• Published 7th Oct 2018
  • 3,140 Views, 50 Comments

My Past Is Today - Hawker Hurricane

There's a new student at CHS and the girls are eager to welcome the new arrival.

  • ...

Chapter - 6 - Spandex Saturday

Axle remained sitting on his motorcycle as he took in the sight of Rarity's house. The large detached property with twin garages and large front lawn was more reminiscent of a country manor than a suburban family home. Looking in the driveway, he noticed a car similar to a BMW Z3 and an American style pick up truck half covered in rust and as old as Axle.

No prizes for correctly guessing who they belong too.

Switching the bike's engine off, he got off of the bike and made his way to the front door, pressed the doorbell and resigned himself to his fate.

After a few seconds, the door opened.

"Axle darling, so good of you to come. Do come in."

Rarity stepped aside, allowing Axle to enter. As he did he was immediately overawed by the cleanliness of the hallway. The cream white carpet free from even the smallest speck of dirt and the furniture free from visible fingerprints and dust.

It's like being in Buckingham Palace.

Axle removed his boots and placed them on the rack next to the door in the hallway.

"Thank you," Rarity replied, closing the door, "I would hate for the carpet to be dirtied so soon after being shampooed."

"So, where am I to go to face my degrading humiliation?"

Rarity rolled her eyes, "Don't be such a drama queen."

"Hey Axle."

Axle looked over to the stairs, "Hi Sunny- I mean Sunset."

Sunset giggled, "Sunny's fine. So, you ready?"

"Yeah, we've been waiting ages for you," Rainbow added, following Sunset down the stairs.

"You could have started without me."

"And have you miss out on the fun?" Sunset asked.

Axle sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "Whatever. Let's just get this crap over with."

"Crap?!" Rarity huffed dramatically, "Crap?!"

"You want me to wear utterly ridiculous spandex costumes. I'd call that crap."

Almost simultaneously, Axle felt himself being pushed harshly in the back by Rarity and grabbed by the collar by Sunset.

"Upstairs!" Rarity commanded, "You can get changed now!"


"Yes. Now!"

"But I thought you were going to practice at the Reading Room? And get changed there?"

"We are," Sunset replied, pulling Axle up the stairs, "You were."

Axle pulled back only for Rarity to push harder from behind, "Get moving, darling. Had you not insulted us, again, you could have changed there as well. But alas, your loose tongue has cost you again."

"I've changed my mind, I'm leaving" Axle said, going to turn around only to be stopped by Sunset's firm grip.

"You either come along willingly," Rarity said firmly, "Or we get Applejack to lasso you."

"Yeah right. You're just kidding."

"Feel free ta test that assumption at any time sugarcube."

Axle looked up to the top of the stairs to see the girl in question appear, swaying a coil of rope in front of her.

"Anytime," she added, "Jus' say the word girls, an' Axle will be trussed up like a turkey."

Axle grunted furiously, "I hate you all."

Axle looked at the outfit he was to wear. A torino red, sleeveless jacket that sparkled and glittered like a disco ball with a large yellow lightning bolt covering the full length of the jacket on the left hand side, golden yellow spandex leggings covered in red stars and footwear consisting of red two inch high platform shoes littered with golden stars. And to finish off was a red headband with 3D yellow stars fixed to it, with matching bracelets for each wrist.

"What the FUCKING HELL is that?"

Axle suddenly felt a firm smack to the back his head.

"Don't swear in my bedroom!"

Axle glared at Rarity while he nursed his bruised skull.

"But to answer your question, this is your costume."

"I'm not wearing that."

"Fine. Then I'll get the girls to choose an outfit. I'm sure they could find something in my wardrobe for you to wear."

"Just say the word Rares," Rainbow said, glaring at Axle, "The girls and I will deal with him."

"He could wear this instead."

Everyone looked over to Sunset to see her holding a glittering purple cheer leading outfit complete with knee high white boots. Axle stared at the costume with unremitting horror.

"I'd rather wear an Everton shirt."

What does that fancy university have to do with this? thought Sunset, Unless it's something from where he's from.

"I take it then, you will wear the costume I made for you?" Rarity asked in a tone of voice that was more of an order than a question.

"Fine!" Axle huffed, "But I'll look ridiculous."

"You'll look the part then," Rainbow quipped, prompting a chuckle from Applejack.

"Ignore her," Sunset said, placing a hand on Axle's chest, "Come on train boy, time to change."

Sunset walked Axle over to the costume, the former looking on in dread at the sight of it.

"How did you even make this so quickly?" he asked turning to Rarity.

"I have my ways, darling."

Axle stood, fuming in silence as Rainbow clutched her sides in laughter. Fully costumed and his hair styled into spikes with a generous and ozone-deadly amount of hairspray and glitter.

"Hold still," Sunset said as she placed the star studded headband in place, followed by locking the bracelets on his wrists.

"Looking good, train boy!"

"Piss off, Skittles."

"What did I say about swearing in my bedroom?" Rarity scolded, "Anyway, it's time we got going."

"Looking like this? How can I ride my bike dressed like this?"

"I'll give you a ride in my car," Rarity replied, "Fluttershy is riding with Rainbow."

"How generous of you," Axle sarcastically replied.

"It's what I'm known for dear. Now come along, we booked the reading room for 11AM."

Axle followed the girls outside of the house, feeling very conspicuous dressed so bizarrely in public. Fortunately for Axle, the street was deserted and Rarity lived in a quiet part of town.

"Come on, train boy," Sunset said, hoking her arm around Axle's, "You can sit next to me in the back."

"Fine. Couldn't these damn leggings have pockets though?"

"Pockets?!" Rarity shrieked, turning around to face Axle, fury beginning to built in the fashionista, "POCKETS?! In leggings? Don't be ridiculous Mr Rod!"

"Where do I put my things then?" Axle asked, holding up his phone, wallet and keys.

"Ask Rarity if you can borrow a handbag."

"Shut up, Skittles!"

"Make me, train boy."

"I'll look after them," Sunset offered, "If you want me too."

"Fine. But not until we get to the reading room."

Half an hour later, the gang were approaching the Reading Room in the centre of town. As it was a Saturday in a main shopping area, masses of people were present.

I could be getting ready to watch football right now. But no. I have to waste my time looking ridiculous just because some silly little girls can't take criticism.

Rarity pulled in to the shopping centre car park and soon found a space. Axle, with extreme reluctance, got out of the car, feeling very conspicuous to other members of the public.

"You OK, Axle?" Sunset asked as she took the girl's guitars out of the boot.

"I'm fine, Sunset," Axle replied, putting on a pair of sunglasses, "How far to the reading room?"

"About a ten minute walk," Rarity replied.

"Great. Ten minutes looking like a prat in public."

"You'll live," Applejack replied.

"Don't worry Axle," Pinkie yelled, "I'm in my costume too!"

Axle turned to Pinkie to see that was in deed in costume, much to his disbelief.

"But how...you were dressed normally not ten seconds ago!"

"I'm Pinkie Pie."

"That doesn't answer the question."

"Trust us, Axle," Sunset said, putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder, "It does."

"Of course it does!" Pinkie yelled, suddenly appearing from behind Axle, startling him.


"Who's Jesus Christ?" asked Pinkie, "Is he a friend of yours?"

"It's...it's just an expression," Axle replied, calming down, "Such as like this when one is startled."

"Hehe, sorry. Sometimes I get a bit too excited. Now come on, we have music to play!"

Pinkie hooked her arm around Axle's and began to drag him along. Axle tried to wriggle himself free, if only to delay being seen in public so ridiculously for even a few more seconds, but was staggered at the sheer strength of Pinkie who didn't seem to give a damn about how others saw her dressed.

Applejack, Rarity and Sunset all followed behind, having a quiet conversation between them.

"So," Rarity said, "Do we still think Axle is from further away than he claims?"

"I'm leaning more heavily in that direction," replied Sunset.

"Any ideas on how we can find out?" asked Applejack.

"Considering how hostile he is to anyone prying into his private life, it will be very difficult," Sunset replied, looking at Axle with concern, "And he's quick to catch on. Fooling him I don't think is a good idea. That would only push him away further."

Rainbow and Fluttershy soon caught up with the others, having parked on another level, and the gang were now in public and as Axle expected, many eyes were looking in his, and Pinkie's direction. Whilst Pinkie basked in the attention, Axle only wished a hole in the ground would open up and spare him the embarrassment.

"Like your style kid," a random member of the public said as she walked past.

"Gaining fans already, Axle?" Sunset joked.

Much to Axle's relief, they soon reached the reading room and went inside the main hall where as expected, amps and other musical equipment where already prepared. The girls began to tune their guitars correctly while Axle wandered around aimlessly, unsure what to do with himself.

"While you girls are getting set up," Rarity said, "The rest of us are going to get changed."

"Sure thing Rares," Rainbow replied, before turning and squinting suspiciously at Axle, "We'll keep an eye on him."

"I'm not going to do a runner," Axle replied.

"Glad to hear that darling."

The other girls left, leaving Axle with Rainbow and Applejack.

I'd rather be stuck in a lift with Man Utd fans.

"You OK there partner?"

"I'm fine."

"Ya know, yeh say that a lot, but it's obvious yeh ain't."

"I've a lot on my mind."

"Like what?" asked Rainbow.


"Like what?!"

"Just stuff, OK? I wouldn't expect any of you to understand. Now can you all please drop it, I don't want to talk about it."

Axle turned away and walk over to the window overlooking the street below, unaware of the uneasy looks Applejack and Rainbow were giving each other. After a few minutes of Applejack and Rainbow testing the guitars and Axle staring into space, the other girls returned.

"Are you guys ready to rock?!" Pinkie asked excitedly, making a beeline for the drums.

"We sure are," Rainbow replied, "Hey Axle, you said you can play piano right?"

"I did," he replied, turning around, seeing the girls in costume for the first time. Axle recognised the outfits as those he saw in the photos from the Battle of the Bands. The only difference was Sunset, who now had a costume of her own. Hers was an asymmetrical dress, one side hanging just below her hips the other at her knees, in red with two further skirt layers in orange and yellow beneath her hip. She was also wearing shin high red leather boots and a spiked collar and bracelets.

"Well...you lot certainly stand out."

"You have to be seen to be noticed, train boy," Sunset replied, walking over to Axle and taking him by the arm, "Now come on, the black and whites await you."

Axle didn't resist as Sunset brought him over to the keyboard.

"You lot do know that I don't know any of your songs?"

"We brought sheet music," Sunset replied, "You can read sheet music, can't you?"


"Good. How about a bit of practice while Applejack and Rainbow go and change?"

"Fine. I'm a little rusty though. Haven't played in a while."

Applejack and Rainbow left to go and get changed, accompanied by Rarity, leaving Axle with the other girls.

"So? What to play?" he mumbled to himself.

"Thought of anything good?" asked Sunset.

Axle smiled, "I certainly have."

"I've never heard of that song before," Fluttershy said.

"It's not one well known around these parts."

"You got another?" asked Sunset, "Dash and AJ are still getting changed."

"I do."

There was several seconds of silence once Axle finished playing. None of the girls quite sure of what to say.

"That was pretty awesome!"

Axle looked up to see an unexpected fan.

"When did you get back?"

"About two minutes ago," Rainbow replied, "What was the song called?"

"....Bohemian Rhapsody."

"That's...that's an unusual name for a song," Sunset replied.

"The song itself is even more unusual."

"Can you sing it?" asked Sunset.


"Why not?"

"I don't have the vocal range."

"Sure you do," Sunset smiled encouragingly, "You just need to-"

"I am not joking when I say I don't have the vocal range. But, I'm not a singer anyway."

"I bet you can sing."

"I can't."

"What about when you're at football matches?" Rainbow asked with a smirk, believing she had outwitted him.

"Still can't sing and neither can the thousands of others in the stands."

"Fair point," Rainbow replied, "Who do you support anyway?"


Shit. Damn you auto-pilot.

"Never heard of them. Speaking of which, Wonderbolts are playing tonight. Why not tag along?"

"Who are they playing?"

"Trottingham Forest. If we can't get in the stadium, there's plenty of pubs nearby."

"Sure. I'm usually up for some football."

"Ahem, I hate to interrupt this pleasant conversation," Rarity began, "But we're losing practice time. We only have this room until 3pm."

"Sorry Rares," Rainbow replied, "Come on guys, let's rock 'n' roll!"


Axle massaged his wrists as the girls cheered a successful practice session, excessively playing after a long time not playing bring pain with it.

"You OK, Axle?"

Axle looked up a saw Sunset approach, "I'm fine."

"We're all going for pizza," Sunset added, resting an arm around his shoulder, "Wanna join?"

"Dressed like this?"

"Why not? Besides, you don't exactly have a change of clothes with you."

"I wonder why?"

"Come on, train boy," Sunset laughed, "Don't pretend you don't like it."

"I don't."

"Sure you don't. Tell you what, come dressed like you are and pizza's on me."

Go out in public again dressed like a spandex clad tit, but on the other hand...free pizza.

"Fine. But this is the only time!"

Axle walked with the girls down one of the many high streets of Canterlot, with Sunset's arm hooked around his, still garnering looks from bewildered passers-by.

"Love the outfits, kids."

"Do you dress like this every day?"

The comments continued until the turned down another street on which the pizza joint was located which was less populated, but those who were there included persons which Axle and the girls had no joy in seeing walking on the opposite side of the road.

"You look stupid," Dumbbell said, as they crossed the street to intentionally cause a scene.

"Gay would be more accurate," Hoops added.

The girls scowled angrily, Axle merely rolled his eyes.

"How original," Axle replied, "Calling something you don't like as gay."

"Shut up, train boy," Hoops snarled.

"What do you simpletons want?"

"We're not simpletons!" Dumbbell replied, "Whatever they are."

"Yeah!" Hoops added.

Good God, I've met Mancunians that are smarter than this.

"Anyway," Dumbbell said, "We have shit to do. See ya later, losers."

The punks walked past, deliberately walking onto Axle's shoulder, walking a few feet further on before turning around to face the group.

"Oh hey, Train Boy, I heard you like this."

Dumbbell shoved the newspaper he was carrying in Axle's face. Axle went from in good spirits to incandescent with rage at the snap of a finger.

"Get that shit rag out of my face before I cram it up your arse," Axle spat, venom spewing out with every word.

"Take it easy, Axle!" Sunset said slightly desperately, standing at his side an putting an arm across him.

"Tell this moron to fuck off and take his shit rag paper with him then."

"Oooh," Dumbbell mockingly replied, "The train boy is going to hurt me!"

Axle stepped forward, an act which caused Dumbbell to flinch.

"Beat it, Dumbarse," Rainbow snarled.

The two punks ran, rather quickly, down the street and around the corner; some onlookers who had witnessed the scene simply carried on their business.

"You OK, Axle?" asked Rainbow, looking concerned.

"I'm fine."


"AJ, really, I'm fine."

"You don't sound fine."


"Axle!" Rainbow snapped, "Clearly whatever the issue is regarding 'The Sun' bothers you a lot. But if you don't tell us what, we can't help you."

"You can't help me."

"Why not?"

Axle sighed, "You just can't. You weren't there that day."

"What day?"

Axle said nothing as he pinched the bridge of his nose, repressing memories of that day.

"Are we going to get pizza? Or just stand here all day?"

The gang entered the pizza restaurant, and almost instantly many eyes were on them. Axle tried avoid their looks by taking immense interest in a potted plant by the entrance, but was very soon forced to face the music when Sunset pulled him along to the waiter seating guests, pulling him to the front of the gang.

"Welcome to Ace of Spades Pizza, will you be dining in today?"

"Yes," Sunset replied, "All seven of us."

"Wonderful. There should be a table ready in approximately ten minutes. Would you mind waiting?"

"That's fine."

Ten bloody minutes stood here looking like a tit. Just bloody brilliant.

Within a minute, they were approached by some small children.

"Are you the Rainbooms?" one of them asked.

"We sure are!" Rainbow boastfully answered.

"Cool! Can we have a picture with you?!"

"You sure can!"

After a couple of minutes of photos being taken, with Axle noticeably absent. That is, until he was spotted.

"Aren't you having your picture taken, Mister?"

Axle looked down to the pint sized fan, "I'm not actually a part of the band."

"But you're with them. And you're wearing a cool costume too!"

"Yes but-"

"And he joined us in band practice earlier," Sunset added.

Axle shot Sunset a dirty look, Damn you, bitch.

Sunset smirked, knowing full well what Axle thought.

"So you must be in the band," the pint sized girl fan replied, "You wouldn't practice with them otherwise. C'mon, take a picture."

"Yeah Axle, take a picture," Rainbow added, smiling gleefully, "You wouldn't want to disappoint your fans, would you?"

"No," Axle reluctantly replied, kneeling down to the small fan.

"What's your name?" the fan asked, "You're the newest member?"

"Axle Rod. And I suppose I am the newest member. What's your name?"

"Twinkle Star."

"Well, Twinkle Star, still want a picture?"

A few minutes later, the gang took their seats, sitting at a circular table near the centre of the restaurant, but with benches instead of chairs, with backs high enough you could lean back completely in, and give some degree of privacy. Axle was sitting sandwiched between Sunset and Rainbow, but with Sunset noticeably sitting ever so slightly closer to Axle. Close enough to 'accidentally' brush Axle with her arm.

"You decided what you're going to get, train boy?" Sunset asked, browsing them menu.

"BBQ Chicken. Deep pan."

"Cool. I think I'll go for olive and mushroom."

"Tuna and sweetcorn for me," Rainbow replied.

The other girls soon aired their chosen choice and the order was placed, with drinks brought shortly.

"So, where you guys serious about me being in the band?"

"Yes," replied Rainbow, "You think Sunset would have made that part of the bet or that Rarity make that costume if we weren't."

"How did you know I would be any good at playing? As I recall, I didn't play anything until today."

The girls all looked silently at one another, with Sunset involuntary gripping Axle's arm tightly.


"We..." Fluttershy began.

"We..." Rarity echoed.

"We may have heard you playing the piano during lunch break once," Sunset added, "Before the school trip."

"I had a feeling I was being watched."

"We didn't intend to eavesdrop," Sunset replied, loosening her grip, "We just kinda...listened. What were you playing anyway?"

"Chopin Nocturne No. 20."

"Never heard of it," Rainbow replied.

"Not many have."

"Can you play it for us sometime?" asked Sunset.


Note to self. Be more careful with nosey but well-meaning girls are around.


"OH COME ON!!" Rainbow bellowed, gesticulating her arms wildly as she watch the football on the TV, "That was a clear foul!"

The gang, still in their costumes, were in one of the many city centre pubs watching the football match between Wonderbolts and Trottingham Forest, with the latter shocking everyone by leading 4-1 with half an hour left to play. The gang were spread out, sitting at different tables, but Axle and Sunset were once again together.

"She'll be complaining all week if Wonderbolts lose," Sunset said.

"I can understand how she feels."

"You a big football fan? You said you support Liverpool."

"Yeah. I know you haven't heard of them, but they're...popular with the locals where I'm from."


Sunset and Axle looked at Rainbow, the TV and then to each other.

"5-1," Axle said, "I get the feeling Rainbow will be complaining for the rest of the year."

Sunset giggled, "Yeah, she can be quite passionate at times, especially when it comes to Wonderbolts."

"Speaking of the rest of the year," Axle started, "What happens at CHS in the run up to Christmas?"

"Well, in previous years there's usually been a Christmas party on the last day of term, and everyone usually gets into the spirit of things."

"How so?"

"Singing, dressing up...that sort of thing."

"So nothing I'd like then."

"Oh come on Axle," Sunset giggled, "Afraid to sing Jingle Bells while dressed as an elf?"

"Afraid is the wrong word."

"OK. Then how about Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer while dressed up as a reindeer?"


"Chill," Sunset replied, laughing, "I wouldn't do that to you."

"Yes you would."

"Yeah, I probably would."

"Correct me if I'm wrong Applejack," Rarity said, "But I do think Sunset has a crush on Axle."

"It certainly looks like that."

"What do you make of our new friend?"

"He's...an odd one. Definitely not from round these parts. If you catch my drift."

"I do. He also seems too...how can I put it? He doesn't act like a teenager in high school."

"That and he plays songs we've never heard of, despite thorough internet searches."

"Indeed. But I don't think we should badger him for information, especially about 'that day', whatever it may be."

"Agreed, whatever that is is clearly a sensitive topic. Speaking of secretive behaviour though..."

"Stop by Tuesday night and your dress should be ready."

"Thanks Rares," Applejack replied, placing her hand on Rarity's, "Ah appreciate it."


"Yes train boy?"

"Are Applejack and Rarity dating?"

"What?" Sunset asked, taken off guard by the unusual question, "What makes you ask that?"

Axle pointed over to them and Sunset looked.

"Applejack has her hand on Rarity's. That doesn't mean anything."

"True, but I've seen the way the keep glancing at each other."

"Just like I've seen you cast a few quick glances to me?"



Axle and Sunset were walking along the pavement not too far from Axle's flat, the chilly night air beginning to make itself known.

"You don't seem to mind about wearing your costume in public now."

"Exposure therapy? Anyway, I was too busy enjoying myself to notice I was wearing it or what other people thought."

"You'll have to do it more often then."

"Not just yet. But speaking of clothes I'll have to go to Rarity's tomorrow to get mine from yesterday and collect my bike too."

"Love your bike by the way."

"I thought you might. That leather jacket of yours would look good with any such bike."

"I love that jacket. It's one of my most prized possessions."

"I too have a prized possession. But it's too personal to share right now."

"Must be pretty special."

"it is to me."

The pair reached the main entrance to Axle's flat main building entrance and Axle turn to face Sunset.

"So this is where I live."

"Looks like a nice area."

"You sure you won't stop for the night?" Axle asked, "There's plenty of room."

"I'm sure, besides I need to catch up on some homework."

"Fair enough," Axle replied, sounding slightly disappointed, "Take care of yourself though."

"I will do," Sunset replied, "Take care."

"You too," Axle relied, surprising Sunset with a hug, "Good night, Sunny."

Sunset, her cheeks burning and heart fluttering, returned the hug, "Good night, Axle."

Comments ( 5 )

Happens that I was about to finish reading chapter four when I noticed there was a new chapter uploaded. I feel guilty for not having to wait :P

I look forward to the next chapter. Cheers, mate!


Not to mention having to be saved by a girl instead of punching Dumbell in the nose, I'm dropping this story. All my interest from the beginning is all gone now.

Me too. It's like it's a theme where the girls can't take even the simplest of criticism. Anyway, you forgot one.

Comment posted by SUPERETHAN2 deleted Nov 17th, 2021

"Ignore her," Sunset said, placing a hand on Axle's chest, "Come on train boy, time to change."

Oh you mean like you should do for his insults you fucking hypocrite. Look in the mirror Sunset. He gets punished, but he must ignore Rainbow's jabs. Wow, what toxic friends. Am I supposed to side with the girls and their attempts to forcibly befriend Axle and get him to open up about something that shouldn't be their business anyway, because they self appointed themselves as such and even manipulate him into things he clearly doesn't want and instead of respecting that, they corner him to and still have the nerve to act concern about him like self righteous cunts?

"Piss off, Skittles."

"What did I say about swearing in my bedroom?" Rarity scolded, "Anyway, it's time we got going."

Piss off is enough for Rarity to consider a swear? Geez, what a cunt.

"You OK, Axle?" Sunset asked as she took the girl's guitars out of the boot.

You have some nerve showing concern when you are forcing him to do this just for calling this event crap.

"Sure thing Rares," Rainbow replied, before turning and squinting suspiciously at Axle, "We'll keep an eye on him."

She says that after they got done cornering him to wear an outfit he completely made clear he doesn't want to be seen in public in and instead of giving a snarky response saying so, he just gives a typical I won't response. Then again the girls would over react since they can dish it out, but can't take it.

"You OK, Axle?" asked Rainbow, looking concerned.

More hypocritical Rainbow. There's a way to do hypocritical heartwarming, but this isn't it.

"Yes," replied Rainbow, "You think Sunset would have made that part of the bet or that Rarity make that costume if we weren't."

Wow, the girls cornered and forced his hand in joining the band despite not wanting to and you are portraying it as a heartwarming moment. gag me. If Axle was smart he would realize that he doesn't really have to join. Not like Twinkle Star will likely see him again or know, but I feel he won't do that.

All in all this fic has potential, but suffers from issues with the girls doing terrible toxic things, but getting away with them. The characters at times seem two face, inconsistent, or even nonsensical. The girls overreact to the simplest insults and hold grudges, but have the nerve to act like they care or are concerned for Axle. They do questionable things to corner him to be friends and so far haven't learned that isn't the way to do it, despite Fluttershy calling Rainbow out for that earlier. Now it's fine apparently. Despite the girls' behavior, not apologizing and barely admitting fault, Axle doesn't see the red flags and stay away from them. They cornered him into things he doesn't want to do and despite getting initially angry, doesn't hold any grudge or bitterness. In short, If you are doing a fic where the girls are trying to befriend and get a bitter OC to open up, in questionable and even forceful ways and you have the OC be abrasive, which is one way to do this kind of thing right, but still managed to have the girls come across as much worse than the OC, you are doing it wrong.

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