• Published 28th Sep 2018
  • 1,840 Views, 30 Comments

The Hand Of Fate - The saiyan brony

Fallow Sam Evans and his new life at CHS after transferring from Crystal Prep due to an unfortunate accident over the summer vacation. Little does he know that his life would change for the better.

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Author's Note:

So I hope you guys like this story. I'll be working on it along with my other story as well

Edited by Lolrainbowcat

Your name is Sam Evans, and you just transferred to CHS from Crystal Prep High one month into the new school year. Why you may ask? For multiple reasons, which all which have one thing in common; you've lost your entire left arm over the summer vacation. So not only did you have to deal with the trauma of the loss of your left arm and the cause that took it away, but the fact that you are no longer able to compete competitively in the sport you loved know as boxing . Which means in Crystal Prep that if you’re not an athlete for any of the school teams, or a high grade genius, you're basically trash to them. And trash is what you felt like at school over the first month back. As everyone either teased you about the things you lack with just one arm.

So you decided that you had enough and wanted to transfer schools. You remembered that one of your classmates had transferred to CHS after the Friendship Games, before she transferred you always noticed how alone she looked as walked down the halls of Crystal Prep. You would have talked to her but didn't think it would make a difference, then after she transferred you saw her walking down the street with a large group of friends, and she had the happiest smile that you ever saw. So who knows, maybe this new school might be a fresh start for the better.”Alright, beyond these doors is your new life,” you thought nervously to yourself,”All I have to do is not screw this first day up.” “Besides what's the worst that can happen on the first day?” you thought while gripping the handle of one of the doors.

Opening the doors to your new school, you’re immediately met with pain as a rogue soccer ball collides with your face, pushing both your head and body backward, causing you to fall flat on your back onto the pavement. As you lay there staring at the blue sky you see someone look over at you from above. She had cyan skin and magenta eyes, with spiky rainbow hair. “Whoa, sorry about that dude! I wasn't expecting someone to open the door all of a sudden.”

“Hey it's fine, what's a better way to start my first day here than getting hit in the face by a soccer ball,” you say in a playfully yet sarcastic tone. She gave you a guilty smile as she scratched the back of her head and offered her left arm to help you up.

When you didn't expect her left hand, she let out a huff of annoyance. “Hey listen, I said I was sorry and I'm trying to help you here!” you guessed that she probably hadn't noticed your lost limb yet, so you decided to clear your throat and look to your where your left arm would once have been. Immediately the girl’s eyes widened as she noticed that you had no left arm to grab with. “I-im s-sorry I hadn't noticed,” she stammered as she quickly switched to helping you with her right hand,which you took in your own as you slowly got up.

“It's fine don't sweat it,” you said as you dusted off your pants. You look to the rainbow haired girl extending your only arm out. “Name is Sam Evans by the way, and you are?” You saw that she was still in a bit of a daze and she was gently shaking her head, trying to focus.


“MISS RAINBOW DASH!!!” A loud voice called out from behind, and you saw a look of unmistakable fear on Rainbow Dash’s face. Leaning your body to the right you saw a woman in a violet shirt, standing menacingly in the doorway of the school entrance. She had a kind of light bluish and purple skin with dark violet hair. ”HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO REMIND YOU NOT TO PRACTICE SPORTS IN THE HALLS!!!” the woman roared, making your ears hurt a bit.

“Heh heh, sorry Vice Principal Luna, guess I must have forgotten.” Rainbow Dash started to scratch the back of her head while giving yet another guilty smile. You didn't know what it was, but you get the feeling that this won't be the last time she'll get chewed out for something like this. Hopefully next time you won't be there to be another target of one of her stray soccer balls.

Luna simply shook her head in annoyance, knowing that this definitely won’t be the last time she'll have to deal with this situation. As she finished giving Dash the stink eye her attention was now entirely focused on you, causing your body to jolt in fear as she made eye contact. “You must be the new transfer student for Crystal Prep, are you not?” she asked, all the while never breaking eye contact with you, making you feel like a deer in the headlights.

“U-uh yes I am Vice Principal Luna….M-am!!” you give a courtesy bow as if she were royalty. This gains you a soft chuckle from her and a teasing snicker from Dash.

“You mustn't be too formal, we are not royalty.” you can feel your face burn with embarrassment and you straighten yourself out while looking back to see Dash holding her hand on her mouth with the other against her stomach trying not to burst out laughing. “Follow us so as to receive your schedule.” commanded Luna. She motioned with her hand for you to follow her.

As you started to walk past Dash, you felt a tap on your right shoulder. Turning back to her you could see that she had her right hand extended out for a hand shake.”Name’s Rainbow Dash, and sorry about what happened earlier"

You smiled back while taking her hand with your own and giving it a good shake. “Nice to meet you too, and don't worry about it. It’s not like you get hit by a stray ball everyday, am I right?" You knew that she was apologizing for not noticing your missing arm and whatnot, but you’d rather just play it off so she wouldn't think about it much. You let go of her hand and made your way into the school to catch up with Luna.


As you followed Luna down the hall, you made sure to lean your left side of your body almost right up against the wall to hide your missing arm from the other students passing by as they walked to their first period classes.
You soon reached an office door with Luna’s name and title written on it. You see her gesturing for you to wait were you were, standing straight as she made her way inside. As you wait you you felt a strange feeling of being watched. Turning your head back, you see the hallway is completely empty, but you continued to stare down the hallway until you felt a tap on your shoulder swiftly followed by someone clearing their throat.

Turning back, you see Luna holding a piece of paper up to you. “Here are you daily schedules for this semester. Be sure not to misplace it until you memorize it by heart.” Taking the paper in your hand you see her pointing past her to the end of the hall. “Your first class is with the math teacher Miss Cheerilee. Go down the hall and then turn left. She’s the third door from the left.”

You nod your head and begin to follow her directions. “Thank you Vice Principal Luna.” You waved your hand at her to which she returned in kind as she entered her office. Looking back down the hallway, you start to walk to your first class with the directions you were given. Turning around the corner, you saw the room you were supposed to be in. Gently, you knocked on the door three times, and stood while waiting for a response. Shortly afterwards the door to the room opened, and you were faced with a woman with pink-ish skin and magenta colored hair. “Is this Miss Cheerilee’s class?” you asked taking a look back at your schedule to make sure you were at the right room.

“Oh! You must the the new transfer student!” you nodded to her question, so she moved aside to allow you inside. “Please come inside, the class is just about to start. You should introduce yourself to the class since you’re new here.” she said in a cheerful tone as you walked in with the doors closing behind you. You both turn your attention to the entire classroom, who were all staring at you. “Class, we have a new student starting here today here at CHS.” Turning her attention back to you, Cheerilee handed you a piece of chalk. “Write your name on the board and introduce yourself.”

‘Talk about putting me on the spot’ you thought as you took the stick of chalk and turned to the blackboard behind you,and started to write your name on it. Turning back after finishing your task, you look to the class and tried to keep your cool. “Um hello there, my name is Sam Evans and it’s nice to meet all of you.” You soon noticed that all the other students seemed to have a look of curiosity as they stared at you. Instantly you knew why, as you could feel their stares aimed directly at your missing limb ‘Of course, why am I not surprised?’. Letting out an annoyed sigh you made your way through the desks of the various students to find an empty spot. The only one available was on the right side of the room and it was an end deck, second row from the back. Carefully taking your seat without losing your balance, you set down your backpack to the side of your seat, and pulled out some paper and a pencil. Miss Cheerilee could sense the tension that you had and decided to try and continue the class to shift the attention of the class back, as she started to write up problems on the chalkboard and explained how to solve them.

Soon you began to take notes, even though you knew math all to well. It was your second best subject that you were good at, with the first bein sports. However now that you think about it, math might just be your best subject you were good at. As you continued to copy the various formulas as they were written up, you can't help but feel as if you’re being watched yet again. However, unlike with when your classmates were staring at your lost arm, this had felt different somehow. Careful not to turn your head, you slowly looked as far to left that your eyes could see without moving your head. None of the students were even looking in your general direction.Yet despite that the feeling on the back of your neck still felt like you were being watched. ‘Maybe I'm just paranoid ‘


After class had ended, you started to pack up your paper and pencil. “Mr Evan's, do you have a minute?” turning your head upwards, you saw Miss Cheerilee standing in front of you.

“Oh sure, what's up?” you ask, slinging your pack onto your shoulder.

“Well you see Mr Evans, I just realized that since you’re new to this school, you probably haven't decided to join a club yet.”

“Well no, but I wasn't really planning on joining any clubs. Is that okay?” you ask while tilting your head to the side.

You watched as a small frown crept onto Cheerilee’s face. “I'm afraid not. You see here at CHS students are required to take part in club activities.”

You can't help but quirk an eyebrow at this. “Really? You’re serious?” you watched as she nodded her head. ‘Great, so this is new. Well then again this isn't Crystal Prep’. Letting out a defeated sigh, you looked back to your teacher. “Okay, where do I go to sign up for a club?”

“If you go down the hall to your left you should find a bulletin board with a list of the remaining clubs that have open spots.”

You give a polite nod as you made your way out of class to find the bulletin board.

Fortunately it was on the way to your next P.E class, though you had mixed feelings about having to join a club, and the possible outcome of P.E. As you rounded the corner, you were able to see the bulletin board close to the P.E gym door. Finally, you stood in front of it and frowned as you saw very little options. Due to you transferring to this school one month into the school year, the options to choose from were few. Three clubs to be exact:

  1. Advanced Chemistry club
  2. Trigonometry
  3. Water polo

As you stared at what you can only imagine as a cruel hand of fate, you already knew which club you had to choose. ‘Damned water polo’, you thought bitterly as you knew the first two options were way over your head. Swinging your backpack to the ground and unzipping the front pocket you pulled out a pen and proceeded to write your name in the open space for the water polo club. While it's true that you were well versed in mathematics, Trigonometry is a whole other beast that you'd rather not tangle with. And you and chemistry are not a good mix, due to one class project that both figuratively and literally blew up in your face. ‘And thinking about it now, it's just a club, not a team so there's no way they'll expect you to play competitively right?’