind the Hind as it fired into a nearby building, reducing it to rubble. Suddenly, they saw Twilight and company jumping into a nearby building.

“The Hind’s flying round the other side!” The pilot called.

The Black Hawk positioned perfectly. Jackson chose his moment...and fired.

The hail of bullets struck the rear rotation mechanism, but also breached the fuel tank. The Hind went up in a massive explosion of red and orange flames, and a cloud of black smoke as the wreck dropped like a stone into a building below.

“The Princess is safe!” a soldier cheered.

Twilight Sparkle

The 6 friends set off as fast as they could for the docks. They charged up a flight of stairs and ran for the dockside.

An airship was about to depart, so the girls jumped upwards and grabbed onto a rope that was dangling down. The rope suddenly began to reel in, so the girls ran up it.

But it then snapped, and Pinkie fell.

“Pinkie!” Twilight cried. She feared her friend was indeed gone.

Until the bird from earlier appeared, with her on board. The man at the gun smiled, and saluted.

Twilight flew over, and grabbed Pinkie Pie. “You’re late!” she called.

“Sorry,” the gunner replied. “We got a bit held up. Now go! We’ll handle the rest!”

Twilight flew up and onto the airship, and they were safely away.

“BEST ESCAPE PLAN EVER!” Pinkie cried, before they were suddenly lassoed behind some nearby crates.


Rorke and his men stood at the dock. As soon as the Princess had got away, the Americans had vanished. However, this showed something. If the Americans could mount an attack of this scale, it showed they were better equipped and organised than he thought.

But that was irrelevant. Tempest had successfully captured Luna, which meant he only had to focus on Twilight. And Golovich and the Storm King could deal with the US.

“Which way were they going?” he asked Capper. Well, asked is the wrong word. It was much closer to a demand.

Capper looked around. He noticed the buttons on his jacket, and something deep and moral started up within him. “You see,” he said, “they went east, toward Black Skull Island.” He then began walking the other way. “So glad to have been of service.”

The soldiers blocked his route.

“Your fate is up in the air Capper, figuratively and literally,” Rorke told him. “When we get Twilight, you can walk free.”

“Yeah!” Grubber added. “Specifically, it’s in an air-boat!”

Rorke facepalmed. “I explained that two seconds ago. Let’s get moving!” he shouted, and motioned his men to board the airship.

Author's Note:

This is the last chapter for today. I hope you have enjoyed what has come so far, but it only gets better! See if you can spot the references in here!