• Published 7th Oct 2018
  • 3,140 Views, 50 Comments

My Past Is Today - Hawker Hurricane

There's a new student at CHS and the girls are eager to welcome the new arrival.

  • ...

Chapter - 5 - School Trip

Axle was stood outside the school with other students waiting for the coach to take them on their organised trip to the new Simulator World and hours drive outside Canterlot. Something Axle was genuinely looking forward to. Hopefully, the other students wouldn't pester him like they have been doing for the past couple of weeks, demanding to know where he comes from and what school he used to go to.

Annoyingly, some still hadn't got the message and were making suggestions deliberately in ear shot of Axle.

"Maybe he's from Baltimare," suggested one student.

"Or Chicacolt," suggested another.

Axle ignored them and moved closer to Sunset and the others. Since agreeing to be more cordial, things have improved between him and the girls to the point he can at least refrain from constantly criticising their band and songs and enjoying lunch together.

"You OK Axle?" asked Sunset.

"Fine, just some idiots making wild guesses as to my origins," he replied, motioning to the students in question, "Considering they've only a handful of braincells between them, they'll be guessing for quite a while."

The girls giggled.

"Yeah, Gilda's chums are known for being a bit dim," Rainbow replied, "Gilda too isn't as smart as she thinks she is."

"Weren't you friends with her once?" asked Applejack.

"Once, years ago. She changed though, and not for the better. She started to see herself as better than others, and she decided I was too 'lame' when I defended Fluttershy from her."

"Just another bully," Axle said, "They usually get what's coming to them."

"Didn't you bully people at your old school?" asked Rainbow.

"No, I only beat the snot out of snitches. That's different."

"No it's not."

"Yes it is."

"It really isn't," added Fluttershy.

"Well it really is," Axle replied, "And there's nothing more to it."

"Let's not argue," Sunset said, "Let's just enjoy the day for what it is."

"I call dibs on the jet fighter!"

"It's just a simulator, Rainbow," Sunset said, "You won't actually be flying one."

"I know that, but it's still the coolest simulator they have!"

"Yer do know we're goin' not jus' fer fun, right?"

Rainbow groaned loudly, "Yeah yeah, some have to pretend to be air traffic controllers and we have to communicate and yadda yadda."

"Twilight would give you a stern lecture in the importance of education if she heard you say that," Sunset said.

"Twilight will never know."

"Oh, really?" Pinkie asked with a big cheesy grin, and holding her phone.

Rainbow suddenly looked like a rabbit in headlights and nervously began rubbing the back of her neck, "I...I was just joking. I'm sure I'll learn a lot today."

A toot of a horn caught the attention of the students.

"About time," Axle said, observing the coach pull into the street.

The coach stopped at the side of the road and the students soon got inside, the 'cool' students making a beeline for the rear seats. Axle sat himself down nearer the front next to the window, as did the girls.

"Mind if I sit next to you?" asked Sunset.

"Go ahead."

Sunset sat down and immediately pulled out her phone and put some headphones on from out of her bag.

"Nice headphones."

"Thanks. You should get a pair."

"Nah thanks. I'd look like a bit of a prat with cat ear headphones."

Sunset turned her head to Axle and looked him up and down, "Yeah, you're probably right."

Axle pulled out his own phone with attached ear phones and put them in, quickly choosing music to listen too.

"Nice phone," Sunset commented, "It's the new XF model, isn't it?"

"Yeah, the larger version."

Thank fuck it plays the songs from my old phone.

"Listening to anything good?" she asked.

"That's one way of putting it."

"You'll have to let me hear some songs from wherever you come form some time."


Sunset's smile faltered slightly as she sighed, "I'm disturbing you, aren't I?"

"To put is politely, yes."

"Sorry," she replied, rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly, "I'll leave you alone."

Axle sighed and took his earphones out, "Look, it's not that I don't want to talk, I'm just used to travelling alone."

"....OK," Sunset replied, still looking a little hurt.

Twenty minutes into the journey, Principal Celestia handed out booklets containing information on the various simulators available. Removing her cat-ear headphones, letting them hang around her neck and giving Axle a remind of the dreadful music she listened too, turned her attention to him.

"Which one are you interested in?" she asked, "I'm itching to try the race simulator."

"The train simulator is the one that interests me the most," Axle said.

"Have you liked trains for long?"

"As long as I can remember."

Watching trains arrive and depart Lime Street station, occasionally spotting the last remaining steam locos.

"What about you?" asked Axle, "Why racing?"

Sunset rolled her eyes and playfully jabbed Axle in his side with her elbow, "What's wrong Axle? Scared of a girl who could beat you at motorpsort?"

"You wish."

"Wanna race later then?"

"Sure. If they let us. Loser has to do whatever the winner says for the whole of the weekend."

"Deal," replied Sunset, "I already know what you'll be doing."

"What will I be doing?"

Sunset tapped the side of her nose.

"In that case, I'm not telling you what you'll be doing."

"Doesn't matter, not like I'll be doing it."

"Confident much?"

"A fact."

"Well we'll see, won't we?"

"I guess we will. Back to trains though, you seem to know a lot about it."

"Like you've said, I'm interested in them."

"Yeah but you seem to know how it works rather than just recite a few facts."

"There's more to running a railway than people realise and I just find it fascinating."

"Can you give me a few pointers for when I go in a simulator? Knowledge is power, right?"

"I suppose so. What would you like to know first?"

"What's DRA?" asked Sunset, "I've heard of it before but never got around to finding out."

"The DRA is the driver's reminder appliance," Axle stated, "It prevents the driver from applying power when set."

"Why would you need to do that?"

"Well, if you're on a driver only operated train and you're stopped at a station, your station duties could cause you to forget that the next signal is at danger. So by having the DRA set prevents a potential SPAD."


"Signal Passed At Danger."

Sunset's eyes narrowed to pinpricks, realising the potential consequences of such an incident, "Has it ever happened before?"

"It has. Where I come from a high speed passenger train collided with a freight train moving across the main lines into a goods yard. Put simply, rules weren't followed and two people were killed and 139 injured. And then there's the Ladbroke Grove crash which killed 31 and injured over 400. Again caused by a commuter DMU colliding with a HST due to a SPAD."

"Where's Ladbroke Grove?" Sunset asked, looking confused.


Shit. My big mouth has once again landed me in it.

"It's a place I visited often. I'm not from around here remember?"

Sunset squinted suspiciously at Axle, recalling the conversation with the girls about the possibility of Axle being from a different world like her, but decided against probing for more information, "OK. Do you want to be a train driver?"

I was one.

"Yes. Despite the some of the shifts you'd have to work and masses of rules and regulations to remember, it pays well. Even trainee drivers can earn E$30,000 per year. Fully qualified drivers can earn around E$70,000 per year."

"That's quite a bit for sitting down all day."

Axle's head turned instant to shoot Sunset a fierce glare.

"Kidding!" Sunset replied, laughing slightly, putting her hands up defensively.

The students eventually arrived at the centre and wasted no time, once they were booked in, in going straight to the simulators. The first being Axle's preference.

As the trip was as much an educational trip as a recreational one, they did each simualtion as a group. Axle, along with Flash, Rainbow, Soarin, Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy amongst others, took control of trains, while Sunset, Spitfire, Pinkie and Vinyl took on the roll of signallers.

Axle took his seat in the cab of a class 260 and began setting the train up for its journey, similar to riding a bike again. It just comes back to you. The scenario Axle would be doing is taking an eleven car HST EMU from Canterlot Piccadilly as far as Baltimare, where another driver would take over.

Similar to the 390's, Axle observed.

As he finished setting up the train, he checked his watch and it was almost time for departure so he took the radio telephone off of the hook, and contacted the signaller.

"Hello signaller, this is the driver of One Hotel Three Four Two requesting permission to depart Canterlot Piccadilly platform four."

"Driver of One Hotel Three Four Two, this is the signaller of Canterlot Crossway, permission to depart refused; Three Echo Five Seven Nine will be passing through on the Down Slow in two minutes and Five Delta Two Two Four is on approach on the Up Fast. Hold permission and await further instructions."

Even in simulators, there's delays.

"Signaller, this is the driver of One Hotel Three Four Two, permission to depart refused;" Axle repeated back, being certain he heard the information correctly, "Three Echo Five Seven Nine will be passing through on the Down Slow in two minutes and Five Delta Two Two Four is on approach on the Up Fast. I am to hold permission and await further instructions."

"Affirmative One Hotel Three Four Two, signaller out."

Axle hung the radio phone back on the hook and waited for the cal back.

Sunset makes a good signaller.

Axle continued to watch the screens of the simulator, impressed at the sheer visual quality of the graphics. All the more impressive when Three Echo Five Seven Nine passed by. A freight train carrying around three dozen HTA coal hoppers.

Flash is driving that if I'm not mistaken.

After it had finished passing, and the signals changed to red, Axle saw Five Delta Two Two Four stopped just before a signal. A smaller four car DMU, being driven by Rainbow. He could almost hear her complaints from his own simulator. She didn't seem to pleased about being told to stop before the station and let me leave first.

Someone should explain to her that I need to leave first before she can occupy the platform.

About two minutes later, he heard the radio phone buzz and picked up the handset.

"Driver of One Hotel Three Four Two, this is the signaller of Canterlot Crossway, you are now cleared to depart. Due to maintenance work on the line, speed restrictions are in place between Malton and Wharferdale."

"Signaller this is the driver of One Hotel Three Four Two, I am now cleared to depart. Due to maintenance work on the line, speed restrictions are in place between Malton and Wharferdale."

"Affirmative, signaller out."

Axle put the phone back on the hook and, after setting the brakes to running, applied power to about one half. The train slowly left the station; passing Rainbow's train on the opposite line.

"Stupid Axle, being given priority over me!"

"Heh heh heh," Axle chuckled.

Soon enough though, Axle was at a steady 50mph, the maximum permitted until he reached Malton where he would have to slow to 40mph.


Recognising the alarm, Axle pressed the AWS and passed through the two yellow aspect. As a precaution, Axle lowered his speed to 40mph.

"Chasing aspects is a bad habit I refuse to go into."

Soon enough, Axle passed through Malton station where the speed restriction began. After about ten minutes of mundane travel, Axle approached Wharferdale, which as it turned out happened to be his next scheduled stop.

At least after this I can go at full line speed.

About two minutes later, the signal changed to green and Axle had the all clear to proceed, but way behind schedule due to circumstances out of his control. About a minute later though, he was well under way on the Down Fast with his speed increasing to over 100mph and green lights all the way.

"Do I spot a freight train ahead?" he asked with a grin.

Sure enough, on the down slow, was Flash's freight train.

"I am so going to enjoy passing him."

Very soon and speed still increasing, Axle flew past the thirty or so coal hoppers, and the locomotive itself.

Still not quite on par with the real thing.

In his own simulator, Flash could only watch as Axle zoomed past.

Back in Axle's cab however, fond memories of hurtling up and down the West Coast Main Line between London Euston and Liverpool Lime Street and Manchester Piccadilly, came back to him. The gentle sweeping curves, the long straights, the views of the Trent Valley line...

Good times.

Half an hour later travelling at 200mph, Axle was on approach to his next stop, Dodge City.

Slowing down considerably to 40mph, Axle's train wound it's way around the sharp curves, staying very alert for signals and other hazards. Due to the tight curves, signal visibility was fairly limited and there was increased risk of reading across, increasing the risk of a SPAD.

Fortunately for Axle, he read his signals correctly and came to a stop at a red signal with the station just ahead. Seeing no activity, he picked up the radio phone.

"Signaller, this is the driver of One Hotel Three Four Two stopped at signal Delta One Eight, requesting to pass signal at danger to allocated platform."

"Driver of One Hotel Three Four Two this is the signaller of Baltimare, request denied. Platform not yet allocated and Seven Jericho One One Seven is on approach on the Up Slow. Hold position and await further instructions."

"Signaller this is the driver of One Hotel Three Four Two, request to pass signal at danger denied. Platform not yet allocated and Seven Jericho One One Seven is on approach on the Up Slow. I am to hold position and await further instructions."

"Affirmative driver, signaller out."

Fluttershy is surprisingly confident as a signaller.

Two minutes of waiting and eventually the train in question approached, passing right by Axle's train. The train in question was the same as Axle's, being driven by Soarin.

A minute later the radio phone buzzed and upon answering it, Axle was given the all clear to proceed. His train moved in slowly before coming to a halt, the platform only just big enough to fit his eleven carriage train.

After coming to a full stop and applying the DRA and setting the train to neutral, as well as all other necessary requirements, he stood up and walked oput of the simulator and ran straight into Principal Celestia.

"Principal Celestia," he said with almost no emotion.

"Mr Rod."

There was an awkward silence as the two avoided eye contact.

"Did you enjoy yourself today, Mr Rod?"

"Very much so," he replied with almost no emotion, the events of that outburst and that phone call still fresh in his mind, "I think I could be a train driver."

"A challenging career choice. I could arrange a meeting with the school careers adviser."

"That would be appreciated."

"I shall try to arrange one as soon as possible."

"Thank you."

After a short break, the students moved onto then next simulation.

"I call dibs on the fighter!"

"Calm down Rainbow," Applejack said, "It's not for us to decide, remember?"

As it turned out, much to Rainbow's dislike, all but a few students would be paired together in commercial jets. The ones that weren't were Air Traffic Controllers, with all of them supervised by qualified personnel to guide them through the tasks required. Axle and Sunset had been paired together to fly a copycat of an Airbus A380 and Applejack and Rarity had been paired together in a copy of a Boeing 777.

"So, Captain," Axle said through gritted teeth, "What are your first orders?"

"First things first, First Officer, you should smile more."

"Stop saying first."

"You can't tell me what to do."

"Yes I can. I'm the Pilot In Command."

"Only because you're a girl and it would be sexist to put me in charge."

"Keep telling yourself that, train boy."

"Female privilege."

"Sunset, Axle, please concentrate on the task."

"Sorry, Principal Celestia," Sunset replied sheepishly, a slight blush to her cheeks. A small grin on Axle's.

"What did you think?" asked Sunset as they walked out of the simulator.

"I prefer trains."

"Imagine my shock. Come on train boy," Sunset replied, hooking her arm around Axle's arm, "Let's go and get some lunch."

She seems a bit playful today. If I was at least thirty years younger then maybe...

...who am I kidding. Even with this 'second chance' I'd still be single.

"Yeah, lets," Axle replied, allowing Sunset to take him.

A few minutes later and the rest of the girls joined Sunset and Axle. Rainbow made a beeline for Sunset, feeling irritated.

"I can't believe you would give Axle priority over me!"

"He had to go first to make room for your train," countered Sunset, "And the fully qualified signaller with more than forty years of experience agreed with my decision."

"Yeah well....did it have to be Axle?"

"Come on, Axle doesn't see it like that."

"Sure he won't."

"I don't."

"Shut up Axle!" Rainbow snapped, "You didn't even have an instructor with you and you had your simulation on expert difficulty. "

"I like a challenge and I play the Train Simulator games frequently."

"There's playing games and then there's doing it like a pro. You were doing the latter. Did you drive trains where you're from?"


Though he tried no show it, considerable panic flooded Axle. So far, only those who need top know, know.

Teenage girls are definitely not those who need to know. And if they do, who told them or how did they work it out?

"I've done some yard work," Axle replied, "Off the record of course."

"Sure," Rainbow scoffed, not convinced.

"Let's not argue little children."

The students looked over to see the one and only approach.

"Professor Discord," Axle replied.



Discord blinked and shook his head, "Axle Rod. I meant you."

"Who's Forte?"

"It's not important. Are you all enjoying yourselves today?"

The students nodded.

"Excellent.Then I'm sure you'll thoroughly enjoy what is planned for later."

"What's that?"

"You'll just have to wait and see, Mr Rod."


THIS! IS! AWESOME! Axle and Rainbow thought simultaneously.

The students were now each in a racing simulator, Axle and the girls were the second group to take part, given there were a maximum of twenty simulators. After doing some qualifying laps, Axle was last on the grid, penalised for cutting corners, which he disputed most profusely. Sunset was in pole position. Axle had settled on a car similar to the Lamborghini LP700-4 Roadster . Other students had picked their own cars, all from the same class to make it as fair as possible race. Sunset, by coincidence, had chosen the same as Axle.

The course was similar in shape to Silverstone, and would be a 56 lap race. Altogether, the race would last approximately ninety minutes.

"Stupid race officials," muttered Axle, "I didn't cut any fucking corners."

Looking up to the lights, one by one the red lights lit up, when at the fifth light...

"GO! GO! GO!"

Axle, and the other racers, floored it. Axle, already having thirty five years of legal driving experience, already had an upper hand in how to control a car, even if it was a simulator. On approached to the first corner there was the inevitable crash and four racers spun out, allowing Axle to pass easily and climb up a few places.

Sunset was still in pole position, followed closely by Rainbow and Fluttershy.

Using his thirty five years of legal driving and five years of joy riding around the back streets of Liverpool, Axle quickly moved up many more places over the course of the race. About half way through he had moved up to 6th place where the more serious racers (and obvious gamers) were. Sunset and Rainbow had established a significant lead and were well ahead, twelve seconds ahead of third placed Flash.

I'd be up at the front had the pillocks behind me not held me up! Axle seethed.

The race wore on, and Axle had finally managed to pass Soarin and Spitfire, in 4th and 5th place respectively. Knowing they wouldn't win, they raced against each other and in doing so they unknowingly held up Axle behind them, much to his ire.

Next time in football training I'll be sure to accidentally kick the ball in their faces.

Now in 4th place himself, Flash was in the distance. According to his data screen, he was six seconds behind Flash and twenty seconds behind 2nd placed Rainbow.

Another five laps of chasing Flash didn't close the gap, but on the flip side he had increased his distance ahead of those behind him.

Come on Edward, you can't let a load of pushy teenagers beat you.

A couple of laps later, Axle began to notice Flash wasn't going as fast as before, nor accelerating as quickly.

Maybe his tires are worn.

As luck would have it, Flash pulled into the pit lane and Axle flew on by, pedal to the metal more determine than ever to catch Sunset and Rainbow. His focus and clarity had evolved to such a degree, he was now in 'the zone'. Every break, every turn, every acceleration all seemed to be perfect. He his the apexes of corner and maxed it on the straights. He wasn't thinking so much about what to do, but just 'doing it'.

With ten laps to go, he saw them in the distance as he entered the longest straight of the course.

Now or never!

Hundreds of virtual horsepower had to be used like never before.

To his relief, it seemed as though Sunset and Rainbow were so concerned with racing each other that they failed to notice Axle approaching fast.

I still need to pit.

They don't.

Stupid tyre change rules.

As he turned another corner, his eyes almost boggled out of his skull.

Sunset and Rainbow had spun out.

He flew past just as they rejoined the circuit, now in the lead by several seconds.

If I pit now, I can get it over with. They'll go ahead again but if it's quick enough I should be able to rejoin close behind them.

His decision made, he flew into the pit lane as soon as he could for a new set of tyres, keeping and eye on the track data. Sunset and Rainbow were closing in fast.

Time seemed to slow to a crawl as he entered his pit zone and the tyres changed, keeping an eye on the track data.

Come on! For fuck's sake!

Axle was given the green light to go again just as Sunset and Rainbow were turning onto the grid lane. Axle, still under a speed restriction, had to watch as his two rivals quickly closed the gap more. As soon as he left the restricted speed section, he gunned it; just as the girls passed him.

Come around the corner and just two seconds behind, the race was truly on.

Where did Axle come from?

No way am I letting that train loving jerk beat me!

Five laps to go.

Axle was now in 2nd place. Rainbow approached a sharp corner too sharp and too fast due to trying to block Axle from passing and ended up locking the brakes and going off of the track. Axle roared passed with only Sunset in his way.

And she was proving to be quite the player.

With two laps to go, he had closed the gap due to Sunset approaching a corner to fast, losing her precious seconds.

Axle, was now right on her pony tail.

You're NOT getting past me, train boy!

The final lap.

Half way through the lap, Sunset once more took a corner at the wrong angle.

Acting quickly, Axle gunned it and roared past Sunset.

Only to approach the next corner, only just ahead, too fast and at the wrong approach. Breaking hard, he locked the brakes and went into the gravel. Sunset once more took the lead, quickly putting a fair distance between herself and Axle.


The race finished with Sunset as winner and Axle runner up, despite being given a five second penalty for repeated strong language. Rainbow finished third, much to her annoyance at finishing behind Axle. Outside the simulator room and back in the lobby, the students began talking to one another about the race. Most in jovial spirits.

"Good race," Sunset said, approaching Axle.

"Yeah. I haven't had this much fun since the Toxteth Riots."

"The what riots?" queried Sunset.

"Oh nothing. Just thinking aloud."

"Whatever. Oh and by the way," Sunset replied with a devilish smirk forming on her face, "Did you forget our little bet?"

Axle sighed deeply, "No."

"I won," Sunset smugly stated.

Axle looked on, clenching his jaw, "You only won because I locked the breaks on that corner. Had it not been for that I would have won!"

"But. You. Didn't," Sunset replied, playfully booping Axle's nose with each word, "Which means you have to do what I say at the weekend."

"Fine," Axle huffed, "What is it? Be Rainbow's punching bag? Applejack's apple picking slave? A mannequin for Rarity? Pinkie's next cupcake victim?"

"As fantastic as those ideas are," Sunset replied with a satisfied smile, "I had something else in mind."

"Oh goody."

"Though it involves all of us," she replied looking over to the girls who moved over to encircle them.

Axle felt a cold chill up his spine. A sense of dread he hadn't felt since the police took him home to his Grandparents after getting caught shoplifting at a newsagents.

Two of the very few people who he respected as a child.

"What will I be doing?" he asked.

"A little bit of this and little bit of that."


"Calm down, train boy," she replied playfully, "Or I'll ask Rarity to make your outfits girly."


"You're going to join us for band practice."

Axle's jaw began to slowly drop.

"And you ARE going to join in."

Axle gave Sunset a death glare that if weaponised, would have vaporised her on the spot.

"Or else."

Axle continued to glare as Discord approached.

"Come along little children. The next simulation awaits."

"What is it, Professor?" asked Sunset.

"I'll give you a clue, it's every student for themselves and the last one remaining will be crowned Top Gun of Canterlot High!" he bellowed raising a fist into the air.

"You mean-" Rainbow began, her eyes lighting up with glee.

"Yes Miss Dash, it's a free for all deathmatch in the skies above!"

Discord bent forward slightly and put on an unusually serious expression, "And there can only be ONE winner. ONE Top Gun. ONE Angel of Death. ONE-"

"They get the idea, Professor Discord," Vice-Principal Luna said, pulling him away.

"Are you joining us, Vice-Principal Luna?" asked Sunset.

"Of course I am. I am The Night Maiden."

The student's eyes reduced to pinpricks.


"Yes, Miss Shimmer?"

"You're the legendary, the one and only The Night Maiden?"

"Of course. But be warned, you may be my students, but NO mercy will be shown."

Author's Note:

I don't know if the communications in the simulator are correct/accurate, but in my mind it's how it's done where they ware.

Already over a year since I started this story.

Doesn't seem like it.

Tempus fugit.