• Published 1st Oct 2018
  • 2,201 Views, 81 Comments

Her Lips Tasted Like Cherry Cola - MagnetBolt

Fizzlepop Berrytwist died a long time ago. But she hasn't been forgotten, not by her best friend.

  • ...


Tempest limped after Princess Twilight as she carried the books to her Mirror Universe Literature Lab, the room so recently designated that Spike was still painting the new name on the door.

“I’m sorry it took longer than expected,” Tempest said. “I should have contacted you once I knew I was going to be delayed.”

“It’s fine,” Twilight assured her, producing a phone from the same place all ponies kept small objects like bags of bits, quills, and so forth. The location is, of course, obvious and doesn’t need to be spelled out. “Sunset texted me to let me know what was going on.”

“Oh,” Tempest said. “That’s good.”

“You’re not going to ask me how it works?” Twilight asked.

“...Should I have?”

“Well, it’s just that getting a cell phone signal across a dimensional barrier was a very interesting project. It took a lot of work and there are only a few ponies in the entire world who could even begin to understand what it means, much less why it’s so important or the implications of being able to transfer huge volumes of information across time and space! And it’s not just a matter of leaving the portal open, either, because it’s not a simple gateway. The transformation effects are just one part of the effect and from the research we’ve been doing, it seems like the damage done by my counterpart might have weakened--”

The castle shook.

More importantly, Twilight stopped talking.

“Oh thank Celestia,” Tempest whispered.

“Just one moment,” Twilight said, putting the books down. “There’s at least a one in three chance that Rainbow Dash flew into the castle again. She’s had a lot of concussions and sometimes she gets fixated on shiny things and, well, you know.”

“I really don’t,” Tempest replied,

Spike looked at the letters he’d been carefully painting, and the black streak across them. He sighed and put the paintbrush down, walking past them to open a window.

“Uh, Twilight?” he asked.

“I can’t hear you over the roaring and screaming!” Twilight yelled, over the roaring and screaming.

“I think it’s another monster attack!” Spike yelled back.

“But we just had one last week!” Twilight shouted, storming over to the window.

Tempest followed her to look. A monster attacking seemed promising. Maybe in the confusion Twilight would forget to tell her about exciting developments in the field of electromagnetism.

“That’s an Ursa Major,” Tempest said.

“Yeah, and it looks real angry about something,” Spike agreed. “Maybe it’s Trixie’s fault again. Well, I mean, technically it wasn’t her fault the first time, but you know.” He shrugged.

“Again, I really don’t know.”

“It’s a Ponyville thing,” Spike said. “If you stay here long enough you’ll understand.”

“For some reason, this seems familiar,” Tempest muttered. “It’s like I recognize it from somewhere…”

Meanwhile, five minutes in the past, which is meanwhile as long as you aren't bound to the linear flow of time (Princess Twilight will provide diagrams of the relevant future and past light cones upon request), Fluttershy was speaking with one of her patients.

"You've made a lot of progress," Fluttershy said, checking her charts. There weren't standard charts for animal psychology, so she drew her own by hoof. "I think you deserve a smiley face sticker for today!"

"Urragrrahghgh," the Ursa Major rumbled, the whole clearing shaking with the power of its voice. It was like an earthquake, even when it whispered.

"Oh, I agree," Fluttershy said, nodding. "It's important to look to the future and move on."


"Well, I was talking to Twilight, and we have somepony we want you to meet."

The Ursa tilted its head in confusion. "Urarawargh?"

"No, no. It's not another specialist. I'm not actually sure if there are specialists in ursine psychoanalysis. Actually, it's a pony you met before!"

"It's really too bad," Fluttershy added. "She was doing so well with her therapy."

"Honestly, I thought--" Twilight started, wincing as explosions rocked the sky overhead. "I thought Tempest was over it too."

"Maybe this will help both of them," Fluttershy suggested. "They could learn a valuable lesson."

"Fluttershy, nopony has learned anything at all."

"I learned something," Fluttershy corrected.

"Oh really? And what's that?"

"I thought bears were more afraid of us than we were of them, but they also have an almost limitless capacity for holding grudges and revenge."

"Just like ponies."

"Isn't nature wonderful?" Fluttershy smiled.

Comments ( 35 )

Well, that was... a very psychotic take on Tempest. Funny, but psychotic.

Well. There goes my victory money.

Seriously, this was just too funny. Apart from the flashback scenes, there was a home run joke like every two lines.

Magnificent from start to finish. Thank you for it. I do hope Tempest got to bring that crossbow back with her.

Hopefully it turned into something that shot phased plasma instead of metal bolts. I mean, nothing big, just something in like, the 40 Watt range.

Well... this was...

Actually, I've got nothing. It happened. It was interesting.

Hey, only what you see, pal.

This was amazing, and I feel very flattered.

Anybody who tries to tell her no is probably going to become intimately acquainted with it.
Also jeez, I WAS working on something for the Villain Exchange Program, but if this is the competition I might as well not bother!

No it wouldn't. .45-70 is about equal in length to a three inch magnum 12ga slug you'd use for bear- but it's just under half an inch in diameter where 12ga slugs are .730". Much much bigger. The felt kick would be affected by the different size and mass of the long gun in question, but a shotgun is always going to kick harder.

God damn it, Magnet.

Hilarious as always.

Be that as it may, I am unconvinced that Twilight’s shoulder, wrist and derrière would feel an appreciable difference.

I forget, they mentioned the name of the film. But that direct quote is from Hot Fuzz yeah.

This did a good job riding the line between drama and comedy.

By all means, go for it anyway. You never know what might happen. :twilightsmile:

"Isn't nature wonderful?" Fluttershy smiled.

Yes Fluttershy nature is wonderful.

Ok, so... uh just how far in the future of the series does this take place? I mean considering everything being discussed and that, just how precisely did an Ursa Minus grow up to become an Ursa Major within a few short months of the Canterlot Invasion by The Storm King in order for it to be grown up enough to be seeking therapy from Fluttershy and then want to kill Tempest?

I liked what I read, don't get me wrong, but there is a serious suspension of disbelief for that final punch line and it just makes me scratch my head at the growth of an Ursa in Equestria.

In other words... IT DOES NOT COMPUTE! :rainbowhuh:


This was delightfully deranged. Bravo!

Ohohohohoohoh noooo.
Technically nothing on there outside of slavery is illegal in war, but that definitely breaks SOMETHING in the Geneva conventions.
On your other statement: The changelings don't give two fucks because they're doing the same thing, the dragons are too isolationist and nationalist to do anything about it, and the griffons might have motive but they don't have the means. Their nation is doing much better now, but they have no hope of fielding a standing army powerful enough to have a reasonable chance without falling into more debt than fucking Greece.


Are you serious? Just because you like the character doesn't mean they never did anything wrong. She destroyed a kingdom, took over another and enslaved its populace. Just because she was doing it on the dime of her boss doesn't mean she wasn't the one doing those things. You're bringing up the law which you don't even understand, and since the only law we even know of is OURS in our world, you're misapplying it to try and seem like you're in the right, which you were still wrong about in the first place.

For all we know there aren't any laws on this. Or if there are, "Kill people who threaten the world by threatening the monarchy that keeps the heavens orderly and thus gives and maintains life to the ENTIRE PLANET" probably ranks pretty highly as a central law. How many nations fell before Tempest Shadow? How many people wound up in the less civilized parts of the world, like that one fucking body shop we saw outside of Equestrian borders?

I can understand, to a degree, redeeming her. But acting as though she never did anything wrong, getting defensive and indignant over it like you're offended that someone even suggested she wasn't a friggin' saint is insanity.

Oh come on, I just heard about the contest. If I can knock out something awful about Tirek in a week... :twilightsmile:

I came out of this story feeling... disappointed. But in a good way, because it shows that the sort of emotional baggage Sci-Twi and Fizzy has don’t get neat and tidy resolutions. They take years to get over.

That said, not all the disappointment I feel is good. The title and the description advertised something that wasn’t delivered. No, not romance, but the development of SOME sort of deep relationship between Sci-Twi and Tempest.

Frankly, this seems a great set up for a proper long-fic.

Edit: That being said, this DOES ignore the comics, where Fizzy is still VERY MUCH afraid of Ursas. She only recently got over it.

Also, considering Sunsets plans was likely mass mind control, and she comes off as very much the angry type, I think you missed the mark on how much Sunset would empathize with Fizzy. But I get why you did as you did. This was about Tempest and Twilight, so having Sunset completely understand Fizzy-Butt would just get in the way.

Comment posted by Dave Bryant deleted Oct 3rd, 2018

Beautiful story and a wonderful ending.

Although this story only makes me wonder...
What happened to the other Sunset? :rainbowderp:

There were some funny moments here (Tempest's line about friend count vs book count was definitely the highlight of the story for me), but as the story went on I found them rather drowned out by the anger of the characters and the despair at the cycle of violence. By the end, I mostly just felt sorry for the bear. Every incident with the ursa, both here and in the movie, were as a result of people invading its territory; I can't help thinking maybe the lesson there is to leave the bear to its own space rather than going after it with a rifle carbine. Kind of surprised Fluttershy didn't have more to say about that, what with the bear just defending its natural habitat, and quite how entitled one has to be to infringe on that for a camping trip :twilightoops:

I have great respect for the author, and have enjoyed many of their other works - especially Before Beanis. But this one just didn't land for me, sorry.

The best part about this story was Tempest's dialog. I've read a lot of fanfics about Tempest and this is the first one where I could easily hear Emily Blunt's deadpan delivery in my head. Well done.

As for the plot, I feel torn about it. I'm a little disappointed that SciTwi and Tempest didn't learn anything (except maybe what to do and what not to do on a hunting trip). I found myself feeling the most sympathetic for Sunset and the grizzly bears and Ursas. In both the flashbacks, the humans/ponies were invading the predator's territory, and the predators simply reacted on instinct. They don't deserve to die for that.

Still, I laughed out loud at several lines in this story. Have a like, and good luck in the contest. :twilightsmile:

Sci Twi is really unlucky when it comes to childhood friends.

How do you right such serious topics and still have me laughing the whole time?

You had me at snorled.

I really do enjoy these stories that work with the mirror mechanics. The most fascinating thing about EqG land is not that its just a human world, but rather its a parallel world of multi-colored not-quite-pony analogues. Having fate be so entangled with similar-yet-different circumstances is thrilling.

Plus, Tempest-Light competes within single digit margins over my love for Sun-light when it comes to shipping.

At least that was what I thought I was going to get seeing the title and description. “Oh this will be a heartfelt drama of a long lost friend showing up and...pffffffffft....!”

I am not sure what I would categorize this when it comes to tone. One minute I am imagining the hurt between the characters and the emotional trauma, the next I've dropped my tablet and started cackling madly. I think someone mentioned how they were reminded about Kill Bill, and I think that's a good description of what this is. An adorable MLP/EqG Tarantino Fic... dark, dramatic, and absolutely Fkin' hilarious. Tempest with a crossbow bolt jutting out of her arm going on about tactical rolling or nerdy sci-twi pumped up from an inspirational speech charging a stuffed teddybear is as good as 'royale with cheese' in my book.

Someone said they were disappointed this wasn't a full romance fic focusing on the relationship, but I'd argue that this one has an interesting take of two traumatized, wounded survivors coming to grips with their hurt past. That before mentioned synchronicity between the MLP and EqG worlds wonderfully coming together by presenting them with the same choice. And I am happy that both girls chose to spare the cub.

That was excellent, and I have recommended it to friends.

Heh, someone forgot their Dark tag when posting this.

this was hilarious. going into my favourites :>

A fun story! Although I do hope the Grizzly survived, and I find it doubtful Tempest ever singlehoofedly defeated an Ursa Major. Those things are Godzilla-sized.

... Yes, yes Fluttershy, it is wonderful.

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